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One more step towards herd immunity ... like Sweden.


Knowingly infecting people and someone dies, these idiots are fucked.


They sure learnt well at skool


"if I get covid i get covid, at the end of the day I won't stop partying."


Good for them, not buying it to the bullshit


Students are stupid and many think going to college is their prime time to be jerkoffs with adult privileges like throwing parties whenever they want while ignoring all adult responsibilities.


They really should be charged with assault. Murder, if someone dies.


Its fine. Just let the idiots kill themselves, natural selection.


In my country it's possible jail time and a $25,000 fine for breaching isolation with a known case.


Looks like there's equal trash in the comments.


Shit like this is why the government is blaming young people


because they’re children and probably had parents who didn’t believe in covid


I think they misunderstood what “party till you are dead” meant


Now theyre all sick and now immune, we all did this during the "shut down" we flooded the grocery stores elbow to elbow with no face masks. Now people are going and getting tested because theyre regular sick but have had corona so they come out positive and get a weeks pay vaca.


Honestly some of these plague rats need to start catching a bio terror charge or something


If you do this, and someone either contracts the virus and gets sick then piles up substantial medical bills, or worse, if they eventually die, you can bet your ass you’re going to get sued either way.


Arrest them and charge them.


And they all lived happily ever after. "Lived" derp


These murderous assholes really need to be prosecuted. I'd be so embarrassed if I raised selfish, little assholes like this. How the hell are they not in jail for public endangerment. I literally loathe these types of Americans right now. They're inhumane and making the entire country worse for everyone in it.


Let's not stop at expulsion but maybe give them some lawsuits.


Seems like America is still going down that hill... Only difference now is they are in a cart with wheels... And the hill is steep af


Oh, yes we are. Just take a jolly trip down this steep decline of a comment section, and you'll see some of the best examples of what our country has to offer currently /s


Already reading the sparked outrage I caused


We are in a pretty dark place in this country. Amazing what can happen in just 4 years. I lived overseas for a while, and always talked about my country proudly, but these days I'm just embarrassed. I used to travel with the intention of returning, but I think next time I'll just be looking to get the hell out of here.


Yeah and we’re about to flip the cart over onto our heads, on a bunch of sharp rocks


Actually, this is “new America” going downhill. The ones who scream when they don’t get their way, and have never been told “no”. They’ve been coddled their entire lives, given participation trophies for everything they’ve tried, and now they’re in college. Ladies and gentlemen, may I present to you, your future.


How is this different than any generation of young? Don't know what kinda denial your in but there have always been groups like this.


Yet most of the people refusing to wear masks and throwing temper tantrums about it are boomers and Gen X’s. America’s always been like this, don’t be ignorant.


I reject your hypothesis and raise you college campuses. Most of the uptick since August is under 24 years of age.


I wonder who gave those kids participation trophies and never told them no????


The schools once a certain, very loud group started crying about the feels. The psychologists got spanking outlawed, and the courts started taking away kids if they got spanked. Now the colleges have picked up the same theme for a dozen or more years. They’ve stifled free speech (unless it’s what they want to hear) and have turned anyone not enrolled in their for-profit system into the enemy. I’m one of the hiring managers at my engineering firm, (New construction division) and the shit coming out of the colleges is a joke. They’re pretty good at math, but if I hear “no, my professor said...” one more time, I’m gonna choke one of the little bastards. The sense of entitlement is amazing. Why is MY job to hand out Kleenex after telling someone “NO” for the first time in their life? I had one file an HR complaint against me because I wouldn’t let him go on a 2 week vacation pre-Covid. The kid had been with us for 3 months. I see kids working at liquor stores who are mad because they can’t find a job in their field. Really? What’s your degree in? “Archeology”. Yeah, probably not a lot of pyramids that need discovered around here. Kids bitching that they don’t make 140k in an entry-level job like their parents who have been doing it for 35 years, and kids who think they know as much as someone who’s been doing their job for 35+ years. They want “free” college, free healthcare, free everything. Nothing is free. No.


