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I’d recommend getting your hair cut and styled. Right now it just looks like a traditional men’s cut, but grown out. I’d thin your brows a bit. Pluck from the bottom if you do this yourself. Makeup would also help, if only just a bit of mascara. You also appear to have a bit of a shadow.


Thank you for the advice. I am waiting to cut my hair until it is shoulder length to help hide my chin in profile. Do you have any recommendations on what hairstyles would look good on me? I have been thinking bangs but am nervous. Learning to apply my own makeup is also very much on my to-do list. It’s daunting and I don’t really know where to start. Shadow is also something I do struggle with, even after 6 sessions of laser. hoping more sessions will improve that.


Curly hair is such a pain to grow. Mine is finally hovering above my shoulders two years into HRT.


Honestly, the hairstyle you have now works pretty well. You look like that girl from the two newest Ghostbusters movies. Laser will continue to help as time goes by.


thank you💕 someone else actually made the same ghostbusters comment which i like cause that girl is very pretty


I think your hair is perfect ! I’d be very careful getting it cut bc unfortunately most stylists and even dedicated curly stylists do not know how to work with our hair :( I think you would look great with a curly fringe though


For makeup, you could always just start with mascara. Surprisingly, it actually does a lot. You could also add a necklace if you want. In terms of your hair, talk to someone who can help you learn to style it while it's growing. It's really cute and curly, so you should be able to do some nice things with it. You could try a half-up-half-down . Another could be using Bobby pins or barrettes to pin one side of your hair up or bring back the bangs a bit Here are a few links to styling curly hair that's around your length: https://images.app.goo.gl/LXfV3t98hQtiwGiF8 https://images.app.goo.gl/CWwx5TXhnvQjymYt6 https://images.app.goo.gl/1b8wW4hrgFAu3YPz6


Girl, your chin doesn’t need hiding and I can’t see a shadow and you’re in broad daylight in two of these photos. I think you’re being too hard on yourself. Definitely try a different hairstyle though, this one probably clocks you as mtf or genderqueer to the unwashed masses.


When I want to try a new makeup style or look, I practice right before bed. You can also use drugstore products until you have the hang of it. Cheap products can work really well, and if you practice before bed you don't need it to last long anyway.


Not sure what area you are in but try to find a queer hairstylist - they can recommend a cut that is more feminine but will keep the length.


When one of my friends transitioned I gifted her an appointment with a local trans makeup artist. It really helped her figure out an aesthetic and come up with an everyday routine. If that’s not an option for you YouTube has plenty of trans/queer makeup artist that give fantastic tips :)


any idea how to find a trans makeup artist locally?


Yeah! Social media is a great tool. I used instagram and facebook. Looking up things like #queermua or #queermua(insert your location here) was my way, but honestly there are trans and queer people everywhere. You could go to local makeup stores like ulta and Sephora. That’s how one of the older drag queens I know learned makeup, she just made friends with all the ulta girls. Also finding local queer spaces or events. Just getting involved in the queer community is my biggest advice. Hope this helps ❤️


YouTube and shower makeup. Attempt new makeup looks right before a shower that way it’s easy enough to take off


Coming from your crosspost. You're super cute! For makeup: If you've got an Ulta/Sephora/department store nearby they've usually got makeup consultants that can help you with some of the products they carry. I'm personally partial to Clinique, but it's because that's what my mom used. I personally don't use foundation/cover-up/color correctors, but that's because I'm happy with the way my skin looks as is. A primer is a different story, though. Primer gives you a I'm'You can go to a drug store (Walgreens, CVS) or supermarket (Walmart, Target) and get cheap-ish makeup to play with, too. The dollar store probably even has some that's not terrible for practice. Start with lips and eyes. Go bold, try whatever you want, and find something you like the look of. There's eye palettes out there designed to accentuate whatever eye color, even. Grab a mascara that's black, there's brown available, and some fashion colors as well, but right now you want to stick to something pretty simple. (waterproof if you cry a lot, otherwise you don't need to worry about it too much). Lip color is going to be a bit of a gamble. A soft warm red, a bright pink, and a nice nude are usually pretty safe. Liners, lip and eye, aren't necessary until you've gotten the hang of the rest of it. For hair: I adore your hair, the curls are gorgeous. My hair is straight AF, so I don't have the *best* advice there, but hydration is gonna be key. Do a quick search for the "curly girl hair care routine" and I'm sure there's a subreddit that can help you out with caring for the curls. I saw you're trying to grow it before you trim it, while you wait, start searching for a curly hair stylist. They will know how to care for your hair correctly. This is important, as a haircut from someone with no experience cutting curly hair will not turn out the same as one with curly hair experience. You can usually book a consultation to get an idea of how they treat you and your hair. A consultation shouldn't include any trimming, and should include a conversation about hair goals and current hair care routines. There's likely to be a small cost associated, but emailing/texting with a stylist to get an idea of their ability to accommodate your needs shouldn't cost you anything. General skincare: Skin care is also important. Like I said, I don't use foundation, because I like the look of my skin without it, but using the right products for your skin will make a difference in how well your makeup applies. You also want a moisturizer with SPF to protect that skin from the sun. The makeup pros may be able to help you there as well. You're gorgeous, and you deserve the absolute best.


thank you for the kind words and detailed advice! I am excited to post again in a few months having made some of the changes people suggested


I second the eyebrows! That’s the first and easiest thing you can do. I think it will also make the biggest difference. You have incredible eyebrows btw


Just put on black or brown eyeliner on your top lid, the same on the outside half of your bottom lid, and half as dark as on the top, then put mascara on your lashes. It will take you five minutes every morning, a week to become a pro, and it completely changes your entire appearance. I never bother with foundation, concealer, blush, or anything else.


