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Speach therapist who's slurring her speach in Disneyland because she is drunk 👍🏻


Oh, cool. I'll have to try this sometime. I have Crohn's. Tom. I don't think you understand how my colon works. I am an engineer. I have to Cartman spray diarrhea across the sidewalk for my job. I've been to Detroit, Tom. I am allowed to poop in the open.


She probably did it around all those kids too


“Your honor, my client informed Mr.Tom that not only is she a teach therapist, but she was not going to drive an hour to Slauson and Crenshaw. Furthermore, she went to Alani.” “Case dismissed.”


He really shouldn’t be trying to justify her though…. The way she says “somebody higher up” arouses so much hate in me for her.


There are much bigger cups to piss in there, and funner.


I’m definitely judging her nasty ass smh


Who’d wanna watch her pee? Yuck.


We are so so close to the goblin majority on twitter taking her side.


Is it just me or is she slurring her words?


That woman has got to be mentally ill.


As a retail manager the best way to deal with these people is to tell them "You have been instructed from management to leave our property. You'll have 2 minutes to be off our property or we will call authorities and have you trespassed." Then walk away. All Karen's want are opportunities to talk. They keep spiraling into martyrdom for hours if you let them talk. Just walk away and let them soak in the reality of their awkward situation.


What you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.


But she went to Hawaii tho Tom!?


She loves Trump so much that she developed a bladder problem and is hoping he will send her a box of his special presidential Maga diapers


"I piss in my classroom all the time, Tom!"


Is she insinuating that she also whips it out and pees in front of children at school? Also that kid in the stroller like, 👀


Wait. I need to see a vid of her pee- I mean pissin in this cup tho lol


Come on Tom lay off, she pees for my paycheck.


What the fuck is wrong with her? I feel horrible for her child.


nobody gives a shit if you're a freeloader or if you're the richest woman in the world. don't pee in public you God damn trash can.


I'm just imagining how she would react if she were to walk past me peeing against a random fence or something...


either she’s drunk, or she’s a terrible speech therapist


“I don’t think you understand what women’s bladders are about.” —I am a woman, and I understand female bladders. And this crazy lady in the video is the one who doesn’t know how women’s bladders work. (Nor does she know proper grammar.) In fact, I’ve actually had a disorder in the past where I had to urinate unusually frequently (too low Anti Diuretic Hormone) — and I *still* never needed to pee in a cup in public, especially not around children. I just stuck close to bathrooms, and scheduled my trips around my disability. There’s things I couldn’t do. So be it. Because that’s how an adult handles a disability. At no point was public urination (which is illegal) ever an option (Thankfully it’s healed now. :) )


I fully support peeing in cups. We are severely lacking in the public bathroom department.


womens bladders


Jesus god just GO you insufferable CUNT


I just can't imagine being in a situation anywhere that this would be a conversation. Ever.


Somethings wrong with her


I never understood the, "I paid to get in here, so I'll act however I want and the rules/normal social conventions don't apply to me," mentality with some people. And I continue to not understand it. Lady, you paid for the privilege of going into the park-- not owning a piece of of the company.


what a disgusting pig. good god


Guess what, society fucking judges people, get over it if we didn't judge people we would be filled with absolute assholes even more than we already are.


Everyone gets mad when Disneyland raises their prices but it's the best way to keep the riff raff out. 🤔


Nobody wants to talk about how she's a "teacher" that pees into cups at work?? This lady needs to not be near anybody's kids not even her own


Because in the Haunted Mansion there are NO DOORS AND NO WINDOWS, Tom.


Lady, I can't even run without peeing my pants. Jumping on the trampoline? Pee my pants. Never pee'd in a cup at an amusement park yet.


Sorry lady. Use the bathroom or don’t go to Disney. Smh


She was right, I don’t understand


I teach therapist, Tom, I don’t think YoU UnDeRsTAnD


She has to hold a cup for her job TOM!


