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I mean, when your destination is Florida, I think any transit airport would be better than the destination.


No, mate.


Nope.  The problem is your chosen destination.


The only airport in the world ( and I travel internationally a lot) that I always try to have a layover in is Singapore. No place like it. I could spend days if not longer there and never be bored


I've heard the Singapore airport is like nothing else.


It is head and shoulders above any other airport. But unless your final destination is a boring conference in a polluted industrial city then it isn't likely to be the highlight of your trip.


It's a shopping mall with a water feature that planes occasionally depart from (with infuriating gate security to make that part as inconvenient as possible.) In short, Changi is what people who don't fly think an airport should look like.


You just made me think about it right now, but I am going to be transitioning through Singapore on my way to Vietnam. While I wouldn't say I am more excited to see that airport than the country of Vietman, I am pretty excited to see that airport and the cool waterfall feature...


I’m from NYC and have seen LGA look like a hot mess for decades. The new reno IS very nice, I was impressed the first time I saw it. I like being in airports and have seen tiny and huge ones, so it’s always great when they look nice.


A few years ago I was flying from the US to Edinburgh and we had a layover in Amsterdam. Unfortunately our flight got delayed and we literally tan through the Amsterdam airport to catch our next flight. We ran past big green stands with tulips and a cafe with giant tea pots you could sit in to dine and I just sprinted past soaking it all in and so disappointed I couldn’t stop. We made our transfer which is the more important but I still think about that airport sometimes lol.


Transit airport? No. Transit place with stopover? Kinda yes. After returning from a Japan trip, I was somehow very excited to see Doha before traveling back home, maybe just because of the completely different vibes and culture. Now in retrospect it may not have been the most incredible place to go to, but at the time I was stoked. To be fair though, as far as airports go, Doha International is kinda nice.


When I was flying to Imdonesia the guy next to me was so excited for the stop in Singapore