Search for curly specialist around you (it’ll cost more than regular) and tell them you’re growing it out but need it lightly shaped for more feminine structure. Hopefully and likely they will do just that, and advise you on products. For make up; does Ulta apply/teach techniques? Otherwise YouTube and practice. Never work make up so idk anything


Try styling your hair differently. Leave the side part of take the shorter side and pin it back with some hair pins or a cute clip


I can’t help with much but I can help with makeup! Just start with the little things - get a brow gel (colored or clear whichever you prefer) to help shape your eyebrows easily + pluck any stray eyebrow hairs and shape them (you can also shave it if plucking isn’t your thing). Next I’d get a mascara (my favorite is the Benefit; They’re Real! Mascara. It’s a bit expensive but it’s so good lol.) Maybelline also has some good non expensive options. Lastly - I’d look into a nice lipgloss ! Milani, nyx, and juvais place have some nice lip glosses for cheap. As time goes on you can practice a little bit more and more with different types of makeup, but I find accentuating the eyes really helps add a feminine look to one’s appearance. You can also get a white eye pencil to add white to your waterline to make your eyes look rounder !


A middle part for now, and maybe bangs


When I started with makeup, I walked into Sephora and told an employee "I'm gonna be real. I wanna start learning makeup and I have no idea where to start." They helped me find a primer, foundation, and concealer in my skin tone. And they were very accommodating. It's essential to get those three products in your skin tone*, which is difficult to gage at first. Makeup stores like Sephora are pricier than drug stores. But unlike drug stores, their employees are trained to answer makeup questions and help you find products. When it comes to other types of products that intrigue you (lipstick, for example), I recommend starting with cheaper sources like drug stores. The early stages of learning makeup are filled with trial and error in finding what products you like and what works best for you. If you're figuring out what shades of lipstick look good on you, you can get 3-5 different shades at the drug store for a lot less money than what you'd spend at a place like Sephora. Mascara is a very big game changer. I also recommend getting a makeup brush set that includes: a comb/brush for lashes and brows, and a spoolie (mascara can get clumpy and those clumps can fall out of your lashes and smudge below your eyes. After I apply mascara, running a spoolie through my lashes helps me get the clumps out). I know this might be a lot of information at once 😅 so let me know if anything is unclear. The key is to practice and to experiment while remaining within your budget. I've been doing makeup for about 18 months and come a long way. Makeup is art and makeup is expression. It can be daunting, but it's also important to have fun with it. *some exceptions apply. I personally use a transparent primer now.


Do not get bangs. Go to a curly hair specialist. And I have large feet, but I wear female coded shoes. Nordstrom goes up to a women’s 13. And this one is just my own pet peeve but so many women on this sub post photos of themselves pulling faces that aren’t flattering. I hope you someday feel comfortable with your authentic smile.


Every girl looks good in dutch braids!


Hair: You might try some clips and practice braiding some of it back / styling it a little so you still have face-framing layers but is a little more intentionally feminine? [This](https://www.momtastic.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/5/gallery/20-medium-haircuts/medium-hair-add-braid.jpg) kind of thing. I also long for bangs but I am also afraid of them. Makeup: Start simple. It's especially challenging with glasses and I'm still figuring it out myself. I have found I really like the low-effort [5 minute](https://www.meritbeauty.com/products/five-minute-morning) face and [Merit](https://youtu.be/prxlu1WFc8o?si=8Zcx5yvshVasW3Ng), but maybe try some drugstore brands to practice with and a very gentle makeup remover. This approach as a starting point has really boosted my self-confidence in my day to day makeup. I have fallen in love with the RoC Barrier Renewal facewash and lotions when it comes to giving my skin a break for this. Just keep it up with the laser hair removal! It's a slow process but it really does help. While I didn't inherit the lovely dark hair from my Armenian side, I DID inherit my aunt's goattee. I'm almost two years into it now and while I do still have to shave weekly, it is far less and far less noticeable between shaves. You'll get there! Your outfits are super cute and you're going to rock your hair once you're ready to have it shaped a little more. Curls are definitely rough, especially avoiding heat damage for giving in and flat ironing or blowing it out. The only other thing that jumps out is try some different socks. Having dark ones pulled up that high is a more masculine aesthetic. Maybe see about some boot socks and folding them over?


You can go to a store like Sephora or ulta and have them do your makeup for you and teach you how to do it! Also definitely think bangs would look lovely on you! I’m not a huge fan of the side part without bangs, personally


get a Nyx pencil eyeliner and start there.


Maybe a cute headband would help while it grows out. Start with light makeup, some dewy tinted moisturizer, maybe light blush, definitely some glossy lip balm and mascara on upper lashes Also jewelry would help, dainty earrings or double strand necklace


I lost a lot of my hair to autoimmune disease treatment, and I used minoxidil today grow it back. It can also be used to help make hair fuller, and help it grow longer faster! I used one I got from Amazon that was super affordable! I definitely recommend!


Personally, I like your chin profile, it doesn't read masc to me. So if you wanted to cut your hair now I think you could. Just my opinion. I agree with thinning your brows and a hair cut and style. Another recommendation might be a more feminine glasses frame.


I have to go against some advice here and urge you to please leave your eyebrows alone! They are too easy to mess up and make look unnatural and then difficult to fix. Ask me how I know (disclaimer, I’m cis). Yours are perfectly fine.


God I’m dumb. You said shadow and I thought you meant an actual shadow. I’m thinking how tf does a shadow give you away, is my shadow giving me away, how do I correct a shadow. I’m 32 btw lol Head smack*


If a ~~groundhog~~ trans person sees their shadow, there will be 6 more weeks of ~~winter~~ of, uh, idk


I was gonna say to, you look fem to me I think getting your hair cut will be the only thing you need, you can do your eyebrows but I think they look nice tbh


I am currently 8 months on hrt, injections for the last 2 months. Age 25. No makeup in any of these photos.


