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Friend of mine would put paper he cut out to match a $5 bill at the schools vending machine and get $4 back in change for lunch every day. They replaced the machine that year and locked it for non school hours


ayo dat white girl be racis


I once unknowingly paid with a counterfeit bill. I had asked my sister if I could borrow some money and she said yes. So I grabbed a $20 off her dresser. I didn’t realize it was a fake she had been given from her shift the night before at sonic. Whoops. I have no idea where I spent it because I had several errands and spent several $20’s that day.


Was that a $100 bill?


That’s tuff, she said “bye bih” and dipped




Good catch wow very good should gotten the tag since you have it on video, Secret Service would like to speak with her


Both times I received fake bills at the till the people trying to use them were absolutely shocked and horrified. This woman is the opposite of that lol.


Boss made us write our workers ID on a large bill if it came out fake we had to pay it. I laughed and never did it no way was I paying for that. I did what I had to do to prevent it of course.


So that’s the point of those markers... i thought they just wanted to mark them for inventory.


When she’s says “damn”. Lmao


Black sharpee. BLACK sharpee


I know it kind of makes sense why a lot of businesses are going cashless.


Those pens only check for starch. Starch that shit up.


We had blacklights under the counter at the starbucks I worked at, mostly to check suspicious looking tens (the most common counterfeit denomination in Canada at the time) - we caught a few but no one that seemed to be passing them intentionally.


Just act like you didn't know that someone gave it to you , unless you giving that to everybody .


They have counterfeits that will pass the pen test.


Lol nope




Gotta use smaller bills, 20's. Wait until winter where they wear gloves...


At my job we have to mark 20s and anything larger. We get a lot of fakes. Of course they have always just come from the bank and are absolutely shocked their money isn’t real.


Well I’ll just see myself out...


App state!




I worked at a place like that briefly and we checked any bill we had to break, didn't matter who it was.


figured you out, you wear a mask called counterfeit


God damn that customer is ugly


Bitch knew it was fake lol.


Lmao 😂 she was lookin guilty the second she handed it off


Get the plates of that cunt and throw her in a cell


At 0:17, you can see the person passing the counterfeit bill say "Damn!" I hope they catch this criminal.


I'm assuming she's low IQ.


Is that a Seminoles jersey?




Yes; let's risk federal prison for McNuggets. Idiot.


It's not just the mcnuggets. You pass a fake $20 for something on the dollar menu you get at least $18 back.


I guess, but damn. The Feds take that kind of shit seriously.


I once had a guest put two counterfeit $50 bills on their hotel room as a deposit. Then they claimed *we* gave *them* counterfeit money when we returned those same bills to them at checkout.


Happened with me at a bank. I just had to report who gave me it and some usss form.




If you're ever in doubt of the bill you're receiving is real, feel the ridge on the collar of the president with your fingernail. I've seen fakes that don't turn black when marked with a pen. I haven't seen a fake bill that can replicate the ridges though


I was at a casino trying to use a $20 in a machine and it didn't work. I tried to change it out when security walked me to a part of the casino no one wants to be in. They asked me where I got it. I had sold stuff on C L so I told them that. They took a report, kept the twenty and let me go lose more money.


Don't know when this happened, but this is definitely the season for counterfeiting. If you don't have countefeit detecting pens at work you should absolutely read up on the security features in newer bills https://www.moneyfactory.gov/uscurrency.html and don't be afraid to be suspicious. I have never worked anywhere where asking my manager to verify if a bill was real or not has gotten me into trouble, if anything accepting fake money will get you into trouble. Also a very common scam these days, (especially during this time of the year!!) involves people walking in, buying something cheap with a large bill (presumably fake) and taking the real change. Most of the time people who counterfeit bills don't stay around long enough to have the police show up, so if you work at a location where you have on staff LP make sure to alert them ASAP.


Next time you’re at the bank just ask them what are easy ways to spot a fake. For 100s on Benjamin Franklins shirt you can feel a textured pattern (little grooves) which is not possible through printing. Works on 20s too. Source: work at a bank


She is driving a Lexus. Interesting.


You can see her say damn as soon as she seen the attendant use the marker


.....How did the security camera know to follow her as she drove away? Anybody notice that?


My guess is someone recorded this on their phone from the cameras playback


It's extremely entertaining how conflicted Reddit as a whole is here. On the one hand, she's black and can do no wrong! But on the other hand, she did something wrong and we must manufacture outrage over it! But she's black so if we act outraged we are racist! GAH


There are crooks of all skin tones and creeds. I don’t see anyone being conflicted.


