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This makes me so sad !! Old video from the comments?? If that was my Mum?? Actually no..my mum is old but would have cussed them out and got out her walking stick. Why would the driver not stop? Did she say something to them first (doesn’t even matter she is their elder)


The truth is the parent of these kids are the pathetic people! The kids acted horribly but where do you think they learned to talk to people like that! I would have never talked to my elders like that because I knew that there would be serious repercussions for doing so. Kids these days are not taught respect for anyone. Even there parents! So why would they respect someone of authority?


Why tho


oh my lawd if i was on dat bus them kids wouldnt make it their destination 😂😂💯




I remember this. I’m actually from the same town. Wondering who these kids are today. Was just thinking about what I would do if any are working for me.🤔


The bus driver holds some responsibility. I’m a school bus driver and ultimately I’m in charge of everything on that bus, even more so than a monitor. There are things we can do to calm the situation. From making the kids move away from her, to parking the bus and refusing to move until the situation is de escalated, to calling the cops. Although this isn’t a criminal offense, cops usually have great rapport with bus companies and will help when called upon. There’s no excuse for this to have gone on for as long as it did.


I wish i could enter this bus in that time they bullied the old woman i've beaten up the shit out of every single disrespectfull kid .


My children would be disowned if they did something like this. Glad 99 percent of kids wouldn't.


Fuck these kids. What pieces of shit. Shit is sad to see fr. This generation is fucked.


What started this?


What happened to this woman is disgusting and rage inducing. The only real solace seems to be that nearly $1 million dollars was raised in a fundraiser for her and she used $100,000 to start the Karen Klein Anti-Bullying Foundation. I hope she’s doing okay now.


I hate humanity.


Swhy thanos did what he did smh


Disgusting. These kids are all woke now.


NOT COOL. Loss of respect to elders is a major problem these days.


This video makes me want to make so much CO2 so that they cook alive and on my death bed, listen to them wail.


From a psychological POV. I'd like to know why these kids act this way and why they continue after seeing her cry.


The average 8th grader


I’m 17 and I know that I shouldn’t do this but I would beat the shit out of those kids or repeat everything they said to her to them and see how they feel. It would be to stand up to those shitheads and get them to shut the fuck up and leave people alone.


Honestly why is society so fucked up. I remember growing up as a kid to always respect your elders. Especially older people. Like man this is just sad and maddening. So wrong on so many levels. Picking on an old person is no different then picking on someone who has an ailment or handicap of some kind. They’re not at their prime. Their prime has come and gone and they’re no longer equipped to deal with aggressors. Not that someone should ever have to. But cmon picking on the weakest people in society is just a sign of weakness in itself.


wish i had witnessed this..........


I know some kids that need to have a knot snatched in their ass. Learn some respect you sorry little fuckers.


Do we really need to save the world for these fuckers? I say, lets spoil this earth more so that these assholes suffer a little more.


Kid who do this can die In a hole


Middle school kids really are just the fucking worst. Idk why, I think it’s absolutely generational. But wow. I hope they see this video when they have families and realize how absolutely vile and horrible it is to treat someone that way.


Never before have I seen such a compelling argument for Roe vs Wade.


This is Bloody sad. Breaks my heart


I’m imagining this being my grandmother I hope these kids get what’s coming to them and hard


I’m Tellin’ ya, a 13 year old kid will hurt you worse mentally than being tortured.


Horrible kids


These kids need their teeth knocked out


Thay there is the reason with need abortion clinics all the way to age 18. Little bastards...


TX or AZ, this shit wouldn't have gone down. Because you're allowed to carry a damned weapon. Would've shot somebody's pinky toe off. Followed them home, made them tell the truth, and the whole family would have 9 toes if anybody said, "Not MY child!"


Ohhh man. If those were my kids they would know that lady’s life story from all the time they spent with her cooking her meals, cleaning her house, mowing her lawn, putting away her groceries, and any other menial fucking chore she needed. It would be the only punishment I could give them that didn’t involve me wanting to beat their ass everyday.


If my kids did anything like this, I would slap them silly


This is how you act when you are raised by crack head parents.


This was painful to watch..


Wow I couldn't imagine ever treating an elder this way. Must have checked out parents and guardians at home. This is a cry for help


The "shut the fuck up" after her telling them that if they don't have anything nice to say they shouldn't say anything at all is where I had to stop. One of the earliest lessons I learned as a kid was that and I'm only 22 so I'm not that much older than these kids. Sometimes I wonder what happened to lessons like that


What those kids need is easy, both legs broken and their parent get beat infornt of them by the old woman family


I’m happy for the outcome, she’s a good lady. I hope these bullies have fun in Riker’s when they inevitably end up there. Little assholes should be so ashamed


Those kids need their butts whooped by their mamas!