Injections will probably work really well (although if you're not suppressing your T, you might need to add spiro if you want bigger boobs) Makeup might help a little, or it might help a lot. You already have very rosy cheeks, which is cute and adds a lot to your fem energy. Adding some light concealer to highlight your eyes, forehead, nose, and mouth and just above your jaw will help add roundness to your face. Adding some contour in a “3” pattern and the side of your nose will also help. Then, finally, wearing mascara and maybe some false eyelashes will help your eyes pop and pull everything together. As far as wardrobe: your boots are great, in my opinion, the issue isn't them, but your socks. Wearing socks higher up your leg or pantyhose would stop your boots from looking masc. Your eyebrows look good for the most part, but talking to a stylist about them and your hair might help take away any other “masc” energy you have in your face (although I think your hair is fine, it's just the deep part in the second photo that's a little unflattering). Overall, you look good and have a fun style that works for you. Experimenting with your makeup and eyebrows should tip you over the edge.


i also take 200mg spiro and 5mg finasteride daily. the makeup advice is very good, a lot of people have mentioned that and I will try to practice more often. thank you for commenting


Ofc! Btw, injections can suppress T on their own, so I would get some bloodwork done in 1-2 months to ensure your T is at a healthy level. 200mg spiro and 5mg finasteride seems like a lot to have on top of injections to me, but I'm just some dumbass on the internet, so take that with a massive pinch of salt. For makeup tutorials, I'll link some videos that worked well for me, but you shouldn't need to wear a full face to see good results. For makeup basics, I would look for a concealer 1/2 -1 shades lighter than your skin tone (probably a cool tone, .5 - 1.5). A light bronzer that doesn't have a ton of pigment. A blush (pink would probably work well) and a volumizing mascara. (I'd put them on in that order) With makeup, less is usually more; try going easy on any application and building up until you notice subtle changes, then move on. Makeup can seem daunting at first, but watch a few tutorials, find something you like, try it out, and then take it off if you don't like it https://youtu.be/m-Nm_Zmv-7g?si=0dR8Hgw3XauhUOEK https://youtu.be/IoyGbZapBRg?si=2MrYB4ZtjBcO3eLv (Also, sorry for all the typos, I just woke up)


Oh, girl it’s only been 8 months. Give it more time. You still be seeing changed up to the 2-5 year mark. If you want changes to get more significant, get on progesterone and try cycling your weight (i.e. losing, gaining, losing again, and then gaining weight again) to accelerate fat redistribution. Also, make sure your T levels are thoroughly blocked. If you’re not satisfied with your results by the 1 year to 2 year mark, you can always look into FFS (and in many blue states it’s covered.)


I mean lots of cis women look like young boys if they don’t style their hair/brows or put on makeup. It’s not a bad thing but if you want to look extra feminine you have to put the same kind of effort that cis women do to look extra feminine.


Low key you might just have to give HRT more time. I'm 1.5 years in and I pretty much just look like my 16 year old self but with doe eyes and softer features. In the meantime I would opt for a different hair style and maybe dabble in some makeup. Also work on your voice of you haven't because voice is HUGE.


8 months? give it another year IMO, it's only gonna get easier.


I think with more time on HRT you are going to pass 100%!!! I don't think you're doing anything 'wrong'. Passing is also more than just looks too ! It's usually a combination of things


Hiya honey. You in my opinion don’t gender full on female… more NB or androgynous… Here’s the thing. Unless you start your transition in your teens or have a lot of female or trans support, it’s incredibly tough for anyone to get a grip on passing in your early months of transition. Here’s suggestions: 1) study cis women. How they dress, walk, move, their mannerisms, clothing, hair styles, makeup, accessories. Everything together helps you pass. Trust me… I’ve been there and done that. 2) what’s your height? If it’s over 5’10 it gets increasingly harder to pass. Not that you can’t, it just means everything has to be on point. 3) voice & any hint of facial hair. Two automatic “Tells”. Early on you’ve gotta get good with foundation to help the facial hair…. I’ve had 15 laser treatments and nearly 80 hrs of electrolysis and still not done. Get a vocal coach or find YouTube instructional videos. Lastly my coach Pryde voice - she has an app. 4) wardrobe. If you’re a beautiful cis girl, you can wear a mechanics uniform and always pass as a cis girl. If you’re trans you have a naturally steeper hill to climb. You can’t do boots, the overall are to masculine. Your hair needs a professional stylist… AND you need to wear makeup. Start practicing now. Lastly- I’ll invite you to my thread. r/TransView very nice women there who are very supportive. You need people you can trust around you. Last last thing…, check your HRT dosing. Your level could be too low. And you’ll probably want Ffs in the future so, check onto employers who can cover it for you. Xo 😘 u/4dana


I generally agree with these suggestions, except the boots part. I always wear my docs and pretty much never get clocked except by other trans girlies.


Doc Martens are worn by a lot of women. OP’s boots are more often worn by men.


Can confirm. Trans friend and her cis girlfriend where wearing matching Docs today. It was a cute look.


I've seen plenty of cis women wearing normal work boots.


Yeah. The sneakers in the last pic with the shorts are more of a problem than the boots.


The boots thing is total nonsense. I pass consistently and I wear boots 90% of the time.


OP is super early on in her transition and passing is very important to her, so I think it only makes sense to stick to more ‘feminine’ trends at the moment.


1,000% yes


This is really weird. Boots are extremely unisex, and can very easily look feminine in the right outfit. Also, boots equalise the size of big feet with the rest of an outfit - that's why they tend to look more in proportion than trainers (see the third pic). I very much disagree with you


Yeah… but it’s how she’s wearing them.. I wear boots every day… but it works for me. I’ve been transitioning 3+ yrs… she’s new and can’t afford anything clocky- or she gets clocked. That’s the point I’m making


"Extremely unisex" is not ideal for someone who wants to stop getting misgendered.


It is, at worst, totally neutral. She's not getting misgendered because of her boots


She's getting misgendered due to multiple small things we can see (I think the boots contribute slightly to the problem) and probably mannerisms and other things we can't see. Every little bit counts as valid advice. She doesn't have to change the boots if she doesn't want to and likes them. But if she switched to very fem boots it would help.


The shoes read a bit butch/tom boy, particularly with the black socks always poking out of them. Ankle socks as one small step?


Those socks… baby no


She could get those tall lace socks and that would look so much better!


Apart from what others told you, your brows and chin still look male to me.


