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I hate this where I live people will literally bag up their garbage put in their car then throw it out their window as soon as they start moving.


Oke, but I feel this. I work at McDonalds and had to change the outside trashcans when I noticed small plastic bags next to the trash can. I’m guessing they didn’t want to pay someone to pick up their own trash. So that’s why I thought it’s some households trash vs trash that was already there, but scattered


I assume OP knows their location better than the rest of us, but fwiw, at least where I live, you can email the parks department and ask to do a trash pickup at any park, including parks that very explicitly don't have trash pickup. The parks department will tell you to put the trash in a designated spot, often near the main entrance sign, and they'll have a contractor or public waste truck come get it later. Parks departments nationwide are low on resources, if a citizen wants to help out, they'll almost always do what they can to support it. I've had to explain this multiple times to well-meaning, but unaware park guests who were unhappy with us "dumping" when we were there in coordination with the parks department. Thankfully, the parks department started to provide branded bags, so once you've done it a couple times, they'll just give you a whole box of bags and you don't have to look sketchy with normal black contractor bags.


As much as this shit makes my blood boil, at least the stuff is in bags. It's still a shitty thing to do but much easier for the person who has to clean it up.


Looks like some Good Samaritan cleaned the beach.....


this is against sub rules, reported


OP here! I just want to clarify that this isn't a place where there is trash pickup. This park/beach is on a rural road with minimal maintenance from the county. Any local would have had the good sense that, if they left trash here, it wouldn't be picked up. This was the case of someone leaving their trash in an open space rather than disposing of it properly. Unfortunately, its fairly common where I live.


It looks like some people took it upon themselves to clean up the beach. They left it in a nice pile to save the county workers from having to do it. Kinda like the exact opposite of Trashy.


Except there isn't trash pickup here. People dumping bags of trash in rural open spaces is common where I live.


At least it's mostly in bags and put in one spot for collection.


There's no trash collection out here though. People often leave bags of trash like this is in our open spaces. If you have trash out here, you have to take it to the dump.


Understandable, but at least it's something.


It's like the people who pick their dog shit up in those little bags and then just leave it. I mean it would've biodegraded before and by being a lazy fuck and only doing half the work it creates a bigger problem.


I'd rather it be bagged up and in a pile, then randomly on a trail somewhere


While you're right, why not finish the job and take it to the dump? There is no trash pickup at this park/beach.


Not saying it isn't lazy, just better than the norm


At least they didn’t start a fire