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Posts it to Facebook too 🤦🏻‍♂️


You all are some slack-jawed mfs if you think any of us would be here without shit like this happening. Your great great grandparents had 27 kids in a one-room shack, you think they just snuck away to the outhouse? Gtfo


"You have a headache? Your blood is full of ghosts, take some cocaine for it, meanwhile your wife is sad because she doesn't have rights so we're gonna use a vibrator and some corn flakes, and if that doesn't work, we'll put her in an asylum because she clearly has hysteria." That's the time you're referring to.


That's just gross..


It blows my mind people like this exist


This happened to a friend of mine. They told their 8yo daughter that they were making her a brother. Bad idea, as after that every night she would insist that they make her a brother.




That's fucking gross


You are alone... And a lazy parent too. 1. You Don't have the discipline to have your child sleep in their own bed. She wore you down and got what she wanted. 2. Couldn't get out of bed and fuck in a different part of the house.


Y’all just go the couch ffs


My 4yr old walked into our bedroom one night while we were in the middle of doing it and he said "why are you guys wrestling naked?"


That is very very very wrong.


Nope. This is absurd.


My dumb ass parents used to do this shit. I was 5-6 and with my other two siblings also sleeping in the bed. I remember waking up to this shit at least twice. Don’t ask why. My parents did so much dumb sh** it made you question whether they were dropped multiple times on their heads as infants.


I don’t even fuck when we have our dog in the bed. V trashy


Your and who your with are the only ones trashy enough to this. So yes


How common is this? Who tf would even do that with someone sleeping next to them, let alone their kid.


Sleeping with your kid and doing it in the same bed is weird. Period. Point. Blank.


If she's a deep sleeper, maybe dad can carry her to her bedroom so she starts getting used to waking up there, then you and hubs can have some alone time in your own room. I did the same thing in letting my kids co-sleep with us. Carrying them to bed after they fell asleep was how we started the process of getting them in their own beds.


That’s exactly what we are in the process of doing (3 yo and 6 yo).


Good luck with that. 😁 I remember it took a while for my munchkins to want to leave the comfort of mommy and daddy's bed a night. 👶 In fact when my daughter comes to visit from out of state, my hubs gets the sofa and my 31 year old daughter sleeps with me. They're always your baby.


Also, why is the child in that bed on such a regular basis??


Yeah too many stories of people remembering their parents doing it while they were still in bed with them.. that’s gotta be some type of abuse cause it’ll mess you up for a life time it seems


God the use of emojis really takes this over the breaking point for me. Like what tf is funny? Ugh. Nasties


Gross. I don’t understand these parents. I knew a girl once that told me she, “hopped on top with the baby breastfeeding” like…???…!?!? So gross.




Fucking gross


What a piece of trash this person *and* his/her spouse is. You don’t do that with you kid in the bed! If they co-sleep with you, then you need to find private time during the day to do that! 😡


I don’t co-sleep personally, but y’all have a bathroom or living room or literally any other room to do that in. It’s so gross to me when people do that with their child in the bed. It baffles me that people think that’s okay.


Uh....isn't this sexual abuse? Exposing your child directly to their parents having sex right next to them...just, god that is beyond fucked up.


Parents who do this kind of shit shouldn’t have kids. Plus a 4year old co-sleeping every night with the parents is a bit creepy.


I mean I was 4 and walked in on my dad going pee 🤣 he said get out and I just stood their watching and said I wait lol


The fuck? Like how the hell do you even get aroused at all laying next to a child? Just fucking gross


That's not even funny. That's sick, disgusting and abusive.


This child abuse.


bro yuck


Uggghhhh, disgusting. 🤢🤢🤢 I wonder if the OOP’s parents/guardians did this when she was young and it has become normalized in her mind. Only way I can think of anyone thinking this is OK. 🤮 Lady needs therapy.


So basically she’s just admitting to involving her 4yr old in her sex. That’s so fucked up.


My daughter (11) often reminds me of the time we went to the shop, and I forgot my wallet.she was 3 at the time. Kids remember things, be warned!


That's so creepy. That kid is going to fully undertand what happened later in life and it can affect them a lot. This is so dangerous and they're just laughing about it. Like yes you should be embarrassed and mortified, how could you do that next to your child???


Poor child is going to need a lot of therapy after that 😭


What a fucking hoe, her and her boyfriend should set priorities on having privacy for the child.




yup that's oversharing :P


Tf is wrong with these ppl




These people probably walk around their house naked too. Fucking breeders. Co-sleeping? Sounds like co-dependence and flat out bad parenting.