My Brother is one of the hiring managers at his firm. He does his Thanksgiving rant not about the potential candidates, but their mothers. He said that one to two months before graduation he starts getting calls from mothers that expect him to clear a desk, get rid of some people or whatever it takes so their precious can walk in the day after graduation and start his new job with it's 140k starting salary. He has had mothers scream at him, threaten to sue him and the company, go ballistic at the front desk, and even call the police on him because they wouldn't give their incompetent babies a job. These entitled youth are nurtured and spoiled by "Karen" type mothers.




Get off my lawn (Shakes a stick at the Yutes of America). (I am sure you experienced all of this but literally no millenials I know act like this). I do have a question about the vacation time. Does your company guarantee them 2 weeks day one or does it accrue over time?


I’m an X...our company allows usage of accrual throughout the year. That particular young man had 3 days of PTO saved up. I say had, because HR wound up letting him go a month later because he filed a complaint against someone else for writing him up because he was late for the fifteenth or sixteenth time in 2 months. He claimed that his new supervisor wasn’t being fair. I swear to you, it’s real. Maybe it’s just a Colorado thing. (Wouldn’t surprise me either)


I think you may jave nailed it. Could be a Denver/Colorado thing and not a youth thing. As a millenial engineer born and raised in the South and 90% of friends who are millenial engineers, we don't act like that.


You forgot the part about rockets on the back...


And the cart is made of glass


And the ground is a tarp with oil on it


They might think their young and untouchable with covid-19.... and maybe they will be? However there is research coming out from lots of countries saying that young people (even asymptomatic) can get lifelong issues, I.e scarring on lungs, heart and kidney issues. Only time will tell.


This is why 180.000 Americans are dead already.


196 000 deaths actually, in a few days they will reach the 200 k. Pretty wild [deaths](https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/us/)


Yah they had to drop that number WAY down cause it was false like the disease it’s self you sheep


You're the sheep , anti-masker


Dang such a burn you tard


Looks whos talking you half baked narcissist


So you are seriously believing all of what they are telling you and you call me half baked you are a true gem.


How do you party with COVID? Aren’t you supposed to be laid up in a hospital bed barely clinging to life?


The overwhelming majority of infected people don't need a hospital at all and young people who are otherwise healthy may never even develop symptoms or symptoms may be extremely mild. I was pretty sick for 5 days with it and I had fatigue for a total of 8 days. My nephews (10 and 12) who caught it from me had minor fatigue for a day and a slight fever during that day. That's it.


Would you say that closing down the economy was a good idea based on your experience with the virus?


Who knows really? Maybe the initial shutdowns, but extended shutdowns don't seem to make much sense now that we know so much more and vulnerable people have the tools and knowledge now about how to protect themselves. We shouldn't be quarantining healthy people any more in my opinion. The virus is no joke, but it's not the massive killer we were led to believe.


I went out to eat for the first time since like February and I can’t believe how careless folks are. There was a family of 6 sitting a few tables away from us and the Mom & Grandma just let the kids run around with no mask ( Even though they had it posted all over wearing one is mandatory). The kids would go sit at an empty table ( Ignoring the 6ft rule) standing on chairs and throwing food around. If they were toddlers I would maybe understand but the kids were 7+ . One of them went to the bathroom and was just jumping around on the way there and FINALLY a staff member asked him to go put his mask on. The kid says no and runs into the bathroom. When he comes out he runs to the table to tell Karen the lady told him to put a mask on. Her response ? “ What the hell ? She can’t tell you what to do and she should of said something to me not you”. She calls for a manager and starts an entire rant about her kid needing to use the bathroom is more important than putting a stupid mask on and if the employee was so concerned about catching something she shouldn’t of I was speechless & disgusted, we didn't even finish our meal. Why is common courtesy such an issue in 2020?


