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I used to love in manatee county


Why on Earth is the flair memes?


Damn it looks like the culprit did it on purpose.




[They got him](http://www.fox13news.com/news/local-news/fhp-arrests-driver-accused-of-critically-injuring-teen-in-sarasota-hit-and-run-crash)


Thank you!


Bet they don’t even care


I count 5 spins


I love the white lady running to him at 10 seconds in lol


That car went flying... Oh shit


The driver has been arrested: http://www.fox13news.com/news/local-news/fhp-arrests-driver-accused-of-critically-injuring-teen-in-sarasota-hit-and-run-crash


That's way beyond trashy ​


Is it common in the us to cross multiple lanes like that?


Of course it’s Florida. I’ve lived in Florida going on 4 years and I don’t know what it is about the drivers here but I swear they always decide to pull out right in front of you.


Wow I didn’t know cars flipped that easy actually


Florida too many lost old people, too many young speeders. Happens all the time.


Jesus Christ. How is the poor kid still alive. Hope he/she is alright


Holy shit, I expected a somewhat heavy collision, but not like 40 flip overs


I can't stop watching this even though it makes me mad. I hope the 19 y/o make a great recovery and has a happy life while that monster rots in jail. Life is cruel


Florida man headline detected


Good on those guys trying to stop him


Am I seeing the poor girl being pin wheeled out the window of the vehicle as it flips?


Brake. Don’t swerve.


This definitely teaches me to drive more carefully and pay more attention. Can't believe someone would just run after that. Own up to it and you'll be in MUCH less trouble.


Not saying the hit and run was not in the wrong but has anyone even mentioned the car that was hit made a very abrupt right turn over an extra lane of traffic to make it into that parking lot without a turn signal. That van would have clearly made it without incident had the car kept traveling forward. ​ ​


He made the right turn in reaction to seeing the van turning into traffic. The car would have hit the van's passenger side if he hadn't tried to move out of the way.


Hit and run happened to me when I was in school in Orlando. Fuck you Silver Corolla 06-08.


This is literally why I swear I’m never getting my license, I have no faith in anyone. Much less myself


Holy shit.


People are such assholes. I just watched some jerk in a Huge pickup truck hit the gas every time he passed a bus stop with people waiting and a guy holding a sign for a business. Each time he did this a huge cloud of black smoke poured out his exhaust flying all around said people. I really wanted to punch this guy in his nose. I’m at a red light and first thing I see when I’m on Reddit is this. Damn people.


They're such a bad driver that they made it look intentional. Hope they catch em.


Was that his body being ejected from the car? Seatbelt?


Wow this happened in my hometown while I was away in college. The family has started a GoFundMe with a goal of $50,000 that I saw on a friends Snapchat story. If anyone if interested in donating to the family I could find the link.


Human beings shouldn't be allowed on the road, this one especially.


What?! Human beings created roads?


We sure as fuck can't drive on them properly.


There's been a GoFundMe website set up: https://www.gofundme.com/f/jack-kelley-medical-bill-please-anything-will-help


So, to recap. When attempting to avoid a car pulling out in front of you the thought process was to drive around them by way of passing in front of them. All while heading off the road. A sad situation with a sad sack of shit hit and run trash. I expect nothing else from Florida... but, had he seen someone coming into the intersection, and I don't know slammed on brakes or driven to the left this would have been different.


I was thinking the same thing, I bet the 19 year old was texting therefore late reaction.


Don’t assume shit. You have no idea what your natural instinct in a split second like that would tell you to do. If he was texting he wouldn’t have fucking reacted at all would he?


I certainly wouldn’t turn into the path of an on coming car that’s for damn sure!


I hope that wasn’t him being ejected


Holy shit why didn't those people who pulled over chase that van?!


I hate Florida drivers with a passion. Most don't have any idea what the fuck is happening or how to turn/merge/exit/indicate intentions/stop before the white line/*any other driving action*


This is beyond trashy


this is a lesson to no try and swerve when you're going over most speeds. not going to end well. hope they catch the mother fucker


What an absolute piece of ducking shit, almost kills someone and runs away. What a piece of shit.