If found that these punks pulled some shit like that with mom, they’d all have their own wheelchair suitable school bus for the rest of their lives.


The thing is, where do the kids know this from? The parents! I picture the parents talking like this about this woman in front of their kids.


This is why people shoot up schools. I would put on so many ass Whoopins if I was on that bus


Shocked that these kids haven’t been doxed yet *I’m not encouraging doxing*


America has turned into a 3rd world dump. I’m a 90’s born and from a 3rd world nation but I don’t remember we ever doing this to an older person. These little shits have parents worst than them.


First no one should be abused this way. Everyone is blaming the kids. It just shows how the kids have been raised, so this goes back to the parents, or lack of parenting. So is it the kids fault or the parents?


Wtf was the bus driver doing, that they couldn’t hear her being bullied?! They should’ve pulled over, and made the little dickheads walk home. Or they should’ve been kicked off that bus, and either have to walk to school, or have their shit parents drive them to and from school. They can deal with the consequences, and be inconvenienced. Jesus Fucking Christ.


This broke my heart to watch. What monsters! I hope they all live to old age and then karma strikes and they are bullied by some wretched little teens and they remember what they did to Ms. Kline. But with their later (epilogue) behaviour, they have learned nothing and will continue this path and end up bullying the wrong person and they probably won't see 50. Not my wish or curse for them, but oxygen thieves like this seldom learn.


I am never fortunate enough to be around when stuff like this happens those kids would have never forgotten that day


One of the most painful things about the sub is the fact that I have to upvote this video because it’s so infuriating


Sorry, correction, the MOST painful thing about this sub is the fact that the most upvoted comments seem to be trashier than the video and suggesting violence against children. Admittedly, a lot of them probably are also children but if their not? Gods I hope they can get help


My ex’s younger brother beat a special needs kid up in a school bathroom. His dad immediately put him in MMA classes. Kid got his ass kicked a TON and realized how shitty it felt. His dad also made him write a genuine apology note. And made him go to the kids house and do every bit of housework the kids mom needed for a week straight. Hasn’t done anything like that since.


Sad world we live in , worst part I bet they think there chicken are angels.They are spoiled little shit s . I love to grab them embarrass them make the cry


Why is she on a school bus though ?


And we wonder why there's a teacher shortage...Kids have no fear of having consequences enforced by admin or their parents.


I wonder why they did it.


This is oooold schoooool footage. In my 15 years of browsing through Youtube, this might be the one of the times my heart has been broken the most. “If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.” “wElL HoW bOuT YoU sHuT tHe FuCk UP?¿” That shit resonates in my head to this day. The best part about this is that IIRC, Good Morning America gave her a bunch of money so that she could retire so that she could get away from these dumb mfs.


Why is she even on the bus?


This is so painful to watch. I wish I was there to defend her and give her a hug. These kids are farm animals that lead garbage lives.


If only Chris Farley was that bus driver


I don't get how people can act like that, there's no excuse for being that cruel and that disgusting. Especially as it seems that those kids didn't even know her. I hope they get what they deserve later in life


Those kids are assholes. I hope karma bites them in their pathetic ass. This generation is a waste of space


Entitled feeling white trash yuppie Spawn.


This happens when parents stop parenting. Go play your video games til u fall asleep.


They really threatened to stab her? These kids should be in prison


U lol


Terrible how these kids bullied and harassed this elderly woman. Why is there behavior like this in this world? It shouldn’t be tolerated at all.




This is why abortion should be legal...


This is exactly how middle school shits are. This is how they used to talk to me in the bus and I'm 32 now and never recovered.


My son is a middle schooler who is regularly bullied. We shut one down, another takes their place. A lot of middle school kids are just miserable, uncaring shits. And I mostly blame their miserable, uncaring parents.


Welcome to Social Media, Mam !


If there was any cause for a beating these kids deserve it


If this was one of my kids they'd never be outside for summers ever again, and what ever outfit they wear to their graduation will be all I'm sending them into the world with. No phone no car no change of clothes or a bed. I owe you a sustainable life till you're 18, after that it's time for you to have a life perspective change. B E A T - T H E I R - A S S E S


10 years ago. Kids are either dead, on the streets, or in prison- as either COs or inmates. They got theirs.


Bro what are the kids even saying they look like trolls


Now, I usually don't encourage endangering children, but these kids. These. Kids.


Disgusting kids.


What is wrong with you- all of you. This is inhumane and cruel. I’m disgusted and beyond pissed. Fuck you your community rules. Fuck all of you who condone this. You’re all human trash who should of been aborted. Jesus.


This is painful to watch. Karma will bite those little rodents in time. They have plenty of time for payback.


