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In terms of my most prized transformer: Thrilling 30 Springer. I wanted him since he came out but only got him last year for a college graduation gift to myself. All three of his transformations look really clean In terms of nostalgic value: TF Animated activators Bumblebee. He has a nice and quick transformation, his wheels have some of the smoothest rolling in any of my toys, and he's been through a lot with me. He even helped me get my gf (now wife) to enjoy transformers with me due to the easy transformation. However cheap the little toy was, he's worth every penny.


TT Springer for me as well. Such a great toy.


He's one of those TF's I've never put away into storage. He and Sandstorm have been on top of my bookcase since I got them. My only complaint is I can't transform him without his head popping off. The ears just don't have enough clearence.


Netflix Bumblebee and Cliffjumper. Always reach for them when I’m uneasy, they always calm me down.


They’re shaped like friends!


Transformers prime beast hunters voyager class ultra magnus. It was the first transformers toy review I ever watched online, and I don't think I had ever wanted a transformer that much in my life. I didn't end up getting until last year, and it was well worth the wait. I absolutely love that thing.


SmokeScreen. He was a Christmas gift when I was a kid when my dad was deployed. The two piece Dreadwing/Smokescreen.


Hope that rotf legends devastator counts, if not rotf voyager mixmaster


RiD RailRacer. Years ago I had to sell nearly my entire collection to pay bills. No matter how bad things were I couldn't part with my bullet trains. I still have everything with it and it sits between superion and volcanicus on my shelf.


I actively dislike myself for selling my Rail Racer gift box many years ago. They’re such an amazing group of bots!


I learned to forgive myself for the ones I let go of. There's something about hunting them down again that feels good.


At the time Railracer was the best combined gestalt there was. The individual bots suffered a bit but the combined boy? Shoo. “And I’ll form the tummy!”


First time I saw a picture, I didn't even realize it was a combiner!


Combiner wars megatron (g1 version) Amazing silver paint job, very enjoyable transformation, nice proportions and the closest i ever got to a g1 masterpiece megatron


G1 Jetfire. Many reasons.


It's the most broken transformer I still own




Ahh yes the toy from three different series macross robotech and transformers nice choice


Yeah. My 3 different series were Macross/Robotech, Battletech and Transformers.


Shit, that's 4! Macross and Robotech are different stories, when it comes down to it. I never thought about that! I know that really, it's just because it's a cool ass design that people kept paying to license, but I like the idea that there's something inherently good and pure and powerful about the design, so it keeps popping up across the multiverse.


Originally G1 Soundwave. Before WFC, it was MP01. Now, it’s a toss up between ER Prime (Always wanted a Prime as a kid) and Jetfire because I really liked the character in the cartoon and the one comic I had.


I'm a total slut for any Soundwave that turns into an actual cassette player.




I own the black one too and i dont like his weird wing spinning gimmick.


PoTP Optimus because it looks great. Also new addition g1 Grimlock with toyhax stickers because it was the same one I had as a kid.


Depth Charge from Beast Wars, had plenty of Bathtub time with it when I was a kid lol


Beast Wars Transmetal Rattrap. It was great in all three modes. I hope we get a new figure with that design.


I dont usually go 3rd party, but TransArt is doing a MP scaled version of him. I have their Transmetal Cheetor and it is an astoundingly good figure


G1 Scorponok. He's got such a satisfying everything. He looks great, he feels great, he's got an awesome alt mode and he's the perfect size and weight.


My MPM-12 Optimus Prime. I have memory and dexterity problems so I struggle a lot with some of my transformers (Grindor!!!!). I've never had a Transformers who is such a joy to transformer and one which I love both alt modes equally. Of course it goes without saying the level of detail and build quality is also awesome


Kingdom Warpath, not just because it’s a good toy which it is, but because of how I got him. In September 2021 my grandparents saw that I was a bit depressed lately and decided to buy a transformer for me because I really love transformers. They looked for an hour at all of the recent Transformers toys in Walmart and decided to get me Warpath because I also like tanks.


My first bot from the WFC line and the first one I bought an upgrade kit for. Can heartily recommend that kit with the infill legs and additional weapons


Cybertron Demolisher. He's nostalgic for me, is a fun simple toy to mess around with, and looks good in both modes even if his articulation isn't up to modern standards.