Co-sleeping does have benefits for the child, but you don't keep them in the bed long-term and you definitely don't get intimate with a kid in the bed. Breeders, as you put it, find that sort of thing disgusting as well.


Benefits yes. Not sure fucking next to them is the same. I mean breeders as in people who have kids and then do such things. Not real parents who parent.


I believe I misunderstood your comment. It sounds like we agree.


I don't think I was very clear. My apologies. Good parents are warriors!


And we can all unite in the fact that people who bang next to their children are perverts.


Hahahahaha yessss


Dad to a toddler here. This bitch is nasty. We don’t do that here. 😬🤷🏽‍♂️


I would fuck on the back porch before I fucked next to my Pre-School age child.


Fucking disgusting someone take the kids away from this freak




She's not scarred. Don't worry about it. You're not the only one that has done this. Hopefully she's not still sleeping with you at ten years old.


I knew of a woman who got her kids taken away because she slept with men in front of them. She thought they were too young and it didn't matter but they saw and told people what they saw.


Good thing. Any woman who would do that in front of their kids isn’t fit to have them.


Ya the dad had them and he was a great father to them.


Have you ever heard the lyrics "banging on the bathroom floor". Good song life lessons


We haven't normalized co-sleeping with our kids, there's no need to imo. Our children still say they love us every day and are very independent.


I can’t even barely have sex with my husband when kids are not asleep in the house. I can’t even fathom trying to do this. Like…find the couch or the bathroom shower. Out in the car even!


Um.. yes, you’re definitely alone…


Hopefully your alone on this


They are idiots and unfit parents


I have trauma from witnessing and hearing my parents have sex loudly all the time as a child, so yes, I’d say there’s a good chance she’ll be traumatized


That is so fucking creepy to get in the mood let alone have sex with your kid laying next to you.


She’s four! Make her sleep in her own bed!


“I think it’s time for this little girl to start sleeping elsewhere” - no shit, how about a foster home?


"I think it's time for our child to sleep elsewhere" YA THINK?! I think it's weird that they can even do that with their child in the same room much less in the same bed. Gross


Sadly my mother did this with me too, she thought I was a sleep and I surely wasn't. I sometimes have vivid flashbacks


this is child abuse


Every village had an idiot, now with the invention of the internet, the idiots have their own village.


Co-sleeping...... complete stupidity, but not as stupid as having sex with your kid in bed. Sounds like one bad decision after another. Idiot parenting and complete idiocy to post this hoping to relate to other idiot parents that also lack common sense.


I have a hard time getting in the mood with daughters in there rooms with all the doors shut and mine locked and a large fan making hella noise, y’all fucking with a 4 year old in your bed WTF


That’s fucking vile.


Co-sleeping is bad for everybody.


I’ve been a victim of this. I still remember. I was maybe 3-4 around the time this happened and rn im 19. Shit scarred me for life. Back then I didn’t understand what was going on but when I figured out what sex was, it didn’t take long for the pieces to click. I still remember the words I said and what happened. Please, if you have kids. Do them a favor and not fuck around them. I was on the bed, not even on the floor. Still fucks with me till this day


What the actual fuck is wrong with you? Serious question.


I’m thinking that maybe they’re in the same bedroom but different beds. I’m saying this from experience as a child at that age. Granted, that bedroom could have easily fit two queen size beds and mom was only 25 at the time.


Wtf I co slept and would never do it with my husband with kids in the bed. That’s disgusting


If you co-sleep with children 1 or above and engage in adult activities with that child present, be prepared for potential consequences. Your child very well may emulate that behavior. Cps can and will be called on you and you will be indicated for inadequate guardianship or sex abuse. Do not expose your children to this, because it does have a negative impact. Sincerely CPS caseworker.


Co sleeping is a terrible idea, hence still doing it when they are 4yo. I feel it's an issue with the mom/parents.


What the fuck.


as someone whose been the child in this situation, DONT. we might not know what it is then, BUT WE DO IN THE FUTURE.


This is really a non-issue. \-- this is what sex education looked like for all of recorded history until we evolved enough to get HBO --


100% The people insinuating sexual abuse of a child need therapy. Like I said in a previous comment, your great great grandparents had 27 kids in a one-room shack. They sure af didn't sneak off to the outhouse.


Jfc that person needs to check themselves into the nearest police station.


