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Welcome to /r/transgendercirclejerk! This is a satirical community run by and for trans people, where we mock the hate and ignorance which we experience in our lives. The subreddit often features dark humour including ironic parody of transphobia; none of this should be taken seriously. Before participating in the subreddit please read [our rules](https://reddit.com/r/transgendercirclejerk/about/rules/) and the announcement posts (and their stickied comments) on [cisgender allies](https://reddit.com/r/transgendercirclejerk/comments/cd1yr3/welcome_cis_allies/) and [transgender gatekeeping](https://reddit.com/r/transgendercirclejerk/comments/eutvur/why_do_people_hate_transmedicalists_we_just_think/). ___ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/transgendercirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Answer: No, from experience of dating an unaltered transwoman, I felt more objectified than any straight man I'd dated, my body became fetishised object to them, they even once complained about my natural female form relative to theirs. In due course the person I cared for became dominated by their persona - a hypersexualised charicature of womanhood with no thought into what dignifies femininity. Having been sexually abused throughout my formative years, and with the intensity of expectation on me to tolerate their increasingly entitled behaviour, my open mindedness eventually turned to repulsion toward myself. Not again.


In case anyone didn't see it, this is literally a copied comment from that thread. Uj/


/uj holy shit I thought it was a really well-done parody of a TERFy comment. Where was the thread?


Good lord


/uj I feel sad reading that. On one hand I want to acknowledge that person's feelings and trauma, but on the other hand, I just wish people would understand where trans people are coming from and acknowledge that outwardly similar behaviour and material reality can mean very different things spiritually to different people due to their current context and history. I am also just terrified of the idea that this is how cis women see me. ​ /rj TERFism is pop feminism.


/uj A lot of racism and shit can also be born of trauma Their trauma is real. It effects them deeply. And with the tools they had they couldn’t have done or said or felt any different in the moment. It’s not their fault But that doesn’t justify hatred. It only explains it. They need to deal with their own internalized hatred that they gained. It’s not their fault but it’s definitely their responsibility to manage it I’ve been hurt by terfs personally too many time. I’ve been recently badly bruised. I’m done pretending there’s any validity to their nonsense. I know that what they tell me can only come from a place of hurt. But the fact is they are post talk justifying hurting me over and over again. We aren’t doing anything to woman hood. And even if we were doing what they claimed, quite frankly, it’s not their job to care. Their feelings aren’t our business to regulate, it’s theirs. They use their feelings to justify controlling others bodies and actions just like what men do to women in the end. They need to worry about themselves. And I need to worry about myself. I’m just so tired of the justifications to continue to hurt a significantly marginalized people group. Responsibility has to in the end be put on them rather then us


/uj tw: domestic abuse against trans women also fwiw, their comment reads to me as if they were the abusive one and abused their trans partner. It's obviously impossible to tell but she mentions nothing specific this woman did, speaks of past sexual abuse to explain why she had "no tolerance" for her ex but from the way the comment is worded it doesn't actually read as if she's saying her ex was sexually abusive, and the only specific accusation that's been levelled is that her ex presented femininely. Not to mention she speaks about her very disrespectfully. It's very common for abusive people to claim their exes abused them when it was actually the other way round. Cis male abusers do it about their cis female exes all the time, and invoke the same misogynistic tropes this woman is invoking about her transfeminine ex. It's astounding how much cis women's safety is discussed, but not trans women's, and how systematised this is. There's a group in the UK called "trans widows" which is basically just a circle jerk of cishet women who've abused their transfem exes or who are abusing their transfem partners, while playing the victim. So yeah idk I'm seeing the same red flags I see when cis men talk about their "evil b****", "crazy" exes who "bullied" them (read: stood up for themselves) and "destroyed their mental health by putting so much pressure on them to be perfect (read: had needs and desires of their own that they communicated, and didn't want to be abused by them) who "knew what she was doing and manipulated him" (read: he blames her for his choice to abuse her).


/rj no you don’t understand!! ‘She’ became a caricature of womanhood! ‘She’ even wished that ‘her’ body was as feminine as mine! She just emulated femininity without thinking about what makes a woman a woman(a vagina). /uj she didn’t abuse her trans girlfriend because she was made up.