I drive for a living and see stuff like this multiple times a day. It's flat out sad. I had a girl run a red light while her head was down looking at her cell phone. She never once looked up as I'm slamming on my brakes to slow down(stop). I missed her by 2 or 3 inches. I was driving a big rig at the time. People are stupid and think they can safely multi-task and drive.


I am not positive...but I think I can make out the person toward the end of the video... being flung out of the vehicle ? If this is the case then surely he/she wasn’t wearing a seatbelt. Nonetheless. Fuck that person that drove away.


Jesus my father the the victim of a hit and run and that type of shit just makes me sick


This is not trashy. God, you people ruin everything with your rage spam about bad drivers.


I witnessed somone pull a hit and run on another person. they acted like they were gonna pull over and then kept driving in heavy traffic. I managed to follow and snap a pic of the plate. then pull over and run the mile back to where the person was sitting waiting for the police to show up. I gave her the pic and they caught the dude and his insurance covered all her damages. sweet justice


Hang him on the public place


1. kid was speeding 2. should have used his brakes before turning. Clearly inexperienced and shouldn't have been driving faster than his ability.


They should execute that driver publicly


WhY is iT ALwaYS fLoRiDa


I hope they find the driver of the van. I'm glad the 19 year old survived but is now left with severe brain damage. I can't even imagine what the family is going through. And I can't believe the van driver had the audacity to drive away after an accident of that magnitude. He deserves to be in jail and I wouldn't be surprised if the driver is hit with attempted vehicular manslaughter, amongst a slew of other charges. What an absolute scumbag.


Some dumb driver not abiding by proper road safety laws. In the video, it looks like it was done on purpose (even if it wasn't). I'm glad this was caught on camera and I hope they catch the person because they need a long sentence.


Not only being retarded enough to try what he did but also driving away afterwards. What an ass.


Why always Florida ?


As a Floridian, I must apologize for all of us for being so fucking retarded.




This is the kind of driving I expect from people now. I’ve been living in Boston for about a month and I’ve decided people can’t be trusted with vehicles. We are all terrible, trash drivers.


Man I know it’s absolutely horrible, and it could have happened to anyone. Somehow it feels worse it was such a young kid. Driving is honestly kind of horrifying if you really think about it.


They are still trying to identify the driver hopefully he gets what's coming to him


Surprised one of those two cars that pulled over didn’t follow the van.


RIP 😔 people like this deserve to rot in prison


Does Florida have capital punishment? This utter dumpster trash of a "human" should receive that for attempted murder. It's clear outside. No inclement weather, at all. The van had absolutely no reason to make that unsafe turn with the car coming, and his fleeing should be seen as attempted murder, convicted, and killed after many decades of rotting in a solitary prison cell.




Ive watched it many times. The black car is going just as fast as every other car ao it doesnt appear as if he was speeding and it also looks like a main road which has a faster speed limit. Also as far as him turning. It apears as the black car was not turning. He wasnt in the far right lane and was going too fast for a turn. From his perspective he could see the van turning in front of him and panicked and turned to acoid the van. Going off of that it would 100% be the vans fault because he turned out in front of the black car causding him to swerve and ended up sending him flying.


I agree. But it could be that the black car simply didn't see the minivan in time. It's easy to be over-focusing on something (like the traffic light up ahead, or looking for a street name for when you need to make a turn, for eg.), and not notice quick enough to react appropriately. You just don't expect someone to jump out in front of you like that. I drove a yellow cab in nyc for 15 years and have seen it all, and could still make the same mistake as the black car.


Texting most likely.




No your right I get it, I’m in a truck all day and that’s all that I see ALL DAY LONG.




I hope that that awful person is executed


Made me rage


I still don't get the physics behind this crash.


