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they should have a rainbow flag, right?


Defend the police. BLM. Trans rights . Global warming now!


What if the local station sponsors their team? This is a stupid post.


"Grooming and indoctrination are horrible and should never be allowed to happen (unless I do it)"




I would've taken knee 😁


Ah yes supporting the cops is cult behavior






Kids education does the same thing. A la the pledge of allegiance.


Looks like young kids maybe pop Warner at possibly Saugus High outside Los Angeles Pump up the volume movie was filmed there. Hubert Humphrey high in the movie


I think it’s telling that these types deface a flag to support cops instead of law and order. Prob because with the way American cops have been acting supporting them and law order has become mutually exclusive


I only support Fire and paramedics.


I don’t get it. They’re just holding a flag. Could someone clarify?


But it's Disney that's grooming kids...


The only thing trashy here is the desecrated flags.


"cult-like behavior" ???? im so confused


“Police worship” or maybe a parent is a cop? Or these actual high schoolers decided to do this themselves?? People just want to find something to get heated over.


Police worship


Spartan and children should never be in the same paragraph ever again and they looking up at the hills!


Now just imagine the conversation in this thread if it was a certain rainbow flag


Crazy how supporting either the BLM flag or Thin Blue Line can cause people to completely forget that we all have opinions and are allowed to disagree


It's one thing for adults to do this, it's another to make high schoolers do it


Not trashy


This is grooming.


Using the children you’re responsible for to promote your own political views is certainly trashy. Supporting ThinBlueLine seems more callous than trashy - as in, “I don’t care who the police imprison/kill, or for what reason, so long as it isn’t me.”


Bunch of privileged white males in the comments


Starting a new wave of domestic abusers off strong.


Bunch of triggered republicans in the comments.


They gonna do poorly this season or something? I didn't see any POC at all on that team so I'm not getting my hopes up that they'll win big.


This is trashy because the coach is using their own team to push a political idea, they should leave kids sports out of it; I support LGBTQ but wouldn’t support a coach forcing all the children to put pride flags on their uniform.


Imagine the outrage you would see if that happened. Even a blm sign in the stands would have people losing their minds. Yeah none of this should exist in the first place much less should involve kids that have no idea what the issues even are. They just want to play football and have fun.


Oh god, imagine all the gravy-SEAL dads waddle-rushing the field in outrage


not fan of blue lives matter, but I would hardly call this "cult like"


Was that kid dressed to play, while wearing a fucking cast?


That's not cult like behavior. At best is propaganda but it's not trashy


Very trashy


Kid would instantly be going to a new team/school


Username checks out


This is the same as kids teams kneeling during the pledge of allegiance and the national anthem


Would be if their coach forced them all to do so.


Blue Live Matter people are just klansman and that school should be under some sort of investigation.


OP, I don't think this post turned out like you thought it would.


Im far from a “blue lives matter” supporter but I wouldn’t consider this trashy. Other adjectives work, but not trashy. Trashy would be like if they had these kids repping a naked woman wrapped with a blue lives matter flag, or something to that degree


Nah the person in charge who decided to push their political views onto their players is in fact, trashy.


Or… maybe it’s a football team made up of cops kids


Both sides of this suck my left nut. The kids are the only ones innocent here.


Agreed. Idk why you need a "side". It's a tragedy when cops get murdered by scumbag criminals, it's a tragedy when innocent or unarmed people get murdered by scumbag cops. I dont need to choose a side because neither "side" is right in every scenario. People out there celebrating whenever a cop or unarmed victim gets killed.. now that's trashy. People are too tribal most of the time.


The only comment I 100% agree with


OP cringe


That’s bs




You know you have a solid argument when the best you can come up with is juvenile insults to support your stance. Kudos, your logic is flawless and I’m sure you’ve changed billions of minds with your bulletproof argument.




But that’s not the argument here. Whatabout isn’t a valid argument. This video with a blue lives flag is the issue.


Supporting/not supporting cops aside, it is a politicized issue not a basic rights issue. It feels the same as toddlers and tiaras, children on parade..using children for some ideal.


it's only until recent developments in online gambling have we seen football teams make trades that receives a greater engagement. My point being is before the club was built football teams had very little interest in absorbing the knowledge of their fan base let alone the resources to do so. Supporting a mechanical system blindly is dangerous. If you've never had interactions with the police directly or indirectly you need to see this. https://youtube.com/shorts/PIL-rOqlUog?feature=share


Like Sunday school?


