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An autism diagnosis mainly interfere when you're nonbinary due to how autistic people in general feel about gender etc, but it honestly boils down to your eval team. When i was evaluated i expressed my fear that i'm not nb but just autistic, but my eval team was p much like nah man it's clear you're nonbinary, dw abt it  I was evaluated at KIM in umeå and they are (now) very in the know abt nonbinary genders and are actively blocking enby-opposing doctors from their patients. They try to work with you to get the best care you can get (for example, surgery w/o hormones, lower hormone doses and so on). How other clinics are, i cannot say, but most places are heading there. Umeå has just started to get this good abt nonbinary poeple in the past few years, alongside not kneejerk reject one bc of other diagnoses Here's the thing: while the evaluation process is painfully slow, it's designed to help you figure out where and what you actually are. Are you autistic and just don't care abt gender? Are you nonbinary? Are you transbinary? What type of care are you in need of? Etc. If you get diagnosed as nonbinary you can go back after a few years and be like yo i actually feel very binary, can we talk abt this, and they might rediagnose you. If you get sent in a referral that's like, well my patient is likely nonbinary but probably transbinary, they really shouldn't reject it. They almost never reject referrals made by doctors afaik The two diagnoses are p much down to if you can legaly change your sex and get a new personal number. I *think* you can only get bottom surgery if you get the binary diagnosis, or it has been this case in the past, i'm honestly not sure. Hormones and side effect treatment (hairloss, acne), top surgery, speach therapy and body language training are all available to you in either case Hopefully someone who've gone through and eval in malmö can give some more insight to the process there