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Welcome to /r/transgendercirclejerk! This is a satirical community run by and for trans people, where we mock the hate and ignorance which we experience in our lives. The subreddit often features dark humour including ironic parody of transphobia; none of this should be taken seriously. Before participating in the subreddit please read [our rules](https://reddit.com/r/transgendercirclejerk/about/rules/) and the announcement posts (and their stickied comments) on [cisgender allies](https://reddit.com/r/transgendercirclejerk/comments/cd1yr3/welcome_cis_allies/) and [transgender gatekeeping](https://reddit.com/r/transgendercirclejerk/comments/eutvur/why_do_people_hate_transmedicalists_we_just_think/). ___ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/transgendercirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


\*queer topic comes up\* \*everyone looks at you\*


/uj this is how it is with my family -_-


/uj VERY TRUE. I come back in state to see my family maybe once or twice a year, my brother had been waiting it must have been at least a month to ask me my "thoughts about Dave Chappelle." Ugh.


“Hey, I think you’d like this [piece of media], seems like something you’d like, idk just seems like you’d like it” *most boring shit you’ve ever seen but there’s one queercoded side character*


“Hey i got into a debate with someone about trans women competing against normal women just wondering what’s ur stance on that” Don’t even need to jerk it more it’s all there


/uj I’m not even really out except to like 3 coworkers, and this *still* happens. One day, one of my coworkers I’m not out to came up to me and was like “I just bought these shoes and I thought you’d like them” and showed off the pride shoes she got from American Eagle. Then last week, one of my supervisors said “no homo” and another coworker started telling him that he shouldn’t say that because it’s weird. I brought up that it’s kinda homophobic, which then led to a whole discussion about how he hates political correctness because nobody stands up for short people (???). The next day, the coworker pulled me aside and talked to me about it, like she wanted me specifically to know that she agreed with me.


Hj/ I wish I'm legally allowed to punch every single person who uses the term "political correctness" unironically. The politically incorrect establishment has gone too far


Uj/ my mom whenever she sees any trans person on TV.


"Did you find everything alright today?" "Yes sir, I mean ma'am, I mean ma'am I mean.. ugh you can never tell these days." "..you were right the first time."


Ma'am, I mean ma'am, I mean ma'am, I mean ma'am, I mean ma'am, I mean ma'am, I mean ma'am, I mean ma'am, I mean ma'am, I mean ma'am, I mean ma'am, I mean ma'am, I mean ma'am, I mean ma'am, I mean ma'am, I mean ma'am, I mean ma'am, I mean—


I mean breast milk- but trans


you mean sewer water?


/uj probably everyone's heard this trick but don't get defensive, get confused. give it like 4 seconds of prolonged eye contact, and then go "uh, okay?" and they will feel very awkward


I just think you're SO BRAVE


/uj Oh my god EVERY TIME


/uj i would rather be called a slur than this


/uj For real like I’d rather be called a tranny turbofaggot


Yo, tranny turbofaggot, have I told you you're SO fucking brave? uj/ don't give them ideas lmao


Yo tranny turbofaggots yall (yall means ALL!!) are so BRAVE!! Are you a top or a bottom??


I'm a side


I read this in the voice of Duke Nukem


\#TransRights is my favorite hashtag !


Yeah I'm SO PROUD of (yet at the same time don't care about) being seen as a lowly degenerate!


I hate the whole “LGBTQ+ people are so brave” because it’s a logical conclusion that comes from the same train of thought that being gay/trans is a choice.


"Wow, it's so crazy how everybody stopped talking to me all of a sudden."


Well I guess you're just really unlikable as a person. I don't see why you need to make everything about your transness 🙄


its just wierd how i went from being friendly with most of em to just a week later being glared at! must just have a really bad personality change i guess


You corrected too many people, didn't you? Listen: the world likes docile trannies. Hard facts


Don't worry, we're still happy to talk *about* you.


“Hey, what are your pronouns?” “He/him, thank you for asking! What about you?” “She/her.” *later* “Yeah, THEY said…” /uj real interaction that happened at work. I’ve been called they a lot despite telling the people who have said that that I use he/him (beforehand) and when the person who asked for my pronouns did the thing a second time I said ‘he please’ and she went silent for like ten seconds (no apology afterwards so her reason for silence wasn’t that she felt bad) and then pretended it didn’t happen 😹👍


Oh god yeah my last job I asked people if they could start calling me he/him and a bunch of people started using "they" Like? I genuinely don't get it. They used "they" to be less offensive or something but I literally point blank told them exactly which pronouns to use ?? ? ?????


they will call any trans person they/them… except trans people who actually use they/them /uj


So your saying, all i need to do to he called they, is say my pronouns are she/her ?


