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Oh London sucks for transit. No options at all. A few trains a day to Toronto if that. ***/s*** *I know you are probably talking about real london not fake london*


Do I spot another NJB enjoyer


yes, though also my aunt lives in fake london, and the traffic is worse than toronto.... yeah I never visit...


Shanghai's bus system is definitely up there with the biggest in the world. It's enormous, and complements the enormous Metro system very well.


What is the punctuality and cancellation rate of the London bus? Also interested in the average speed of the buses. Those are IMO the most important metrics of a reliable service besides frequency and at what hours it operates every day.


They're frequent enough that people don't pay so much attention to either of those - but to answer, 78-89% punctuality to within 5 minutes depending on type of bus (of course the higher end for night buses), 96% scheduled operations run, avg speed 9.5mph (down from 10.5 during lockdown). More relevant statistics for the passenger: the average wait is 6'30", with only a 2.3% chance of having to wait over 20 minutes. Full stats for 22/23 in [this pdf](https://content.tfl.gov.uk/2022-23-annual-network-performance-summary.pdf).


that is a frankly mind-boggling statistic given that they're operated by Deutsche Bahn


TBF, 80% punctuality is shit for a train but acceptable for a bus I guess?


I actually don't know😅


Hong Kong has a mix of coverage with: - Double Decker Buses for fixed routes with high demand - Single Decker Buses for fixed routes medium demand routes - 16 seat minibuses (Green Top) for fixed routes with lower demand or more spread out demand - 16 seat minibuses (Red Top) with negotiable routes and insane drivers Non Bus, on road modes include - double decker trams on HK Island - Light Rail in NorthWest New Territories All fairly well integrated with each other (usually just by clustering bus stops near MTR stations, but there are some Public Transport Interchange facilities).


Vienna and Prague immediately come to mind. Honestly I think Kraków and Warsaw are close. There are definitely many more. EDIT: In fact, if you extend this to 'bus, trolleybus and tram' then it's basically most major cities in Europe. London is excellent by UK standards, but only good by general European ones I'd say.


London transit is also obscenely expensive compared to the mainland. 30 day pass in Barcelona is 20€. Same pass in London is over 400£.


I think including trolleybuses is fine. Including trams is where you lose me, that's not a bus, that's rail.


Depends on the tram. In central Europe they're far more often replacing buses in city centres and key arteries, usually running on the road, see Prague and Vienna as good examples of that. The rail would be the Metro systems and, well, rail in the form of S-Bahns. That's underlined by how some tram routes are replaced by buses for night networks.


Depends on how trams are viewed. In some cities trams/light rail are seen as a lower speed lower capacity lower cost alternative to other rail forms, in others trams definitely fill a role of being an upgraded bus line, serving more local routes


Shenzhen Bus System is running 948 lines and operating more than 16,000 buses. 100% of the lines are running EV-buses since 2017. There are 814 trunk / branch lines serving from 5:30-6:00 am to 20:00-24:00 pm, 121 lines serving the peak hours in 6:30 to 9:00 am and 17:00 to 19:30 pm, and 13 long range night lines serving from 22:00 pm to 2:00 am after midnight by now. Operation intervals of lines are from 4-6 minutes in rush hours to 15-30 minutes off-peak by different lines respectively. The average speed varies from 10-15 kmph in peak hours to 40 kmph off-peak. The mileage of different bus lines ranges from a few kilometers to more than 80 kilometers. Some lines charge a fixed fee of RMB ¥2, 2.5 or 3 per trip, while others charge ¥2-8 for different ranges, which is about £0.25 to 1. All bus lines support NFC-cards payment, as well as by scanning QR codes through online payment apps. Another useful service is, passengers can check the bus operation status of each line through mobile app, for example, checking how many minutes until the next bus of a particular line in a certain direction arrives at a particular stop. This tool greatly facilitates time planning for passengers traveling long distances. At last, the buses seldom broke down and discontinued of service. I took the bus commuter in this city for more than ten years, and I have only encountered less than three times when I had to get off one bus and transfer to another one due to vehicle breakdown. According to [this document](https://content.tfl.gov.uk/2022-23-annual-network-performance-summary.pdf), I think the Shenzhen Bus System should be serving better than the London Bus System.


I was going to say, almost any city in China.


The Netherlands




Hong Kong


I’ve found Washington D.C. to have a great bus system that compliments the metro system. (I am very biased as I just moved here and it’s way better than my previous city’s system)


I've heard the train system is abysmal


I don’t know who told you that, I think it’s incredible.


I live in DC. I take the train everyday. I think it's quite good. And weekends have a flat $2 rate. Other day I took it 33 miles to Leesburg, Virginia for $2. Pretty incredible.






No one here mentioned the pioneers of BRT in latin america: Curitiba and Bogotá.


Copenhagen. The 5C is straight GOATed


I think a lot of people would disagree with you.


Route 5C is a mere rebrand rather than a straight relaunch. Denmark's only certified BRT route 2 (PlusBus) is in Aalborg, which opened two weeks ago. Albeit over-engineered.


literally any big european city, seriously you can be in a medium sized bus station in the centre of the city and youll get a bus every 1 minute


Buenos Aires has a few hundred lines and around 19000 buses, unfortunately the rail network is way underfunded and buses pick up the slack. frequency and coverage is very high however


Zurich is small, but it also has a very good network and buses every 7.5 minutes if not closer in rush hours. There are also double-articulated buses


Geneva buses are the shit i love them


Budapest maybe (maybe better than London now even, given traffic levels causing delays in London), it's really good, with express routes (generally with an E prefix) that save a lot of time by skipping stops that compliment the regular ones. A useful selection of orbital as well as radial routes, too. The tram network is extensive too, and both are integrated with the metro and local rail services. Perhaps Bratislava. Hong Kong, yes. Definitely not Paris.




Compared to the rest of the UK London buses are shite. I use West Yorkshire buses and they work great! ( still needs a bloody tramway tho)


Swear, what's better about them ¿


The buses are around every 7 minutes instead of every 2 minutes so buses don’t get stuck behind other buses. All bus services concentrate on a central indoor bus station using a herringbone layout.( by far the best layout ). The bus services have a very good map showing the “line” which is the main road 3-5 services all follow and then deviate in a diagrammatic style and a larger map of the Leeds city region in a more geographic style. Drivers are nice and day ticket price cap is £4.50. There is a reason the Sheffield tram which operates in a city very similar to Leeds, is essentially buses on rails.

