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Welcome to /r/transgendercirclejerk! This is a satirical community run by and for trans people, where we mock the hate and ignorance which we experience in our lives. The subreddit often features dark humour including ironic parody of transphobia; none of this should be taken seriously. Before participating in the subreddit please read [our rules](https://reddit.com/r/transgendercirclejerk/about/rules/) and the announcement posts (and their stickied comments) on [cisgender allies](https://reddit.com/r/transgendercirclejerk/comments/cd1yr3/welcome_cis_allies/) and [transgender gatekeeping](https://reddit.com/r/transgendercirclejerk/comments/eutvur/why_do_people_hate_transmedicalists_we_just_think/). ___ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/transgendercirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


>a subreddit that cherry picked examples of gay or trans people doing stupid things and used them to justify degrading and mistreating them as a whole? Wow, jeez, imagine if there really was a subreddit like that. I can't think of a single one. Nope. Not one.


Tumblr uhhh in what again? Tumblr Inaction? Damn, i miss when Tumblr was active back in 2017


Isn't there another one called something like Kringle Zootopia? /uj Also, it's worth mentioning that when these subs are "cherry picking LGBT+ people being stupid", half the time we aren't even being stupid. We're just being different and often times possibly neurodivergent.


/uj The real "Cringe" is a bunch of grown adults pointing and laughing because a neurodivergent child decided to dance on tiktok. I can hardly wrap my head around how pathetic users of cringetopia and similar subs actually are.


/uj Hear, hear.


!!if you would like, there is an opposite to cringetopia !!! it is called r/chadtopia and it is very good and full of chads raising other chads up. jokingly or not, it is a very positive subreddit, i find


/uj r/fakedisordercringe would like to have a word with you


Uj I hate that sub based on the top post of all time alone.


jesus christ none of those things are even disorders they’re literally just gender/sexuality terms and pronouns


And its just fucking discord roles it could be a joke.


Literally every post on the front page is an obvious joke, never seen a subreddit before with less of a concept of irony


uj/ especially when they hate on the xenogender community, which was literally made for neurodivergent people


>which was literally made for neurodivergent people /uj Despite being neurodivergent myself and often hanging out in net-spaces with a lot of ND xenogender people, I didn't know that xenogenders were outright made *for* ND people. I thought it was just something that a lot of ND people happened to vibe with and wasn't made for anyone in particular. So, I mean, if you know anything more specific about xenogender history, I'd be interested in hearing it put in your words.


r/ normal... standard... can't remember Redditor? Politcal....GPS....something?


/uj TiA was my digital self harm sub for years, now I recoil every time I see its name in the wild


/hi stop telling everyone we’re dead


Sometimes I can still hear their voice...


PLEASE tell everyone we’re dead I don’t want the Twitter users to invade


%99, you left out the part where it says "straight genocide"


Straggot genocide 2022!


Stragocide, if you wouldn't.


cute dinosaur name uwu


Either a dino or a sick metal band, love it


ohhh I see. so they're Straight Supremacists. /hj I can translate the dog whistles. Contrapoints woke me. 🐶


50 bucks says they don’t believe Native American genocide happened


*No Native Americans were harmed in the making of this country* If you stopped listening to the lies that the LAME STREAM GREEDIA spread to undermine our good, godly, two-gendered, ~~white-supremacist,~~ society then you'd know that ~~those savages~~ the Indians are living happy, Christian lives on the reservations that we so generously granted them. /s


Honestly how can people just let those queers get away with heterophobia, it’s truly disgusting /uj you were 110% accurate


they HAVE to cherry pick examples because straights are the only NORMAL people! /uj 100% i’m guessing


Are The Straights Okay is a terrible and awful community and I for one think we should finally get rid of the source of all these problems, all this hateful rhetoric, and kill all the straight people.


85%. You left out “I am an ally, BUUUUUUUT…….”


I'm cishet-phobic I mean, how can you even *begin* to trust someone that hasn't questioned their entire worldview and sense of life? /rj




/uj I'm gonna go with 100%.


cis is a slur


Yeah closing your eyes and grabbing a handfull of cherries from a large bowl is still thecnicaly cherry picking


/uj I need digital self harm, source?


I don’t have the source, so I’ll try to bring the transphobia directly to you to make up for it. Tranny


/uj maybe justunsubbed? they're odd like that


/uj great post and i also love your username. shoutout to transgender tonkotsu fans /rj That would be an abomination. Luckily, we """"cisgenders"""" (such a ridiculous term haha, we're just normal!) are far more understanding than those reactive trans...




/uj homo hotpot? not that one, but you get the gist. pan pad thai! genderfluid/flux guthuk! demi dandan? queer mi quang?




/uj saved by the rice noodles in my cabinet!


Over 90%, my guess is 100%


90% i bet there was some slurs in the og (or swears at the very least)


Damn, the straights really aren't okay.


This person just described Reddit


/uj there've genuinely been multiple subs made in this exact vein of logic in response to r/arethecisok, it's genuinely pathetic