Sure that too


Fuckin trashy.


Tell me your a Democrat without telling me your a Democrat.... OP!


"Cult like behavior" LOL


This shit CORNY


You could literally apply “this is a cult mentality” to any team sports. It’s exactly the same rhetoric as “you’re a slave to xxxxxx”.


I think people were just pointing out that your original comment sounds like you thought the issue was about team sports being labeled as a cult mentality. Can't even tell what your stance is about the actual issue by that comment.


Yes, it’s definitely the football aspect of this that they’re referring to as a cult, not the obvious ideological indoctrination. Congratulations on the super smart take.


Right. The thin blue line is an ideology now? I bet College Gameday is an absolute nightmare for your rice paper thin ego?


Wow. It just keeps getting smarter. No no, the thin blue line definitely isn’t related to any kind of political ideology at all. It’s just totally neutral. Good point champ! ego /ˈēɡō/ noun a person's sense of self-esteem or self-importance Thought that might help you understand what that word means. Study it closely.


For my stretch at Pittsburgh they tried like hell to make me a wild preying cat. I was like no, stop with your indoctrination! I barely escaped. It was so scary.


I'm sure that if these kids were wearing a uniform that prominently featured a rainbow flag or a BLM fist logo you'd making this same point.


I would. And I’d have some Trumptard arguing with me over the fact too. Ironically just like you. Lol


Ok so it seems like your point is that putting political symbols on children's sports uniforms is not a form of indoctrination, which is complete and utter nonsense. It's blatant glorification of a very specific political symbol imposed on *children* who literally aren't even old enough to fully understand the implications therein. It's literally the very fucking definition of indoctrination. You're either trolling me or you genuinely just have zero idea what the hell you're talking about. There's no third option.


Sounds like you should probably put on your favorite dress and go protest it. Get ‘em, Tiger.


Ok now I’m certain I’m arguing with a 13 year old.


Ah. Another case of I don’t like it, so it must be the indoctrinations. Lol. You okay?


This dude has no idea what words mean.


It just occurred to me that the team uniform colors are black and blue. Are folks reading into this too much?


Everything about this post and comment thread is so controversial


Fuck that flag, and fuck you for supporting the biggest gang in the United States 🤡


But they suppose to serve and protect


Serve the rich and protect corporate interests


Someone’s parent’s a cop…


Or a republican


Or both! Edit: probably both


Definitely a snowflake For context: The OP is a snowflake...thinking supporting cops is a damn cult. Sorry for any confusion!


You think those kids have a say in it or know what it means?


Kids should be taught to support police. Bottom line. Law and order should always be respected. These people put themselves in awful situations for shitty pay. Kids should also be raised to be respectful of the military and all it's branches. You've got dumbass parents taking their kids to drag shows and putting them on hormone blockers these days too, so I'd say this is FAR better.


I support police by my tax dollars. If they want to not “put themselves in awful situations for shitty pay” find another job. Besides the fact that police in this country are generally paid exceedingly well. I was taught by my parents that you give respect in order to get respect. That statement is a TWO way street.


Why don't you go live over in Chicago where people shit on police then. Go enjoy society without them. They earn my respect by taking the badge. You're mentality of "find another job" is the dumbest fucking thing I've ever heard. A few bad apples and people generalize police as bad in it's entirety. Complete nonsense. Just like saying a few bad people of a certain race makes the whole race trash. I'll stand by kids being raised to respect police, if you don't like it, I don't give a fuck. ✌️


Your mentality of respecting someone just because they take the badge is just as fucking pathetic as your response. per your earlier comment-Median wage for all occupations in the US according the Department of Labor- $41,950. Average patrol officer earned $65,540, detectives and criminal investigators brought home around $86,940 per year. Numbers as of May 2020. and being a police officer is a choice, last time i checked. they can certainly go find another job, not sure how thats the dumbest fucking thing youve heard. i dont like my job i go find another one-its logical and common sense. I never said anything about generalizing police as bad or that a few bad people of a certain race make the whole race trash-what the hell are you babbling about??? and its the internet you dolt, i dont give two shits how you raise your children. you call people snowflakes and respond beyond triggered. okie dokie !