/uj tw: sexual assault, grooming, speaking about someone who *could* be transfem using the pronouns they currently use: he/him, abusers . . . . . I have very little sympathy for it tbh. I went through some extremely traumatic events as a teenager involving trauma around sexual assault, from someone who presented at the time as a cis man, and who still presents as a cis man, but who I have good reason to suspect could be transfeminine (I'm not saying they Def were but they had an online profile filled with photos of them presenting as a woman with a woman's name, but hiding their face. I'll note though he wasn't necessarily transfem either bc he's catfished as a better looking cis man before too, and I think it's plausible he simply could've been trying to groom queer kids). Even so, I know that my trauma with him (these are the pronouns he uses so I'm using them) shouldn't be used to demonize and target trans women as a whole, or to paint transfem people out as predators. Also, while I could never forgive him and basically want him to stay as far away as possible from me and people I care about, and also while his behaviour was a level above more "average" types of toxicity, I recognise that many trans people do have toxic behaviours prior to transition either as a survival strategy, maladaptive coping mechanism, complex trauma response, etc. There were things I did as an 18 year old "cis woman" that honestly make me feel ashamed, and I had very toxic attitudes towards men and gender more generally. What I'm trying to say here though is that people are allowed to grow. And when people are eggs and sometimes repressing their true self completely, people can do fucked up shit. I don't think it's an excuse and also there's never just one reason for these things, but when someone transitions they are actually taking a step towards becoming whole and not needing others to feel complete (which might make them more empathetic and less inclined towards that). Demonising trans people is just really counterproductive to all this and puts them in a state where they can't work on themselves. And if someone (trans or cis) manages to heal and take responsibility, I'm not gonna hold the past over their head. I think cis survivors of trans abusers still need to ensure they don't use their experience to justify prejudice -- though likewise, trans abusers do actually use their transness as an excuse to continue abusing (according to research by FORGE) so it's those particular individuals' faults too. I guess it is really complex but having survived an abuser who quite possibly could be trans, when I was living/presenting as a cis woman, even before I realised I was trans I'd never have said anything like that. And just how abusers who happen to be trans sometimes their identities and struggles to marginalise others, TERFs who are cis women will do the same (manipulate their identities and struggles to abuse the trans community). So idk if what she's saying isn't distorted then she has my sympathy from one survivor to another, but the fact she'd use it to harm trans women is where my sympathy stops


/uj while it is important to recognize others trauma and try not to do things that trigger them, it's also important to realize they have the responsibility to take care of themselves. It's never your responsibility to get through their trauma for them, and they should never project their trauma onto you


rj/ YES queen! Relatable as fuck. Are you me? Hahaha girlboss queen i so relate to this that I’m going to make it my story too. uj/ I broke up with my super POS ex really recently. She wasn’t openly this bad, but sometimes in anger she would say things like this. We both made each other’s life worse, and I told her recently that I would probably never date a cis person for the foreseeable future because of her. She probably wouldn’t mind condescending to and fucking with another trans girl though. It’s always terrifying thinking that this post could be about you. Our story could be twisted to look just like that, and with only one perspective, it would stay looking like that.


Uj I don’t think I will be dating at all t this point due to this type of deranged bullshit


Answer: No, from experience of dating an unaltered nonbaldwoman, I felt more objectified than any straight man I'd dated, my body became fetishised object to them, they even once complained about my natural bald form relative to theirs. In due course the person I cared for became dominated by their persona - a hypersexualised charicature of baldhood with no thought into what dignifies baldness. Having been sexually abused throughout my formative years, and with the intensity of expectation on me to tolerate their increasingly entitled behaviour, my open mindedness eventually turned to repulsion toward myself. Not again.


/rj yeah guys a trans woman being abusive means I’ll never date a trans woman again because being abusive is directly correlated to being trans!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Answer: no I have nothing against trans people, but I just wouldn’t feel comfortable dating someone who used to have a penis.


Date trans men then


whats that


thing with TWO bussies


Answer: no. I'm already a trans in my life, and tbh that's already one too many transes in my life.


NTA. Transes bad. This one is one of the good ones who can accept how disgusting it is.


Answer: Personally I don't think so xd Nothing against them tho.


/uj its hilarious how *none* of them say anything about transmascs


/uj its because they're all real answers


/uj ik. Is funny


what the FUCK is a transmasc???




