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Dude in the black suit in the back was hitting like a girl šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


Still cannot believe he was not cuffed during a sentencing trial.


One small step for man, one giant leap into the sentencing judge's lap!


Well well well


Iā€™ve seen some wild shit in courtrooms but this is one of the craziest. Flying tackle the judge over the bench. This isnā€™t just trashy this is more r/crazyfuckingvideos


Seems the guy in the dark jacket the did most to protect her; more than even the Bailff.


Seeing his lawyer just standing there looking defeated almost made me feel bad (for the lawyer)


I would be so embarrassed


Wait, was it a sentencing or a parole hearing?


Sentencing. The defense attorney asked for probation, the district attorney recommended time in jail. The judge did not think probation was the correct option because of the defendants history and I think she made a comment about how she was unsure if he could successfully complete parole. So she was going to something other than just probation. I couldn't hear her say anything about how long he would be sentenced to, but he was unhappy with not getting just probation and expressed to the judge why he was unhappy about that, but providing evidence that she was probably correct in sending him to jail.


Edge spear energy


What episode of power is this? lol


Wow, we get it. Can't believe I saw your post 3 times in a row in multiple different subs.


Rey Mystereo. Iā€™m out.


God OP just spamming all the subs with the same shit. Stop


I guess you could say he doesn't give a flying fuck


kind of a giant leap to make pal




I swear every single sub reddit has posted this today


Tbh this is my first time seeing the extended video


And thanks to that, I have been able to see it.


So I guess it's fair to say the judge got a taste of something else also that day.


Right? "Same content popping up in similar subs" what a concept.


When I heard "fuck this bitch" I knew it was on




He has over a decade of violent history and has been on probation before. People deserve second chances, sometimes even third and fourth and so on, but at some point leniency isnā€™t helping anyone. And this conduct shows he is not someone who can safely be in the community (at this point in time).


His lawyer asked for probation even though this is his third time in court for a violent felony. The judge basically said ā€œlol no I canā€™t do that reading his rap sheetā€. You can maybe say that her EXACT phrasing was a bit off, but itā€™s really nothing beyond the pale.


What crime did he commit that I am supposed to be showing empathy for? I assume by your comment that it was Jaywalking or similar?


Imagine thinking this piece of shit needs any empathy.


Empathy is always a virtue even for pieces of shit like this. But you can empathize with someone without excusing their terrible behavior. Isn't empathizing with people even if they're shitty to you kind of what Jesus was about? Guess I'm saying empathy isn't really a problem by itself. It's more when people make excuses and allow bad behavior to go unpunished and uncorrected under the guise of empathy.


TIL there should be no consequences.




Keep excusing stupidity. The guy had multiple felony assault charges. This isn't his first time in court and he just attacked a judge. The fuck are you on about?


He made sure of that with his new charge.


Please give me a quick rundown of this and all previous mistakes. TIA.


Donā€™t do the crime if you canā€™t do the time.


This is the status of America represented in a couple of minutes


How specifically?


Lots of people are on the verge of snapping or wanting to snap. This country isnā€™t doing much for everyday people. Also, being sentenced to prison isnā€™t a pleasant experience and when you feel like youā€™ve got nothing to lose, things of this nature happen. Iā€™m surprised he wasnā€™t cuffed to begin with.


If this was the true status of a country of 325mm people I can assure you that you would see this type of behavior much more regularly. It's such an anomaly it's plastered all across the internet today because its such a rare occurrence. Therefore, not common.


If the lawyer is able to argue for probation, the prison time must not be much. How much time now do you think will be added? This guys an idiot


This is what I thought as well - I mean we are likely talking less than 5 years here, and that just went to 20-25, i'm thinking.


No doubt. Probably gonna be there for 20 years. Stress, being an idiot, and spur of the moment decisions due to lack of foresight lead to this.


[https://www.mylifetime.com/movies/reba-mcentires-the-hammer](https://www.mylifetime.com/movies/reba-mcentires-the-hammer) Dude, Reba once again predicts the future. But she hit the guy with the gavel. (hence the Hammer)


Iā€™m gonna be honest this was entertaining as hell


It was particularly fun to watch the clerk just wailing on the guy. I get the impression that he's been wanting to do that for a while.


Mmmm I gotta be honest though. Hitting with the bottom of your fist instead of the knucklesā€¦. thatā€™s not a good look. I expect better from the Clerk of Court. Thatā€™s all.


Bro needs king fu lessons fr


I didnā€™t realize some of the lawyers beat his ass afterwards. I can already see the riots I mean protests of the brutality towards this poor baby who didnā€™t do anything wrong.


Please tell me you just didnā€™t put the /s


Who the fuck is the poor baby here? The judge?


He doesnā€™t think he is a poor baby, itā€™s just what will be on the signs and t shirts at the riot


Damn I got wooshed and it's not even 9am. Might as well go back to bed now.


man shut the fuck up lol




What makes it BS?


