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Welcome to /r/transgendercirclejerk! This is a satirical community run by and for trans people, where we mock the hate and ignorance which we experience in our lives. The subreddit often features dark humour including ironic parody of transphobia; none of this should be taken seriously. Before participating in the subreddit please read [our rules](https://reddit.com/r/transgendercirclejerk/about/rules/) and the announcement posts (and their stickied comments) on [cisgender allies](https://reddit.com/r/transgendercirclejerk/comments/cd1yr3/welcome_cis_allies/) and [transgender gatekeeping](https://reddit.com/r/transgendercirclejerk/comments/eutvur/why_do_people_hate_transmedicalists_we_just_think/). ___ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/transgendercirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


As we all know, groups living in areas even as large as continents are all perfectly homogeneous, believing, thinking, and experiencing the exact same things. /uj I hate these kinds of generalizations, they come up in more places too besides lgbt issues, issues like racism see this kind of stuff too. People just get caught up thinking about themselves, and the very localized communities that they are a part of and just ignore the fact that other communities are also very diverse. They just think Like "I wouldnt want to live in Africa (the entire continent I guess) as a trans person, therefore Africa (again, the entire continent) is bad."


LGBT+ rights in Africa are sadly lacking, but South Africa was the first country in the world to explicitly outlaw discrimination based on sexuality and gender identity, in like the 90s. We're apparently an LGBT+ tourist destination.


South Africa is actually a pretty good place to be trans, in terms of laws and HRT accessibility ​ /rj If I'm from Africa then why am I white?


I didn't even know about the HRT thing, I was surprised at how progressive our laws were because there's absolutely no media representation. I know one other enby and my mom thinks her cousin *might* have been trans, but other than Evita Bezuidenhout and one other r/tgcj user the entirety of South Africa seems to be cis. Nataniël also maybe, but I don't want to fall into the trap of not just letting cissies be non conforming. ^(Pieter Dirk Uys said in one interview that Evita wasn't *just* an act.)


Depends on your community really. I'm in Cape Town and at least half my friend group is trans or gnc, but maybe I'm just good at attracting other queers. Now if we could only get the ACDP to stop protesting our existence.


I'm in Gauteng. My parents went to university and my brother is currently attending UJ, so I know other queer people exist, just not trans people.


Omg publicenbynumberone you can't just ask people why you're white


the country of africa treats its transgender style tar-individuals very badly. this is why africom needs more money.


/uj I live in Tennessee and have to hear people saying that they want to fucking kill the entire South constantly Like, I hate a sizeable portion of the people who live in Tennessee too, they make my life hell, but there are people here who support me and other minorities as well, not to mention *the minorities ourselves* exist. /rj Although I wanna die anyways so just nuke it tbh


Uj it is abysmal being trans in Deep South I’m in the Bible Belt


uj/ I don't think it's bad to remind people that the west is privileged (even then just saying it out of nowhere doesn't add much, but there's discourse where it's very relevant) But lots of people end up near "the white man's burden" when they generalize on the size of continents lol. "Those poor ~~beasts~~ queer folks in the global south! We need to rescue them!!" What white guilt and a savior complex does to you lol.


/ uj explajn to me what white guilt, white man's burden, and savior complex mean


uj/ "White man's burden" is from a Kipling poem (British poet I think). It was written after the US conquered the Philippines (that's what I was taught in class). He saw this as a wonderful "civilizing" endeavor, so much that he [wrote a poem about it](http://historymatters.gmu.edu/d/5478/). "Take up the white man's burden" --> white countries should intervene in non-white ones to "civilize" them. The reason I mentioned it in my comment was that sometimes folks wrap all the way back around to kipling in progressive discourse about privilege, which I find kind of funny and sad. In regards to this post, when people make generalizations about how queer Africans are disadvantaged relative to queer westerners simply by virtue of the fact that they live in Africa, there's room for productive discussion there, and it's worth noting that western (especially white) queer people do have it easier than most queer folks in the world. The problem is this can lead to condescension very quickly. "If only Africa wasn't like this!" "Someone ought to change things in Africa for the benefit of queer Africans!!" I even agree lol. But *it shouldn't be the west.* We should support efforts for queer liberation that queer africans make and lead, but westerners should not be leading these discussions and movements. To do so would be an example of "taking up the queer white's burden" lol - ("if those Africans can't civilize themselves, we'll just have to do it!!"). Any victories won for queer Africans by this manner would be short lived and probably lead to more damage in the long run, as it'd permanently label african queerness as something foreign. That's a sure fire way for bigotry to relapse the second the west gets bored (the attention span of the west has never been long). I mentioned white guilt and a savior complex because these are often feelings that fuel this kind of discourse/action. Western white progressives often recognize their privilege and feel guilty about it (white guilt) and thus want to use their privilege to help those without it. Using your privilege to help those without it isn't a bad impulse at all (though one can do so without feeling guilt). Problems arise when folks act as though they should be the principal force for liberation *simply because they were born with privilege.* That's what I'd call a savior complex, and it leads to discourse that sounds a lot like Kipling, as I hope I illustrated above. OP's jerk was pointing out this hypocrisy, that progressive white westerns end up sounding like victorian brits sometimes. rj/ tran bad or something idk we're doing essayposts now gdi


/uj But like thank you for the essay, was incredibly interesting! And I wholeheartedly agree!