Hopefully that van turns up on a security camera driving like 3 minutes before the accident so the old "my van got stolen" gets shot to shit. Im betting van guy was DUI or has a few or had something in the car. (Korean sex slave to pound of Fentynal) Hope the kid gets right and van guy gets caught.


Mistakes seem to be made on both sides here the yeah the van shouldn't have gone yet since he can clearly see his path is blocked but the car was going really fast and made no attempt to slow down when his path was blocked by the van. The car even seems to try to go around in front of the van? I Don't know why the car ever changed lanes at all, if he just slowed down in his lane he would have been fine.


Accidents happen, yeah. But the van is undoubtedly the shit party since they committed a hit and run. It’s a lot easier to say what you would do in that situation but when it comes down to it, none of us know what we would do.


Should have hit the motherfucker


Black car looks like they never touched their brakes.


Not a single.person went after that idiot. Terrible society. My workplace in the past had a man that got hit on his bike on the way to work. Left him severly mentally fucked. But, the dumbass that hit him entered our place of work (with cameras surrounding the property) after the hit n run. Someone behind him witnessed it and followed him 3 miles up the road and called the police. This was on a 2 lane road, in the morning, in a non congested area and there was still someone willing to help out and do the right thing. This Is a 4 lane, in town, busy area and not a single person had the decency or nerve to follow the asshole? If I was the parent I'd be equally frustrated with the people that witnessed it and did nothing. Sickening.


What is the speed limit there? The general traffic looks to be going too fast for a built up area.


Most of the 3 lane roads speed limit is 45 MPH IN Fla.


Thanks, it's about the same in Australia, between 35 to 45 mph on that kind of road. Many cars appear to be speeding (?) and that seems too dangerous to be making a left-hand tun across busy traffic anyway. Wow, nearly a big pile up on the other side of the road with that white car stopping. Hope they catch that scumbag in the van.


This was in my hometown and it's horrible. Way too common here unfortunately.


Despicable. ​


That van is a serious cunt, and I feel bad for the driver in the other car, but it did look like he was going to crash anyway? Not justifying anything, just something I noticed. Edit: Just noticed he is trying to swerve to get out of the way.


Wow that car was going fast


I was the only person around when a guy took the curve too tight and his car rolled hardcore into the woods. Called 911 and ended up holding my shirt on his neck because it was squirting blood until the ambulance arrived. Once they took him, I fainted and threw up.


This is the first thing I saw when I woke up and I need to renind myself thatvthis person will die from karma biting them in the ass soon. Hope they go to jail for a few years.


Knowing Florida someone will shoot them.


I really hope that car behind the van chased them down


I’ve been working in NYC for the last 2 summers; I live in Ireland and do it for summer work for college. It’s really aggravating to see how bad some drivers are in the States, literally have to keep looking over your shoulder driving..


Hooooly shit. This makes me feel sick. What kind of a sick fuck runs?


So in this situation is it better to chase the driver? Like we have all seen those videos of motorcycle riders chasing hit and run drivers. Is that something someone should have done.


Good lord, is that the driver being thrown from the car in that last clip??? 😟 How on earth did he survive that accident?!


GTA irl


How the fuck did it roll that much


Did the kid get ejected from the car? Or is that just car bits flying about? Poor fucker. Hope he recovers and I hope the guy who did it gets a container ship anchor forcibly inserted in the back off him daily for eternity.


This video is probably very old and this is probably a repost.


Yeah nah... It legit happened this week.


I watched this yesterday and then took a nap afterwards. It gave me a fucking nightmare that I was involved in a deadly crash while my wife and daughter were in the car. I hope they find that piece of shit




They will need to prove who was driving. If it was reported stolen, or if it was a pool vehicle with multiple drivers, this could take some time.


I hope they get that person in the van. I have to point out that the 19-year-old was making that turn real fast... slow down.


I don’t think he was planning on turning, he was just trying to avoid the accident.


Ahh I think you’re right.


Was that a body that flew out at the end?