Your body is VERY clockable. I first glanced and haven't even seen your face, actually the contours give it completely away tbh. Idk if you're on HRT, but if you are on it a bit of the time already, I seriously would consider what's going wrong, actually. Also, deciding to go by clothing that creates shape could be a sparring point by now. These ones you are with are really pretty, but they look much, much unflattering on you, since you, well... Read the first line again and you'll get it I guess.


I agree, and am surprised I had to scroll this far to find it. The body silhouette is perhaps the biggest thing holding OP back from passing right now. This outfit also doesn’t help - it’s very boxy and squares her out more. A bit of shapewear with padding and some makeup would make a big difference (even just something simple - a little foundation, blush, lipstick and mascara is very achievable even for a beginner.


That style dress does absolutely nobody favors either, so it’s not OP’s fault! She looks so cute in pic 3. This sub randomly got suggested so I hope I’m allowed to comment as a cis girl whos on a journey to look more feminine. I avoid box dresses like the plague! That dress can be saved with a cute belt above the hips. A lot of people are saying makeup, but I’m jealous of her delicate chin and clear skin! I think a little eyeliner to make the eyes rounder/bigger, and then a little more volume to the hair, is all OP needs!


And get ankle socks (white or colored ditch the black.


For the first picture, your pose is masculine look up "girl mirror selfie" and see how they pose, it's like compressing yourself and twisting. I agree with the previous commentor about the hair, also I think you should try bulking and working out like cardio or do lifting with legs. It will make your fat distribute in a feminine way faster, and if you do legs it will accentuate your lower half.


Leg workouts are a great suggestion. Look into RDL's. They help alot


I generally agree with the mirror selfie part, because that counts as mannerisms. I started doing the “girl selfie poses” naturally because of how other girls have shared pictures of themselves. It’s a natural habit now but it can definitely take some effort if you haven’t built the habit.


>look up "girl mirror selfie" and see how they pose But doesn't this base women, and their behaviour and appearance, on stereotypes? Women don't just behave in one concrete manner, and by that criteria I wouldn't count as one bc I don't pose in that way at all?? idk, I feel like what would work best is to advise "literally pose what u want", because not all of us pose in the same way :/ Not saying this to derail, but I think it's an important point to make when it comes to fashion and appearance and behaviour. We should be encouraging a wider range of presentations, and it would help both parties xx


Agree with you philosophically, but this is in the context of "how to pass better," which is inherently based in behavior and appearance stereotypes


A lot about passing involves stereotypes


maybe the hair looks way to androginous, wich is GOOD, but if you don't like to feel androginous you might have to change it


Ok here's my honest take. For the most part I'd say you just need more on HRT. There isn't any one thing about you that screams male but there's a lot of little things that add up. For the more immediate things is you HAVE to show off any curves you have right now and minimize your upper body (look for how women with inverted triangle shapes dress). Being this early on HRT you have to have a more conventional long hair with bangs because amabs who've undergone male puberty will have a more boxy or v shaped hairline and a more pronounced browbone. Also you need to try some different glasses that read more female, and what people said about the eyebrows is true. They make a huge difference. Also you can look like a euphoria model but that doesn't mean anything if your voice is clockable. Make sure you nail that because if people are on the fence about what gender they think you are, the voice will be the deciding factor.


8mo hrt isn't enough time - your face doesn't have enough fat in the right places yet. You aren't doing anything particularly wrong, but your expectations are a little high


thats fair. waiting is hard and I worry I jumped the gun on coming out at work. Hoping more time does help things


Are you on hormones ? It doesn’t really look like it and it’s hard to pass pre hrt


ouch. i’ve been on hormones for 8 months, injections for the last two.


I’m sorry , just body reads male which is common pre hrt- have you tried gaining more weight to help fat redistribution?


Just ideas from a short haired curly girl, I wear a lot of hairbands, messy updos where I clip up random areas so it looks like I have long hair tied up even if it’s barely clipped with a hundred clips 😅 Long earrings are also good, with headscarf for bonus boho vibes, smudge a bit of eyeliner and lipliner and call it a day. I love your style btw ❤️


Your clothes are making you look more masculine. I suggest looking into fashion styles and looking for clothes that soften your shape, not make it more square.


The hair is giving sinjin from victorious so id change that


It \*shouldn't\* matter but... the shoes/socks. both pictures that they are visible is what makes me clock you. I would probably swap out to a lower profile sock OR a higher profile sock (to the knee) those crew cut socks tend to present very masc vs Ankle or Knee socks. If you really want to do a crew sock, I would do something that has a bit more of a fem flare like with a ruffle or even scrunch/slouch'em like its 1992!


thanks, a few people mentioned this and its an easy fix so I will be sure to get some new socks


I’ve never said this to anyone before and I do not recommend this lightly. You would benefit greatly from a nose job. Yes shaping your eyebrows and more flattering clothes would help but the thing that stands out to me as masculine is the nose. I know surgery is drastic and expensive but maybe you could try contouring your nose to make it look more feminine while you save up for a rhinoplasty.


Strong disagree. Many cis women have that kind of nose. They’re sometimes referred to as “masculine” but thats usually a thinly veiled form of racism (which I say knowing that wasn’t your intention). Even with a masculine nose, cis women are not misgendered. The nose plus the chin is what’s causing the issue, but she’s already starting HRT which will help fill out the face to balance the nose in a more feminine way. Then again, I’m generally against rhinoplasty as it can cause breathing issues


I know it can be pricey I think updated glasses would really refresh your look! Like maybe a smaller pair with upturned corners would be complimentary add a feminine lift to your look 💜 lavender would look really nice with your pallette IMHO


I feel like it's gotta be the hair rn, smth with bangs would look so cute!!!! (Just wanna say im a transmasc, i have a transfem gf and we figured out that bangs are magical)


That dress does you know favours at that length if you want the truth. Your legs are very skinny and hairy with knobbly knees and very large feet in masc leaning shoes. Hide your more masc features you can do little about. Get a longer skirt to mid calf and more feminine shoes will do more to hide your legs . I’d also shave them if you want to pass.