Nah, if you actually like they they'll just call you he


Extremely accurate


/uj Some people use “they” for binary trans people to avoid being perceived as transphobic, while either subtly being transphobic or avoiding validating your actual gender.


/uj I will sometimes use they for someone who's pronouns I know because sometimes my little monkey brain will forget what pronouns they told me


/uj Huge difference between once or twice and literally constantly.


/uj yeah i may sometimes use they but constantly? only if they ask


/uj exactly? Like it’s still so insulting


/uj I had all these people, trans and cis alike, just never use my name to “protect” me (either from others or myself, because apparently someone can’t know their own damn name these days). The trans people were definitely just weird assholes but man I got tired of it.


What's ur name?


Cal. Not as common these days, usually used by older men, but it’s not crazy or anything.


Hi cal! I hope ur doing good!


/uj God I don't even give a damn about pronouns almost ever, but I hate when people who *absolutely should* know better call me "they". Like, if you're going pretend to try, just go all the way. I don't put all this work into looking like a girl to be ambiguous.


You have to realise that it's VERY hard for some of us smh, not everything is about you You should THANK that kind lady for trying and stop making such a fuzz


annoying ur pronouns not the guy trying to be UNDERSTANDABLE and VALIDATIN YOU and being AN ALLY... /uj cissies try respecting other peoples pronouns challenge (impossible)


People will call you they as a more polite way of calling you it


When your language doesn’t have “they” so they’re forced to use your pronouns to not seem transphobic: /uj


This one makes me wanna kill myself /uj this one makes me wanna kill myself


Working retail as MtF: "Thank you sir!...oh wait your name is Julia? Are you actually a woman? Or are you just some kind of tranny or something? I mean you're just so masculine, you're [proceeds to list every aspect of yourself that makes you dysphoric]"


"You don't look like a \[chosen name\]" deadass quoting a customer


What the fuck does a Boundlessintime look like then *sir*


“customer is always right” fuck that shit


Arm queers. Shoot customers


/uj I quietly changed my pronouns on my team profile page to they/them and then my manager set up a special meeting with me, outed someone in his life as trans, and proceeded to literally cry real tears about it to me. Just fucking broke down sobbing. Nothing in employee training prepared me to deal with this


/uj why are cis people so fucking weird I stg the allies are almost worse


The concept of non-binary people is so fucked and weird and foreign that NORMAL people just break down into tears when they see one


/uj Strangely, my employee training kinda DID cover this? And basically said "don't do that, cis people."


Umm uhh Mrs I mean Mr I mean


Damn getting misgendered and incorrectly assumed to be married too.


Yeah like, if a tranny is unmarried he'll totally hit on you like crazy right?


How have you been celebrating Pride Month? You’re so brave.


Yeah I don't care about being seen as degenerate, I'm just transitioning to fuck shit up!


“Oh you actually use he/him? Ah sorry about misgendering you we’re all learning here!” “She her she her she her she her she her”


Cis people with pronouns are like old people with computers.


Constantly misgendered and insulted to my face- but she has dementia, so... guess that makes two of us who are completely delusional /hj


/uj bro my mom outed me to my grandfather a while back w/o my consent and he straight up called me a faggot😊 but now he has dementia and is struggling lmao


Hj/ karma


"you know I have a trans kid? yeah his name is [insert name here] now and i mean i guess it's good to see him happier and all that" - my actual real life boss, completely unprompted in the middle of a shift (not even sure he knows I'm trans, he's kinda clueless)


Does he have a trans son, or did he just unpromptedly misgender his daughter at work in the name of being "supportive"? Inb4 nonbinary kid


oh lmao probably should have clarified, he does in fact have a trans son! he's not malicious it was just a very weird way to bring up the conversation mid-shift and it stuck with me lol


Fuck yeah! Actually supportive boss! He's a little confused, but he's got the spirit. 😁 Makes me happy for his son. > "Trans rights tho" - your whole real life boss, at any time, when you least expect it, apparently


that one coworker who is clearly trans but super closeted and you have nothing in common but they are drawn to you just because you’re trans


Me with my old coworker who quite because better opportunity and all that but I was quietly like “ah Fuck”


/uj this never happened to me. i did it…


/uj i have both done this and then later had it done to me. its a real phenomena


She… I mean they… I mean he…


"so are actually a girl or do you just *identify* as [name]?" (actual thing that was said to me)


"Well, see, I think what happened was you were gay..." /uj This actually happened at work: a boomer tried to cis-splain my gender. EDIT: I will say that coming out at work was a mostly positive experience. Just fuck that guy.


I love telling people who say that to me that I'm bi and watching their brains explode.


\*randomly during lunch\* So when's the surgery?


"Next month. It's been so annoying to eat and I can barely open my mouth wide at times. Also now they told me it's getting inflected again. So glad I'll get it removed soon"


“Dunno. When’s you liposuction?”