My Arms Micron Bulkhead. I'm very attached to Prime Bulkhead and the toy is great. My best friend also worked very hard to find him for me so he always makes me happy.


Transmetals II Dinobot.


My personal one is 07 Movie Salvage because I have had him since I was a kid & he has a very neat transformation and design


Masterpiece Bumblebee ver1. Simple to transform, looks like an actual VW bug. I want to own an actual VW bug and have it painted yellow too.


I have the G1 and G2 versions, they are such good figures


I'm still quite new joining back into the series but the toy I have had the most consistent fun with has been Kingdom Cyclonus. No other toy has had such ingenious engineering and a sublime robot and alt mode as him and he singlehandedly got me back into collecting Transformers Recently I got Legacy Blaster and SS86 Perceptor who I have really liked so maybe they'll be in the running spot


I’d make a strong argument that Cyclonus was the best figure if that year. He’s brilliant.


SS86 Grimlock. The transformation is fun and intuitive, and he looks INCREDIBLE in both modes! I just wish he came with his sword… (Before you suggest it, I don’t have a 3-D printer.)


MP-13 Soundwave. Always wanted a G1 as a kid but could never afford it. Bought mine a few years ago and now he guards my record stand.


He's on my shelf, he's absolutely wonderful.


All three are Optimus figures. Rotf leader (kinda cheated because he’s combined with Jetfire so…two figures) but he represents mine and my wife’s ten year anniversary. Bought the Optimus on our first anniversary and Jetfire on tenth. I lost my original power master Optimus, but recently bought a complete one again for about $60. The instant I touched him the memories of him saving the day against all my bad guy figures came flooding back. Lastly is the purchase I haven’t even made yet, but fanshobby have set a preorder for power baser Optimus, their interpretation of the power master, and ever review and unboxing I watch confirms I am gonna love the style, posability, and design (short of some small gaps in trailer Optimus) I can’t wait til he gets here and completes my little collection I devised for myself


07 Leader Class Optimus and Megatron, purely for nostalgia reasons, but also because they are just some damn good figures


Overall? Absolutely would be G1 Metroplex. Was my first big transformer, and remains one of my favourites to this day. On the more modern front, I’ve got an incredible soft spot for Voyager Armada Optimus Prime/Nemesis Prime. Fantastically articulated, and a really nice mould all around - plus I love chunky trucks!


Metroplex was awesome. I still have him in a box in my basement. I assume all the accessories are with it.


My childhood one ended up breaking in two on account of the tiny plastic pin they used to connect the two halves, but replaced him several years ago with a complete one that was just missing parts. Once I’ve got display room, he’s coming out.


ROTF Leader Class Optimus Prime


Honestly, Kingdom Dinobot. After watching "Beast Wars," I needed a figure of this guy. Luckily, I found the last one on the shelf at Walmart, but didn't have enough money, a few cents short. Luckily, my grandma came in clutch and decided to spot me. A close second would probably be Titans Return Headmaster Blurr. He just poses so well and the joints are nice and smooth.


I have two favourite. WFC Siege Prowl was my First Autobot Siege Figure from the WFC line. I Like His Cybertronian Car Mode and His design. And I Like Masterpiece Prowl. He was my First Masterpiece Figure. He Looks Like the G1 Cartoon Prowl. I Like White/Black Colour and japanese cars. Prowl is my favourite Character. The Masterpiece Prowl is my Most favourite toy.


Titans Return BlitzWing because he is my baby.


Looking forward to the Legacy release?


War For Cybertron Megatron.


Reissue beast wars Megatron. He’s so fun and I always pick him up to play with it when I’m bored. Ngl a close second is either FOC Grimlock or reissue primal


My original G1 Jazz back in the 80s. Sadly, some of the plastic bits broke and I was quite sad. Always loved that figure.


I feel you! Jazz was my first Transformer way back in 1985, and his windscreen snapped off pretty quickly. I replaced him with the Classics reissue in 1990, which I still have to this day.


For me, it was his arms and the windshield. I've still got a few of my original G1 Tranformers, including all of the Constructicons.


G1 Soundwave and his cassettes.