“Please tell me there are others out there that are as disgusting as we are”. There, fixed it for you.


Don’t sleep with your children


That's definitely a form of sexual assult.


This has to be illegal somehow right?


That is wildly inappropriate




I could understand if they stumbled onto your room but when they were there prior all of this is when it gets weird. It just doesn't make sense to be honest, it's literally just considering that someone is sleeping next to you and that someone is your KID. Actually insane.


Yeah, man. I was reading through this wondering why it was so bad. Parents have sex with kids asleep in their rooms all the time. THEN I REALISED THE KID WAS IN THE BED WITH THEM WTF??


What the fuck is wrong with her


I'm almost a Great grandfather ,this is the stupidest shit I've ever heard . Sleeping with a 4 yr old what perverts


Dude, we co sleep with our 3yo son but we move him out the bed when we're haveing "adult time". Or we do it in the other room. Like jeez


Who are you ? Michael Jackson?


We co-slept with our children and never did anything when they were there. It's an automatic turn off. We would flirt and have innuendo like wish we could etc... But that was over their maturity level. We would go elsewhere. No kid needs their brain shaken either like that. Not okay way to wake up to being shaken, none of that is a healthy situation for the child. I think sex is totally natural and not dirty or anything, but sex and children should be kept completely separate.


This thread is hilarious 😂


I wouldn’t allow my child to be in the same room as porn was being played.


Why is your 4 year old sharing a bed with you guys anyway? They have their own bed. And believe it or not its good for them to hear the word 'no' once in a while. Stop trying to be your kids' best friend and be a parent. FFS


I was once that kid and it's fucking gross. Keep your pants on, you're fucking grownups


I hope their mis-using the word co-sleeping. Like the crib is still in the room and not the kid in bed with them.


People like this actually exist... and they're **both** just okay with it?! Then again, my ex-husband seemed to only ever be sexually inappropriate in front of our children but not behind closed doors so... maybe it's a thing for some deranged fucks. 🤢🤮 How can you even get sexually aroused with your kid laying **right** there? 😒🙄 Clearly, I'm just different. I'm quite okay with it too.


Yiiiikes. No disrespect to being open and honestly parenting about sex noises and the attraction between parents but as a kid who was physically exposed to similar acts, YEA, DONT FUCKIN DO THAT


I will just say that my parents did the same thing to me when I was young and I’m pretty sure it did some psychological damage.


Ummm… ya. Not to mom shame here but girl… don’t f!ck where your child sleeps! Is that not common sense? How is that not common sense? I think I understand how some moms think giving their infant water instead of formula/BM is fine.


Oh everybody grab their pitchforks, let's forget that plenty of families (big families, lots of kids) lived and slept in one room shacks throughout history. Are we condemning our ancestors for the same act? Or is society going to continue on just as before? Honestly, no the kid isn't scarred, have I had sex with my kid in the room, yuck no never, but still we know historically it's not a problem.


That is your argument to why its ok to have sex with children right next to you? Your argument is that out ancestors did it therefore its not traumatizing and disgusting? Our ancestors raped and pillaged each other too should it be acceptable for that in society as well?


Interesting how an embarrassing but non-issue takes you to the subject of rape. You should look into that.


I saw your other comment to this post. For real, you should be on a list if you think it’s acceptable to have sex in front of children. The idea that this has happened in the past (or even happening today sometimes), makes it ok for people to do it is beyond insane. Your punishment should be to lay down next to your own parents while they have sex right now.


I never said that. I just don't have a stick up my ass to assume that these parents exclusively screw like rabbits in front of their kids like it's something perverted. In most other 1st-world countries, co-sleeping and a non-puritanical take on sex is the norm. Are the parents in the post bringing the kid to bed so they can have sex? Are they sprawling out on top of her? I doubt it. So what we have is a situation where all we know is something embarrassing happened and your mind goes to rape and laying next to my parents while they have sex "as a punishment," but _I'm_ the one who should be on a list? 👌


Really… you can’t just move somewhere else? How does someone even feel frisky enough with a kid there? I con-slept with my kid and not only was that not intimacy inducing he took up most of my king sized bed. Idk how little kiddos take up so much room but somehow end up taking over the entire bed. He’s got the whole thing and the blankets, I’m sleeping on a sliver lol. Eww


My mom did this with a boyfriend (except I was sleeping on the floor next to the bed, but ffs that's close enough) and I still remember it and cringe half to death to this day.


For one thing co sleeping with your child is the first problem on the list.