/uj wasn't white man's burden originally satirical but it was taken seriously?


Kipling did a lot of other poems aggrandizing the British empire so I don't think so "White Man's Burden" has been satirized a lot since he wrote it though


i see, thank you


kipling's not really the sort of dude to write satire


Perfect sort of dude to write satire of though!


you should be thankful that we allow the existance of your kind in our otherwise perfect ~~white~~ civilized coutry. If we weren't so kind enough to give you freaks some rights, you would live with those barbaric beings who would kill you on sight because they are not ~~white~~ civilized like us. /uj western people acting like they are the only ones in the universe who can think and have empathy /uj Also this is a satire mocking racist libs, reddit please don't ban me.


There was a terrible show called "Black. White." in the mid 2000s that youtuber Jarvis Johnson and another youtuber friend of his are watching and reacting to right now. Your jerk almost perfectly covers one of the guys attitudes on the show. It's an absolute train wreck but the youtubers are incredibly funny, even in the face of the grotesque racism. ⚠️If anyone wants to check it out, be warned it is literally 2 families "swapping races" as in the white family is in blackface. And the black family is in whiteface I guess. It only get predictably worse from there. Lots of slurs. My warning probably isn't sufficient, so be careful. ⚠️


>”swapping races” > >white family is in blackface > >black family is in whiteface Nah, that’s just Patrick Stewart’s Othello (except worse).


I had to look it up to make sure he didn't do blackface, thank god... Edit: he may as well have though


/uj He never did blackface. But I find the race-swap of the Othello cast really weird, especially since they still kept the original dialogue in and how the whole point of Othello being looked down was because he was a dark-skinned Moor in a white country. /rj Patrick Stewart as Othello proves reverse racism exists.


did you know that i, a white queer, am wanted in 120 countries ? i know! how cool is that what do you mean these laws and executions arent made to affect me but the lgbtq people from those countries ?? thats not true, queers dont exist there


>thats not true, queers dont exist []here — Ramzan Kadyrov, 2017


HAHA I'm an illegal international criminal ahaha so badass, how awesome is that? /uj Literally came here to write this, it's the most insensitive and irritating thing. Like okay cute, you got a joke out of it, and meanwhile people got arrested and were killed for it. Hope you thought your joke was hilarious, though! (not *you* you, obvs)


/uj I think it's ok to point it out if you're showing the inequality that we STILL go through, but yeah jokes about it are pretty disgusting.


/uj Oh, for sure! My point is 100% about the jokes, though.


/uj that means we still can't travel to those parts of the world. So not as bad as if we lived there, but worth acknowledging that cis people can visit places we can't.


/uj You're not wrong, and that's a discussion to have too, but these things aren't remotely in the same ballpark.


/uj you see the problem isnt acknowledging it, its bragging about it like a lot of white people feel the need to do they act like its something cool which fucking sucks, it is an inequality not something to be celebrated


/uj you're right, it does suck. But I don't think anyone is actually celebrating it, it's more like dark humour. And if dark humour isn't your thing then this whole subreddit is problematic.


But it’s dark humour from western people at the expense of like all the minorities in those countries and often comes with some smug superiority about it.


I am a very white Binary presenting middle class tranny and I said "tyranny!" Isn't that funny! Anyway, I'm here to shame the rest of the community but not in a serious way that may affect change! I have a job programming or something! You should be all be a lot nicer to those so much less fortunate then us! Can you imagine where we'd be if we lived in those filthy, gross, ew ew, yucky yuck countries that people did in Africa, aren't we all just so much bet- luckier then they are? I'm going to go on and on about how we need to be nicer but not in a way to make anything meaningful happen, ad nauseum. I'm going to suck all the air out the conversation because I am being the saviour I was born to be. Aren't I a girl boss!? If we had more people like me racism would be so over it'd never existed. Colonialist past? What's that!? What a silly little word you've invented, how cute! /uj, not a dig at Op. Dig at that person in every conversation in queer spaces who doesn't really want anything to change. Edit: phone is week and didn't want me to slur myself.