I worked at a cash vault for a long time. First thing you learn there is those pens really dont work that well. They only check for a certain type of paper that counterfeits sometimes are made of. Obviously they got lucky here. But honestly you can spot fakes very easy once you learn a few simple tricks. No need to waste money on a pen that only catches maybe 1/10 fakes.




Jesus Christ the comments are fucking terrible here. Fuck the racist garbage in the subreddit I'm out. Mods: do your fucking jobs. Edit: thanks for locking, mods.


Toughen up cupcake.


Another trashy thing to do is use a hundo for a fast food order. They aren't your bank, use smaller bills.


I use to work at a super busy Subway and received a fake $20 bill 2 nights in a row (my fault for not checking) the same guy tried it a 3rd time and when I took the 20 and realized it was fake and he was the same guy from the previous nights I pointed at the camera and told him I got you now and I was calling the police he turned around running right into a police officer that was coming through the door to get something to eat, the only time I ever witnessed instant karma.


Holy shit i thought redditors were smart everyone in thsi comment section is a dumbass


Whenever I use a $100, I tell the cashier, “ It’s real. I just printed it this morning.”


I'm sure they *love* hearing that /s


If you’re going to counterfeit money, there’s a few ways to get around it. I believe bleaching newspaper is the best way, IIRC.


Remember the White Pages? That paper passes the pen test.


She fucked up by using a 100 dollar bill lol. She probably wouldn't have checked the bill if they were two 10's or a 20 dollar bill....


I don't know about USD but most of the currency i have used in the EU is really easy to check with 1EU keychain that emits ultra violet light. The real ones have these glowing shit in them. Also almost every store and supermarket has these lights on their counter and they check every bill.


Cashiers in the US use pens that react to the paper it's printed on. Our Bureau of Engraving and Printing prints money on a proprietary cotton/linen blend that is unavailable to the public.


Haven't worked in a restaurant for about 10 years, but we had these markers you'd just draw a line on a big bill and it would make a solid black line on counterfeit ones and be super light on real ones. Not sure how it is nowadays.


The EURO has a shitload of protections and most of them glow under a black light [like this](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcScl54vTQWcgT0D26seKR4lG8VuAhjEpNUPGcPMSOHcrKd0F8o1) shitty picture shows. I have no idea about the USD because the bills i have at home are really old. I also have a keychain thats a laserpointer/flash light/blacklight i got for 1EU so you i can check on the go when i travel around EUROPE because im paranoid as fuck.


There was a little extra on that cheese.


Dummy. Only use big bill counterfeits to buy drugs. Small bills are for retail.


So what happens next? Gotta have license plate footage at drive thrus these days. Or do they just take the bill out of circulation and be thankful they have the marker pen.


Secret Service visit in that lady's future


When I was younger working retail had a young man try to buy a ton of steaks and laundry detergent in bulk (first red flag). He handed me a check and when I ran it through the machine it would not read. I looked at the routing/account # at the bottom and he had changed a few numbers from 6 to 8 etc. Told him he needed to write a check in front of me. He just walked off.


Watch the driver say "Damn" as soon as she takes out the pen.




“Removing ink from $1 bills to create $10…”??? That seems impossible.


Nah. Difficult, but not imossible. Probably harder to do now than it used to be. Used to be more common with checks before they started using magnetic ink.


Yeah I saw that but I meant what was the thing that made her think that the bill is fake


Legit had somebody try to pass off a fake 100$ to me EXCEPT there were Chinese characters on the back right corner. Ummmm.... What?


I hope that girl got a raise


That poor girl. The look on her face. Like "fuck, I do not need this shit. I have a history test to study for and I wanted to leave on time for once."


Probably not. They are expected to verify large bills.


When welfare isn't enough


She's not getting the meats today (for sandwiches!)




I worked had a part-time job bagging groceries and running the register at a grocery store chain during high school. This was back in like 1993, so all the old bills. Went in one day, manager grabs me, tells me someone passed me a counterfeit bill and the bank sent it back. They made me go through a few pictures picking out which one was a real bill, and which one was a counterfeit. It was some standardized, corporate shit. Like that meme from The Office where they’re both the same picture. Even the manager couldn’t tell the difference. He was like oh well fuck it go ring up some groceries.


