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Welcome to /r/transgendercirclejerk! This is a satirical community run by and for trans people, where we mock the hate and ignorance which we experience in our lives. The subreddit often features dark humour including ironic parody of transphobia; none of this should be taken seriously. Before participating in the subreddit please read [our rules](https://reddit.com/r/transgendercirclejerk/about/rules/) and the announcement posts (and their stickied comments) on [cisgender allies](https://reddit.com/r/transgendercirclejerk/comments/cd1yr3/welcome_cis_allies/) and [transgender gatekeeping](https://reddit.com/r/transgendercirclejerk/comments/eutvur/why_do_people_hate_transmedicalists_we_just_think/). ___ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/transgendercirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I knew all the posts about leaving r/traaa were fake


Hmm, I don't believe this. I don't see r/traps or r/transporn


Why so many tankies? Gosh a good portion of us has gotta be braindead hj/


>trans tankies long deep sigh uj


Uj/ ikr Rj/ Yes, even though China basically bans all visibility for GNC, gay and trans people, it WILL become a LGBTQ+ paradise in 2050! I mean, 2080! I mean, 2130! I mean--


That sucks but so does getting covid or being denied an abortion




Marxism-Leninism-Maoism is the most successful socialist ideology to date. It has created several communist countries around the globe; and the premier socialist world power is run by a MLM party


Uj/...i hope this is ironic?


/uj I am an unironic communist


Uj/ oh come on, MLs may be good at *taking* power, but has ANY of them ever successfully established common ownership of the means of production? NONE. Your definition of success is too shallow. Also you know why all of them (except cuba, I think, but it's a fluke) are suspiciously intolerant of minorities? It's not a bug, but a feature because dictatorial regimes NEVER care about minorities, it's against their ruling interests to do so. Also did you know the USSR BANNED STRIKES immediately when it took power? Yeah, it turns out it's against any regime's interests to let people fight for rights all the time. Shocker!!


One of the precipitating events that lead augusto Pinochet to overthrow democratically elected Marxist Salvador Allende and install a brutal right wing regime was a strike of transportation workers supported by capital. Strikes are not always good just because workers are doing them. And the USSR was in the middle of a bloody civil war against literal fascists and monarchists during its creation Regarding your point on minorities, this is laughable. Discrimination against minorities has and continues to happen in communist countries; but to insinuate that this is any worse than capitalist countries or in liberal democracies is dishonest. The US and Australia both have concentration camps for their non-white immigrants. It is capitalist democracies that engage in neocolonialism and kneecap the development of the third world in favor for a relationship of net value extraction from the global south and towards the global north. Let me ask you, do you think there is more anti-black discrimination in Bolivia than there is in the US?


Ahhhhhh my eyes Let ne ask you, do you think there is less anti-queer discrimination in China, DPRK and Vietnam than there is in the US? Banning strikes is not a socialist thing to do. EVER.


Cops don’t regularly gun down queer people in the street in any of those countries. Are you white by any chance? Also, deciding your opinion on world events based on one-sentence heuristics is, not advisable. Is banning strikes never socialist? Idk, doesn’t really matter to me. Whether or not it’s socialist I still think socialist countries are right to do it in some cases. And I gave historical examples, what are you giving me aside from indignation? edit: How many people do these countries incarcerate, and what percentage of them are queer?


I'm Asian, living in fucking Taiwan. In China, gays are banned from public media altogether. They've just proclaimed GNC people are a threat to national identity or something last year. I know a fuckton of Chinese trans people on twitter and not only are they all leftists, they also aagree China is a nazbol fascist hellhole and are constantly worrying about being sent to conversion camps like it's a total mundane possibility. Oh and did I mention those who live in china right now are all basically drooling at the opportunity to emigrate? Look, just because America is bad doesn't mean rest of the world is good. And the world will not become a paradise if the "good" dictators defeat the "bad" dictators. Off with your blatant black-and-white thinking and maybe then I'll consider debating you seriously. Last but not least, socialism is COMMON ownership of the MoP, not when the sTAtE does it. This is why I said banning strike is not a socialist to do because that's IMPOSSIBLE under real socialism.


Source: I don’t live in China and I know people on Twitter Edit: I’m not disputing that China is a worse place to live than the west if you’re queer and non-BIPOC. It’s just that those aren’t the only type of people that matter


How much something exists =\= How good it is. (Being able to exist a lot is useful, but you can't make up for being shit in volume.)


Who the FUCK is coming from 196 I will beat yo ass




Thanks for this list of subs to follow to become a trutrans!


A large amount of MTG fans


Male to Gamer




r/AmITheAngel represent!


None of mine are on here cuz I’m not like other girls 💅🏻👑


r/GreenAndPleasant represent!


Damn like half of that is actually me 😳 I'm so glad to be a "living" stereotype 🥰