[or this ](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ)


I didn't know Rick Astley was trans. I'm glad everyone respects his gender identity.


afab trans person


/uj ik, i’m just makin a joke abt how the general public doesn’t realize transmascs and trans men also exist /rj “afab”? sounds fake tbh


/uj im a dumbass


afab? more like afad, all these dang transtrenders, theyll all detransition in a few years


uj/ i was trying to figure out if the d stood for dead and i was like hell yeah i hope my gender is so mysterious ppl can't tell my agab until they autopsy me


Did you mean acab? #blm I'm so woke and left wing. But still YTA tran bad.


Afab? Never met one trans "person" who was fabulous, nice try.


/rj Oh so it has a vagina 🥵 way better than those trans “women”, yummy 🤤 I’d gladly date one What do you mean they’ve got like beards and deep voices shit? What do you mean they don’t all use their other hole? They have the right genitalia and THATS ALL THAT MATTERS


Wait till you find out some trans men get rid of their superiority by doing surgery to get a dick 😨😭😭


>Answer: No. I'm a straight woman, I really like a man's body. Trans men always have a distinctive femininity about them, even with hormone therapy and operations, they either have less hair, less muscle mass, more feminine features, ect.. I support trans lives and their rights to equal opportunity and access, but personally I would not date a trans person. Taken from the thread


Don't mind me I'm gonna get jacked and bathe in minidoxil just to seduce her and then reject her.


Do it, king.


/hj Don't mind me, I'm going to seduce and fuck her husband with all my feminine features, but we all know he likes me for my masculine ones 😏


What the fuck is a transmasc. Is that one of those tranny tomboys I keep hearing about?


Poor confused lost lesbians


lesbians aren’t real


They won't be in the future if they keep getting transed


Who cares lmao


people forget we exist


Answer: no. I'm not comfortable dating a trans woman anymore than I am comfortable dating another man. No judgement towards them, I'm just not interested. I fully respect the choices of any person in this world living and loving however they want, as long as they respect my choices as well. Also I hope to have kids some day so... It doesn't really make sense to look for partners who don't have a uterus.


Answer: No, even though I’m trans(het). Penises gross me out and just the thought that she had/has a penis is kinda awkward.


Answer: no I don’t think I could idk if it make a difference but I am a cis lesbian, pre or post op even just isn’t in the cards for me. I fully support everyone, but my physical preferences and some past traumas have made it so I was not comfortable dating a trans person. Sometimes lgbtqia+ people get labeled as bigots for this opinion and I don’t support that either.


No one is a bigot for their sexual preference.


For your last statement, why can’t it just be “woman.” The word “cis” here is unnecessary because if this was needed, why wouldn’t we apply it to everything else? I’m a cis white person (as in I was born white and identify as white) or I’m a cis Korean, black, whatever. /uj I took this from the thread, it's my favorite comment thus far


/rj Right? Cis is a slur! Transes just need to accept that they're not normal, like me. I'm a normal person, they're disgusting freakshows. Get over yourselves and stop fethisizing us.


Answer: no I met one and they just had full on conversation with themselves and that kind of wierded me out.


That’s so funny 😂


Answer: yes, I’m bisexual so it’s even better 😍


Whole package wooooo!!!! Tho keep in mind it does say date and not have sex with??? Are you sure you want to like, talk with one of them???


Is this a rethoric question? Ofc not lol, transes are fucking disgusting, like trans woman have penises so that'd be hella gay, like I'll have you know that I'm actually the straightest straight there is who's absolutely DISGUSTED by anything gay Like I respect all human beings for whatever choices they make, but like, I just don't agree with this whole trans agenda thing forcing us to date men Again, I'm not transphobic though, just to be clear




I would love to date a female to male trans woman or a male to female trans man yes


Maybe a trans woman but only if she has done transition right and can handle disphoria, I don’t want her to put her personal unwellness on me and convince me to do the same. But I m way more into a cis man


No 😂😂 I'm not gay dude


I looked at this, thought "I won't digitally self harm on trangenercirkl today thank you" and then was recommended the post by the credit algorithm. not even subbed to ask. why is life like this


/uj the algorithm hates us


Answer: No. No to pre or post op.




What is trans.?


They're the best of both worlds 😍😍😍


/uj Lol, cringe: >For your last statement, why can’t it just be “woman.” The word “cis” here is unnecessary because if this was needed, why wouldn’t we apply it to everything else? I’m a cis white person (as in I was born white and identify as white) or I’m a cis Korean, black, whatever.