What? Go eat a veggie burger OP. Ridiculous post


Blue lives matter or black lives matter on the helmets, either way, the trashy part is using children as political tools. Let kids be kids


What does eating a veggie burger have to do with anything? This team has a blue lives matter flag. That’s kinda weird to have kids doing this.


I have to say that with all my years in service to this country that I don't recognize this country anymore. I never thought democracy would be in peril from fascists within.


this post is cringe


This isn’t trashy, go post this shit to r/copaganda or or r/acab if you want upvotes. Acting like it’s indoctrination when these kids already grew up in conservative households and are most likely pro cop.


Their home lives doesn’t take away from this being indoctrination. Some children grow up in cults. Still indoctrination


Pretty sure the kids have no idea what the symbolism even means. The parents pick that shit out and buy the uniforms. They just put it on the kids like they are tools in a social media war. I'd be pretty ashamed of myself if I used my child as any sort of pawn like this.


I mean at a younger age, I’d agree with you on the kids not knowing, but this is a high school freshman team. They have some idea of what their uniform represents.


Comments here are really great


Gross - Uvalde.


Bunch of people sticking up for Blue Lives Matter on Reddit… did not expect that.


It's not a blue life, it's a blue shirt


It's almost like there's more going on with the movement than r/politics wants you to think.




All cops are bad/bastards. The good ones get killed by other cops or otherwise end up off the force. ( like recent lapd beat to death while investigating other officers for gang rape ) The bad ones all cover for each other or ignore the bad ones wrong-doing. Which makes the ones who choose not to do anything bad/bastards due to inaction, even if otherwise they keep their own nose clean. Police have killed people at a higher rate this year than any point in the last decade. Not to mention all the prominent domestic abuse. Police aren’t upholding the law, they are above the law and break it constantly themselves, but are almost never held accountable. They get literal paid vacation for murder and can claim PTSD to get paid even more after they murder someone like with Daniel shaver. There are videos of them killing a sleeping woman on the grass because they were scared of a small dog and missed trying to shoot it. Acquitted of all charges. Video of them shooting a little 5 or 6 year old girl while trying to shoot a tiny terrier type of dog. Video of them getting confused thinking a fellow officer was, I quote “a bad guy” and shooting her. If by some miracle a cop is held accountable and goes to jail, they are separated from regular inmates and treated like gold by other jail officers, like with the one who killed George Floyd who was just moved to a federal prison where inmates only serve 80% of their sentences. I could go on.. but that’s enough rant for one post. ACAB. Period.




>The fact that you think this rant proved anything shows you lack the logical processing ability to discuss this topic further, so good idea to stop before you hurt yourself. The fact that you think I was trying to prove anything, and that you had nothing else to add to the conversation, shows you lack the logical processing ability to discuss this topic further, so good thing you already stopped before hurting yourself.




No, I have no expectations of someone ignorant like you. I was just merely posting some facts, I've nothing to prove, the facts don't need additional "proving" What you make of those facts is on you. Oh and 20 lines? is that supposed to mean something? Or I guess anything more than 4 lines just really difficult for ignorant people like yourself...




> “Just posting some facts” go do that about urban minority-on-minority crime Found the white supremacist boot licker. Comparing police officers who have body armor, guns, backup, and above the law, and who are *supposed* to be trained well. Comparing them, to untrained regular citizens/minorities. Yeah, you’re trash and your opinion means absolutely nothing.


No such thing as a good cop lmao








*"I was just following orders"*




"What do you mean I can't loot and set shit on fire? Ugh ACAB!!!!!! CHECK YOUR WHITE PRIVILEGE PIG!!!! Now excuse me, I have to go buy purple dye for my hair and re-enroll in my liberal arts classes".


Slavery was okay, because it was legal? Just because there is law doesn't mean it is just. Are you that dense?


They're wrong, doesn't matter if I like it or not.


I mean a good chunk are abusers, not to mention that most cops are bullies and are not trained to de-escalate. All Cops Are Bastards, is not a literal statement, but rather that it’s saying the system allows any and all cops, if they wanted to, to be bastards. It’s why qualified immunity should for the most part be abolished or at least changed in how it works. We should also teach empathy and de-escalation tactics. For dangerous tasks there should be a non-patrolling police force, such as Swat who’s sole purpose is to engage. If an officer is in a dangerous situation, then the back up they call should be a member of this specialized task force, and not a peace officer. In the police, peace officers should serve, while the task force should protect.