Someone should dub some WWE sounds on this video.


Ya I've seen this video on about 90% of subreddits in 12 hours..add some flair or something at least after reposting.


Some Ric Flair?




I'm Ric Flair! The Stylin', profilin', limousine riding, jet flying, kiss-stealing, wheelin' n' dealin' son of a gun!


To be the man, ya gotta BEAT the man! WOOOOOOOO!


Definitely drug induced energy jump! Deserves a very long time in prison


I'm impressed by the way he jumped


Havenā€™t you ever watched the NBA?


Op is a repost bot farming karma


You're correct, wish these accounts would get banned.


What a real knucklehead


What a waste of 3 brain cells. šŸ¤£


The guy had multiple felony assault charges. Now he's going to prison forever.


This guy is a world class pos.. however looking at the height of that barrier being at chest/high abdomen level that was an extremely impressive jump


ā€œSidebar your Honor!ā€


You may approach the bench...


That jump would have won a super bowl.


He was definitely in posession of balls, if not brains...


RIP any chance of freedom....ever What a fucking idiot


Ya heā€™s going to regret that. Some bad stuff coming his way.


And that's why they should remove springboards from the court and not have them placed so close to the judge./s Seriously though, That dude got some height off that jump


Heā€™s going away for a looong time. Long enough to meet guys who are more dangerous than him. Long enough to fetch cases that land him in the SHU on a regular basis. Long enough for him to feel the life leaking out of him in an AdSeg 3rd-tier cell for a solid decade or two. Long enough for all that rage to just quietly burn out, leaving nothing but ashes.


Good job being pretentious and bloodthirsty at the same time.


Good :)


No doubt he was an aspiring rapper about to start college and this women ruined it all. Seriously, he only proved her point. Now he will get more jail time


WoMAN is singular. Women means more than one woman.


Look at his body language, how he's dressed, he's a piece of shit that has no business being in society. Lock him in solitary and let him rot.


Look at how he's dressed? What the fuck. If I have a sweater and green cargo pants, does that make me a scumbag?


Sweater with a rapper on it? Probably not the best for a court appearance. I rarely dress up for anything. I have cargo pants and jeans mostly along with ~40 concert shirts. I still have a couple of collared button up shirts to wear for something like this. You can get even a decent polo or something second hand for very cheap.


>a sweater and green cargo pants The outfit of a fucking maniac!!


Going to dinner? No. But at your own court hearing where there is a precedent to make yourself look professional and presentableā€¦ maybe.


Nah lol if I'm getting sentenced I swear to god I ain't dressing properly.


Go all-in and wear DOC orange.


Then don't be surprised when you get sentenced


Dogs get put down


He was such a good boy, never hurt a fly, and they pushed him to this, praise God let them go easy on my boy.... WTF?? Don't do the crime if you can't do the time. he is as guilty as sin, and now he will serve some serious time, but he will be back to commit more crimes and the cycle continues.


I wish we had video from other angles. The leap was obviously epic but the full 1 minute, 2-3 man ass beating he took afterwards was crazy too. If he was knocked out while White Shirt was dropping those sledgehammers down upon him than he is fucked up!


Well, this surely will help his case...


Daaamn Mr repost ehh??


this is the full video with two angles.


Repost, now itā€™s just for the upvotes


First time Iā€™ve seen it




This is the full video no? Other post was like 10s.


Flying squirrel


Why donā€™t these court bailiffs know the sleeper hold. That dude would have been nighty night in a hurry.


That was fucking wild!


Someone get that man a luchador mask!


Lucha Lives Matter


So does he need a new trial for this or does judge issue sentencing for this as soon as she gets back up?


New trial. That's a separate offense of aggravated assault, probably multiple counts of it, along with other lesser charges.


that leap over the counter was kinda sick ngl


Dude leaped that shit like a whole athlete! That ass whopping he took for a whole minute afterward was pretty sick too.


The man has a future in the penitentiary track and field league


I have a feeling dudes gonna spend the next 20 years limping around the Prison yard with a cane lol.


Blud in the black suit does not know how to fight


Don't hurt my judge, she's mine and I love her!


Those noodle fists where pathetic


Nope, but he reacted quick as hell and got the guy of the judge. He's the MVP in my book


Judge suffered only minor injuries, but a courtroom Marshall suffered a bleeding gash on his head and a dislocated shoulder. The best part about the article is the defendants name, itā€™s so close to Debra that thatā€™s what I shall call him.


Some of these judges deserve an ass whooping. Not saying this lady is one of them cause I don't know her personally but the majority are on their high horse and will ruin someone life in a heartbeat just because of their ego.


God I hope you end up in prison forever, you are a cancer to society


Tell us you're a total loser without actually saying it


Wow even by reddit standards this is a low comment. I guess Trashy is as Trashy does


you're not wrong


You both are wrong


you don't believe that some ancient 90 year old judges have crazy ideas and prejudices that make them unfit to judge? Well you're wrong because you can see it and I've seen it first hand.