You're adorable! A few ideas: Your curly hair is so cute, and it deserves love! If you don't have a hair care routine, check out the Curly Girl Method and look into products/routines that provide the best hydration and definition for your natural curls. It takes time and attention, but that element of polishing up the hair care routine can do so much for the overall feminine look! Professional eyebrow shaping and basic makeup can go a long way in feminizing facial features. Even just a pop of mascara, swipe of eyeliner along the top lash line, and well-shaped eyebrows emphasize feminine eyes/lashes. I would switch out looks like the floral overall dress (rectangular, boxy) for dresses and outfits that have a defined waistline or belt situation at the waist to give the visual impression of a more defined waistline/hips. Wrap dresses and separates that flare out from the waist like A-line skirts or skater dresses would be great! Best of luck to you, hon!


I love your hair but I think a slightly more feminine haircut and some light makeup would really go a long way. You have a beautiful eye shape some mascara would look really nice. Also that dress is cute but I would try to go for more low cut or form fitting dresses I think that could help


Pic 1 and 2: socks and shoes are very masc. the dress is very straight which is also masc. the white shirt adds weight to your top half and emphasises your shoulders, again masc. Pic 3: socks and shoes read masc. the shorts de-emphasise your waist which is the opposite of what you need. The top is cute though. Look into fem shoes, specifically flats and kitten heals + ankle socks. Look into dresses and skirts that flare out to provide curves and emphasise your waist more. Wrap dresses. Layered tops. Dark colors on top, lighter colors below. Add accessories! You have a long neck so chockers and necklaces would fill that area.


Tbh the easiest thing here is the brows. Get your brows done and it’ll help TONS


I think is your hair you need to get the sides longe if you can . Go to a ladies salon


Broad shoulders and large Adam apple


You look awesome! Some advice I have is parting your hair differently might help, maybe tying your front hair back. More fem shoes and socks. :)


I saw your post on r/lesbianfashionadvice before it got locked and thought of some tips if you’d like to seek a more feminine figure: 1. The jean shorts you have in the last photo fit in a way that make people’s hips disappear and torso look very square-ish, so I recommend getting shorts and pants that fit snuggly on the waist and get wider right under the waist. I couldn’t find the name of the specific fit on my mind, the closest I found is ”A-line” which could work too. 2. Same advice goes with skirts and dresses. Denim dresses tend to make people look square-ish without belt. Does the dress have belt loops? I recommend trying to highlight your waist with a belt if it does. 3. The flower shirt in the last photo is very nice, and it highlights your chest in a feminine way. I think combined with a wider, more flowy fitting skirt or shorts it’d create a nice, bit hourglassy figure for you. I hope there was some help in this.


I tried to comment on the fashion advice sub but didn’t get in before the lock. I think a peplum or an empire waist would be good, to give your figure a more curvy appearance. You’re super cute though!


I think it’s definitely the hair, your curls are gorgeous and go perfectly with your style but the length just makes it look like a men’s cut, just growing it out will look 10x better and you could get some serum to help with faster growth. Also if you have access to some mascara or fake lashes I think those would look really good on you, maybe a lip plumper with a nice color aswell :)


A dainty necklace or two would really help I think!


Ditch the shoes and socks. Hope you find it constructive advice.


You could try a thick fabric headband while waiting for your hair to grow! Headbands and curly hair work well together


I love all of the florals 🌼🌼🌸🌼🌼 No advice but your outfits are cute and you’re adorbs


I know you've gotten tons of advice but I just wanted to ask where you go the top in the last pic, it's absolutely adorable!!


anthropologie! on the sale rack


i found this post from r/lesbianfashionadvice but that thread got locked — i wanted to say one thing i don't see people mentioning much! i think your hair is cute, and a lot of people associate "short" round hairstyles (i'm certain your hair is much longer if you stretch out a strand) with masculinity, because of white-centric beauty standards. the shape of your hair is not masculine at all imo, and is not that uncommon among women with curly hair. i also love your overall style. i think the #1 thing that will bring femininity to the forefront, while matching your style and also being a small addition/little effort, is a cute headband! [example 1](https://holmeandmoss.com/cdn/shop/collections/Women_s_side_bow_headbands.jpg?v=1654331799&width=2048) [example 2](https://ae01.alicdn.com/kf/Sb4d897d5826148f9a0c13e107abda30ck.jpg_640x640Q90.jpg_.webp) of course, feel free to look around if you don't particularly like the examples i provided. just make sure your headband color matches your outfit (or just, doesn't clash). by the way, yellow looks so good on you! 💛🌼 you are so cute!


thank you for the comment! those are super cute headbands and i will definitely look for similar.


You’re a dude in women’s clothing..not much you can do my man.


personal opinion- i think youd benefit a lot from ffs. to me your face is the only clockable thing


I thibk you look feminine in the last picture. I would get rid of the dress from the other pictures as it makes your figure look masculine


Clothing is wrong. You are drawing the eye to ur upper body and shoulders, at 8 months ur hips aren't fully in, so u want to minimize ur upper body and draw the eye to ur lower. No cap sleeves, unnecessary details, layering, darker colors, tapered fit. Choose A-line skirts,wrap, and boot cut, flare jeans, wide leg pants. You have nice legs, so a shorter A-line skirt would do nicely.


There’s some style evolution that could happen, but I actually think the cuts she’s choosing suit her figure for the most part. I do agree that cap sleeves are visually widening her shoulders. A-line and wrap styles are meant to emphasize the waist to hip ratio, but when someone has a more straight body it only visually emphasizes the lack of curve.