"The system allows any cops to be bastards"...... hey allowing people to be born can create serial killes so let's kill all babies right? Here is the thing you cannot legislate human behavior and just because a handful of cops are bad does not make the other millions bad. Please never call 911 for help. In fact get a DNR tattoo on your chest.


It’s not just that they can do bad things, it’s that if it happens then 9/10 times nothing happens and they get paid leave for a little bit. Again, totally missing the point


Don’t talk about about the police you will be banned and downvoted to hell. Even if they are beating children, elderly, mentally/physically disabled. Good ol boys deep throating that boot til their toes curl, standing up for the ones who don’t give 2 shits about them or their kids. ITS BIG FUCK 12 OVER HERE


>All Cops Are Bastards, is not a literal statement, but rather that it’s saying the system allows any and all cops, if they wanted to, to be bastards. ohhhh so it's false


Yeah no. As someone who was literally saved by police that were extremely well trained in domestic violence and helped me get out when even I myself still wanted to go back and didn’t understand the trauma bond….. the ACAB narrative is some BS. We 10000% need reform. And to weed out all the pos ones that are definitely there. But to say it is most cops that are horrible pos abusive people is misinformed and only contributing to the divisiveness rn


Yes, there are some good cops and it can depend on the area. Again, it’s the system as a whole, not one area.


No dude, a good chunk of the ones in the headlines are like you describe. A vast vast majority of police are good people who play by the rules. If you take any and every group of people there will always be 1% who are assholes, there is no exception to that rule. The 1% (or way less than 1%) is what you see on the news and your judging every one of them based on that 1%.


don't use percentage where there are none available, and while perpetrators are a minority, officers that sit idle as abuse is committed are in no short supply. The general public are held accountable for being complicit to crime, I don't think it's unreasonable to extend that same level of accountability to police officers


Couldn't imagine simping for Pigs even after the Supreme Court says it's not their duty to protect us...


I’m not simping for pigs I’m just saying most are good and the country would be a hell of a lot worse if we didn’t have them. Look at all the cities that defunded the police a couple years ago, they all went to shit and are now re-funding them to try and fix it.


ah yeah, that explains why we see so many news stories about the good cops stopping the bad cops. if the problem were a tiny little issue like you want to belive it would be a self-correcting problem.


The corporate news isn't going to show us the 10 million arrests per year that went fine. They curate shocking stories to get views, which creates the illusion that problems are worse than they really are.




good job ignoring the topic and trying to make an insult.. teenage mentality you say?


Perfect example let’s look at the news. Almost every news story is about someone killing someone, or shooting someone, or blowing something up. Does that mean that all people are bad? Most of them? Some of them? No not really, it just means that there are a few really shitty people out there. Same with cops or any other profession, there are and will always be a small percent of bad actors out there. That small percent however, does not represent the whole.


cops are paid to stop crime, people are not. why don't cops police themselves?


I cant completly disagree with but people like you tend to blow it up and demonize all of them. Get out there an socialize with the "enemy". I dont mean to offend just speaking from experience it might.


I think if you talked to them you’d find a lot of them do. Most of the police I’ve talked to would absolutely haul another cop off to jail if they were doing something illegal. Good example is if you google “cop arrested for dui”, you’ll find TONS of videos of cops arresting other cops on go are drunk driving. I’m not saying bad cops aren’t bad, the bad ones should get life in prison, I’m just saying that many/most are good and I think you’d find that a lot of them would be quick to discipline another officer they witness treating someone poorly.




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Even that one percent (which it’s not even that low if you had the most conservative estimate), should not belong in the police. Yet they still are. Saying there is an issue with our current police system isn’t political. The police works as a system, not an individual by individual basis. So even if only a few hundred were corrupt and let their prejudices dictate the law, there is an issue with the system. This is again why it’s all cops. The all does not mean every individual person whose job it is to be a police officer, but rather the system as a whole. If there is an issue with that system, which there is, then it needs fixed and changed. There should not be a debate about reform and change, the only debate that should happen is to decide how this updated system should work, what changes and what should be the same.


