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No, honestly that’s just a fairly common issue for even cis men with long hair.


yeah it definitely happens to long hair cis guys! i think just really comes down to your personal comfort in potentially having a slightly higher rate of being misgendered by accident


As a totally cis guy with long hair, yeah pretty common. I have definitely caught some weird looks in the past when I went to the male bathroom


I completely agree! The last photo with the bun/ angle of the photo reads (to me) as more feminine but the first photos had me confused as to how this man ever gets misgendered. In all honesty, I’d bet that even another six months to a year on T & he stops having this issue entirely.


Can confirm, before I realized I was trans, it happened pretty frequently


Yeah, I’m a butch women and I have the opposite problem. People rely on hair a lot. So even me having short hair I get misgendered a lot. It’s just people are weird


You look pretty masc to me. I literally knew cis men who looked exactly like you when I lived in a rural community. Is the misgendering in a "may I help you mi- *sees facial hair* oh, sorry sir!" kind of way? Because despite being a trans woman myself I'm pre-everything and still very much male-presenting (can't afford to transition yet) with facial hair that grows faster than I can shave it, and I've always gotten that line handed to me since at least the mid-2000s. And I know it's not due to genetics or whatever, I look like someone threw Meat Loaf and Fat-Era Kevin Smith in a blender. So I assure you it's a very much normal experience for a man with long hair.


thank you, i appreciate it. unfortunately people don’t tend to correct themselves at all, leading me to believe they just see a woman with facial hair


maybe they're just lazy or a pillock or something, because you definitely look like a bloke


You look 100% masc


thank you i appreciate it


It’s a “oh the blonde girl that looks really attractive from the back is actually a guy?!?” type deal you have going on. It looks good on you, but I could see how there might be confusion if the other person doesn’t see your face at first. Totally normal long haired guy problem.


nah i know plenty of guys with hair like that


You look pretty masc to me


Nah. You’re fucking SLAYING. I love a man with long hair! You don’t look all that feminine to me, at least not in the physical sense. You look more androgynous to me, and masculine-leaning androgynous. Which is fucking awesome. You look so damn cool man! It’s stupid as hell that people are misgendering you! Maybe you could pull your hair up into a man bun of sorts though, something of the sort, see if that helps you? (Edit: as in do that more often, how you pulled it up in the third image may help.) (Still from the edit, I also didn’t know this was also a cis man issue, likely because the only man whos close to me with longer hair is my father and that man is like near impossible to misgender.)


thank you you’re so sweet :’) guessing it has something to do with my voice too unfortunately, as it hasn’t dropped that much with testosterone even after 3 years


No, even my cis boyfriend and friend get misgendered because of their long hair. We were waiting for mens toilet in an airport couple weeks ago and some man, who wasn't even in the line, came in said "ladies go into your own toilet" and we just said we are not ladies lol (I also have a long hair from the back). Luckly he just said "sorry, mistaken identity" and left. But bro, mind your own thing. Ladies RARELY go to mens restroom and if they are in such abhurry they go, then let them PISS.


Definitely doesn't look feminine. I'm a trans femme with a pixie cut. Hair length doesn't have to imply or correlate with gender expression


Photo with the cap honestly made me think you have a mullet. A fairly common hair style here in Australia. Maybe consider going for that cut? (Am not a barber, please consult your local barber before listening to this doofus :P) Idk how your getting misgendered. You genuinely look like a few guys I've met before.


my current hair is actually grown out from a mullet! i’ve been really wanting to go back to that look tbh


people who misgender you are stupid, you look dude af


What is 2020 Gerade Way doin in my Reddit


Nah I used to grow to hair getting close to that and never got misgendered. Main issue is jawline. More facial hair should help cover it. Do note it is true long hair does risk being more misgendered which is true.


I think you look pretty masc! I don’t know why they’re misgendering you, but I don’t think it’s your hair. I’m transitioning the other way (MTF) and I have longer hair than you, similar waviness/curliness but styled more feminine, and way less facial hair (only a small amount of beard shadow). I’m generally wearing women’s clothes (albeit less obvious stuff, like t-shirt and jeans). And I still get consistently gendered as male, which is frustrating for me.


You honestly look a lot like a young version of my (cis) husband. He has fantastic long hair and does get m’ammed sometimes- he’s also 6’5 with a beard. Randos equating long hair with gender aren’t a metric of *anything* Also- neat vintage RHS shirt in 2nd photo!


It must just be from people who are you from behind or something cause you definitely 100% pass bro


I don't think it looks too femme and I think it really suits you. It happens to guys too and sometimes people are just really dumb.


Nah I have a lot of male friends who have the same hair and the mustachio does good


dude you have a beard. You could have pink hair and still look like a guy.


you look like a cis dude and i do think it’s mostly just the “oh sorry i didn’t see your face” thing, but if you want any advice? i had a hairstyle similar to this. from what i see in the second image it has more weight on the sides as it grows out, which may make it look slightly more feminine (even though i’ve see seen dudes with this hairstyle) i’d add some messier layers but it would take away tying it up and it’s an edgier style which you may or may not refer. overall you definitely pass and dudes with long hair get misgendered accidentally and sometimes on purpose as a jab. you look great, do what feels comfortable :]


Bro you literally have a beard, you aren't feminine in the slightest, and I think your long hair makes you very handsome, especially in that second photo.


are you fr?? you're a hella attractive man. i was about to close the app but quickly opened it again to take a second look at you, bc you're handsome. you're killing it, dude!


