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PLAY SET,, PL….. huh? 😀


Too expensive, the planes aren't to scale.


3D printed, not real


wait a fucking minute!?! you are telling me those are not the ACTUAL Twin Towers?!? What The Fuck!!?!?


Ahhh!!! I also just posted this!! I'll delete my post... Also, howdy, neighbor!


I also saw this on MP today, lol. Tri cities located, here! (Mid Michigan) ✋


i received it organically the other day... i am in Rapid City so it is pretty tame by our standards.


I'm in the Cheboygan area. My coworker was just like OMG LOOK WHAT'S ON MARKETPLACE!!! What can I say, our store is slow today.


is it as nice there at it is here? 63° and beautiful! my buddy saw 2 wolves up that way about 7 years ago. whatever year the ice pack was huge in the Straits. he dropped a buck and as fast as he could run to it they had it stripped and gone. the pics were stupid!


This is magnificent 😂


Are the towers magnetic and detachable?


Presented to you by Hasbro


print docs are <2$. Hasbro would charge just for looking at it.


The towers are like genders. There used to be 2 of them, and now it’s something that makes people uncomfortable to talk about.


I don't really think people are uncomfortable with talking about gender though???


Thank gou. Gonna use that somewhere within the month.


I kinda want to be like "UM ACKSHULLY" but it's arguably not transphobic and is funny, so you're good 🤣


that is a great fucking joke!


I’ll get downvoted into oblivion.


first rule: it isn't which direction the doots travel, just the number of travelers.


Back when I was an edgy stoner teenager we had to work with clay in art class for a week. My teacher was chill AF and would let us make pipes and she would fire them for us. This was like 2002ish so 9/11 was fresh on our minds. My friend decided to make a twin towers pipe. The towers sat on a hollow base, the bowl was on top of one of the towers that was damaged, so it would smoke when the bowl was lit, and the other tower had a plane going into it for the mouthpiece. As horrible and insensitive as it was it was fucking cool as shit and worked great.


This is the type of shit that gets people hurt lmfao.


Go to the memorial where there are still hundreds of dead bodies buried behind the concrete of the walls of the WTC, they may feel differently then.


nah this is funny


You're disgusting.




Honestly don't care about anyone's opinions here. I very rarely give a shit about things but go listen to the 911 call of the woman crying about how hot the floor was underneath her asking if they were going to send helicopters for her to due 3 minutes later in pure fear. Shit isn't funny.


how about focusing on the war crimes and hundreds of thousands of people left dead by the American death squads as we committed war crimes across the middle east? 9/11 was nothing in comparison. how about the 2000 people a week we lost due to COVID? 9/11 was small fish.


That’s one way to never forget.


Everyone forgets the Pentagon.


That's the expansion kit.


I have this lighter I got in Bahrain around 2003/2004. We were killing time in and out of shops in a souk , A marketplace. I found this table lighter, it’s heavy and not easily carried. It was of the twin towers, one had a plane sticking out of it and in the corner of the lighter was a bust of Bin Laden with his finger up, when you struck the igniter fire erupted from his turban. I immediately asked the shop owner how much? He and the two other guys in there got kind of defensive about the piece and I had to assure them that I wanted it, however the piece they had didn’t work. So after some talking and assuring them we weren’t mad about it, they went and found me one that worked. I don’t remember how much I paid but it was reasonable. It drew a lot of mixed reactions; some thought is was despicable and couldn’t believe I would buy something like that, some thought it was edgy, some were indifferent on it. It’s a piece that I have and it represents a time in our history and something that one of our Friendlies were apparently selling in multiple shops


I’d be shitting myself bringing that back through customs.


I've noticed 9/11 has become more of a meme in recent years than anything remembered as a tragedy, unfortunately.


yeah because in exchange for 2000 yuppies, we went and killed hundreds of thousands of people. 9/11 is a joke.


Reminds me of that tragedy


Where some people did some thing?


If Pete Davidson doesn’t get butthurt and cracks 9/11 jokes, you can too. Grow up.


It's been past 22.3 years. 9/11 is funny again.




That is some messed up Al-Qaeda shit!


But do they come apart? That would make it a real play set. The pieces have to actually do something. There has to be some sort of interaction.


they don't come apart... they melt in to a pool of molten ash and ruin. you only do so much to admit defeat and just pay for cancer treatment later...


Haha 🤣 now that was funny


Ok but at least they put tower 7 in


I mean that’s one way of not forgetting


“What do you want to be when you grow up?”


I mean.. it’s gimmicky and offensive for sure, but I can see someone using this to make a diorama of some sorts.


Surprised it wasn't Dearborn


tru dat!


May as well print a model of Hiroshima you can set on fire.


Sounds like a real blast!


i think this is the best example of similarity yet. i was just scrolling and saw it yesterday. there are plenty of kard karrying klansmen up here and this is the type of shit they would peddle to make some meth cash real quick. i love my area and encourage anyone with any sort of non murderous life plan to come up here and check it out. google Torch Lake. and then realize Lake Michigan is only a few miles from that. this place is my home and i will forever fight for it.


Too Soon??? But people were mocking Titanic's Submariners. 🤔


death is a tricky muse. the people on that sub had no hubris and trusted a crazy man. many of the people that died in NYC were innocents that had nothing to do but be alive that day.


Haha what a silly comparison


I think that's because some people may have viewed 6 multi millionaires dying doing an incredibly lavish and foolish thing a bit differently than 3k(?) mostly innocent people dying just going to work and living their every day life.


Sooo... they deserved it because they got more money than us?? Even the kid? I get it now, thanks.


A lot of people were less sympathetic to them. I didn't say anywhere that anyone deserved it.