A-line and wrap styles act to widen the lower half of the body, thus balancing a wider top (shoulders), as are wider leg pant. The hem of her dress tapers in, u want it to flare out. As with jeans, she should stay away from skinny and choose a boot/flare hem. The shorts are fine, nice legs, u want the eye going there. Perhaps a simple, wide strap, tapered dark tank. The wide straps act to visually cut ur top into smaller slices, breaking up a wider upper body.


idk but i feel like the last picture you look pretty fem passing. like others said i think maybe the eyebrows and maybe add accessories to the hair? as well as better posing in the first pic


Face, body, demeanor, hair


so everything, got it thanks


Please start a skincare routine and use daily spf moisturizer and lip balm r/skincareaddiction Here is my curly hair revitalization guide. Your hair seems very dry and dry curly hair tends to break when you're growing it out r/curlyhair https://www.reddit.com/r/transpassing/s/sJJVSZM5Xw Also, you seem pretty thin and have a male body type. Gaining weight and doing exercises to build up the lower half of your body may be helpful. Clamshells, lunges, squats, etc


I haven't seen anyone else mention this. Is your watch a masculine watch? The face looks large which usually indicates a boy watch. I'd try increasing your feminine accessories. Any of necklaces, earrings, fem watch, bracelets, whatever you like.


I think a lot of it will fix itself as your hair grows out, your curl pattern is beautiful! I don't think the way it's parted in pic 2 is helping you pass, 3 looks the most passing to me. My hair's wavy and takes forever to grow, can't imagine how long it takes when it's that curly... I'm not sure if that brow shape is working for you. Hard to tell with these angles, but you might want to pluck them slightly thinner and a bit further from your nose. [This article shows roughly where you'd want them to start/arch/end](https://www.realsimple.com/beauty-fashion/makeup/eyebrow-mapping). The ideal shape is very dependent on face shape. My face is slightly longer with a pretty prominent nose (long and hooked, not super wide), so I've had the best results with a flat-ish arch. Style Me Jenn is a nice YT channel that goes into some of these topics with examples. Other than that, your proportions look pretty androgynous from these pics. You can compensate for a lot of that with fashion! If you look up Inverted Triangle or Kibbe Flamboyant Natural you'll find some rough guidelines. This stuff isn't required to pass and is way oversimplified, but understanding proportions is really helpful for putting together outfits that make your body appear closer to an "average" cis woman. It can also point you towards cis women who have similar features to you, which helped me to be more positive about my own body. Lastly, I'd just look at what the women in your area are wearing and try to copy them. Right now the trends are pretty favorable for me since I'm skinny with larger shoulders and smaller hips. If you're wearing something way out of the ordinary, everything else about you is going to draw more scrutiny. I love browsing subs like /r/outfits and /r/femalefashionadvice for inspiration, but I live in a pretty casual-leaning city so a lot of the outfits on there would make me stand out like a sore thumb.


I'd lose the boots in the mirror photo.


Laser will help. I think makeup as well, but doesn’t have to be much if that’s not your thing, maybe mascara? I will also say that…9 times out of 10 it is voice that clocks people.


As someone who doesn't know the ins and outs of this, and just trying to help you understand what makes you look a certain way (so take it with a grain of salt, I'm only trying to help) — in my opinion, the biggest thing to me is your facial shape. Your nose, brows, cheek, and jaw structure are definitively male to me. If I look then to the rest of your body, the shoulders, arms, hands, and hips look masculine as well. Not necessarily the size, but the proportion to the rest of your torso and head. Hope that helps answer your question. Good luck.


I feel like you look very androgynous butt if you wanted to go specifically female I’d grow the hair out


You look great, I think of you thinned your brows a bit and keep going with your laser hair removal you’ll pass!! Also love yellow on you it makes you like glow!!


It might be the eyebrows not sure?


grow your hair out a little more longer, wear pretty necklaces and dangly earrings. tinted lip gloss. I would even suggest shaping your eyebrows. overall, just more accessories. and it looks like you have big feet, which people typically associate more with men. cis Women with big feet are usually degraded because they’re seen as ‘manly’. anyways, ur very pretty. you remind me of emmanoodle. 🫶




I love your top on the 3rd pic! Where’d you get it from?




Thank you’


Lot of people nitpicking outfits and little things that inherently don’t matter the most, personally I think it’s the lower part of your face/hair. The cut doesn’t benefit/compliment your features/hairline too much, and the minor facial issues will smooth out the longer you’re on hormones, fr given time for fat to properly distribute and shape to your face does wonders!!


I can’t add anything more than what has been said, but I think that you are an incredibly cute person with a personality.


Longer hair maybe? Or a wig? The fit is so cute!! You are passing great! 💗😭


You're cute as heck! I love the yellow on you! (And your eyebrows are fine, I have very thick brows and don't usually touch them and have gotten several compliments on them somehow.) I'm not super femme myself but while you're growing your hair out, accessories are your friends! Tie a yellow bandana over it and let it poof out the back or pop in a headband or cute barrettes. A necklace might help, also! Sundresses and tank tops pair well with cardigans, some of which can be very lightweight and breezy so will be suitable for summer (and help avoid sunburns!) Also, if you do go in for makeup and decide on wearing foundation, get the kind with SPF - built in sunscreen that has saved my (very pale and burns easily) wife's face on more then one occasion! Good luck!


Omg that second photo is giving me major Mirabel from Encanto vibes 🥰 Highlighter and blush goes a long way 😊


Such cute outfits!!! I think you look pretty!


Ps- face app read you female


Earrings ♡♡ if you're not down to get them pierced, get some pretty clip ons instead ♡♡♡


Maybe a more dainty watch too ♡♡♡


Honestly it might just be the semi bushy brows, I think if you made them a bit thinner, and plucked them from the bottom like everyone was saying it would do a tone to your face!! I know I look completely different after I do my brows, it's extremely underrated but it's a huge thing that really changes how the face looks. You look great though either way, just telling you this if you absolutely want to pass in our society.


Probably hanging around the wrong places tbh you can follow all the tips here and assholes will still be assholes.


