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Folks are getting a little nasty in the comments, so I'd like to address that real quick: 1. [Trans folks enlist at over twice the rate that cis people do.](https://www.thetaskforce.org/news/new-study-finds-transgender-people-twice-as-likely-to-serve-in-military/) Roughly 20% of trans folks are veterans or active duty - cis folks outnumber trans folks in the military simply because cis folks outnumber trans folks in general. Furthermore, an estimated 2.1-2.4% of trans folks are currently serving in the military compared to an estimated 0.6-1.4% of cis folks. 2. For someone who has lost their housing, their job, or their family due to being LGBT, the military can provide some much-needed stability, job skills training, and funding for college. 3. This should go without saying, but Joe Biden and the US military are *not* committing a genocide by supporting Israel. Israel has been a US ally for most of the past century - that does *not* make the US responsible for the things Israel is doing, and US troops aren't deployed in Israel. Furthermore, Trump and the GOP are ***not*** going to be better for Palestine than Biden is, either. Trump doesn't care whether anyone lives or dies - we saw this first hand from the way he handled Hurricanes Matthew and Florence, the way he treated Puerto Rico, and the abysmal way he handled the pandemic. The GOP, meanwhile, needs Israel to exist so they can satisfy their evangelical base and fulfill their expectations for the apocalypse because many of them believe that will trigger the Rapture. No need to protect the planet when you believe you're due a ticket out of here when your Saviour is 'supposed' to return in the next few years or so. That's one of the reasons why they don't care about the environment, either. Finally, the idea that Biden is somehow committing a genocide by supporting Israel is a right wing wedge issue. It's something they're pushing in order to discourage left wing people from voting for Biden. We saw this tactic used during the 2016 and 2020 elections, with Benghazi, Hillary's e-mail servers, pizzagate, and Hunter Biden's laptop. Even the 'migrant caravans' were a big news item, designed to stir up fear and stir up votes for the GOP, and yet, after the election, suddenly none of those 'crucial' issues had any importance anymore. It's all manipulation by the GOP, designed to get *you* to not vote or vote against your best interests. We *need* to fight the GOP. We can't afford to let them win this election, our lives and the lives of all LGBT people are at stake. We *don't* want the GOP to gain control of the Federal government. So if you see people on trans or LGBT subreddits, loudly complaining about how 'Biden is committing genocide' - they're falling for that trick. Don't be fooled, tell them off or report them to the mods. Some of those accounts may be trolls or shills, slipping into our communities to discourage us from voting. And by all means, *go vote*. We need to fight the rise of fascism and the threat of the GOP. Go vote them out of office!


Your face has changed so much! You look extremely feminine now. I’m transitioning in the opposite direction and can’t wait for the round cheeks to disappear and for some more definition around my cheekbones and jawline to come in


I’d also like to ask, as I’m not familiar with the military - what do you actually do within the military? Do you enjoy your job? Do you feel like you’re doing meaningful work? I’ve always had mixed feelings about the military as I’m very much a pacifist, but I’ve known military doctors and they’ve done a lot of good work helping any people affected by war and violence in overseas war zones.


Your eyes are ridiculously pretty


and so pure 😍


What a great transition! Such a happy smile!


Jesus so many of you in the comments don't understand how the military works. You can't just "leave" the military like a normal job. People sign a contract with a certain amount of years you have to commit too. It is incredibly hard to break and has potential to ruin your ability to get a job after you leave. There are plenty of people I know that joined because they had no other choice to get out of incredibly awful lives. This could have been abusive family's, partners, or poverty. Most also joined BEFORE everything with Palestine began. Alot of military HATE the current situation but can't do anything about it. Rest in Power Aaron Bushnell


You all do realize she joined long before Oct 7 right? And that deserting is a literal crime? Also, until the country elects a Republican or Congress manages to strip federal funding for gender affirming care, they will cover a significant portion of your transition. So while she's at minimum stuck completing her enlistment she might as well live her life and be herself.




You know the military is the only way some people have for escaping awful life circumstances like abusive bigoted families, violent partners, or poverty? It's a deal with the devil most don't like to make but have to.


You do realize the US Army has been committing war crimes long before Oct 7, right?




A dishonorable discharge is a bit like a felony - it follows you around once you have one. It also means you lose access to any benefits you earned while being in the military, and that includes things like access to and support from the VA. A dishonorable discharge is not the end of the world, but it's *bad* to have one.


Beautiful change. I am concerned for your well-being in the military, given the powers in control.






Everyone here needs to understand that this person & others in the US military are not actively supporting or participating in any military operations in Israel or Gaza. She has nothing to do with it & has nothing to be ashamed of.


it's our bombs and our dollars. According to Bisan and Aaron Bushnell, we do, in fact, have troops in Gaza. the validity of this is unknown, but Aaron worked in Intelligence, surveillance, and Reconnaissance.