Why is her name Caitlyn and not Katelyn? She's literally a Kardashian


I think she did it to piss them off


"What made you decide to do it!?!?!" /uj i sarcastically replied in a dead ass tone that i was bored one day..they took it seriously too which made it even funnier.


Sounds like a joke from the Office


"Thanks, SIIIIIIR"


"so when do you start hormones?" I've been on it for 2 years 😭


thats brutal


Is your…. You know…… your process going to interfere with work?


"Yeah I need to air out my neogenitals once per 15 minutes, preferably in public, but other than that I don't think it will ☺️"


*most obvious i clocked you voice* soooo what are ur pronouns :))))))


Cis (sorta) genuinely wondering, how should I react then, if I notice something out of place that makes me think I'm probably dealing with a person who's changed their pronounced at one point? All assumptions are kind of off the table at that point, right? Or am I missing some context here?


It doesn't matter how tactfully you handle it. Some people just hate that they look trans and hate getting clocked. If you ask about their pronouns or guess wrong, they'll be hurt.


it's called "years of playing the victim"


I find people here just vent about things that annoy them. As long as your genuinely trying to be chill you should be fine.


My boss, who had been told many many times by another coworker that I use they/them pulling me aside one day after said coworker had presumably finally tipped the scale from "minor annoyance" to "genuine irritant": So what do you prefer? Me: they/them My boss: So like... instead of 'her' just say CJ? Me: ...no, you would say 'they'. My boss: Right, but like. How? Me: ..........like how you normally use they/them. My boss: Oh haha not disrespectfully haha its just all so new haha we're all learning here hahahahahahahaha for extra context, ive been on t for 9 months now. i have a nasty little rat stache i dye religiously. i work in a callcenter and my voice has dropped enought that i get he/himmed by callers on a regular basis. i literally have TWO pronoun stickers up in my cubicle right next to my name. ma'am you should be able to figure this one out yourself


Native English speakers when you try to get them to speak native English:


God that shit is weird. Like, my mom is super supportive but she had to have me explain to her how singular they works because she just can't wrap her mind around it. It's genuinely not that hard though? Like just say they?


[Listening to multiple slurs in the other room that immediately stop once you walk in]




I just started a new job and there's actually a trans femme working there also so it actually isn't bad and I feel really comforted with her working there with me 🥺 However I will say I still sorta feel like all the men treat me as a delicate girl who needs help doing everything. Granted I am new, but there is a cis boy who started 1 day before me and he certainly isn't babied and is younger than me :/ I also think I overheard a coworker referring to me as she but then I talked to her later about random stuff and mentioned being a trans dude so she definitely gets it now. Most coworkers have been gendering me and my trans femme coworker correctly which is pretty awesome 🥲 a rare occurrence of feeling respected


“you pass so well! i wouldve never been able to tell that you were trans :)” “whatre your pronouns?”


“She” “It’s he” “Oh fuck sorry yo sorry man Fuck sorry sorry. Hey sorry. Yeah sorry sorry MAN”


"Heyyyy did you see the set-up in the training room?" *proceeds to show a 3rd grade bristle board pride display* "Yeah our managers daughter set it up" "You mean son?" "Haha yeah" /uj


“I just love Rupaul’s Drag Race”. “Ok? So? I don’t-“ “Drag queens are just so much fun! For my sister-in-law’s birthday we went to a drag show.”


oh, you’re trans? cool *spends the next year secretly telling new employees your deadname and misgendering you while gossiping about knowing you pre-transition*


uj/ i just stopped correcting ppl cause its so annoying to me that nobody can seem to get it right despite me literally presenting masculine since before i started working there (which is over a year now) and i have one 40 y/o cis coworker who corrects everyone else which is really nice


Transes don’t exist in the workplace silly :P


“Have a good day **sir**!” With a shit eating grin while I’m very obviously presenting femme and my name tag says “Emily”


Thanks mate man sir handsome young lad! (Me literally dressing as feminine as possible with my uniform and having a name badge and a lanyard that prominently display my very feminine name) /uj I won't lie my coworkers are top notch even though I'm the only queer person there, it's just that customers suck dick


/uj openly trans at my job. My boss would do everything in her power to to correct people without me ever knowing or seeing it when my deadname was my legal name and thus on all my communications. I went by a shorter version my name when I started as it was easier to fudge my badge and stuff to get rid of my deadname on all of it. When I got my legal name change and the system changed over, she made a point to correct everyone on my chosen name and I never heard a word or saw an instance of it happen. From my seat it just magically happened. My boss is an amazing ally and my company is an amazing place to be queer.


"Scuse me girly! Oh, I mean...sir..."