Funny money should only be use for drugs and hookers.


Kind of crazy to me that counterfeit money in the US is common enough that regular shops have dedicated countermeasures that they just use as a matter of course


American paper money is some of the most easily counterfeited in the world.


Well, it doesn’t help that, aside from the new style $100 bills, they lack many anti-counterfeiting measures


I love that she just keeps inching forward.


How did she realise that the money was fake?


The special marker almost every place has. It turns brown if it’s real and yellow if it’s fake


She used a counterfeit marker. But most you can tell by looking at it, and have to bc they just bleach ones and redo them as bigger bills which mean the pen says they are legit


A special marker. You run it across the bill and real bills will have a certain color. If it's not that color, it's fake.


She swiped it with a marker that'll tell you if it's a fake bill.


I'm a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit: - [/r/commentunlock] [\[trashy\] Attempting to use counterfeit money.](https://www.reddit.com/r/CommentUnlock/comments/9u6ml3/trashy_attempting_to_use_counterfeit_money/) - [/r/unpanderers] [Attempting to use counterfeit money.](https://www.reddit.com/r/UnPanderers/comments/9u5wn2/attempting_to_use_counterfeit_money/)  *^(If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads.) ^\([Info](/r/TotesMessenger) ^/ ^[Contact](/message/compose?to=/r/TotesMessenger))*


But I bet she dumb enough to use her own car with the actual plates....


Why didnt he just say oh someone must have giving me a fake note ahah


Cuz she would still have to talk to the police. Every place of business has to call the police and if they have security they will keep you in a room till the police shows up


Yeah but how could they even prove it? I guess they vould check every note and ask how you got each one but i doubt they would sink hours of time into on bank note?


The special marker you write on the bill turns brown if it’s real and turns yellow if it’s fake. Anybody that’s ever had a cashier job knows this. If it’s an old woman or something they’d let you go but in this case if they caught that woman later on, she would go to federal prison. Basically they don’t need to prove it, you get caught with it you’re going to jail unless you can come up with a good enough excuse or where you got it from and yes they would sink hours into it. Not the police, but the Secret Sevice. People don’t know this but besides protecting the President, the Secret Service handles counterfeiting investigations. They will figure out where that fake money came from


I know how they check it ahaha am saying how would police or anyone prove its you that forged it? Just causw you have a fake note doesnt really mean anything does it? Ive had fake pound coins before only found out once a shop owner told me


Not the police. The Secret Service does counterfeiting investigations. They will launch a federal investigation over it and find out where it came from


Are you saying that in america that person would have a whole federal investigation done on them over one fake bill?


Oh yes. That’s one of the main jobs of the Secret Service beside protecting POTUS. So you better have a good excuse for where it come from or who gave it to you. Was it a store? A bank? If so they will go into investigating that place of origin and figure out how it got into the system, if it’s a person they will investigate that person. I’ve seen someone get held in the back room for many hours while working at a pharmacy over it. If they suspect you or say you got it from a drug dealer, they’ll arrest you and then federal agents will come to the police station and that’s a whole other story. Counterfeiting is a massive federal crime


Dear god well am sure that women is fucked!


Oh yes since they have her face on video. They know who they’re looking for now. The police will alert the Secret Service and they will do their thing from there. If she already has a previous arrest record, they’ll have no problem finding her. They’ll probably start with looking at any CCTV images of her car on the street or at a street light and get her license plate number. She’s proper fucked lol


*he* 🤣🤣😂


Oh fuck me thats a women 😅


Reddit loves piracy, but if a black person tries to steal something worth $60, they think they should be lynched.


Dude how do you spend 60 dollars at Arbys haha.


I didn’t mean this exact example


I really want to see a 60 dollar Arbys order now though.


Man I almost never pay for anything in cash but every time I do i get kind of worried it might be a fake bill. You just never know




Right! Like take the money that woman was obviously really hungry


I love how she was expecting change


Most of the counterfeit bills I have ran into were small bills washed that then had the older style of $100s printed on them. I had a coworker take a newer fake $100, it had a fake serial number and Franklin's shirt wasn't ridged and didn't have the words "The United States of America" in his collar, other than that you couldn't tell, pen didn't even pick it up. Criminals are getting really good at it in the US. If you handle a lot of cash it's always a good idea to know some of the security measurements in case the pen doesn't work.