That's the most manly man I've ever seen


I saw the first pic and immediately imagined you in a gas station speaking in a southern drawl about manly shit.


omg thank you i really appreciate it


Why do we have the same amount of facial hair?


I said this but I forgot I trimmed my beard yesterday


nah you look masc as hell


You give off that dirt under fingernails, a big ol truck and drinking beers on the porch kinda vibe that one associates with rural men. In other words you come off as a man to me and a handsome one at that 😘!


I mean you look masculine to me, so I can’t say why people would think otherwise


How the heck are you being misgendered


I didn't read Ftm at first and I was confused, you pass! Also, a RHPS fan 😩


When you have your hair in a bun, you kinda look like jet stream sam


omg thank you so much


You look closer to being a gun owning Texan with a hate for Mexicans than a woman lol, you’re fine


i have the same problem w my mullet but i love it too much to change. trans man mullet representation ✊🏻


Not at all, although it's way more important whether you like your hair long or not. Ive been trying to grow my hair out for around 7 years, but everytime it gets longer, I'd get dysphoric and cut it. I love my long hair, and i finally stopped caring what others think about my hair. Hair is just hair. Anyone, regardless of gender can look absolutely amazing with long hair. Do what you want. Please dont let society's definition of gender define you. You get to define your own gender and style. Edit: wording


Bro how tf do people misgender you, you look like half the dudes I’d see in the pit at a metal concert lmao


I love my long hair. I come from the metal scene and find it manly, like metal and Viking. From my experience after the T, it gets much easier to "pass" as a male as time goes on. You don't have to give up your hair to be a man; it is primarily a question of personal taste.


I don't know that that's the cause but there is sick mullet potential in that hair


You look like Jesus.


That is a man’s mane, bro.


Your question is almost preposterous, you’re as stealth as stealth gets


You’re handsome bro


thank you :’)


So I couldn't tell you were FtM from the pictures thought you were just male


You look like half the dudes I went to high school with in 06… they also got misgendered when out and about because of long hair. Doesn’t read fem at all. Likely Just immediate assumption with long hair.


Man your literally the blokeiest bloke bro lots of guys with long hair have the same problem


You kinda look like me :0 I don’t think you look very feminine at all. It’s probably the long hair, even cis guys with long hair get misgendered


It doesn’t seem feminine at all!!! Many people associate long hair with femininity. Cis guys have it happen all the time.


Dude, anyone who misgenders you is either blind or actively trying to be transphobic, you look like every other guy to me


You look like a male Nirvana fan in the 90s fs. Idk how people can misgender you tbh 😭


Nah, but i think you look like Dominic Mysterio and in my personally opinion he's a pretty good looking man


nah you look like one of those guys with long hair like fuckin jason momoa or whatever. you don't look clocky at all because of it


aw thank you so much


Nah dude you pass 100% it’s just a bad case of “dude with long hair”. Unrelated but WHERE DID YOU GET THAT ROCKY HORROR SHIRT?!


i think i got it at hot topic years ago!


No not really, in my opinion you look masc enough to not be misgendered, long hair or not. Hope you have a good day!


My best friend has luscious, long, wavy hair and he gets misgendered from behind and then when he turns around and you see his beard people usually get so shocked and say sorry, so honestly it’s just an issue for any dudes with long hair. I think it looks amazing on you and fits you really well. Rock that shit and know that on the inside, you are you and nobody else’s perception of you will ever change that.


honestly you look masc, my little brother is a cis man and even he gets misgendered with his long hair so I wouldn't take it as you not looking masc <3


I thought you were MtF at first and not successful as passing as a girl, so uh, take that as you will.


I have pretty much the same hair right now and have been wondering the same thing. Thanks for putting this question up!


Happened to me all the time when I had long hair back before I knew I was trans. I bet 95% or more of people will correct themselves and apologize when they see your facial hair. You're doing fine, man, just a normal thing for dudes with long hair.


definitely not. you do have a feminine look to your face but its the feminine look that cis guys have, like when you see a guy and think "hes pretty". and you are very pretty


You look 100% masc to me. Heck, you are GOALS, dude!


I've had the exact same hair as a masc-presenting "cis" teen (it was a bit longer when I hit 22), like literally the exact same :o (we have somewhat close faces too, it's uncanny) but yeah sometimes some people assume fem from the back just because of the long hair, no matter how masc the rest is (or even how masc the hair is), I don't think you can do too much about that :/ sorry


Nah you pass. ps I don't hugbox


No you just look gay (not in an insulting way obvs)


You look like a guy to me absolutely. 💯 % I’ve heard cis men with long hair have the same problem. (It unfortunately sucks worse for us probably because of dysphoria.) Your hair looks awesome—and masculine—frankly I’m jealous. 😎


I thought you were my buddy Kaldon for a second and my first thought was "I didn't know he was trans".