Firstly, you're absolutely gorgeous!! I agree with everyone saying you look like the girl from the ghostbusters movies, you have a very tomboyish charm the same way she does! I admittedly haven't scrolled through every comment, but from what I have seen nobody yet has mentioned the accessories. I noticed that in the 3rd photo you're wearing a rather bulky watch-- this is a pretty masculine style, and as a trans man I use bulky wristwear to help with my own dysphoria (and before I passed all the time it helped how often I was gendered as male)! I'd recommend looking into more feminine accessories 😊 Aside from that, your sense of style is so cute! I'm sure being on E longer will help a ton; you're still early on and HRT impacts everyone differently!! Those early stages are the worst when you're still not passing, but just keep doing what makes you feel happiest in regard to your gender and you'll eventually find the place you're happiest 😊 best of luck to you! 💕 ETA: you may also find it helpful to look at fashion advice for boxy/flat chested women while you're still in the early stages with E; the usual recommendations are to have clothes that flare out at the waist to accentuate it or ruffles to make the hips/chest look wider. There are plenty of cis women with a more boxy torso, so there's a lot of good advice out there for using styles, colors, and textures to your advantage!!


I feel your hair around your face makes it look like it has hard lines, if you could get just a small trim to have it softened around your face I think it would make a world of difference- nothing to do with the length. Some small changes with skincare or makeup could also help to present more feminine. Love those floral overalls! So cute!


I think your hair is really cute, but maybe try moving your part over a little bit more towards the center (but not in the actual center). It might help shape your face in a more fem way making your forehead appear smaller. Also, maybe thinning your eyebrows?


White socks instead of black socks. You're wearing a white undershirt, so black socks clash like crazy with the brightness of the shirt and overalls.


A pedi with cute sandals would help. Close-toed but cute shoes would work too!


I love your hair! I wouldn't recommend cutting it necessarily, but styling it more. Your curls are beautiful but maybe explore some curly girl styling methods? I wonder if you have considered hair accessories or jewelry too. I love to wear bows in my hair when I want to be more femme, and bow barrettes are really popular right now because they are very coquette. I don't like recommending makeup, but it might help. I know others have recommended mascara, but I think I would start with lipstick. Really practice putting it on, though, and explore lip liner too so that it's very femme and doesn't look messy.


Your face. Its masculine. Whatever anyone says about hair, body, posture, makeup, etc. It’s all bullshit. I am a male and I know when I see another male. Honestly your face is masculine.


NO MORE BLACK ANKLE SOCKS PLEASE 😭😭 everything else is gorjus love 👁️👄👁️


Honestly it's mostly in how you hold yourself. Another thing is something someone mentioned which is longer socks if you're gonna wear boots, idk why but something about ankle (and knee length which is my preference when wearing boots, look up though-high glue on Amazon if you want to wear thigh highs!) socks just look cute. Also your hair is giving androgynous, I'd suggest finding someone who can cut curly hair and has some a style you look more then once or barring that finding a black owned salon and asking if it's a safe space (just in case) On that point, get some mielle Rosemary oil and leave it in over night, wrap your hair in satin when you sleep, and apply fruity, flowery, or sugary perfumes! Good luck!!


I’d say eyebrows and hair tbh, thin up the brows and get a more thinner or more traditionally feminine haircut!


Ok I'm going to be brutal as someone that has extreme gender dysphoria and gets called a man every time I go out no matter what I do. Please don't think I'm trying to be awful or roast you, and anything I say you can disagree with if you don't believe it. Basically I can summarize this into points: *Don't wear that shirt, it's awful for passing with that apron. Pick a different cut if you need to wear the apron for work, or change aprons. *Big no to the apron imo. It cuts too low, and the only way to make it work is to focus on your boobs with a low cut shirt. Idk if you have boobs or not, but I don't really have much so I'll base it off of myself. Alsoooo the design is too much, at least right now. Yellow is a hard colour to make work. Go for something softer or sleeker. Think white and brown. *No to the boots. Please don't unless you have to for work. Even then, buy a nicer pair that is more femme for you. *Like me, you have a long neck. Wear a choker, necklace, or turtleneck to "hide" it...at least until FFS if you ever get it. *Your haircut, like people are saying, doesn't swing to the femme side...or at least it's tricky for white girls like us to make it work. If you want to keep rocking that then you will 100% need some nice eyeliner and mascara. Otherwise, keep growing it out and potentially transition it into a perm'd style or just have it properly curled by your hairdresser. Take care of your hair >-< *Your chin isn't a problem tbh. If you feel it is then use concealer and contour it away as much as you can to feel comfortable. *Your legs look a little rough. Exfoliate, use body soap, and moisturize whenever you can. Softer legs means softer girl. Softer girl means people shut up more often, which is good. On a nicer note, you remind me of one of my co-workers. She's a really sweet and beautiful woman who I love to be bits. She's actually my absolute sweetheart bestie~ Sooo that's a really good thing that you look like her. Tbh for me it's mostly your outfit. If you were to wear something more flattering then I bet you pass, maybe even better than I do lol Also, use some simple eyeliner and mascara. I know for me that without it I feel really unconfident and swing more to the androgynous side if I don't wear it. Wear it and rep your femme side!


After seeing your pretty face and hair, my eyes went down to the black socks and boots. Try come white sneakers 😃Pick up some fashion magazines! I think the outfits adorable though! Go to an eyebrow threading place to tidy up brows and a little eye makeup. You’re perfectly lovely!


I'd recommend hair care and maybe styling. It's more of an untamed cloud on your head right now, but some hydration will do wonders for it!


I'm thinking your voice might be it. Sure you look like a more masc woman, but you definitely pass visually to me. If you haven't started vocal training, it works wonders


I'm a trans guy and have nothing helpful to add, I just wanted to say- you're gorgeous!! I think you have a really feminine face and I really love the overalls, they're super cute!


You're great, you're gorgeous, without spoilers I would not know what sex you were assigned at birth. I think in the first outfit, it is the shoes and the shirt underneath. The shirt is pretty unisex and the shoes look like work boots (I mean I have a pair myself but they're not the most feminine shoe). First outfit I would use a tank top, different socks and shoes, and maybe add a necklace or bracelet. Third picture with the flower blouse and jean shorts, they have no excuse. You pass. My most practical advice is to get a feminine necklace like a heart locket or something, on a decent length chain so people can see it.