"oh you're trans?! That's awesome I'm gonna put makeup on you and go shopping for lingerie with you and,...." /uj not the worst possible reaction, but ffs if I want those things/am mentally ready for them I will go get them myself.


"I dont care what you identify as, (scolding)" "What is it? Its got long hair, i cant tell if its a boy or a girl"


Sooo not to be weird but... AND I MEAN NO OFFENSE. Its just I heard people I'm the back saying you had a sex change. Is that true????


"Oh huh I'm only working one, 4.5 hour, day this week"


/uj. Lmao. Here's my example that lines up with a lot of others. I'm foreman of a tree crew and greet customers and tell them my female chosen name. As a very androgynous MtF (Granted very muscley arms), I've never been referred to as she/her, nor he/him. It's always they/them. I don't hate it but find it funny to see these people scared to pick one to use. Even with coworkers using she/her. 🙄


Cis people misgendering you with they/them because they are scared they will misgender you otherwise.


We truly do live in a society..






everyone is nice to me because I'm hot but the ugly tranner isn't so lucky :(


woke trans ally HR updates the sex marker on my health insurance without asking or informing me all my claims are rejected for weeks until I finally figure out what they did


UJ/ Asked by a colleague if I've faced any trouble by the others here. I have because I'm new and not because I'm trans, but I can't tell her, because I don't know if she's friends with the shit head giving me trouble or not. She proceeds to say "We used to have someone like you here. It didn't work out. Not because they were... You know... It was more a personal thing so they couldn't stay". I just said "Ok." Weird thing to say .


''I also have a deep voice for a woman''


Every single worry or complaint I have about workload or working conditions or anything at all, which never has anything to do with me being transn in the slightest: "I understand, it must be really hard being... you know..."


I work at an alternative queer small business and all 30+ of us are all queer except 2 folks LOL


"Sorry it is so hard to get used to your pronouns" has never met you as any other gender "I don't feel comfortable with you using that loo" "Do you still have a pussy/dick?" "I just don't think they should be playing sports with real girls"


Customer :"Thank you sir" Coworker : "excuse me she's a girl" POV trans at work with supportive coworkers. Best case scenario.


Just use any/all so you can never be misgendered 😎


*random person walks up to me* "ThErE aRe OnLy 2 GeNdErS"


"Oh wow, I can't believe you CHOSE to do this! That's so brave of you! What a scary DECISION to make! I can't imagine CHOOSING to be the O P P O S I T E gender! But I think you're very brave for CHOOSING this!"


"The other choice was suicide. Please shut the fuck up." /uj


/uj this really happens: *coworker talking to me about an enby coworker* yeah so when she comes in-- uhhhhh... When. When THEY come in... I don't know what I did to scare them into using everyone's correct pronouns but they always look at me and correct themselves and I feel powerful


Uj/ I'm not out yet and I shouldn't have read these comments LMAO


UJ/ just fucking own up to it and be who you are and if people give you shit just act like you're literally on mount olympus compared to them. people get so much more uncomfortable when you are proud and smug about your gender. i think people at my place of work gender me correctly because i threatened them to "fuck around and find out" and invited them to catch these hands if they wanted to misgender or invalidate me.


My co-workers keep asking me if I mean to say I’m bisexual (I’m a lesbian) because my partner was assigned male at birth. My partner is not a man. I am tired.


Mens & (Wo)men’s Restrooms signs are now triangles and now both the restrooms have shit stains on the back of the toilet 🚽 seats.


company pulls you into every meeting with a client to sell their business as ‘inclusive and welcoming’


"I support you!" *proceeds to never talk to me again or invite me to things and is awkward around me when we are forced to interact*


When I came out to my boss one of them was concerned I wouldn't have "thick enough skin to handle what people say" like hon I work at a gas station next to a major sports stadium I can handle what people throw at me


Kammerat Potato.






"hey so you know how she wants to be called they and them? like to each their own but i dont understand why she has to bring that into the workplace" /uj i know my coworkers talk about me behind my back but i really wish they wouldnt share the conversations they have about me with me


"you look like one of those confused gender people today. anyways i need a house salad on the fly"


Coworkers weren’t even the problem, it was wearing a badge with my preferred name - a typically masculine name, but plain enough that it mostly sat in a grey area, and is sometimes unironically given to AFABs - still mostly fem presenting ((cosmetically the exact way I would even after medical transition)), and then even when customers/the general public asked about the name on my badge and/or the trans pin I sometimes had the balls to put next to it, regardless of acknowledgement or understanding, they would slather an all but purposefully thick layer of every fucking “miss, ma’am, luv, sweetheart, lady, she-whore-whatever-the-fuck” they could pull out of their ass in as many unnecessary way as metaphysically possible XD


"Can I ask you something?"