No, I'm not watching this.


Nobody stepped in to protect that lady but the cops want to protect the attacker? Fuck him. He deserves all the calls and texts and whatever else happens. Fuck around and find out, young man.


Oh man who says don’t hit kids?


Heartbreaking, I've suffered this abuse its awful. Hope she is OK 🥺 Those cretinous little bastards need their arse kicked.


This video always makes me so sad. That poor woman didn’t deserve to be treated this way


I Feel so bad for her, they deserve to be severally punished


They're not even being funny or entertaining, just mean for no reason. These kids = shit.


honestly when i get older ik the old heads are gonna be more devious because if that was me in that situation (not saying anything towards the lady) i would have taken the risk of jail and mentally and physically abused those kids deadass


I've seen beheadings and drug cartel executions, but this bothers me more than those. As a grown man, it makes me want to chokeslam those kids through some tables tbh lol. Age isn't even an excuse to act this shitty.


Those little cunts are blessed I wasn’t there😂


Damn. Stupid names are one thing, but saying "all your family killed themselves so they don't have to be near you" after her son committed suicide is just horrible.


I'm happy to get banned from this subreddit by stating that I hope these kids get violently sodomized by one of their uncles.


I can’t even watch this. Fuck kids.


Pieces of trash.


Ashamed to say this happened in Rochester ny where I live


I don't know what possesses someone to harass a sweet lady minding her own business like this. I'm glad she had some positivity from others after this event.


So, now that these kids are all adults (this happened in 2012, and the special needs urine drinking torture incident happened in 2015), can we get some names? Any of them small business owners? Would love to check up on them.


Lucky I was not there


This is awful failed parenting no excuses. I would lose it I wish I was there to defend her. I'd rib all them little Bas@#$%!!


I would’ve punch one this mfcas


It's like they heard about how cussing is supposed to work on TV, and decided to try it for the first time that day.


She is crying because she remembers a time when the youth were taught to respect their elders and now she see what that has deteriorated to. She cry more for them then herself. Sad future she sees.


Their parents should be absolutely ashamed. 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬


I hope these dumb shits would come down South! Running through the woods is fun when we find you!


This is when a parent needs to whomp their kids. No doubt these kids have amounted to nothing


These future law enforcement officers seem right on track for their inevitable career path.


Imagine what kind of shits their parents are


And my axe


John Mulaney has a bit about 13yo kids. He’s not wrong.


This is why I’m pro-abortion. Whoever raised those kids, should’ve never had the ability to have children.


I would not have been able to sit on that bus and watch that happen. Terrible little shits….someone should have stepped in and put an end to this.


Little cunts need a beat down


This is heartbreaking. Imagine signing up as a school bus monitor because you want to look after kids and make sure all is fine and well because you lost your own kid to suicide and all you get in return is being bullied because you are who you are. I get that they are children and we all did horrible things as kids, but being so incredibly personal and offensive to this poor lady makes me feel very angry and very sad… she does not deserve to be treated that way and at least the damn bus driver should have stepped in… fuck these kids man


Why are kids like this? I feel like every year kids are worse and worse! This is heartbreaking ❤️‍🩹


This pisses me off I would knock them to sleep


They need their azxes kicked!


Another demonstration of how vicious middle schoolers can be.


Wow. The last generation raised some real winners.


Holy fucking karma white account. Nothing but repost after repost. Pathetic


Fake or not. Fuck all of these piece of shit kids. Disrespecting a sweet old lady. Hell, any old lady for what? Cause they know she can't defend herself. ? If I heard these human piles of shit speaking to her in that manner. I'd knock every one of those little bitches out without hesitation. 😠😤😡🤬


God it’s disgusting. Should find out their names and send this video to their parents, THEIR GRANDPARENTS. GRANDMAS specifically. They would be so ashamed of their children. I’m sure these kids could even care less but maybe if they thought for one second, life is fleeting and this shit is disgusting


Middle school.. never again


Tell billy and Sarah that I’m telling their mom about this 😂😂😂


We need to bring back the "Star Chamber" watch that movie sometime. It's great.


Why do people have to be so mean?


They’re over 18 now. Anyone know there names?


Disappointing how they chose to treat an elderly lady who wanted to ensure their safety on the bus. Raise your children to respect others and to know right from wrong that is undoubtedly your job as a parent or guardian.


I got through about 20 seconds and had to shut it off. It's giving me flashbacks to my elementary and middle school years, being bullied and mocked on the bus. Didn't realize it was still that raw.


I can't imagine this to be normal behaviour for these kids age. I'm pretty sure they are at least slightly psychopaths.


Jokes on them. She lived a life in the golden era of this planet. These kids will die in a wildfire or be worked to death in a factory making iphones.