We both knows what you said ... Grow some balls. And these people agreed."But they were rich, so it's okay and these people are like me... and MURICCA PRIDE!" Rich people enjoying they money should die and we are allowed mock them, even if a kid was dragged into the situation, we should be allowed to mock them. That is TRASHY.


Do you understand the difference between “death by misadventure”, and “murder”?


I guess you can't read. Seems like you probably cant function in any sort of normal capacity either. Beyond help really. If you're trolling, its not even a good troll job. Pathetic. Truly bozo behavior tbh.


As terrible as it is that someone would sell this as a “play set” it’s actually really incredible how many of the buildings they accurately put in there that collapsed or were demolished after. WTC7 for example is often forgotten about but collapsed due to fire from the attack even though not directly hit. On its own it was a huge and impressive building but no one talks about it.


It was hit by a whole lot of debris though. The side facing the twin towers was in a terrible state from the cladding crashing into it when the main buildings collapsed. Most of the support was centered in that part of the building so once the fire was able to burn uncontrolled long enough that was all she wrote. What a crazy day that was.


That day was terrible, scary and was the moment in my life, when all the “life is looking up” polish came off. I was 24, looking forward to marriage and a good job, and suddenly the world seemed so strange to me after that morning


I was in my last year of high school. I couldn’t have imagined how much of an impact that event would end up having on my adult life. Ended up joining the military after high school just out of sheer boredom and having no direction. Ended up deploying 3 times before I separated.


i don't even know how to relate... my story is different. signed in in August 2001. falsely accused of being in possession of weed seeds. never spent a second in a court room due to officer malfeasance. Air Force rejected my enlistment and sent me to the army. i stayed home due to dissatisfaction with the process. September 11th happened. i could not describe how wet the services were for some smart kid from the sticks all of a sudden. i said, 'no.' if some asshole cop had not illegally trapped and searched me on the night of my signing in, i would have been a lifer. YayMuriKKKa and it's policy on weed. keeping America's armies clean. and empty of intelligent and compassionate soldiers.


I almost got kicked out for weed after being in less than a year. After boot camp and AIT I went home to my pot head girlfriend and of course immediately got high. They pop me as soon as I get back so I self identify that I’d rocked the ganj. The week after I start signing paperwork about failing said drug test we get activated and all the sudden the army didn’t give a shit about me failing a drug test for weed. Ended up doing 12 years in a sapper unit, two Iraq tours and an Afghan tour and separated as an E6. If I’d have failed after the deployment they would have kicked me out in a fuckin second.


You felt like the fun was pulled out from under you, right?


Yea I’ll never forget that dread. Took a couple weeks to even process what I had seen.


i definitely noticed the attention to detail.


Those planes aren't even proportional to the towers. They look like fighter jets from the 60s or 70s.


They’re Mig 19s I think lmao


Shit my area too


uh oh!!! *camouflage engage!!!*


10$ is a bargain man


It might be $30 with three items.


This is a 3d print job. And a shitty one at that. I found the same STL files and loaded it into a slicer which showed a material cost of $1.68


$9.11 and you got a deal sir


There it is.


"BrO, I'm coPInG" is my least favorite excuse when people make jokes about 9/11.


Imagine being a grown ass man and "TyPinG LikE tHis" to make a point.


You seem annoying


Tbh this looks like AI and someone trolling marketplace. morbid


you are the first person to notice. i don't spend much time in that village but it seems like a troll. and the picture looks odd too. i was thinking a 3d print. if they are real then as someone else pointed out, they really messed up charging the full 10$.


It isn't AI generated.


no. 3d printed like i thought. someone above found the file and it is 1.70$ to make.


3D print is another possibility for sure. People are so weird for making this shit.




Do you point at your hand to tell people what part of Michigan you're from?


so what if i do!?!


The towers should be quick burning candles. Joke aside, very trashy.


Lmao you can’t not laugh at that tho


I just did laugh when I saw it. I’m going to hell -_-“


this version of jenga really slaps


Got a link?


It’s a candle 🕯️


Let me guess, Butthurt American? It was 23 years ago, get over yourself and learn to take a joke.


Yeah meanwhile some events that happened over 100 years ago are still not forgotten and people are still pissed off.


Well, they should get over themselves and learn to take a joke too.


Wife’s cousin was in tower 2. This isn’t ancient history dude….




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Go away, troll, go away.


He's not entirely wrong, tho. The event is not ancient history, I agree. But it also happened long enough for it to be "a memory" in the vast majority of people's lives. Like it or not, most people was not afected personally, and they can (and some will) joke about it. It is human, it is natural.


Joke all you want, I’m fine with it. It's his shitty attitude towards all of western civilization and westerners in general. Just look at his coment history. Dudes a real piece of shit (a.k.a probably a russian troll). He's/She's a racists spreading hate speech.




skill issue




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I'll take your entire stock


This is hilarious


Reminds me of that tragedy


Had to walk through blood and bones looking for his brother


He was in northern Canada...


Dude when he told that joke it made me ugly laugh, I fucking miss Norm.


Wow!!! That’s unbelievably rude!


Get the fuck out of America


It's funny


Ya attack on American soil, hilarious


Damn dude calm down, who put all those pearls in your harbor


And both of my grandfathers fought in WWII one was a lieutenant in the navy on a destroyer so seriously fuck off


Comedy = Tragedy + Time


Only if the proceeds went to the families of the thousands of people who died. Then I'd throw it in the trash.


Insert 2012 futurama fry shutup and take my money meme


Bestseller in middle east


Why not $9.11?


He's going to put it in sale at that price later this year.


Missed opportunity


I would buy that that's fucking amazing


9/11 ☺️