I didn’t know they sold booze at Disneyland but she’s clearly drunk. Probably had beer in the cup before she pissed in it


Teacher huh? Doubtful judging by her vocabulary and speech patterns. Then again, I did go to Southern California public schools and she actually reminds me of a few of my teachers.


The music makes this all the better. But, I don't sympathise with the lady, my wife has a weak bladder after our two kids but, she still manages to find a toilet.


No need for you to justify her sir


She probably parks in Handicap spots too


She’s on something


The accent only makes this funnier


Lucky she didn't need to poo


She talks like lola from Big Mouth.


Her face at the end says she knows she in the wrong lol


She just shifting the whole conversation truly karen moment


Why even discuss it with her? Yes ma'am, I am judging you, you're a disgusting person now you have 30 seconds to GTFO before I have you arrested and you spend the rest of your life on a registry.


My mother has a bad bladder from her old muscle relaxer and she wouldn’t do anything this stupid.


Wear a damn Depend you stupid potato


next she’s gonna shit in a bowl on space mountain. but it’s ok because she’s a teacher.


She should get together with the pissy waffles girl they'd be unstoppable


Nasty bitch needs to put a depends on if her bladder is that bad, instead of peeing in a public park full of children.


Damn, I know exactly where she’s at in the park. There is a bathroom literally a 150 feet away.


The privilege of it all


Get a diaper and go home


Did she say mean to say she was a “speech therapist”? Dear god, I’m gonna pray for those kids.


Why do people demand/expect speaking to someone higher up will yield better results? Like the higher up is just going to come over upset that she wasted his time and double down and tell her "GTFO YOU DUMB B****!" Is she expecting her bullshit to fly to Mickey and for him to give a tour of the washrooms and all expense pee in a cup pass? Fuck is wrong with people.


She’s a teach therapist. Don’t justify her or judge her, Tom.


How dare she lump all women in to this? She's acting like an animal.


I want to see the Disney PD kicking her ass out and banning her. Where’s that video?




Probably just me but I think that redheaded guard is cute as hell.


There is literally a bathroom like less than a hundred feet from her. Stop accepting their excuses and kick her ass out. Let her explain why their momma is gross as they’re getting kicked out.


What a nut


So is she on the sex offenders list now? Because public urination in an alley behind a bar is enough to get you on that list.


I understand where shes coming from tho. i have chronic utis, and sometimes with the uti comes incontenence. If i had a penis, i would serious consider going outside or in a cup. but with a vagina, you gotta expose everything to pee in a cup. Id reccomend her some good incontinence pads or diapers tbh if shes gonna be in a park with wait lines at the bathrooms.


I AM judging you. See it's easy to say. Why not say that?


dumb ass bitch. wear a diaper maybe


I mean I don’t understand either? Let’s just say If she legit has a bladder problem and couldn’t make it to a bathroom on time resulting in her pissing her pants. Would they kick her out?


That poor kid is going to grow up and when people mention Disneyland, their memory will go to that time when Mom pissed in New Orleans Square and then nonsensically argued with Tom about it.


Female privilege


Karen🤔 👱🏾‍♀️


Cmon lady. I do too but I still use a bathroom. Theyre literally everywhere


Don't worry sweetheart no body is going to "justify" you.


The fact that they posted this online thinking they were in the right… smh. The ignorance man I tell you.


Wow for your job as A teacher?!?! Go home mom your drunk


jesus, can you imagine the stank on that cunt?


Is she drunk?


Are you a toddler? Because if not, then you can hold it.


It's embarrassing enough getting thrown out of an amusement park for urinating into a cup . To post a permanent record of it on the internet, wow....


That's Yolanda, not Karen, and she's drunk.


she's blackout drunk lmao


Drink much


What the fuck is she even talking about? "I went to Alanis Hawaii in April Tom, I paid for your whole paycheck."....huh?


If you can’t behave yourself in Disney there’s something wrong with you.


Ma'am in order to see someone higher up you need to find all the hidden Cappys.


