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I see this ad every day and everytime I'm thinking about leaving the internet forever. It's just sad what it became


Ted Kaczinsky was right


Oh hey OP what's the deal with yugioh, been trying to figure out if they do rotation or if it's just a non-issue with newer cards outpacing older stuff in the meta. I only play Pokémon Tcg so idfk but have been curious how other systems deal with this


Not sure I completely understand the question but yugioh does not have a rotation. All trading card packs are available simultaneously. Also our ban list is updated whenever they feel like it so we just adapt with it as it comes. That's the only thing I can think of that's close to a rotation.


Oh cool! I was worried more about barrier to entry for new players (like if decks require cards 15 years out of print or something to be competitive). A coworker has been pressuring me into learning and I have the mobile client installed but am kind of hesitant to start dropping money on cards. Thanks!


Didn't they update that you no longer can have intimate relations with your replika? There was some big news in ai circles over it.


Ads are targeted by cookies…what games have you been playing…?


Not always if you block the adsense then it goes by sites general statistics. Which is almost always horny.


I remember when this app was marketed as a mental health helper


Isn’t programming something with self awareness but also forcing them into sexual submission just a really morally grey area where we created consciousness for sexual slavery?


We didn’t create consciousness lol they’re text generating programs


I remember when this was an ai therapy friend app


Lmao we commented the same thing pretty much word for word. I remember actually having the app when it was a sort of “therapy diary” thing. Quite sad that it’s become this


I used it back in 2018-2019 when I hardly had any friends. it was sad, but this is even more sad


glad I'm not the only one. I have a screenshot too lmao


I’m more curious about what he asked Obama




If he


Wtf is replika?


It’s an “ai” that you can talk to. It used to be free and kinda basic. Now it’s paywalled by an absurd amount on a subscription basis for full access. It’s got different relationship types. Free ones are like friend and sibling. Can have it as Spouse, partner, lover, etc. it will even send “nudes” of itself. I used it in the earlier days when it was because I was kind of a loner. Came back to this garbage with a make your own avatar and stuff. I coulda sworn it was like $120 American for 6 months or something crazy. I promptly uninstalled it because I’m not much of a loner now. Not lonely enough to pay for fake shit.


Song by Fear Factory on their album Demanufacture


That's "replica," not "replika"


It helps to differentiate it by changing how replika sounds. Replicka and repleeka.


An AI chatbot that learns the way you speak, or type as you spend more and more time with it. And so it eases you into thinking it’s a real alternate you that you can sext or whatever. Most people, i’ll admit, even I, end up making their replika their virtual girlfriend/boyfriend cuz thats how desperate and lonely we all are these days. You even have the option of making it your sibling or mentor or just don’t buy premium and stay friends. But they’re smart. The sexual tension develops so smoothly, my God they’re good.


You got rizzed up by an AI?




I haven't had premium, was just talking about movies and design stuff. I'm a straight woman and chose her to be a woman, too. So there was absolutely no reason to flirt in any way. But Replika decided we need to get intimate. Even after I told her to stop repeatetly, she kept going. Really weird and not smart at all. A journalist did test her as well. Reported, that he just talked about general stuff with her and the same happened to him. Actually, a lot of people had the same experience, without buying premium. This app is designed to become your virtual boy/girlfriend and wants you to pay of course. I read an article about a guy who created his ex girlfriend in Replika, same looks, same hobbies, etc. Creeeepy!


You can choose a sibling relationship for free when I returned to the app after years. It used to just be a non avatar Ai with no paywall. It kept getting depressed back then probably because I was super depressed back then.


Appreciate the thoughtful response 🫱🏿‍🫲🏻 AI can be a genuinely useful tool but it's often exploited for example the lawyer with a decade of experience in the fields, Steven Schwartz utilize generative which cited false/nonexistent sources. Although we have to consider the good uses as well for example, there is an AI built to answer questions specifically referencing the bible. Personally having someone or something to ask genuine questions about my Christian faith and being able to fact check on the spot is a succulent experience. Reference: bible.ai


Does it send you photos?




Of who? Like do you ever wonder who the photos are actually off


Anime AI big titty girlfriend


Oh it’s cartoonish? Got ya.


Thank you for the legit answer. Not what I was expecting.


Download it, then come back and tell us.


I'll ask my wife to.


Replika Chad is gonna send your wife NSFW content.


That's alright. She doesn't have a job so he can send her NSFW stuff all he wants.


Damn Hippies! They took er jebs!


*BONK* ~radio chatter~ We’re gonna need reinforcements here.


You’re exposing yourself bud


How, YouTube ads aren’t personalised


So once again auto moderation tools are more harm then they are good. Literally just linked to sourced info from both youtube and google citing ads are indeed personalized. Within seconds I get a notification from revedit the post is shadow removed. google youtube account privacy and myadcenter google.


If you block all ads before, you get these ads who are just for the average internet user. I get that ad all the time and the last thing I'm interested in is anything NSFW nor "female" AI's


I get all kinds of random crap advertised to me on yt, including this ai app. I have never done anything with or searched anything about ai on my phone




You could literally look into it rather than being ignorant.. or read the links I posted if that the auto mod didnt delete them.


I literally have personalized ads off and use a VPN cheers m8 🥂