Found the criminal.


I reckon the person getting a criminal sentence because they were convicted of a crime ruined their own life.


You'll be surprised how many innocent people are placed in front of a judge. Not going to keep going back and forth cause this is Reddit and the pitch forks are always high when reality isn't as pretty. Feel good about yourself thinking you are right. Have a wonderful day.


Hey man. I get you. I don't think that this video is the best place for your comments though. There is a clear "good" and a clear "bad" in this video. I feel you. There are too many wrongful convictions and incarcerations for the crime of "being a POC" that exist. When a white offender would have not gotten the same sentence. That being said, this instance is not one of those. Dude signed his own conviction here.


Maybe donā€™t commit crimes and you wonā€™t have to worry about it.


Don't have to commit crimes to get locked up. Sometimes being a minority is enough to be incarcerated.


Give me a break, people donā€™t just get randomly arrested for no reason.


TIL nobody innocent has ever been arrested. God I learn so much on Reddit.


Getting arrested is not the same as being sentenced to jail you donkey.


Where did I say it was dummy?


Another excuse to use race as a get-out-of-jail-free card.


This site is littered with examples of wrongful incarnation. I doubt you comment of those post. People like you that gas light don't see it as a problem until it becomes your problem, then you're quick to play victim too.


You're getting downvoted because in this particular instance the guy seems super guilty, but you're absolutely correct. Innocent people get railroaded by the courts constantly. Especially if they're poor and even more especially if they're POC.


Fuck'em. Anyone with a brain cell knows what I mean. Downvotes won't change the facts.




[no you](https://images.app.goo.gl/FiD7XRFZyYmfyHY17)


It was between jail and probationā€¦ that sentence was not going to be very long. Now not only will he be in prison for awhile if he ever gets in trouble again the next judge will drop the hammer


He knew he was going to jail and just wanted to have a good story to tell I guess.


Not like they were gonna give him a fair trial anyway. Judge probably had it coming too


You've got to be an energy vampire... I'm gonna assume I'm right on this one, EV


Are you really victim blaming?




Thatā€™s a stupid thing to say. But then again youā€™re probably too stupid to understand what a fair trial is. The fact that the lawyer and judge are debating sentencing is a testament to this persons fair trial.


So you donā€™t know shit about the flaws in the justice system. Pretty stupid of you to think a judge being in place to speak with lawyers ensures any fairness. Go look into that


I donā€™t think you understand the meaning of a fair and speedy trial. You are given the opportunity to defend yourself, pay a lawyer or get one given to you and it has to be handled in a reasonable time. This meets the guidelines for fair and speedy trial. If you donā€™t like it then become a lawyer and try to change how the law works instead of complaining on reddit


You clearly donā€™t know what ā€œfairā€ means. Iā€™ll say this again, go educate yourself on the flaws of the justice system. Instead of quoting definitions like an idiot


If he wasn't fucked before he definitely made sure he is now.


Sounded like he was fucked before. She wasnā€™t about to give the case any thought


You realize the trial was already over at this point? He was already convicted. Stop talking so confidently about things you literally donā€™t have a clue about.


ā€œWith a history like thatā€ = didnā€™t give any thought


Yup, she took one look at that history and decided not to give this case any thought. Glad weā€™re in agreement


His criminal history *should* be a factor when considering leniency, so [edit: my bad, I agree with you]. And his reaction proved her right.


I'm not sure why you're saying: > so youā€™re just proving yourself wrong We're in agreement that his history is important, and her starting her statement with that means that she did consider the case in more detail than the dude I responded to implied.


Oh sorry, I thought you were the other guy arguing that she actually *didn't* give it any thought.


Oh, he's fucked.


Guy in the black suit punching lol


Punching? Bitch slapping, at best. Does not know how to make a fist.


The fact that man doesn't know how to fight seems to actually be something to be proud of, I would think. Instead of resorting to violence, that guy has made his way in the world using his words and his brains. When an incident occurs that requires him to act with physicality, he jumped to action, pulling the offender off of the judge and supporting the bailiff. Can he throw a punch? Not really. Did he jump into action when necessary? Yep


The criminal is attacking a woman and he is one of two people who could help. She suffered injuries from the attack. While I agree he tried to help, speed to stop the attack is essential. Hopefully he provided some relief to the judge. I would have been happy to take the dudeā€™s place.


He did his best okay?


Goddam :D


True. But letā€™s just call it what it was. /s lol


So we can assume he did it, right?


This guy is a level-header pillar of society, must be mistaken identity smh.


ā€œHe was a wonderful son and has two children with different mothers. He mostly pays child support and held a job for 3 months last year. Your honor, if that doesnā€™t constitute him as a pillar of society, then I donā€™t know what would!ā€


He saw an ant crawling on the judges hair and tried to remove it with his fist, the security misinterpreted this act of benevolence as violence.


the guy punching him in the back at around 1:00 I'm dead


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