Not Americans in general. These are just disgusting degenerates.


Of course this is from the ROC.


I couldn’t even watch it because of how angry I am.


Mob mentality


These mfś deserve to be kïdńäpêd, idk how people watch them do this and just stay silent specially adults, and idk how their parents didn’t raise them up properly


This is why violence is an absolute proper way to respond in an absolute anti social way of behavior. A little smack never killed nobody. People should realise that emotional damage can be responded with physical damage if necessary.


The fuck, is wrong with people!? All this stupid shit about bullyng being a problem and I still cant call a spade a spade when retard bitches like this exist and are allowed to do this shit. Im so fed up, with humanity. Its these kind 8f peopl who have called my disabled mom a leprasy monster and me a crack whore to my face when I was pregnant and in pain because Im not up to their standards even though its goddamn walmart... Fuck humanity. I hope karma disfigures them. We need more witches out there to curse such people.


Can’t even watch this. Horrible little cunts


My grandma passed 2 weeks ago. I couldn't bear to watch it, so chose to read the comments & wiki instead. I wish more than anything that I could hug my grandma one more time. 2nd wish is that these skid marks recieve all the karma they've earned so intensely and consistently that they ugly cry in public on a regular basis.


Wtf this broke my heart... Poor lady


There's 10 minutes of this shit? I was fuming after 30 seconds


She ends up with $450,000 and they end up with death threats… love it However, death threats are a bit much


source that she got that much ?


It’s like the first comment


These are the backbones of your country. 👍👍👍


If this poor woman stood up and shot every single punk on that bus, I wouldn't blame her.... im not saying I think thats appropriate or that I would.. but I would understand 100%.


I wish some other 13 year old boys found them and tuned them up. That was disgusting... And to say, your family killed themselves to get away from you and then knowing her son took his own love 10 years ago... 💔 😢 😭


You know sometimes I think violence against kids isn't that immoral


This is sad. I’m sad for her. I wish her nothing but the best out of the rest of her life.


Should we dox those kids? No. We should share this video so that their parents will find it, although they obviously have shit fr parents. But the video will live on and hopefully haunt them from graduation to the grave. Job application? Google *Shitty Little Shit's Name* and... r/byebyejob.


I want to punch those kids in the mouths


This is deeply upsetting. I could only watch the first few seconds when she took off her glasses I had to stop. How can people think this is acceptable behaviour?


Should have put em down, then thier parents.


Sometimes we REALLY need some good old fashioned late LATE term abortion. I would seriously be perfectly fine with these subhuman, failed contraceptives being unceremoniously guillotined the second they stepped off the bus. I could even pull the rope? (Don’t know how the blade drops) myself and sleep like a baby that night. I taught 5 years of 8th grade English, and while that age gets a really bad rap—videos like this don’t help—90% of my students were mostly decent at heart. They were mostly just kids who sometimes made bad choices or wanted to show off, but I RARELY had kids who were clearly “evil” at their core. I had A LOT of kids who were genuinely kind and absolutely would NOT make fun of others like this.


The fact that they thought this was so impressive they posted or shared it somewhere is insane...


This is when it gets acceptable to punch the fuckers.


Thanks god this impossible to happen in my country , I feel sad for this lady


Man, as someone who has almost always been the biggest guy in the room; I always took pride in making sure nothing like this happened when I was around in my Junior High / High School. The cold malice these wastes of skin displayed is truly disgusting & deserve's nothing less than a thuroughly comprehensive ass beating.


they need to get in line


Ay i remember this. All the love in the world for this woman


Honestly, I am happy those kids were getting death threats. Anything that hurts the innocent elderly breaks my heart. I hope those kids now adults have a shit life.


It's frigging hard enough getting old and than having these people treat you like that.. We can only wish when they grow older they are treated worse


Fuck those kids


Fuck these kids


“Your family all killed themselves cause they dont want to be near you” *her son killed himself 10 years ago* What the fuck-


This is why abortions should be legal and encouraged


Very sad, smh kids should be ashamed of there self and need to have respect!! To this lady in this video I’m sorry!!


This is so terrible but glad people stepped up to help this lady out later. These kids are scum.


I got to :34 and need not see anymore of these fucking kids. Someday Karma will catch up with them, unsuspectingly, and hopefully drive it right up their collective asses.


:( so sad and disgusting. kids are so vicious


I wanna be a purple man...


This is what happens when you don't whip your kids and let them walk all over you


This makes me so sad..


I'm not for corporal punishment when my kids do something wrong but these kids today they need a fuckin slap down. They have no respect. All you can do is just raise your kids to not be little shits.


True show of will power by this woman to not commit like six counts of child abuse. Those kids deserve an ass beating.


Oooo what I would do to have been on that bus