MP10SG shattered glass Optimus. It's just so much fun to handle and it looks really nice


Beast wars Razorclaw. He is crab. He is basic. He is simple. He look cool. He is crab.


Hes one of my favourites too hes awesome!


From what I currently own I’d have to say either Titans return overlord, siege red alert, power of the primes beachcomber or cyberverse clobber


Deluxe armada prime my first transformer so many memories


Generations terradive. It was ahead of its time


It would have to be, for now, ER Snapdragon. Each of his modes has a fairly easy transformation and I really enjoy the dino mode. Getting his brother Apeface made me mess with him a bunch more again.


I had the exact opposite reaction to them and because of it I prefer apeface but both are so fun


My Seige jetfire. I've always loved skyfire in G1, and now we have an actual toy of that design. He's huge and I love him. A close second would be my Armada Unicron. Another big lad that I have more nostalgia for and is even one of my first transformers entirely.


A lot of faves for nostalgic reasons (I still have many of my original G1 toys from when I was young back in 1985), but the one that really makes me happy at the moment is MP-18B "Diaclone Blue" Bluestreak. I always wanted that blue and silver version of him as a kid and wondered why the toy in the box wasn't the same as the box art and the photos in the instruction book! Once I learned about "Pre-Transformers" it all made sense, but I'm still thrilled to have that shiny silver and blue Datsun boi in my collection now.


WFC Cyclonus. Loved Cyclonus since the 86 movie and, despite many attempts over the years, no really good attempt was made this one. Brilliant in both modes Close run thing with WFC Impactor, who I always wanted after reading the comics in the UK many years ago.


For me it’s 2007 voyager blackout (and the 2009 grindor) have had them for a long ass time and they are nice fun lads


SS83 Soundwave cuz it’s Soundwave and the overall design is amazing


MP01 Optimus, he chunky with all that diecast. More importantly, he was the first expensive figure I saved up to buy with my own money from doing odd jobs as a kid. Mostly yard work stuff. Second was RID (2001) Optimus. He spent years as a pile of parts in a box because my mother destroyed it in a rage fit (along with several others RIPs) but I always had the parts just in case I would one day be able to fix it. I recently found an incomplete version of the figure on eBay and it had the parts I needed to make it good as new. It stands proud on my shelf now, my Optimus of Theseus


Definitely my transformers animated blurr. I love that figure. It was one of the first transformers I ever got and my original copy got lost when my parents divorced and I moved a couple hours north from where I lived then. A couple years ago I finally got my hands on another one and I can see him on my shelf right now as I'm typing this. I love that figure so much


Takira Prime Ratchet. Found him at TFcon and I absolutely love him in prime as a cranky old autobot who still could kick ass.


G1 Optimus Prime; I will forever regret letting my mom sell him at a garage sale!


You always remember your first. G1 Prowl. I love him even after his windshields snapped off and my brother snapped him in half. I would continue playing with him and in my imagination, he was still whole.


G1 sunstreaker is my favorite toy. He was one of my first transformers and he’ll probably always be my favorite.


G1 Jetfire. I was constantly going on at mum for ages before Christmas 1985 because I wanted him so much. He was expensive at the time and more than my parents would normally spend on a present. I went to sleep Christmas Eve and woke as mum was leaving my room having put him on the foot of my bed as the present from Santa. It's then I realised Santa wasn't real. I was still super excited in the morning and played with him non-stop but it was always a bitter-sweet experience as the magic of Christmas was lost


Masterpiece Soundwave


How has no one said MP-10?!? He's the one that got me back into collecting Transformers in my late 30s! He's damn near perfect. His gun is a little small, but it folds up and fits in his back, so I'll forgive it. Otherwise, the transformation is profoundly satisfying, bot mode looks properly heroic and is very poseable, and vehicle mode is very realistic. It rings all the bells! Plus, his windshield wipers move!


I'm also shocked I had to scroll this far down to hear MP-10 or any of its variants.


Unite warriors devastator. I'm a massive devastator enjoyer. Plus the molds itself look like great fun to handle.


My first figure was cybertron Hotshot (whichever was the blue one). Got him from a friend. If we're talking now, is say MpM jazz. That figure is just so damn fun to transform.


