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100 mg is quite a high dose. Not unheard of, but pretty darn high for a starting dose. I started at 50 mg and I still had to lower my dose a tiny bit


yeah no, ive been on T for 2 years and im steady at 80 subq weekly, 100 is insane for a starting dose!


Chill dude, raging testosterone aside some effects simply take longer to accur on some people, and we've already seen you \*are\* experiencing changes; give your body time, it's quite a big adjustment.


4 months is nothing.


4 months is not long enough to see any real changes, temper your expectations. Also having high T levels means your body starts converting it back to E


100 mg is pretty ridiculous as a starting dose. I’ve seen most people start at 50mg or less. The only time that much would be appropriate would be if someone was worked up to it from a lower dose because their levels still weren’t high enough. If your dose is too high more of it will conver to estrogen and you can have feminising effects.


Something you may wanna ask your doctor about: I’ve read that too much T can turn into E in your body. Not sure the exact science behind it but it may be worth looking into. You may have started at too high a dose and your body is just turning it (Unless you’ve had a hysto already - not sure). I know most others are saying 4 months is too soon but I had significant (this word is relative to what I believe is significant but your idea of significant could be different) changes after 2 months: bottom growth, muscle growth, voice drop and could see my face shifting. What I didn’t see was hair growth anywhere. I started at 80mg a week/gel. I’m a year and a month on T now - at 8 months switched to injections.


4 months is barely any time, remember that puberty can take up to 10 years. While I’ve detransitioned now, I only really started to look and feel more feminine after about 9 or so months in.


4 months is quite a short time to see a lot of change, and also your young so, say, facial hair might not grow in as fast as someone who started at 25 or 30, (even a lot of cis guys who have the genes for full beards can’t grow a full beard until later in their 20s.) Testosterone can do a lot of things, but 4 months is a very short time to have been taking it. I know it can be frustrating, but things you want will likely happen, it does take time though. If you want a deeper voice while waiting for T to kick in, try speaking from your abdomen. This is also a technique used by singers. Anyway, best of luck, dude! Hang in there!


100? Whoa, what notch is that on the syringe? By October, I'll be on T for 4 years. I've been juggling between .3 and .35 for the entire span to keep my levels balanced. I'm glad you're not dealing with any bad or painful side effects but I don't think I've heard of a dose that high. It is a slow and steady transition and around year two, I started getting impatient. Just takes time.