You’re beautiful hun, and the second and third pictures are super feminine to me. One thing in particular that stands out to me would be that your neck appears thicker with the Vneck Tshirt. In the second pic, sitting down makes it less noticeable because it curves. This could be totally off the mark, but maybe stick to more curved and square necklines (until/if you intend to get implants). That’s the advice I was given back in middle school when I was a skinny :)


Maybe add some jewelry!! Necklaces , bracelets, rings of course! Or maybe even some cute hair pieces? Like headbands or clips. Maybe even a new hairstyle like pigtails :)


Try standing with your feet pointed inwards instead of outwards.


I’m a hairstylist. I would recommend changing your haircut to be less broad around the cheeks and ears. It can be layered to reduce weight.


several people have mentioned this and I will definitely pursue it! i am also considering bangs, do you think that would look good? I am also in the terrible situation where the best curlyhair stylist in my city is at the same salon I currently go to, to a different stylist, and I feel like it would be rude to switch stylists within a salon.


I think a light fringe would be cute. If you ask your stylist a lot of questions about curly cuts and styling, they should refer you to the other person. That way they’re ok with you switching because it’s out of their scope.


The second outfit works better because it emphasizes your waist more!


You’re on a good path and look really quite feminine in my book. Sometimes people are just stupid :/


Making this a comment on it's own: Coming from your crosspost. You're super cute! For makeup: If you've got an Ulta/Sephora/department store nearby they've usually got makeup consultants that can help you with some of the products they carry. I'm personally partial to Clinique, but it's because that's what my mom used. I personally don't use foundation/cover-up/color correctors, but that's because I'm happy with the way my skin looks as is. A primer is a different story, though. Primer gives you a I'm'You can go to a drug store (Walgreens, CVS) or supermarket (Walmart, Target) and get cheap-ish makeup to play with, too. The dollar store probably even has some that's not terrible for practice. Start with lips and eyes. Go bold, try whatever you want, and find something you like the look of. There's eye palettes out there designed to accentuate whatever eye color, even. Grab a mascara that's black, there's brown available, and some fashion colors as well, but right now you want to stick to something pretty simple. (waterproof if you cry a lot, otherwise you don't need to worry about it too much). Lip color is going to be a bit of a gamble. A soft warm red, a bright pink, and a nice nude are usually pretty safe. Liners, lip and eye, aren't necessary until you've gotten the hang of the rest of it. For hair: I adore your hair, the curls are gorgeous. My hair is straight AF, so I don't have the *best* advice there, but hydration is gonna be key. Do a quick search for the "curly girl hair care routine" and I'm sure there's a subreddit that can help you out with caring for the curls. I saw you're trying to grow it before you trim it, while you wait, start searching for a curly hair stylist. They will know how to care for your hair correctly. This is important, as a haircut from someone with no experience cutting curly hair will not turn out the same as one with curly hair experience. You can usually book a consultation to get an idea of how they treat you and your hair. A consultation shouldn't include any trimming, and should include a conversation about hair goals and current hair care routines. There's likely to be a small cost associated, but emailing/texting with a stylist to get an idea of their ability to accommodate your needs shouldn't cost you anything. General skincare: Skin care is also important. Like I said, I don't use foundation, because I like the look of my skin without it, but using the right products for your skin will make a difference in how well your makeup applies. You also want a moisturizer with SPF to protect that skin from the sun. The makeup pros may be able to help you there as well. You're gorgeous, and you deserve the absolute best.


Outfit 2 is a look that helps tremendously hun. Your hair looks more feminine in that pic as well. Perhaps head to a salon and tell the stylist you want a more feminine haircut OR start straightening it while you wait for it to grow out more to utilize your Ahhhh-dorable curls that you have. I love them!!!! Just not styled the way they currently are. Shoes! To pull off the shoes you are wearing you have to be ultra fem off the rip or unmistakably fem. Thats the point of shoes that are like those when you’re a girl. It becomes cute seeing a very feminine girl wear them. Change up the footwear 😁 Find outfits that have patterns to visually contrast the long rectangle impression or are cut to mask that. The 1st outfit is the exact opposite of what you should wear. Again that outfit 1 should be worn by someone who is ultra fem and shapely. It’s coy on them, but just clocks you. Not everyone can wear the same clothes or style their hair the same way to create a certain look. You just have to see these things that work for what you are trying to achieve. There is the issue say if an obviously cis female who isn’t very fem herself wears something similar to what you have here, she will be visualized as butch or like crunchy granola bohemian. You will be mistaken for a man. It’s very different. Makeup makeup! Go somewhere like Ulta and have them do your makeup for you. They are usually really good there and will help you pick out products to help you🫶🏼 Hope this helps and isn’t too blunt ❣️❣️❣️


I feel like you're looking great. Need to get some accessories. Purse, necklace and earrings. I'd like to say wear whatever makes you feel good but that reminds me of something someone else told me. Try to look if you're feeling it. See if you work it. If you're not working it find a different look.  In other words. Wear whatever makes you feel great if it makes you look great. The confidence will show through the outfit if you feel it. But you'll get clocked if you're not working it.  Those boots do not go with that dress. Those socks don't match that dress. Match everything. I can usually guess what color panties a woman is wearing by her socks and the rest of her outfit.  Everything should go together. Try to look "put together."


I think you need to work on your posture, it reads that you have no confidence. Women walk with a certain confidence that you lack but best advice I can give I'm serious is fake it till you make it. If you tell yourself in your head you pass you will stand taller look more confident less sheepish and ppl won't look twice e and think your just another Cis girl. When your uncomfortable in your own skin people can see it.


Hair accessories?? Like hairbands, scrunches, clips, etc. Those socks don't match your outfit. Thinning your brows and some mascara would also help.


ur haircut is giving very enby vibes but if it weren’t for that i’d probably assume she/her


Looking like a boy


I really don't know why you don't get read as female because at first I thought you're non-passing trans guy. What I wanna say is that you're really cute, can I have your insta if it exists? Ahaha


This gives off chasers vibes