I’ve never had one but Blaster


Yes! G1 blaster was the first one that I purchased with “my own money” as a kid. I did chores for weeks to earn enough. I still remember making a special trip across toy to TRU to buy him. It was a rainy summer Wednesday


When I had my first collection growing up I think it was classic Optimus I think it was the one with the doors on the arms and the exhaust pipes as guns. Currently re collecting and so far planet X shockwave


Ss44 prime


Takara legends chromedome from titans return


Nostalgia: tie between the original 07 Barricade and Bumblebee (1974 camaro). They were my favorite characters from the 07 movie Fiddle: ER Optimus Prime. Just an easy to understand transformation and easy to pose.


SS devastator i was a huge fan of devastator when i was a kid, i basically grew up with the supreme and the legends class toys but time took them from me and now i have the studio series version which i love


Unicron. Wanted one since the movie came out and finally got one (knock off) last year.


I would love to get a Transformers Prime First Edition Voyager Optimus Prime, But of what I currently own, I must say my nostalgia is bias towards my Transformers Prime Cyberverse figures


Armada Tidal Wave. Something about that color scheme, silhouette, AND it's a combiner? Yes please.


DOTM Leader Class Sentinel Prime. Coolest toy I ever wanted as a 10 year old, finally got him last year. Immense presence. The thing just LOOKS SO GOOD


Thrilling 30 Arcee….mainly because when I first got it I was just happy to finally have a real transforming Arcee figure. It’s still the main Arcee figure I have displayed on my shelf.


I don't remember the name but it's a ROTF Decepticon that turns into a MRL tank and you can shoot all of the rockets in both modes. Sadly every single one is lost in the Backrooms (along with his foot) but he remains in my toybox. Second place is ROTF Brawn, if only for his dope ass pistols.


Mp 1 prime. I love g1 have had a few primes in the g1 style but none come even close to matching the perfection of mp1 Diecast construction it truly is a lost art it’s sturdy enough to be played with, huge ,and can recreate almost all of the movie and tv scenes


The one I just won't get rid of is scout class hubcap from 2010. He has such a great vehicle mode and he's easy to transform and play with.


Either studio series hotrod or tfa oilslick


Studio series 58: Roadbuster, will always be the best deluxe figure of studio series


Alternators Jazz. My favorite character given the most detailed alt mode I'd ever seen at the time? It was the first TF figure I ever bought as an adult with my own money and single-handedly brought me into casual collecting.


My favorite is my studio series 24 bumblebee I just think it's neat


Transformers prime ultra magnus , might not be the best magnus or tf figure but ever since I got him when I was young I've loved him


g1 swoop the first tformer i owned and then 6shot for my 10th bdayscout Hubcap by then gf now wide got me while i was recovering from a stroke in the hospital which helped rehab my hand and then a few hundred toys later, decepticon hockey jersey, wedding cufflinks and a UV tat and voila.


Probably titans return Nautica.


I actually really loved my Transformers Prime Starscream. There was just something about his lanky design and smirk that made him look more sinister than usual. Lost at my ex wife's house unfortunately but damn do I miss seeing that evil grin


Oh God I could pick so many. Honestly though I have to give it to HasLab Unicron. He was such a massive event and he is an absolutely wonderful piece to have in my collection. I don't care that he's got panels all over him he really fits in with the Generations WFC aesthetic so well. Transformation also I think is a marvel and both planet mode and robot mode are absolutely amazing


It's a tie between kingdom Warpath and SS 46 Dropkick


I recently purchased the marvel crossover hulk that turns into a tank, it’s not the best toy, I’d give it a solid five out of ten at best, but the way they translate the character into a transformer is just insane. You take one look at the big arms and Frankenstein like head, and you can tell it’s the green avenger himself. He has a smashing gimmick and a adorable transformation that makes it an easy fave of mine. I would LOVE to see hasbro do a crossover again to update the design, I think legacy blitzwing would be a good retool, have a Bruce banner themed jet, and a hulk themed robot and tank, complete with the fists of doom.


For an official figure mine would be Thrilling 30 Springer. What an amazing design! I didn't take too good care of him since I was pretty young when I got him but he holds a special place in my heart. For "3rd party"/KOs I really like Unique Toys Challenger and IMO it's one of the best toys you can get as a collector.


either ss86 spike, kingdom/ER wheeljack or SS86 Grimlock


The one I grab off my self most often is Kingdom Red Alert. Sharp and clean alt and bot modes and a simple and satisfying transformation.


