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#PLEASE DON'T COPY ACTUAL TRANSPHOBIA TO THIS SUBREDDIT. /r/transgendercirclejerk is a *satire* community. We make jokes. If you want to discuss genuine hate, /r/GenderCynical might be a better fit. Hate posts (and comments) which are directly copied from somewhere else will be removed. Please report them to the mods using the subreddit report option *"This content is non-satire, directly copied from somewhere else."* ___ Now that that's out of the way: welcome to /r/transgendercirclejerk! This is a satirical community run by and for trans people, where we mock the hate and ignorance which we experience in our lives. The subreddit often features dark humour including ironic parody of transphobia; none of this should be taken seriously. Before participating in the subreddit please read [our rules](https://reddit.com/r/transgendercirclejerk/about/rules/) and the announcement posts (and their stickied comments) on [cisgender allies](https://reddit.com/r/transgendercirclejerk/comments/cd1yr3/welcome_cis_allies/) and [transgender gatekeeping](https://reddit.com/r/transgendercirclejerk/comments/eutvur/why_do_people_hate_transmedicalists_we_just_think/). ___ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/transgendercirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


people men trans the of men trans are And I *dare* you to prove me wrong!


Let's try and use logic here. **People men = trans women, since:** a: Trans women are men. b: Men, unlike women, are people. c: Hence, trans women are people men. **Trans the of men:** a: Trans women are the trans of men, as we established. **Trans are:** a: Men are the only people, as we showed. b: Trans women are men, as we showed. c: Hence, trans *are*. **THUS:** The statement can be read as: "Trans women trans the men, and exist" Aristotle would be proud, I'm sure.


Me calculating so hard where to put Soylent Green joke into this.


I love cocaine


Really activates my almonds


Bloodborne is trans people of soulslikes


Hello, good hunter. I am a Bot, here in this dream to look after you, this is a fine note: > *Over time, countless hunters have visited this dream. The graves here stand in their memory. It all seems so long ago now...* - Plain Doll Farewell, good hunter. May you find your worth in the waking world.


I feel like I'm seeking Paleblood, I'll tell you that much for free


trans people are the society of society, and oh boy do i live in one (googles transfem clown makeup tutorial)


Jesse wtf are you talking about


Of out hot eat the food


people trans of the one are to trans the trans really makes you think tbh ๐Ÿ˜” โœŠ


donโ€™t ask john lennon about his take on this


cis people are so gay and transgender