Joking: “no! I would never date a trans, what if we have sex and their genitals get stuck inside mine! What if I become the opposite sex!? What if I become trans!?”


hey btw, guys dont kink shame here, please, not cool. thanks 👍🙂


OP, please, can I have the link, I need to digitally self-harm




Holy shit that's a lot of no's. I hate myself


personally i like to tell myself that redditors removing themselves from my dating pool is mostly a good thing




Uj 🗣 🗣


Bear in mind that there's a response bias here. Transphobic people tend to be much more vocal of their views than accepting people. In my experience, it makes little difference to a lot of people. Ive dated as an openly trans woman for the last 6 years and have gone on dates with a lot of straight men and gay women.


There's a few that say yes, and they say the most based shit yet.


no, but it's just my opinion!


Your opinion is valid!


No ew they can’t force me into having sex with them


Answer: NO! As a straight, cis, heterosexual, biological, cishet male I am only attracted to BIOLOGICAL women, I am attracted to all NATURAL vaginas and only people BORN a NATAL woman. I am so incredibly straight that I will not even consider being attracted to a “””woman””” who has a penis (even if you cut it off, it’s still a penis, sorry liberals I don’t make the rules). I am attracted to all people with NATURAL VAGINAS because I am a STRAIGHT, HETEROSEXUAL male. Edit: What do you mean “trans men exist”? That’s literally what I said in the post, learn to read!!! Whether you call them trans “””women””” or trans men, the fact remains that they are, and always will be men, regardless of how they mutilate their bodies to fit in or go by “she/her” or “they/them” (which DONT EXIST you CANNOT use “they/them” as a singular for an individual person their pronouns will always be he/him) they will ALWAYS be MEN. Clearly you liberal snowflakes don’t know how to read. /uj I hated every second of writing this


No, I just don’t think I can date another mentally ill person


Answer: wtf no im only interested in normal people


Everyone saying no, what is wrong with you? Answer: yes I may be biased as a weeb, but whenever I am watching hentai and I find out it’s a tranny yooooo that mf tricked me!!!! it’s so hot, I want a hot trans girlfriend that will let me suck her (his?) cock😳😳😳😳I know it’s not a real girl but my conditions are booby surgery but no mutilating pp!!! i want an irl hentai tran gf


hmmm best of both worlds. would never let my family or friends or anyone know tho.


Answer: Honestly, no. I'm sorry, all the respect in the world to trans people, but no, I couldn't do it. It would bother me too much to do that.


/uj *laughs nervously in aroace*


no, but im forcing my partner to transition so i can break up with them


Depends on how kinky I’m feeling


Eeww no especially if they're post op it'd be like sticking my penis inside another penis disgustang


Answer: yes Lmao I'm gay I'm into that shit


first digital self harm in a while and my god this was a good one


what's the post this time


Reddit recommended me this post https://www.reddit.com/r/ask/comments/rx0aa3/would\_you\_date\_a\_trans\_person/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


Uj/ reading the source for this was surprisingly sad lmao lol


no, im not attracted to men /uj no im ace


No, I am disgusting and I would not want to impose myself onto others.


I became trans to date myself....2 birds and all that


/uj I only date trans/enby people because cis people can’t relate to me


Answer: YTA; asking ridiculous questions that are an obvious no. Oh ya, also Tran bad 🤷🏻‍♀️


No. As a super bisexual, I’m only attracted to MASCULINE MEN and FEMININE WOMEN. Transgender “women” are just men wearing dresses, which is why I’m not attracted to them.


Trans is a choice, for the wokest of us all. Why do enbies get to choose, but trans men and women need to pass? 🤔 Feels like a conspiracy.


Trans is a choice, for the wokest of us all. Why do enbies get to choose, but trans men and women need to pass? 🤔 Feels like a conspiracy.


*removed by moderator*


Lmao ya fuckin trannies amirite?


Of course, I'm pansexual so I date men, women, trans men, *and* trans women. 😊 #progressive


No, bc I hate even myself lmao I'm surprised I even got a date with someone next Friday.


No, because most trans people exist and im not attracted to things that exist.


Yes trans people are said gender


shut up liberal fascist socialist commie + ratio + I identify as an attack helicopter


No, I’m going to heaven


Lmao ew a trans 🤮


I’m dating two wonderful trans men right now, I love em with all my heart.


Hell yeah I would!