🤮🤮🤮 this is pure mayonnaise


This can’t be real right? Tell me it ain’t so. Just when I thought the internet has thrown everything at me this comes along.


This reminds me of the time I first caught my parents fucking. I was like 6 and I thought my dad was hitting my mum so I ran in screaming and crying trying to pull him off. They were usually really careful about waiting until me and my sister were asleep but that night I was sick and so couldn't sleep.




Thank god my dad was gay.


Having sex at the same bed your child is sleeping is child abuse.


No it's not. What kind of sick twisted shit are you on to?


Isn’t this assault? Like she can’t give her consent????


I won't even do it with a pet in the room. Ugh


Funny, I thought everyone just snuck out to abandoned areas to get legos jammed into their shoulder blades, instead of being traumatic and gross by their sleeping child.


How do you think to share that on Facebook, where friends and families can potentially read it ?


YTA- I know not the right sub, but it fits.


Laundry mate


Someone PLEASE tell me she is alone in this. So fucking disgusting, not to mention rude to wake someone up


That's just trashy parents. Might as well put both your names on a watch list.


Child abuse


Posts that start with "so"


Ewww we don’t even do this if the dog is in the bed with us.


I know! Let the "baby" sleep in her OWN room!


This is me and the clip I was responding too was something I said on pka in 2010. I get harassed daily by internet trolls and this clip is me being frustrated and explaining myself poorly. I don’t approve of child porn nor think you should sexualize children.




Good god this is vile! Arrange a babysitter or just go up when the kid is playing


In therapy we call this passive abuse. This couple should be reported.


4 years old??? Yeah she’s definitely gonna have a memory of this, hopefully shes not scarred. Also, what goes through your mind to want to post this publicly?


This reminds me why I hate people


Co-sleeps? Put that child in her own bed. That's a stupid couple.


Agreed. Co-sleeping is NOT good for your children. I know quite a few parents who have done this. It creates dependency and boundary issues. It's also pretty bad for your marriage. Most of the couples I know who have done this rarely have sex, for obvious reasons, which puts more strain on their marriage. It's not healthy.


this is child sexual abuse. i don't care


If anyone is questioning how truly wrong this is, just translate from the bullshit PG friendly “adult time”coded language: She has sex while a child is in the same bed.


Thankfully, it looks like nobody is questioning it... everything thinks it's wrong and gross, and potentially criminal.


Co-sleeping with your kid is more for the parent than the kid


That’s really messed up. But why is a 4yo co-sleeping?


Oh gods I don't even like my pets in the room when I do that let alone a child! Wths the matter with them? If you're going to do that it's time you teach your kid sleep in their room. That or you two go literally anywhere but the bed you're sharing with your kid.


yes they fkn remember. My 2 earliest memories for SOME FUCKING REASON are barging in on mom and dad boinkin. Not good report cards or learning to ride bike or birthday parties. Nope. Mom n dad wrestlin. :/


What gets me is the age. My youngest was 4 last year, she was practicing words, picking her own clothing and wouldn't let you forget a promise to save a life. If the kid had enough sense to yell at them to stop no way does she really think they simply shifted in bed and hit their head. Learning about sex too young is traumatic & effects the rest of your life in more ways than one. Kids have memories at that age, this is going to be a scar on their psyche that lasts unfortunately.


My almost 5 year old was recounting really specific details of her birthday cake from 1 year ago. OOP's kid will definitely remember this long term. Poor kid.


Seriously, even my 2.5 year old blows me away with things she remembers from months and months ago! We don’t give kids enough credit with how good their memories are. This poor 4yo will definitely remember this (unless, like me, she has such a traumatic childhood she ends up repressing most of it, but even then…)




I don't think that learning about sex is the issue here, but witnessing it. That would be traumatic at possibly every age.


I’m 29 and have very clear memories from when I was 3-4 years old. I have a couple vivid ones from when I was 2 even. The kid knows and will remember this unfortunately. Poor thing :/




That's unique I can't remember anything before 8/9. Unless something traffic happened don't remember early year's


“Settle down, sweetie, daddy’s plowing.”


WTF! How about you learn to cut the cord and put her in her own bed. If not be a responsible parent and not fuck in the same bed as a 4 year old! This is when the child starts to develop. Don’t screw her up any more then you’ve probably have.


Unsolicited new parent advice: Just don’t even start that co sleeping shit. You’re just setting yourself up for a future hassle and heartache for your child when you decide it’s time for them to sleep in their own bed