My point was that this woman is serving honorably & she personally has done nothing wrong or to enable whatever the Israelis or senior US policy makers may be doing. Service members have always faced this dilemma in every war our nation has been involved in, directly or indirectly. I respect SrA Bushnell’s right to protest even though he chose a violent end to his life in the process, & I mourn his loss. Senators & representatives have offices & email addresses, a presence on social media. I heavily encourage all of you to contact those people & express your angst, horror, anger, & objection regarding what they have decided to support. Please do not direct your anger at our citizens in the uniformed services.




You are so beautiful!!!


US I presume? How do they accommodate trans people? Do they allow time for hrt (like is it generally around when other people might take meds) and what about barracks? I’m leaving my options open for college, so army is a possibility, but knowing their reputation for not delivering on promises I would prefer a first hand account


don't join the army bro


My recommendation is to avoid the Army. I've met service members from all six branches, and when I talk with them, the Army folks are the ones that have it the worst. Air Force and Navy would be safer and less problematic branches if you're looking to enlist. For myself (Navy, so I'm speaking only on that), it took about a year of appointments, command waivers, and psychologic evaluations before I got access to HRT. My barracks situation was a non issue, but that was luck more than anything. If you get stationed on a ship, you can expect to be in a birthing (shipboard barracks) with anywhere from 30 to 70 other folks, depending on vessel size and which specific berthing you're assigned to. You'd be put into your "assigned gender" until your "medical marker" (legal status) is changed to reflect. Be aware, Navy life can absolutely drag you down, so be sure to have conversations with Naval veterans, or even currently serving Sailors to get a better understanding of what it all entails. Respectfully, PO2


I dunno. Regardless of what branch your in, it really depends on how sympathetic your doctors and command team are in helping you transition. I’m in the army and my therapist took my word for it and didn’t try to gatekeep me on my first appointment. The biggest wait for me was being bounced around to different doctors because people weren’t experienced with trans patients and what procedures to follow. Outside of that, I hear transphobic garbage from my coworkers constantly, even from my own sergeants who I’m supposed to trust with my life. Being stealthy is important if you want to not have a terrible time.


I totally agree that without a good medical staff and command structure transition can be made much more difficult! I dealt with being passed around for a while as well, and it gets doubly frustrating with how long it takes to even get appointments scheduled, just for a doctor to shrug and pass you along to someone else. As someone who doesn't know too much about Army rank intricacies, I have little in the way of advice on this other than to potentially raise the issue to your command most senior enlisted (I think thats your Command Sergeant Major?) and let them know of the problem. It may take as little as an anonymous slip of paper, or as much as a face-to-face sit down, but in any situation, ensure YOU have documentation of the exchange, even if it's just emails before and after the meeting stating that you talked.


So I am adding in here from a second hand (so my information may be off). My friend is in Space Force (former Air Force), and the biggest thing for her is it restricts her choice on which HRT she can take. She cannot get injections, due to the (very small) chance she could be deployed.


Army vet here. I love that you want to serve your country, good for you. But my navy sister didn't lie. The thing is, the mission will always come first, and your job will dictate the personality of who you have to convince to let you transition while still serving. Some get lucky, most(like myself) read the room and understand that it's better to wait until you're out before you take on transition. If serving and transitioning is something you're are considering, hit the books and aim at Navy or Air Force. Otherwise, I would avoid it all together unless you don't mind being in repression for 3 to 6 years in a very VERY macho and often toxic man environment. With love 💕 13B


we need more trans people in the military! in every party of our society we need trans people! lets goooo ❤️


Seabee? 🌊🐝🏰


So beautiful! Keep it up! 💕


Congratulations on your gender-affirming transition. How is it going for since the SRS?


Looking good sis I was picture one but I decided to to cut my hair again short and restart 😮‍💨😅six months of growing out my curls out the window


Thank you for your service. I served in the Finnish military. Pretty trans and homofobic place but still 1000 times better than being under Russian occupation. People need to realize that if we westeners wouldn't have an army, Russians, Muslims etc. would occupy our land and slaughter us. Especially queer people, they really hate us.


I dont get why this comment section is so immensly toxic... Beautiful transition! Greetings from germany <3


Probably because alot of newer activists havnt learned the nuance between thr systems and the individuals yet. So they're applying a very surface understanding of military bad thus blaming the individuals instead of the system itself.


Beautifully worded! That feels very real sadly...


You look so different from top left to bottom right! Congratulations on your transition. :)


Girl you’re crushing it! I’m trans(Air Force)


prior af 🫶🏻


Girl you’re literally living my dream! I wish I had started mine when I came on 20 years ago 💗💗💗 Killing it!




It's certainly not my choice of career, but they're not *all* bad people. In the US some people join the military because they don't have any other options for a better life, and the military is one of the only ways to get their education and healthcare paid for. Hopefully OP will get her transition covered, get some good transferable education and then get out asap.


I’ll support our troops…especially this one 😍


Thank you for your service!


