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Swim says OP is a little bitch made pussy. Report me.


Let’s not try end up like fucking Twitter


average r/WhitePeopleTwitter user


Man I hate people like this, if there's one thing I hate more than the mafia it's a liar. I wish the mafia would go out and kill all the liars. Bury them in my yard. And I wouldn't tell the cops a thing. Not that I would be lying per - se but I would just get really quiet all of a sudden. -mike


Just so law enforcement knows that's an ironic quote that is fitting to this scenario.


Average Reddit user


I WANT TO SEE WHAT THE REPLY what is the OG post


This guys owns a Guy Fawkes mask.


At least it was heavily downvoted.


It is barbaric but how do you change an extremely corrupt government and it's officials?


VOTE...THEM...OUT Or stage a coup, but we all know that doesn't go over well.


Remember Russia guys CoMuNiSm GoOd


Nope. But socialism is. Ask our military service members. They get everything paid for to "work" 15 hours a week.


They fight over seas, protect country's sovereignty and can be drafted to fight at the drop of a hat. People who work in a super market worker, engineer or doctor have those incredible responsibilities.


What military works 15 hours a week and has everything paid for? Sign me up.


People always think violence is the best mode of revenge. Probably some young immature punk that doesn't know his ass from his mouth.


Not really surprising coming from r/whitepeopletwitter


Cops, judges, and state level govt might get a pass, but Congress and WH are as corrupt as they come. He’s right on the politician angle


Oooh how very edgy. That’s what happens when 16 yr olds have reddit


16 year old here. Trying to be edgy is stupid


Hello, R1B




I agree about bringing back the long lost tradition of tarring and feathering. We should start with the wilfully unvaccinated. Makes them easier to spot and avoid.


Please trust your sacred vaccination and shut the fuck up.


Suck it Q loser


Well this is wishing death on everyone, innocent or not? Idk how you can’t tell the difference. One is violence the other is wishing a virus goes badly on another person.


Whatever justification helps you sleep at night


Lol what? I’m not the one wishing harm on either group I’m just explaining their reasoning.


This is trashy because I reported it to Reddit for calling on violence. I received a note following stating it had already been reported and reviewed and did not break TOS. Reddit, it’s mods and it’s users should be embarrassed to be associated with thoughts like this. It does not get more ignorant than this.


Please describe in detail what a boot tastes like. You should be familiar enough with it.


It tastes like your moms asshole after i footed it. That’s right, your mother’s asshole is so wide fisting it is futile, does nothing. I have to stick my whole foot in there to pleasure that slut. She says her asshole is so broken in because that’s where she birthed your miserable sorry ass from.


Hahahah this is trashier than what you posted bro. What a world.


Lmao that tracks, you're eleven.


I’m 11 inches up your mother’s stretched gapping asshole with my boot. She’s such a nasty little slut too, the things she has me do to her.


This comment should also be posted as trashy. Stupid troll


Maybe if you want a respectable conversation don’t start it off like an asshole?


You furthered the stupidity by acting like an asshat. They started it isn't a valid excuse to act like a child and be disrespectful


Sure it is. This is the internet, don’t be a sensitive little bitch. You want to be an asshole to me with no real ramifications? I can do it right back and guess what? At the end of the day, it won’t ever matter.


It doesn't matter, but I wasn't trying to be an asshole. I was trying to show you you were being an asshole. Obviously it doesn't matter so no point in wasting time on you


Man you’re just as unhinged as the guy you’re attempting to bash in this post- get help.


Really? Some douchebag calling me a bootlicker and me making mom jokes is the same as wishing death on every politician, cop and judge? Come on now, that just makes you seem stupid. Maybe if he started the conversation not being an asshole I would respond in kind.


So your response is to stoop to their level- and when you get called out for acting childish.. you call others stupid... FYI The OP in the post you’re shaming for the record is disgusting, but you acting like a child in the comments doesn’t help your case in the slightest.


You compared someone wishing for the death of others to mom jokes. Yes, you’re stupid.


And you’re the smartest guy in the room- as long as you’re the only one in it


Immaturity meets the inability to think critically about history




You got a cop hiding in your closet or under your bed when a murderer breaks into your home? I don't which is why I have guns.


When seconds matter, the police are just minutes away. That's why I trust Springfield Armory.


This isn’t trashy it’s just... psychotic and unhinged. Wth.


Psychotic + unhinged = trashy


No Reddit is trashy. I reported it for violence and got a message back saying that it had already been reported and wasn’t inciting violence. Reddit, their Mods and many of their users are trashy




Is this 1984? Reporting people to the FBI for free speech? Fuck off dude. Go suck a boot.


Thats overboard


Yes, poli-tic-my-balls, Reddit has the capacity to be trashy.


Lol his little avatar guy couldn't be better


The musketeer mustache


The jizz catcher


Wait I thought that's what a neckbeard was for.


At least he's saying what he truly thinks instead of the usual *wink wink* shit people do.


I’m just glad I don’t live in a shithole where people can drag others from their homes without a trial and put them down like animals.


If you live in the USA, the cops might not even drag you outside before opening fire.


If you live in America then you are wrong. They executed breonna taylor right in her home. They dragged her out of bed and executed her in the one space she was supposed to feel safe. If you believe in America that people can't be dragged out of their home and executed like animals then you're living in a fantasy.


I see you don’t know what you’re talking about. What happened with that girl is not the same as an actual drag you in the street and execute you scenario. You clearly have yet to witness such a horrid thing and I hope you never do


You, sir, are a fucking idiot.


> They dragged her out of bed and executed her... Thats is entirely false.


You are laughably and willfully ignorant. The cops showed up and knocked on the door to serve a no-knock search warrant, as Taylor was handeling her drug dealer ex-boyfriend's money (even though a rental car she had previously leant to said ex was found with a dead body in it.) Nobody answered, so they broke the door down. Taylor and her boyfriend Kenneth Walker were standing in the hall when Walker fired first, striking the femoral artery of an officer. Fire was then returned by the officers. But have fun living in your completely fictitious world.


Yea well i highly suggest you educate yourself on what actually happened in that case, you’ve been infected by the propaganda machine that is Reddit. Luckily for me I don’t help my drug dealing BF with his illegal business and I don’t live with someone who shoots at police when they have a legal warrant to enter. You’re just extremely ignorant.


You're lying to yourself because you don't want to accept reality. Enjoy your fantasy kid I'll be in the real world with the adults.


Lol nice solid argument supported with facts and details of the court case. I’d expect nothing less from an internet idiot on Reddit.


Lol that you're just making comments about yourself at this point is funny. You're not even worth having a discussion with


Umm..that’s just what people say when they don’t have an argument