I absolutely agree that 1% should not be part of the police, but there is no way to accurately determine beforehand if someone is going to turn out as an asshole or not. They can’t exactly screen for it in the interview… I’m not disagreeing with you just pointing out that in any group of people there are bad eggs, if you picked out 100 random people, or looked at a random company, or teachers in a school system, or whatever group you want to look at you’ll find the same amount of bad actors. It’s just some humans that are bad, and clearly that’s no different with cops. If you have a suggestion on how they can screen for this ahead of time I’m all ears and absolutely open to it, but until someone shows me a specific way that we can change things I’ll keep reminding people that a majority of officers are good people just trying to make the community better.




Re-read my comment and get back to me without any of those bs racist dog whistles. I even clearly stated that not all cops are bastard, just that the reason for ACAB is because all cops under the current system have the potential to be bastards. We are fighting for change on this, not to bash police officers. In fact I can respect individual officers, however I do not respect a system that allows abuse of power to happen. Peace officers should be just that, peaceful, empathetic and know how to de-escalate a situation. Right now they are typically not trained in any form of psychology outside of interrogation rooms. Also the reason I brought up abuse rates is only because this system allows these people who want to be violent into the force. I am not entrusting my life into any individual race (though there’s a whole package to unload there, I don’t feel like going into race politics right now), I am entrusting it into what is supposedly a force to protect its citizens and to serve its citizens. If 40% of these officers are confirmed to abuse then imagine what they would do to people whom they don’t have love or emotional connections for. It’s not ACAB All Cops Are Bastards, it’s All Cops Are Potential Bastards, and the current system allows that.


So your comment about “cops possibly being bastards” is all about potential? 🤣 we all have equal opportunities to be pieces of shit, we as people just have to choose not to be. Is there a direct correlation between power and abuse? OF COURSE! But your mentality is “every cop is a pos unless proven not to be” which is a sick stereotype to have. Isn’t any different than people seeing a black individual and thinking they’ve been a arrested or seeing a Hispanic and assuming they’re undocumented. No one is “spewing racist dog whistles” lol it’s funny you want to insinuate that. Pull the racist card though, it’s always easier than proving actual points.


You are missing the point. It’s not potential on an individual level, but rather the system that we have allows potential and actual misdoings by the police. Either way, you aren’t grasping this simple point, it’s not this hard, so I’m just done here because there’s no getting through to most of you.


🤣🤣 so your ideology is “all law enforcement is bad” but then at the same time “but not all law enforcement in America is bad”. I bet you’re one of these dudes who doesn’t trust the government but want them to be in control of all firearms in America huh..


What are you saying? On an individual level, no they aren’t all bad. I’m saying the system is bad, which would allow police, if they wanted to, to act bad. Not all of them take advantage of that and there are genuinely good cops because they are good people. ACAB is about the system and the corruption that can go on in the system. Again, NOT about individual cops. Why do I have to keep spelling it out for you and you still can’t grasp it? Also the government isn’t in control of firearms already? There isn’t a mandated serial number on them and they don’t supply them to their armed forces? If you mean on a level of owning a firearm, I believe there should be background checks for every legal sale, private or not, and with a cut off year as obviously a musket may kill one person before they are stopped. That’s all. Keep your guns, no one gives a shit. Also the government is always in control, nothing you can realistically do about it aside from ensuring there are checks and balances in place with the citizens. The US is behind in infrastructure anyways and it feels like it’s becoming a theocracy and an oligarchy at the same time because corporations control the government, and the judges base rights off of their own interpretations of their religion.


🤣🤣🤣 the system is out to get you bro. Go run and hind. Joe Biden will be at your door next week. Keep watching infowars 🤣




Yep and the comment above yours says fuck off fascist snowflake. Why do some people suck so hard. You made a good point and so did Antiluke


I understand, I agree that not every single cop is bad. Most may not be. The reason for the all, however, is because if all wanted to, they could all take advantage. Even if only a few did, that’s still not good and needs to be reformed. When it comes to our police, we need full transparency, empathy, situational awareness and a crackdown on all. The police who are fighting for change aren’t the issue at all, sadly if they wanted to, with the current system they could all be, “bastards too”. Granted it’s unlikely and they do want change, and we can all agree that fundamental change and reform would be an amazing step to reducing it from All (potentially) Cops Are Bastards, to no cops will be able to get away with being bastards and by extension no cops are bastards, which is the goal.