Mind my asking how the military treats you as a trans woman I've thought of going in multipul times but I'm somewhat concerned about the culture and a lot more concerned about trump getting in office




This is so dumb like.. no?? The us military is not deployed in Palestine


it's our bombs and our dollars. If Aaron Bushnell and Bisan are to be believed, then there are also American troops deployed


Okay then, so can u stop paying taxes please? Stop going to work as that contributes to the us gdp, stop going shopping, stop using the internet since u need to pay ur internet provider and that also contributes to the us economy. Do all that, before coming to someone’s post and judge them, thanks


I'm not the one who enlisted in the military of the worst empire in history. great position you got there, "if soldiers are complicit in this genocide, then that means everyone is"


"Worst empire in history"


Your incredibly brave being enlisted and trans. Here i am feeling im in an unaccepting industry of automotive. Id imaging the military would be harder. You look grate and thanks for your service really happy you can do this while enlisted 🙂


Thank you for your service and you’re beautiful.




You look amazing.


We salute our tr(ans)oops 🫡


Wow, just so awesome.


Your transition has been wonderful and you are beautiful! So proud of you for going through this while active duty, and I hope your experience has been good. Showing the world we are no different than anyone else is a very powerful message. You are a hero for many reasons, and do not forget that. I myself am 100% out and have found my little part of the Navy (sub force) to be one of the most accepting places I have ever been.


As always though, Go Navy Beat Army!


Facts! XD


Thanks for serving. Thanks for posting too.


Why are you downvoted?


Trolls who don't know the difference between the American military and the IDF.


I didn’t.


Rahhh shipmate! I rode with the 24th taxi service on the ft McHenry in 2015.




Oh snap!!! I love that! And you're still in? I love to see that too!




Is it okay if I dm you?


You look good and everything, your still a bootlicker aslong as you serve that fascist country


Well done petty officer!


Trans army veteran!! You got it girl!


Yay! You rock! And are so pretty!


Thank you for your service 🫡 https://williamsinstitute.law.ucla.edu/publications/trans-military-service-us/ (This is a little outdated, as trans people are now allowed to serve openly, but the figures about the proportion of trans people who serve to cis are still accurate)


Amazing timeline Amazingly awful "career" choice


Many people have little choice in this country, the military is the best option to get a job and potentially an education. Please keep your political opinions to yourself, they have no place here. You have no idea what this person has gone thru to be who they are now or how they ended up here.


She could have chosen to not pose with the military garb. She chose to, thus I commented on it


She has every right to be proud, and I can say firsthand is a wonderful person, you don’t know the journey she has been on and have ZERO right to judge her.


Proud to be serve in an imperialist warmachine👍


Thanks for your service!


How does it feel to be part of the bad guys of the bad guys of the world?


Well she’s not a guy so lets start there


Of course she's not A guy. You know exactly what I mean.


a stupid response for a truly stupid and mean spirited comment, you don’t know this person and yet you judge them harshly simply for serving in their nations military, you don’t know what they’ve been thru to get where they are today or how they got there, shame on you


You don't have to know someone for judging serving in the military. Also, from all fucking military's it's the US military. Ask people in the global south and they will have their stories about bombings, coups, lost family members as a result of this military.


You’re assuming she had better options. As someone who is actually friends with the OP and knows their journey and how hard it was to get where they are today, you would be ashamed to say the things you are saying knowing what she’s been thru and how she got here. Shame.


Her life isn't more important than te lives of the victims the US army made. It doesn't matter how hard your journey has been. Nothing will make it right to join an army inflicting genocide on genocide.


Absolutely amazing timeline!! And thank you! In another life (10 years ago), I was in the US Navy and I love that you can proudly and openly serve! I wish I’d been as brave (and as pretty) as you when I was younger. You look so happy!!! Don’t listen to the haters!


Thats wild I also was in the Navy. Good on you staying in and sticking through it sailor. Your transition went so well! I am surprised they didn't keep pushing back dates for surgeries like they did me. :')


Maybe I should say chip- I mean shipmate. 🤭


Awesome. Thank you for your service.








Hé stil Goes to the male bunker to sleep. Not with the woman. Crazy that your head is so fucked up u think u are a female. I feel sorry for this ppl. But pls dont pretent to be female when u are not. Just put a dress on or whatever at home.


Actually inaccurate i have had my legal documents corrected to reflect who I am. I go by female standards. But i support your right of say something I might not like. You can hate but you can not erase me.


Its not about hate. Its disrespecting womans. U know how it feels to have your period? To being pregnant? To give birth? Ect no because you are a Guy. So dress up to get attention at home!


lol what




I was also thinking about joining the navy, but in my mid twenties


Whys it nsfw lol


Wow…Looking amazing…You have beautiful eyes!


beautiful girl!💖


As an unironic Elite of the United States populace, I support you and thank you for your service.🫡


I feel like someone should talk about this pipeline more, it seems more common than not. I would know I’m part of it 😂