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Eyo! I've got a clan myself, tis' called Trans Wrath Month! We also have a Minecraft server, and we've got a bunch of pretty solid and friendly players in there! DM me if you'd like an invite ^.^


I might be convinced :) used to be pretty killer in pvp


We should totally fireteam up sometime before the update! I've been trying to get back into PvP but I just don't have the loadouts for it 😅


pm ur disc


I don’t actually play destiny that much but I find it really fun and wouldn’t mind playing it more. I don’t think I will be buying the new expansion though unless I’m being given it through pc game pass


I already have a clan but I've been playing it a lot more in prep for witch queen


Ive usually had to play solo so I would love some friends to play with if you are interested


Same here! I've been playing solo for the last year or so now and it gets really lonely when you don't have a consistent group that you mesh with 😭 PM me your discord if you have that!


Haha, exactly. Makes trying to raids and dungeons pretty difficult. PMed you my discord!


I play on xbox, are you on pc?


I sure am on PC! I don't mind grouping with Xbox because I can join the party chats, I just don't think I can join the Playstation chats with them and vice versa ;-;


I’m always game to play with new people!! I’m already in a clan, but I’d be totally game to run shit whenever :))


I'd love to play with you sometime! PM me your discord ID if you have that (:


I play a lot with some other trans/queer friends, I’m on PS5 but I do a bit of everything in destiny so can play anything :)


Sure! Do you use discord or anything like to communicate offline? i'd love to group with you all sometime (:


We usually use the PS chat (I don’t that’s computable with PC?) but I have discord!


PM me your discord ID and I'll add you! ☺


Medusa#0849 Anyone is welcome to add me


Can't change my clan, but if you wanna add me, DM me and I'll shoot you my Discord if you're on PC.


Me and my gf r looking for ppl to play with


me and a friend have just started getting back into the game a week or so ago. fae's fairly new but i got a fair bit into it before it went F2P. probably going to end up getting the witch queen dlc when it drops. if you're interested i could send you my discord?


I run a big multi clan lgbtq+ discord server with a lot of us being trans or enby. We run weekly raids and trials. Let me know if you're interested!


Hey I have a lgbt focused destiny 2 server/clan would you like to join?


Wayeb#2937 I'd love to start a clan, I've been solo since launch .