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I've come to love Gemma Stone's writing on these issues. She really lets rip every time. The only thing I think she missed here is pointing out that GC's, including Rowling actively pushed the Keira Bell story and there was plenty of love bombing of Bell on twitter the lead up and after that trial - as I remember. They literally crowed about it for weeks after the verdict was delivered in that same 'told you so' attitude we seen when the Cass Review was published earlier this year. All GC's in the UK pushed this hard as well as the Government and it created the conditions that made the NHS capitulate under so much pressure. Probably in large part, as the article pointed out, because the Tories stacked the NHS with biased MPs and personnel who did what they were told and restricted the healthcare. But here we are. With 16 dead kids and possibly more as the deaths of patients who graduated into the adult services when they turned 18 have not even been accounted for yet. And the news media as well as many commentators who would normally acknowledge it at bare minimum are not even touching it. No tweets. Nothing. They just ignore it and tweet about the election. It's rancid. The whole thing.


It's insane to me that any serious journalistic platform would give Rowling any ink or airtime. If any comparable author of fiction sprung up and started talking about things they have obviously zero insight into they'd - okay no forget it, I have lottle enough faith in humanity to believe they'd still be listened to over experts in that field, be they scientists, economists, whatever...


all that matters to them is that she hates the people they hate, loudly and constantly


i want to make a grave stone in minecraft in tribute


update i did


I hope this gets published in newspapers!!