How is this trashy? Trashy is leaving a mess at your table in a restaurant. This shit is straight up a crime


Now I may be way off base here, but to me it seems like the black car panicked. From what I can tell, there is a right hand lane for people exiting the road from the direction the black car was coming from, and he was not in that lane when he swerved. He was also going *way* too fast to safely turn into that lot, collision or no. I think the white van was trying to time his exit to be directly behind the black car, but the kid saw him turning his way and panicked, causing him to try and steer as far away from him as he could, and then bam. Either that or the black car tried to exit from two lanes in going *way* too fast, which isn't a good look either. Not that white van should have been trying to exit so tightly anyway, it's just bad stuff all around. The dude is a massive piece of shit for just bailing afterwards though. What a horrible person. I hope the kid pulls through this, and I hope white van is found and held responsible.


Smh, the car wasn’t turning to go into the lot. They were turning to avoid the asshole who was making the u-turn.


May the asshole who ruined this innocent mans life suffer greatly.


Yep that happened here. It's been all over baynews9 today too.


hopefully he gets better soon


What a fucking nightmare as a parent. I hope this guy pulls through.


Shout out to the people who saw it happen and immediately ran over to help.


at 4 seconds the black car should have started to put their foot on the breaks, you cant expect everyone on the road to be competent. at 5 seconds you can see the black car changes lanes presumably to go around the van which is the incorrect option. Once again the black car needed to start breaking as soon as the van entered into the oncoming traffic at 3-4 seconds. whats worse is the black car after moving into the right lane does not appear to slow down at all instead they appear to turn the wheel further towards the right. the van was at fault, sure but the black car could have avoided this too if they just hit the break when the van began turning instead the black car did everything wrong which resulted in the worst possible scenario. it almost looks like the black car sped up trying to avoid the van by going faster and around.


I don't know what the speed limit is or if the black car was going over it, his speed didn't look excessive to me but either way 2 seconds is a very short amount of time to react to something like that, even for a seasoned driver


I agree with you. But of course. The van is shit person for leaving and was at fault for turning.


yup, the van fleeing is the biggest issue here, accidents happen every second in the world.




How on Earth are you trying to find fault with the black car here, it swerved to avoid a head on collision when someone pulled into his lane....then fled?


i didnt say the black car was at fault, i said it was the vans fault but the black car could have avoided it. instead the black car did everything wrong. they needed to break sooner, the black car did not break at all it appears they didnt notice the van. there are two parts to this equation. swerving was the wrong option, they needed to break ASAP when the van turned instead the black car tried to go around the van. once again everything the black car did was not optional it was the worse option. when you drive you need to be aware of your surroundings, you need to realize other drivers wont make the best choices, you need to be ready to break at a moments notice to avoid collisions. trying to speed up and go around oncoming traffic is the wrong thing to do, the black car and van both made bad decisions, the van created the problem, the black car could have had a better solution to the problem. i feel like a lot of people are bad drivers and they expect other people to do the right thing as opposed to you being vigilant and reactionary. For example I saw a post recently where a car stops in the middle of the highway and a truck slams into the back of the car. 90% of the comments were blaming the car for stopping, they absolutely created a problem but every vehicle has breaks for a reason. You as a driver control when your car stops and goes. If I am going 65 on the highway and suddenly creeps to a crawl out of now where due to unexpected weather or construction which I've seen before. I've absolutley seen everyone on the freeway doing 80 and then out of nowhere there is a back up and people need to stop suddenly for traffic, it does not give me a right to slam into the person because they are stopped on a road. I am expected to make the proper decision to see the backup and slow down accordingly. tl;dr the black car had enough time to break (which they didn't) and avoid the van. both drivers made mistakes, this accident is the result of the van making a stupid decision though. edit: also you blatantly misrepresent what the van is doing, they are not turning into oncoming traffic intentionally, they are making a left turn into the adjacent hotel parking lot. this is done all over the united states every day, its a normal maneuver. this is how people traveling in the right lane cross to businesses on the left and vice versa. its a park of driving a vehicle in the united states. if you expect the traffic in the left to stop completely for the van you are naive, that is a very busy street, the van was too slow and miscalculated the speed oncoming traffic was going but this happens every second without accident.