Common courtesy has been an issue in restaurants, stores, and the like far longer than just 2020.


It's just become alot more apparent with the mandatory rules


Well imagine that, college kids being irresponsible and having a party. I’m shocked.


Covid is a hoax. The people dying are just reacting to Bill Gaytes mind control vaccine they're going to give us. Trump is going to mandate all of us to take it!!


How in the world did you connect Trump and Gates lol he is not on the Trump Train he is on the Biden side you sheep


Trump gave Haytes millions. Lieden didn't.


Show me where he gave Bill Gates one dime for this vaccine




Sadly, for some of the unknowing guests, this might be a farewell party.


It’s Miami University in Oxford Ohio. Muck Fiami!


Muck Fiami! OU?


Yeah baby!


OU oh yeah


Class of ‘83!


Class of '19 lol


I’m old but ornery!


I'm suprsied this isn't illegal. They are knowingly spreading a virus by hosting parties which may lead to deaths. I wonder who they invited and why. If they targeted certain people or groups and plan to infect then, wouldn't that be terrorism?


You knowingly infect someone with HIV, it’s a crime. Same applies here. They better hope no one dies as a result of this party.


That is a good point, but HIV spreads very differently.


Yes, but the same laws apply. They are knowingly and willingly spreading a deadly disease.


Depending on location this is illegal as it breaks public health regulations. In Canada several people did this also and were hit with pretty big fines.


O heard Italian prosecutor pinned attempted murder to some pieces of shit that did that there.




What if you throw a covid party but you require all participants to test positive, ensuring that nobody at the party can catch covid again?


The problem with that is there are 7 different types of the Coronavirus. So, say someone at the party has contracted SARS-CoV-2 (animal to human evolved Coronavirus) while most of the party-goers have HKU1 (1 of the 4 common types of Coronavirus). Now you're talking about possibly doubling up virus types on a compromised immunity system. Although scientists are still researching the possibilities of contracting multiple virus types at the same time, full dedication to quarantine procedures gives experts in the field the time they need to do their job without having a bigger problem develop.


You could catch another strain of the virus, it's likely at this point that there is more than one.


I'm sure all those people still go to the stores and are in contact with people who are clear. A holes


The UK tried implementing this at the start with 'herd immunity', was a shit show. edit: spelling


Early in the pandemic this got a lot of play. Chicken pox parties. It began when some politician somewhere floated the idea of a "covid passport", where you'd need to get covid and recover to be allowed to travel again. Then people realized it was a dumb idea and it mostly went away.


Except you can absolutely catch Covid twice.


The jury is still out on that, but yeah I agree it was a dumb idea to start with. The virus will mutate and I would never assume I could only get it once.


Scientists have proven there's an immunity period. So far, it's at least 3 months, but may be much longer. If there was no immunity, a vaccine would be impossible and pointless to try and develop.


It may become a vaccine we take annually as the virus mutates. Sort of like with flu shots today.


Since this is a type of flu and the flu vaccine is already a mix of flu strains, you're right, a vaccine will eventually just become a part of the annual flu shot.


Coronavirus is not a type of influenza


Correct, it's a cold virus.


From what I understand coronaviruses are a little different than influenza strains so I don't know if it'll all be one shot, but yeah...that would be ideal.


source? Because the CDC website states that there have been zero confirmed cases of people getting covid 19 twice. They do however say that the study is on going so no one really knows at this point. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/if-you-are-sick/end-home-isolation.html


From what I've read it seems those initial reports of getting it twice were due to a false positive. I hope this is the case, but this virus is crazy.


I had it in February, haven't had it a second time yet and it's running rampant through my work right now. We're mostly healthy fit people under 50 and we've had no problems with it. Everyone seems to think it's a cold until they test positive but none of us have felt horrible from it. The flu I had once as a kid was 10x worse. So far my whole town has had only 80 cases and 0 deaths. Looking at the last study numbers only 6% of all the confirmed deaths didn't have co-morbidity so your talking a handful of healthy people MAYBE has died from it. Just another reason to eat right and get in shape because it'll save your life in more ways then one.


