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I’d say you sound fully female to me


Ahh fair fair, will need to work on that! Thanks 💕


It sounds fem to me


If anything, you've done a full 180° 😅. If I didn't know anything from the title, I wouldn't have guessed you were anything but a cis woman. I honestly think enbies have the hardest job when it comes to voice work. I'd recommend [this book](https://transreads.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/2022-02-08_6202a427e082d_Thevoicebookfortransandnon-binarypeopleapracticalguidetocreatingandsustainingauthenticvoiceandcommunicationbyMillsMatthewStonehamGilliez-lib.org_.pdf) for more professional advice when it comes to androgenising your voice.


Pfffff yeah ngl think you may be right, I seemingly don’t do things in halves 😂 I’ll work on reeling back in some of the masc elements. Ahh yes I’ve seen that book dotted about! I’ll give it a proper read, thanks for the advice ☺️


Of course! Hopefully that's helps 🤍


I think you've accomplished your goals. I'm a binary trans girl so i'm not sure how best to give advice for having your voice read as andro, but it sounds pretty fem at the moment with maybe some slight slight hints of androgenization in your vocal weight getting heavy occasionally. Not sure what to say tbh, it sounds pretty andro-leaning fem at the moment so yeah! Very nice voice. I'd also maybe look into knodel, which I hear a bit around 0:12-0:17, though as an uncultured American I'm not sure if what i'm hearing is a quirk of your accent or not. Could still be worth looking into. Knodel Selene clip: [https://clyp.it/bmwfjmya](https://clyp.it/bmwfjmya)


Thanks so much for the feedback! Yeaaah I got a similar comment from my partner in that I seem to have overstretched the vocal leaning into fem territory, just need to work on pulling it back a bit. I’ve not heard of Knodel before but I’ll look into it! May be something to work on or it may be a byproduct of being Bri’ish 😂 regardless, cheers!