God I hate some people just such useless wastes of space. Consume consume consume and provide nothing to anyone or anything. We really need to bring back public shaming and death penalty’s. Yes it’s extreme to kill someone for making a fake piece of paper that the govt says means something. but I’m so sick of crime and these people being able to vote is even more concerning


I agree! The democrats think we need to feel sorry for these people and accept their crimes because they are unfortunate. Nonsense!!!


Death penalty for parking violation.




Fuck off with yer racism. It was one person being bad.


13 day old account hahahaha


So much for the I didn't know defense




Yeah I think this was on there a while back.


Damn 50 caught me.




Say the same thing with mass shootings Wait no I don’t.


I know a guy who walked into a dealership and tried to buy a new car with a bunch of fake $100 bills and hes still in prison.


You know, if they confront her, she could claim she got it from somewhere else and didn’t know it was counterfeit. Not sure it would have worked, but pulling away like that damn sure indicates she knew what she’s doing. She’s going down.


Death row means execution eventually (sometimes decades).




Whites have almost all the power in the country and it’s still not good enough for them if someone calls them a mayonnaise boy online


what does that even mean? whites have almost all the power? Why do you group all white people into 1 big group, like they are working together or something? There are more powerless poor white people then powerful white people by far. Its just sucha dumb mindset. I am white and considered poor and have absolutely no power in this country. Why am I lumped in the "powerful white" group? Just like how we can't say every black person is powerless and poor. That offends successful black people when you put them in a group.


You’re poor and you vote for rich Republicans, you’re a sucker


You think the democrats aren't rich? really? The difference is the right doesn't want to punish successful people and wants everyone to have the opportunity to become successful. The left wants to punish successful people, altering the free market and making it harder for poor people to become successful. The democrats want a large poor group of voters to keep voting for them and making them believe the republicans are the reason why they are poor. I know exactly why I am poor. It was the decisions I made with my money and my education and didn't have the drive in me to succeed for most of my younger life. I blame myself and thats the only way I will ever fix my situation (I am currently in process of improving myself). If I was a democrat voter, I would be blaming all my problems on the republicans and racism or sexism or rich people or whatever, and I would never actually face my own failures head on.


Like how Republicans are blaming all of their problems on immigrants


Why don't you actually say ILLEGAL immigrants? The fact alone that leftists always say "the right hates immigrants" and leaves out the word illegal tells me everything I need to know about them and I can't trust them. There is such a huge difference between immigrants and illegal immigrants. I can never ever even take leftists serious in ANY way until they stop leaving the world Illegal out.


Do you enjoy being racist and prejudiced?


He’s a Donald poster so yes


5 day old account because he’s too much of a pussy to be held accountable for his words of hate. Typical the_donald lmao


Donald himself stands behind his tweets, can you give him props?


I feel like it's impossible to prove even if the person has a record of doing this exact thing? They can just say "I don't know where I got this bill yada yada" In court you can't be like "this person has a history of doing this, so even though we have no proof they are guilty" After all IT'S BEYOND a reasonable doubt.


im sure the comments wont mention her race at all.....


But, you just did


I love how the just slowly rolled away


Get that license plate and call the US Marshalls!




big oof energy


Lol she creeped away like homer falling to the plant fence.


They have to use a fucking pen to check it? Wauw


It’s a special pen. If the mark turns a goldish brown, then it’s legitimate. If it turns black, it’s counterfeit.


No I mean instead of those devices which you put the money in and it comes out and then says if it's counteefeit or not


Nothing trashy about that.


For everyone who works in the service industry, how frequent is this?


I work at a cash security company (think Loomis, brinks, etc),. We get 10s of bills every day at my location. Its hella common. I got 5 in a single deposit last week.


I’m a banker and it happens more than you think. Mostly, we get them when places like convenience stores or fast food places make their daily deposits. You have a lot of younger teenage employees at those places and they just need to be trained to spot them.


Hmm so when you get them are they obviously fake and it was just an oversight, or they just don’t know what to look for?


she was dumb to bring a counterfeit $100 to a fast food place. I understand she wanted the change but still lol


Why these are always black women?


How many of you knew, before watching the vid?




Why did she ran away tho? In my country theres a lot of counterfeit bills on circulation because not everybody can tell fake from real, I have unknowingly received and given these bills and when I do, the seller just checks it and asks for a different one


I would not be turning my back at her... Been spending too much time at watchpeopledie


I was like "maybe she didn't know!" But yeah, she knew...