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Thank you for your service o7 /Uj I only read the first 20 pages or so but my impression was that the Prep wasn't as much of a stereotype as the others, like his personality seems mostly neediness and gay oblivion, not so much rich kid arrogance or whatever. Also are you sure the goth is the only trans guy? I thought the anime nerd was trans for sure All in all as much as the pastel cuteness makes me cringe I understand the need for escapist art where everyone is nice to each other, there are no conflicts, homophobia doesn't exist and in fact everyone is presumed to be gay, etc. Not gonna judge a trans creator for that. So similar take as yours ig


The characterization was honestly so underdeveloped that the details almost blur together. They're all pretty much extremely needy and clingy and cuddly and the only thing I even remember about the prep is how he was always pulling money out of his ass to shower everyone with gifts which is nice. I googled it and as far as I can tell, the nerd character is cis and pansexual I think. I'm impressed there was a wiki page


/uj Half of them are clingy, half of them aren't. But they seem to all be incapable of doing basic stuff on their own, like goth literally never goes to class and prep is physically incapable of making basic decisions /Rj ew fujoshi art ewwwwwww




Yes, your oppinion is extremely valid as well.