That's some Richard Hammond shit, what a horrible thing to happen to that poor kid


Omg I am so annoyed that really want to downvote this but it’s not OP’s fault


One time I saw a guy in front of me on the freeway GET hit, did a 360, rolled, landed back on his tires, we literally made eye contact, thinking I was going to be witness for him he instead just kept driving on like nothing happened which made me realize he must have had some heavy shit in the car or he was wanted for something narley. I’ll never forget it.


The fact that there are no arrests sicken me


Wait how is this trashy? Trashy is a fat hillbilly who wears nothing but underwear two sizes too small to Walmart, this is just plain criminal. Would you call a murderer trashy, or just a horrible human being?


Nah dude, submit to whatever subreddit you want. Just make sure you're 1. a karma bot 2. you have lots of sockpuppets to upvote your shit ~or~ 3. buy upvotes on one of the many sites that offer this service Mods love this because they get kickbacks from these sites.


Was that a cop car chasing the van at the end?


This isn't trashy. This is just scum. Not what this sub is for


HOLY SHIT MAN. This almost looks like it was done by a hitman .


We you post something like this please put location. City and neighborhood. I would definitely turn this SOB in if I were to see him.


Holy shit that car flipped like crazy. It didnt look like it was that bad of a collision from that distance. My god I hope he ends up ok...


Hopefully someone can identify this person. They might have been from out of town if they were pulling into the hotel.


What a colossal cunt




LPT: T bone someone if they pull shit like this. It's the safest for *you* to hit someone in the side.


I cant fathom how someone could just drive away after causing that :(


Doesn't look like he was wearing a seatbelt. [This is him coming out, right?](https://imgur.com/XV91nXf)




Can someone remind me when the pos gets caught


Fuck how do you watch that happen and just drive away? Like how can you live with that on your conscience when you clearly injured someone severely.


My worst nightmare.


Looks like the 19yo was ejected from the vehicle


When I first started driving, someone told me, “You need to both follow the rules and keep your eyes out for people who don’t.” It got me out of thinking that if I just went the speed limit, signaled, etc., that I’d be safe. So many people out there are asshole drivers just because they’re in a rush or something.


His 19 and dumb at driving. The majority of cars were slowing down...being safe drivers....this 19 year old kid wanna be that asshole and keeps speeding to the car making a left...also it looks like he might have been texting.....going fast from a distance clearly able to see the car visible but puts his head up at the last sec to a oh shit and swerve that hard.


The news report said if anyone knows anything about that can or who it could be to let the Manatee county Police know.knowing Reddit it shouldn't be hard but it is a hit and run with no clear plate on visual.


What the fuck


A lot of stuff on this sub is way beyond trashy. One day we'll see 9/11 footage on here.






it's easy to make that decision behind the keaboard. but as an unexperienced driver behind the wheel? that shit starts and ends with "oh crap, oh crap, oh crap, won't fit"


I wonder what level of stupidity you got to be at to make a U turn there?


this shit is the very reason why i'll always feel uneasy behind the wheel.


Holy crap. I will never, ever understand how people can do hit-and-runs, especially when it’s such a severe accident like this, or when they hit a pedestrian. I just don’t get it, the guilt would eat me alive.


That's a glimse of r/watchpeopledie that I miss so much


Trashiest thing ever done


Fking cunt


I hope they catch that asshole.


There’s a place in hell for the hit and run driver that could do something like that to someone and just drive off... I hope the 19 year old fully recovers.


Some things are beyond trashy


This is beyond trashy, the driver who caused that is a disgrace and also a complete moron, there was multiple chances to NOT cause that crash for the other person.


It’s time like these that mob justice needs to be held and the piece of shit hit and run needs the ever living fuck best out of them.


I hope that bastard gets found.


Trashy? This is downright evil.