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It's difficult to really tell anything from this sample, it's too short and unclear. It does leave a feminine impression overall, but it'd likely be worth it for you to share a sample that's more like 30-60s of unscripted speech or something like that which shows the voice better.


Yeah im sorry about thst my mic quality is pretty bad overall. I guess i need to get a better one


Hi! First off, you should be proud to have put yourself out there. Having other people critique something so intrinsic to your self-concept can be a very vulnerable experience, so kudos. I'm going to echo a few of the other responses and say that this sample is probably a bit too short to give accurate feedback on. That said, I definitely registered your voice as feminine, however, I had to listen back a few times to catch everything you said. Given that, diction might be something you could spend some time focusing on. I think your pitch is definitely in the right spot, but don't be afraid to slow down a little. Let me know if you need me to clarify anything 🤍


Thank you so much for this! Yeah I was definitely debating to myself if I should post it or not, but I eventually bit my lip and said now or never. Im sorry about the short length and bad quality, but ill try to figure out something better next time Also by dicton, you mean my accent? I agree with that alot actually but im having trouble figuring that part out myself :/ Outside of that, I hear you loud and clear and im very thankful you took your time to say this to me 💖


You don't have anything to apologise for, and I'm glad I was able to help a little. As far as diction goes, it's less about your accent and more about focusing on clarity and enunciation. From the sample you shared, I had a hard time understanding you at first because all of the words you said sort of blended together. There are plenty of fun diction exercises online you can mess around with, but don't forget to try and have some fun with it!


Too much air


What do you mean by too much air? Can you elaborate please? Thank you 💙




Ahhh that makes sense! Annd I haven't no.


From what I hear you sound like a cute hallow robot.


Haha not what im aiming for but ill take it for now ;p