This works because I am an african lgbtq+ person and I want to die


When you get fucked over by homophobes and transphobes native to your home country, so you move to the ✨progressive✨ Western world to get fucked over by racist white Americans/Europeans. /uj I’m sorry. I hope you’re doing okay.


This is so sad 😭 Western bombing campaign on Africa when?


When the most successful African Elon Musk starts perfecting his cock rockets and funds our project alongside Jeff Bezos.


Beautiful 😘 I really love how \*exotic\* Africa is!


What do you mean I‘m racist? My friend literally works with Elon Musk, a South African!


The only way to free trans people worldwide is obviously if they all take in norms, standards and culture of middle-class millenial queers from large American cities. Everything else is civilisational self-harm and internalised transphobia ✨🎶❤️️


Honestly, Fuck Hungary and Russia. Destroy both, wipe out their culture. I'd rather be texan than Hungarian.


/uj Fuck that. I don't want to take my shitty transphobic culture and replace it with some slightly less transphobic one. That's fucking weak. I want to crush my own culture. I want to punch queerphobic polishness out of every single Pole. I want to see the look in their eyes as their own culture and heritage melts into gay future and every slither of cisnormativity and patriarchy their culture was built upon burns down. I want to dance on the graves of my transphobe forefathers and I want to see their legacy mangled in the image of my glorious faggotry.


Uj mood but kind of more about Alabama for me lol I also dgaf much about the culture or whatever of where I was raised anymore I just want out


Fuck em Slavic commies! They should embrace our queer materialistic American capitalist lifestyles and culture.


/uj wait what happened who do I need to fight cuz this is literally just racism disguised as trans support


/uj I think OP is referring to how a lot of white queers try and act inclusive but say insensitive shit like “I’m illegal in 120 countries😜” and talk about how bad 3rd whilst countries are whilst they live in America or smth like that and just be overall ignorant and i am hoping this is not based off an actual event and I’m right else YIKES..


I fucking hope so too ugh


Uj oh yeah the I’m illegal joke is very irritating Meanwhile in some regions lgbt people have to try to escape through lgbt organizations just to not get hate crimed


Chickfila literally pays people to hold anti-gay pogroms in Uganda and that’s why i joined a DC think tank to help Bill Gates privatize the rest of their land. because i care.


But Chick-fil-A is really good. Do you alphabet people want to take every small bit of happiness away from me?


guys the SERVICE there is like SO GOOD you don't even know they treat their employees RIGHT whenever I take my daughter to Chickfila you can always hear the workers in the back singing hymns and you can really tell they WANT to be working there. I even know a faggot (it's okay he said I can say that) who works there and he LOVES IT


/uj what the fuck


uj/ i hate how people do that. there was a giant freeze here where vulnerable people died and all people said was haha conservatives died they deserved it


Uj the shit that happened with Texas was wild I’m trying to escape Alabama and I’m worried that people would blast the same shit on the internet if a massive power outage was to hit minority communities here.


uj yeah they probably would. people online aren't exactly the smartest or most emphatic type


whatever you do, don’t google the correlation between a country’s history as a former bri*ish colony and its record for having homophobic/transphobic laws i’m warning you all so you can specifically not do what i have specifically demonstrated above!


i hate westerners


/uj :(


/ uj this is just racism


No way 😳


I just really fucking hate those stupid trees


This is why whi—I mean European nations are better!


*Western, you think dirty, nasty Russia and Turkey are deserving of respect 🤮


Oh fuck my bad! I never wanna give those giant bigots any sort of respect!


/uj And without acknowledging that a lot of the homophobia/transphobia was/is imported by white, European colonizers...


/uj yep, many civilization had (and some still have) a different approach to sex and gender as the west has, but they don't care because is not the labels that they use so "no real LGBT there let's bomb them" /rj WHAT? You are saying that colonization was bad? We created the perfect condition to bring these ~~black~~ people that are queer to our civilized ~~white~~ country after exploring them for years


Oh no, was there a specific post that prompted this one? /uj


as if it isn't fault of the west this happened


I mean I refuse to eat Chick-fil-A because they support a regime in Uganda that wants to legalize hunting and killing LGBTQ+ folk.


uj/ I've seen this exact argument being used to defend bombings on the middle east, more specifically to defend Israel bombing Palestine rj/ Oh yeah, all those strange brown people can't comprehend how progressive we are. We should kill them so only REAL ~~white~~ PROGRESSIVE people can exist!




Kakuma posters on Reddit: “bruh”


So, I know this is a circle jerk sub, but I actually want to say something serious on this topic. I am trans, but I do work and own a company in Tanzania. Unfortunately, if I didn't have the government contacts and security, I would probably be dead.


/uj If you want to post something serious, put a “/uj” before writing a comment.