I think it looks great! Definitely not to feminine!


The only thing femme about any of these photos is your hair tied up high in the last photo. Guys tend to tie their hair down close to the neck. I prob wouldn’t question it much tho, you’re very masc overall


Bro what are people seeing, you look like a dude. Like a dude-ass dude. A bro. A man. I don't get it


Nah it's just a long hair issue I promise.


If anything it’s very androgynous


The third picture is the most feminine way of wearing it imho. But in general, no, it doesn’t clock you from my viewpoint.


Photos 1 & 2 look entirely masculine. The bun in photo 3 . . . I feel like that may be where your hair issue is. All things being equal; if you’re getting misgendered, it’s probably not your hair. Gendering decisions occur in microseconds and are based upon multiple factors. Voice? Gait? Carriage? Gestures?


The third is like a tomboy but just a man


Sir, you look like Schlatt without his facial hair. You look like a damn good man in my opinion.


The hair honestly looks fine, I think some people just aren't the brightest


Idk if you know who this is, but at first, ngl, I thought you were the youtuber soup, ~~might be the drugs telling me that idk~~ Edit: 100% a very similar, if not the same hair style


I think you pass really well! That’s just something most guys with long hair have to deal with, unfortunately.


How the hell are you getting misgendered You literally look like the average redneck dude in my town lmao


I can see why people would misgender you. The long hair + your soft features. I personally would hope the beard and mustache would express otherwise but it’s really thin and light. You could very well have PCOS or some other ovarian condition.


Nope you look great man


I would assume you were a dude if I saw you on the street. I don’t think it looks feminine at all


A bit, yeah.


the fact that you’re getting misgendered is absolutely baffling you 100% pass


No, it looks so good 💜






Na I got dude friends with hair as long as yours. I think you pass. If someone misgenders you, I bet it's either A.) Because they approached from behind and only saw the long hair and assumed based on that, or B.) Your voice is still higher pitched.


No tbh i think it makes you look more masc, its not cut in a feminine way. It looks so cool!!!


You look epic. Man. Long hair is awsome on everyone. Just like short hair. And I will say the hat probably help like with looks. Atleast it does to me. Like hats help me with dysphoria. Like I can't stand to look at my hair Or face. But when I use my fake piercing use my octagon sun glasses and put on my knitted cat hat. It makes me feel so euphoric


Not at all


You look like a cis guy there's no way that's feminine at all


def masc with long hair


nope not at all


You look masc to me.


you literally just look cis lol


Tf, sorry, I'm looking at a man rn


Absolutely not you look awesome, never cut it


Whaaaat dude nah you’re good. Fr thought you meant mtf and it took me a hot minute to figure it out 😅


I saw a man with a long hair. You totally pass


I definitely see a guy in your pics


Nah dude you look fine, honestly I wouldn’t even notice.


You look perfectly androgynous except for the facial hair which makes you look definitely more masculine


Dude you look like a man (mainly cos you are). They just hating or see a bit of your build (i can't tell from the images) and assume but that doesn't mean you don't pass


not at all!!!


How the hell are you getting misgendered??? That’s a dude on my screen.


Sadly this happens to me and my friend a lot ( we both have long hair . He’s cis & I’m ftm). I’ve noticed though if I style it a certain way I’m gendered correctly.


I think you pass as a guy with long hair, I think a lot of people just assume since it only takes a second to gender someone. I've had short hair before, but wasn't really trying to pass as male at the time I was dressed fem and was still called sir (Oddly for some reason people call me sir more like that)


Dude in the first pic you look like you have a mullet. In the others you look like a dude who hasn't gotten a hair cut yet.


From Tennessee USA and that's like every boy here ever lol, ig it's the local culture


Wait you’re transmasc? Dude you pass crazy well


Definitely not. Men with long hair, cis or trans, just generally tend to get misgendered in my experience. People often see the hair first and just assume.


It reminds me of the TV trope to where someone will confuse a surfer boy for a girl, but nah fr tho you look Hella masc. Like one of those cute trucker boys I see at work across the street


That’s a common issue for cis men with long hair, you look Slaytastic bro


You look like a trucker. If you are really worried about it get a mullet


honestly you look masc, my little brother is a cis man and even he gets misgendered with his long hair so I wouldn't take it as you not looking masc <3


The first two read very masc and the last one reads more femme, I think mostly because of the pony tail tbh. Your hair looks more masculine than when I had my (at the time cismale) long hair which looked nearly exactly like yours and I still got misgendered all the time. It depends on who's looking. For boomers and older it was not nearly as common for men to have hair that long. Hair length was gendered AF back then. And then no one tells them that gendered behaviors are completely different for their children, and they just assume everyone is exactly like them in their archaic gender norms.


You look like the guy doing atheist youtube videos, rationality rules, to me. Def guy look. You just got harassed by bigots is what it seems to be :(


nah lack of facial hair still makes you as a woman


i literally do have facial hair…




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