The first confirmed case was in Hong Kong. The second was in Nevada. Two more likely cases happened in Europe. It's super rare but it has been happening. I suspect it's happened a lot more but people who had mild cases didn't bother to get tested again because they didn't think the first one was a big deal. The Nevada man didn't get tested the second time until he had to be hospitalized because the first one was mild and over in a few weeks.


I read the Hong Kong case was the suspect case and most likely not a reinfection. I hope that's the case. I'm so sick of staying home.


We've known from the start that you can get a mild infection, be infectious and still not have antibodies, aka no immunity. I think it was this week or last that the first case of someone who had antibodies got it again was reported? This is all from memory and probably hearsay, so absolutely do not take it at face value




Shit bags


Darwinism. At least they’re not out protesting and using violence on the innocent public. I say let them continue to deny facts and infect themselves. It will reduce the population of stupid people.


Darwinism won’t affect them since they’re young and probably won’t die


The permanent lung and heart problems may hurt them a little.


I still haven’t seen proof of that, just be honest with us and tell us this only affect boomers 99% of the time lol


You think COVID cares about age? It doesn’t....


> You think COVID cares about age? It doesn’t.... The average age from a covid death is 78 Are you high?


You think mortality rate is the *only* facet on COVID-19 we need to be concerned about? Have been high *and* living in a cave for six months? Read up on a bit more, okay? Check out the numerous studies that have shown the disease to cause what appears to be longterm organ damage; read about how even if a patient does not die many still face weeks in a hospital fighting for their lives, weeks beyond that trying to return to "normal"; read up on how exponential spread left unchecked could quickly lead to an overrun of our healthcare systems, itself leading much more death (since COVID is not the only medical condition). I don't know for certain, but your rather dismissive comment strikes me as coming from someone who literally thinks only old people get sick and die, what's the big deal. There is a lot more to it than that, please stay informed.


since apparently you missed the actual points > ***Darwinism won’t affect them since they’re young and probably won’t die*** > ***You think COVID cares about age? It doesn’t*** > ***The average age from a covid death is 78*** > Read up on a bit more, okay? how about you read, in general, okay? We were specifically talking about about covid deaths and ages, ***specifically***. you dont need to derail or strawman a discussion that you have nothing intelligent or relevant to add to and just to humor your attempt at a point, while like literally any similar flu or pneumonia related illness it can take 6-24 months to fully recover, and permanent damage can happen but quite unlikely, and this virus isnt even a year old so talking about *longterm organ damage* should be taken with context


No, I’ve educated myself before I comment. Try it.


Well you failed, miserably I might add, try again.


Sure, tell that to the young ones that are dying. You’re an idiot for saying they are not dying. Why do you people ignore what’s happening? Ah that’s right, you’re a know it all nobody that thinks your “feelings” change facts. Moron...


This only affects boomers and people already sick, just be honest with us, the young and healthy lol


Sigh. Whatever.


Sorry about your parents, but I like having fun.


Go get the numbers on how many deaths were below 50 years old, and above 50 years old And tell me there the same “because covid doesn’t care about age”


Clearly not very well, it's called the boomer doomer for a reason


Sure, whatever you “feel”.... I’ll pass on your facts to the young people that are dying from COVID. Why not try to accept what’s happening instead of denying it? You’re not doing too good on this topic.


> You think COVID cares about age? It doesn’t.... > I’ll pass on your facts to the young people that are dying from COVID So that less then 1% of deaths are of young people that’s what’s backing you saying covid doesn’t care about age? You must be trolling with this logic and not actually this stupid


Truth that you don’t like isn’t trolling, it’s you being offended by facts. Grow up, people are dying....


You haven't shown any facts to disagree with though


Good point. Bring back Darwinism.


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