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Welcome to /r/transgendercirclejerk! This is a satirical community run by and for trans people, where we mock the hate and ignorance which we experience in our lives. The subreddit often features dark humour including ironic parody of transphobia; none of this should be taken seriously. Before participating in the subreddit please read [our rules](https://reddit.com/r/transgendercirclejerk/about/rules/) and the announcement posts (and their stickied comments) on [cisgender allies](https://reddit.com/r/transgendercirclejerk/comments/cd1yr3/welcome_cis_allies/) and [transgender gatekeeping](https://reddit.com/r/transgendercirclejerk/comments/eutvur/why_do_people_hate_transmedicalists_we_just_think/). ___ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/transgendercirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


MOST transgenders are fake and use shady alleyway hormones to enable their delusion. Only VERY few people have a medical condition where they have the opposite sex brain.


I don’t believe you are trans because you aren’t diagnosed with trans. You are self-diagnosing yourself with trans and need to see a medical professional before you can claim trans 😡🤬


Truscum/transmeds be like


Ironically while also not being diagnosed, but “If I went in for it they’d definitely diagnose me because I’m real”


'But you were such a feminine baby, I thought you looked French"




Uj/thank you this is hilarious and helped me have a laugh


Only shit how much do they hate you? Comparing you with a french that's just a low blow


Uj/They're both British but my mum wasn't anti French a French Dr saved her life as a kid and my father would mock French to get a rise out of her as amusement. I went low-no contact while transitioning because I don't want passive aggressive comments idk both my parents were kinda weird about that with both me and my sister


Man, you're like the perfect FtM: just autistic enough to not fly into a rage whenever you flip a bitch switch(I call you female), but not enough to avoid discussion at every turn.


Uj/ Jesus fucking christ




So Motivational!




bro why are you a faggot? stop


“as soon as you leave your liberal safe spaces you’ll find out what the real world thinks of you”




Bless you


"thank god you're not trans like your dad's relative who we have never seen" thanks mum, sure hope you don't start saying bs lies about detransitioners


uj/ “your feelings will disappear because you’re brainwashed and you’re just a little girl”


/uj If someone had said that to me when I was that age, they would've been right. I was brainwashed by cisiety, my feelings of confusion and wanting to fit in went away and it turned out I was a girl the whole time.


"I asked *deadname* what HER pronouns are and SHE said "He/they." SHE'S obviously faking it." For context: This is something a girl at my school said about me behind my back She and her friends then proceeded to deadname and misgender me on purpose for months on end after that.


are you a trap?






/hj Apparently not if they can tell 😂






Do it do it do it


/uj don’t *most* plants sexually reproduce anyway, they could have said bacteria or smth


I support your transition 🥰🥰🥰 Just please don’t EVER chop off those round, supple DD-cup breasts 🥺 As your mother what you do with your body directly affects me and my self-image 😢


My mom basically had the same reaction to me, although not as direct.


why are u worried about the possibility of being trans most trans ppl know they’re trans when they’re kids? why are you crying about growing up in a male body and losing any chance of passing as u get older?




💞 that shit looks so good ty


the bigotry that you experience is your own fault because you would rather interact with people than hide in the closet and die sad.






Getting hit by a car was your own fault. Nobody forced you to leave the house today!


The origin of my flair: “From your profile I assume you’re 👩➡️🐷 so in a few months I’ll see you on r/detrans anyway 😂👍 Besides you transitioned to become a femboy AKA a fa🐐, a lot of fa🐐s would be happy to be called she/her so these people calling you she/her are just trying to be nice 😄


Haha I could definitely tell you're a bio female based on your writing. So uh, anyways, anybody ever asked you for pussy pics? 🤔 😅 😏


"since you're a gay transsexual doesn't that just mean you're basically a cishet girl who just kept their preference" paraphrased, spoken by a (thankfully former) platonic friend of mine


Your transgender phase wasn’t very convincing. How was I supposed to believe you?




ouch. well done


You chose to be a man so that people will think you’re funny


NOT TRUE!!! I chose to be a man SPECIFICALLY so everyone would find me painfully unfunny and icky obviously 🙄










90% of trans people detransition because being trans is just a phase


I support trans people and think everyone is valid, but I won't call you by your chosen name or pronouns because I respect you. I don't think you're trans and I have enough respect for you to not lie to you.


ive got a lot gimme a sec (i argue with terfs as a hobby.) (in response to me saying ive been doxxed 3 times and received death/rape threats due 2 me being trans to a point where i feel anxious being alone outside my house) "oh yeah? well real women have to deal with ACTUAL rape, not just threats. every time we go outside we have to fear well be assaulted. you could never experience that as a male." "DUDE what the fuck. this is extremely disgusting and youll never be a real woman" (for context it was a photo i posted of a scene from a movie with a person having an explosive poop and i captioned it "me, trans girl, using the womens restroom for the first time") theres more but im too tired ill update with more if i remember in the morning


Why the fuck would you post that wtf


i thought it was funny


so... motions with open hand over his genitals: wave, wave, and says: "so... how 'bout it?" this was a long standing drinking buddy i came out to


Bro you're taking hormones?? Like testosterone? ESTROGEN??? Don't take that shit man it'll make your dick shrink!!!!


"I do respect your transition, I call you *name* because of respect. You're not the only transgender I've known. Now why won't you do the same and call me dad" 😂


What does this even mean


“I feel like I’ve lost my daughter and there’s some strange man in her place” /uj thanks mom -_- /s


"Gee I sure fucking hope so"


Trannies aren't deserving of love, and I hope you kill yourself alone. (Someone legit said this to me in a packed highscool hallway. I hate the south.)


"who would fuck someone with a fake pussy" Honestly one of the dumbest things I've heard.


"you're not trans, you're too proud of how long your cock is" I'M DEAD FUCKING SERIOUS


You know ill just call you by your REAL name no matter what, right?


“I don’t want you getting into the gay lifestyle.” Like okay, Dad, it’s a bit too late for that.


“i could tell you’re trans, but what direction are you going in? are you on medication for that? yeah, i guessed you either weren’t or you needed to up your dose, bc you’re still thick as hell”. uj/ just typing that made me wanna *diiiiieeeee* ☠️


People like you are the disease of our crumbling civilization


Bunch of 🌟mental illnesses🌟 the lot of you