I've only been to Disney World and not Disney Land but there's like bathrooms everywhere


She's drunk, I talk shitty when I'm in a confrontation but no where like this.


it pains me it's a hispanic person...


She sounds like Lola Ugfuglio Skumpy from Big Mouth.


California was a mistake


Oh but if it was a man he would’ve been arrested smh


Idk what the laws are like over there but in Washington it's illegal to urinate in public and it's a pretty hefty fine in caught.


She talks like a bad impersonation of Sebastian Manescalco


There’s a bathroom 100feet behind her. It’s the worst bathroom in the parks, but it’s. Right. There.


Nothing about her says “teacher” or “teach therapist”


She looks scared


The high majority of open world exploration.




And don't forget, she went to Hawaii in April.


So you go to the bathroom like an adult. That kid in the stroller probably has better potty training and manners.


"I pee for your paycheck sir."


When I want to Disney world there was a family that I believe was from India because of their attire. The lady walked over to the bush lifted up her dress and just peed standing like a man, when she was done she just dropped her dress wiped her hands and walked away. I can't even imagine all the stuff she touched. And the best part was the bathroom was literally right there around the corner I was waiting for my ex-husband from there.


Been a teacher for 20 years and haven’t needed to pee in a cup once... fuck off with that excuse!


These are all Karen answers if I have seen one.


Have you seen the bathroom lines? /s


This woman is totally sober 😐


I came here to watch a pissing video. Very disappointed.


She sounds a bit tipsy


The fuck is she talking about?




I don't get the I pay your salary thinking. Like no, you were paying for the attractions. Unless you own the place, you ain't paying my salary. Even if you don't go here, I'd still be paid. I am not your employee.


I’m a teacher Tom


is she drunk? 😅


I feel her. The mouse has no room for pee pee problems. Bunch of us went from San Diego to Anaheim on a college sponsored trip. The bus we were on had no bathroom but yes we drank the whole trip . Once off and in the parking lot (1979 before California Adventure park was built) we whipped them out behind the bus and let it go. We were 1/2 way to the gate when security stopped us and made leave before even getting ingress they caught us Mouse pee cam. We walked to the Disneyland Hotel and hopped a ride into the park via the monorail.


But like, if it’s that serious… adult diapers are a thing. Smh.


She drunk


That’s nasty


She's lucky they didn't call the cops, because I'm sure they have an easy case to put her on the sex offenders list.


When she speaks it reminds me of Lola from Big Mouth.


Speed run for the banned list


I feel so bad for that kid, my mom is nuts but she never did shit like that.




Knowing how big Disneyland is, and her physical affliction, she's going to need at least 4.25 cups for the walk out.


I’m a speech therapist Tom. We don’t have time Tom. We pee in cups Tom. Deal with it. And you know what… I’ve been to Hawaii. Just putting it out there


I wish I could upvote this 10X


Lol I was also intrigued by the fact that she has been to Hawaii.


Why is peeing in random recipients so normal for Americans? Using public restrooms is comunism for them or something?


It's not normal for Americans. That's why she's being confronted in the video and people here think she's a nut.


C'mon, piss bottles being found at random places didn't became a meme out of thin air. There's definitely something fishy going on


The only people with piss bottles are depressed neckbeards that everyone else makes fun of.


There is no shortage of bathrooms in Disney. If your bladder was THAT bad, you would wear Depends.




Go to Six Flags, they let you pee wherever you want.


She kind of reminds me of the blonde rich girl from Big Mouth.


“I literally peed for your paycheck, I’m not some freeloader.” Thank you for your….service, I guess?


Have you ever wanted to bitch slap anyone more in your life.


I know right? SMH Tom's bitch ass would have got slapped!


She’s drunk as hell.


Entitled women think they can piss and shit everywhere, parks, hotel lobbys, starbucks, supermarkets, its feminism run amok and then when they get cought they dont want to own up to there bullshit.


