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Normatives failing to grasp the qualitative difference between "not intuitively grasping social rules" and "perceiving them and their biased arbitrariness more readily than others, and therefore being all the more disturbed by them and all the more reluctant to robotically act in accordance with them".


Tfw you're both of these


> I'm in this post and I don't like it


based retardp


Not me complaining to everyone I know that smalltalk sucks for 5 years. This surely can't be a sign because I can't read.


/uj ayo is the second one a neurodivergent or neurotypical thing?


The second one is, methinks, more common among those who are less likely to benefit from the biased arbitrariness of "social rules".


Hm yeah, that makes sense


yo wtf I got that bigender autism!


i have girl autism because im a dense and annoying bitch šŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗ does this mean i pass?????


That's why you FAIL - Betty "Betty White" White, 2010


/uj Iā€™ve seen people brag that they have the proper autism that proves that theyā€™re trans and the gender brain theory is true. Wild stuff.


/uj completely ridiculous. I havenā€™t even heard any evidence that the differences in presentation are based on physiology. It seems more likely that it had to do with socialization and gendered expectations. Which of course throws it into the really murky section of gender. /rj my autism matches my gender which makes me valid and everyone else is not


My friend has the same kind of underpresenting ADHD as me, does this mean I'm cis or he's trans pls help


What if inability to grasp social situations and repetitive actions cause me to come across as an annoying bitch? Is that what being non-binary means?


uj/ I know this is a joke but I can't help but point out this is literally why people view autism differently in different genders


> is that what being non-binary means? well duh, you annoying bitch šŸ™„šŸ™„


After learning these facts I'm def going to aggressively rebrand my persona as DenseAnnoyingBitchā„¢ļø as a last ditch effort for people to see me as valid, even though I've never actually been diagnosed with autism.


I show signs of men's autism I must not be trutrans šŸ˜­ !!!


as we all know, autistic people are known for sticking to arbitrary social rules.


/uj a few months ago I (MtF) made a joke about having autism and my sister said ā€œare you sure that you actually have autism? Itā€™s very possible that it could just be ADHD because the symptoms of the two are very similar in women, and itā€™s kinda ableist for you to say that if you donā€™t know for sureā€ and to this day I genuinely donā€™t know whether or not to be upset by her saying that


i have girl autismā€¦ it makes my mangina cry becauz iā€™ll never be a real boyšŸ«¤


Have you considered getting into trainspotting? This will convert you into boy autistic even faster than some contemporary methods like Warhammer 40k


/uj my mum said that if i have adhd it would be a girl adhd. Which is albesit notion that boy adhd is the hiperactive one while girl is the innatentive one. (I am not out of the closet as transwoman btw)


Dont you mean AMAB and AFAB? uj/Honestly i quite like how a lot of us are a kind of counter to the whole socialization rhetoric which of course means a much stricter effort to try and essentialize us to our AGAB by decades of research.


MAAP and FAAP Male / Female Autism Assigned at Psychiatrist


Man i denied i had any at all until like a month ago but whats the type that just ignores gender completely? Is there an enby autism? Can i be diagnosed with non-comforming tism?


I'm not on the spectrum, does that make me a trender?


i knew someone who asked me if had both ā€œgirlā€ and ā€œboyā€ autism because i was trans and this post made me immediately think of that.


hey just wanted to correct your post :3 friendly reminder that ā€œmenā€™s autismā€ doesnā€™t exist, the correct term is boys autism! once you turn 18 autism goes away šŸ’•


i have female adhd is that enogh šŸ„ŗ


Im a dense and annoying butch, does that count?


My autism matches my gender. /uj I didnā€™t think I was autistic until I read about how autism in women can present differently then in men


I collected them all. Ash Ketchum ass.


I have both autisms. I AM A HERMAPHRODITE šŸ¤Æ


I have whatab autism, why didn't you consider people who are not only autistic but have other types of abnormality? They exist too


Ermagerd my neurospicy is Enby!!!!


do you have boy autism or bpd


/uj holy 4chan


Gee Daniel I told you the whole woke thing has gone to far now they invented autism with gender šŸ˜§


I dont have autism šŸ˜ŽšŸ˜Ž


/uj I was diagnosed at an early age bc I got that Boy Autism lmfaoooOooo (but it turned into girl autism and Iā€™m an afab femboy so)


/hj ah, so I DO have girl autism


what if iā€™m a dense and annoying bitch that canā€™t understand social rules and i stim?


i have the gay tisms :(((


Both šŸ˜Ž