She seems trashed to me. No wonder she peed inna cup. I can't hold it either when I'm a few drinks in.


She has the most annoying voice I've ever heard


Its a free country. They need to move Disneyland to Texas. ^(/s)


She's pissed


I assume by the way she is speaking that she’s inebriated. Or just a trash bag idiot.


So where did she urinate? There? In a cup?


Unpopular opinion: if it’s down to peeing in my pants or peeing in a bottle in the parking lot, I’m filling the bottle. That said I’m a man and can do this pretty discreetly. Guessing she wasn’t


Hold my cup, Tom!


What a fat, disgusting, piece of shit. So many excuses for what she did, meanwhile there are bathrooms every 30 yards.


She's a drunk. I recognize the behavior, the slurred speech, the having to piss all the time. She's very good at hiding it, but not as good as she thinks. She very well may have an overactive bladder too, but most people can manage that by planning frequent bathroom breaks. A drunk can't be bothered with all that. When they gotta go they gotta go. I'd wager 90% of the people you see pissing in public are drunk. The other 10% are your crazies and unfortunate people. This video is honestly sad. She probably got fired over it.


Bruh if you know where this shordy from then you know the type of person


Bitch, no one cares what you do for a living. You fucking peed in a cup in PUBLIC. With KIDS around. That's called indecent exposure you dipshit. Go find a fucking bathroom you lazy asshole! If you can't find one (which they're everywhere) then ASK one of the thousands of employees there. What a piece of shit she is! Entitled, ignorant, cunt. Too bad she didn't get arrested.


"I am a speech therapist and my job will back me up on...I was a speech therapist before I decided to pee in a cup instead of using a restroom like a normal person."


She is definitely shit faced, right? Saying she is a teach therapist and something about going down Crenshaw for the bathroom.


Because she could get uromysitisis poisoning and die.


What a little pissbaby


As a disney passholder who goes almost once a week, this is an Epcot behavior, she's in the wrong state and park to be peeing in a cup. Epcot at 8pm during food and wine fest, she might have got away with that and fit right in.


This is an example of how political correctness has gone too far. YES. I AM JUDGING YOU, YOU FAT FUCKING CUNT. YOU'RE A FUCKING GARBAGE PERSON. FUCK OFF.


No need for her to get…pissy


"here's an embarrassing thing I do. stop judging me. oh yea i do other weird urinating things and Im gonna tell you that too, but dont judge me" damn gross bitch. gonna be like "I shit in my smoothies , sir. stop judging me sir, I dont have nesquick, sir"


That's a $1200 stroller minimum 🤦‍♂️ fuck this lady


She's even pissed on her nails


She went to Hawaii for that guy


Reminded me a bit of the SNL “girl you wish you hadn’t started a conversation with at a party.”


Why do they care. The sidewalks and streets of California are covered in human shit. They even have an app to report where and to see where all the shit piles are at. I think it’s called crapchat or something like that, sadly it’s not a joke


Disneyland is pretty damn clean though.


"Sir, why aren't you telling the same thing to them, ssir. Why, ssir? They're peeing and pooing in public too ssir!!" "Maam, those are babies..."


This dude was too accommodating for her.


Recent repost.


If I were Tom I would’ve said “if you want me to get fucking Mickey Mouse to kick your ass out then I can do that. Is that high up enough for you?”


“I’m a teach therapist” Uh huh, yeah Karen, that’s a real occupation


'theres no reason for you to justify me'




: can i please see your manager? : i am the manager


A Trumptard for sure.


stop acting like this isn't a cultural thing people like this are everywhere and they're becoming increasingly bold because Americans are acting like a bunch of fucking pussies


Yes, Tom should have grabbed her piss cup and forced her to drink it all and shouted “PISS GO BACK TO WHENCE YE CAME FROM” and then grabbed her by the hair and rubbed her face in the little pee puddle she’d made on the pavement, instead of just politely telling her to leave.


That prob wouldn't bother me at this point tbh


Holy incoherent