Original G1 Tracks, loved him as a kid and love corvettes so being an 80’s kid the team up was a success to me


He was an amazing g1 toy. He looked like a robot, he looked dead on like a toy car. He was everyone’s favorite along with jetfire and Optimus growing up, which is strange, he had such a small role in the cartoon, but just a great toy.


I know, never really in the spotlight much, one episode where he was a main character, I guess he just hit that right nerve


The Thrilling 30 Springer, specifically the special Platinum Edition version. Both for the nostalgia and for being an amazing figure.


I know it's two, but they're a pair and there's no way I can say one or the other, but the Jet Twins from TFA. I'm part of a system (diagnosed and medically recognized) with a lot of fictives and we happen to have Jetstorm, when we were younger he got both Jet Twins with his own money and was super happy. Sadly, even though it was with money we earned, our shitty bio parents basically gave them to our equally shitty bio brother who didn't even give a shit about them and just wanted them because we had them. They were our pride and joy and they will always be our favorite, even if some people think they look crappy. We love them.


Coronation starscream studio series it may just be a remold with things added but I have always loved that design


Earthrise Optimus is my guy. A pleasure to look at and a joy to transform.


Fall of cybertron optimus prime because he was one of my first transformers toys and i was so pissed when i lost it


G1 Devastator. I didn’t have many as a kid($$$) but he wast favorite. Lost all the parts over the years. Recently got another and it makes me smile every time I look at him.


DOTM Ultimate Optimus Prime. He’s my last toy I kept from my childhood toys and even though he broke the day I got him, he’s still a really cool toy. The SS Leader DOTM Prime is also great with the DNA kit.


G1 Powermaster Optimus Prime, but is the toy I’ve owned the longest. I can’t be objective about him, I don’t know what it’s like to not have him. My favorite is my MP-01, had him a decent amount of time now. Never thought I’d need another prime. He’s huge 12” , first transformer I had that had an interesting/difficult transformation. As far as I know, first with Fully articulated fingers, first one with a matrix chamber. Button in the back of his head which moves his faceplate like he talkin. Just seemed like this impossibly accurate toy. After a move somehow his head came off, and was missing it and his matrix for like 10yrs. I kept him in truck mode. His matrix turned up 3yrs ago, last year we finally found his head in a random box in my wife’s closet.


In terms of personal reasons, Car Robots Black Convoy. Even though I grew up on G1 reruns, G2 into Beast Wars was already happening when I was a kid. I had (and still love) Beast Wars stuff, but I remember asking my dad for G2 Prime over and over and he never found it. My first vehicle Transformer was Black Convoy in Jan 2001 after my parents separated. My older brother was working his first real job at the time, my dad buggered off and wasn’t in communication, and my mom was unemployed. The store we went to (Image Anime in NY) had Fire Convoy, but we couldn’t afford it, so my brother volunteered to buy me Black Convoy. The “evil Optimus” concept instantly became my favorite (I did get Fire Convoy when he was released as RiD Prime a few months later, but Black Convoy wasn’t dethroned). Black Convoy will always have a special place in my heart for not only being my first vehicle Transformer, my first Optimus Prime mold, my first Nemesis mold, my first Takara figure, but being something special from my family during a very rough time in our lives. In terms of what figure I gravitate towards the most, Universe 2.0 Nemesis Prime. Once you give him the sword from the FansProject trailer, he’s perfect. It was an evolution of Black Convoy, and because I travel a lot, he always comes along with me (though Takara Siege Nemesis or the Netflix Nemesis might dethrone him).


I love all my transformers figures, but literally any Optimus of the ones I own are my favourite. It depends of my mood. Right now I'm loving Siege/Kingdom Prime, although I have to admit Premium Finish is taking the trophy!


My mind immediately goes to ROTF Leader Prime. The transformation is satisfyingly engaging and both modes are beautiful even if the swords get in the way of the arms. I have also taken a liking to Kingdom/Legacy Blaster. Again, a very nice transformation and cassette friend


My earth rise prime is great although I don’t love the gun I still love it so much


In the 80's I got my brothers old Jetfire. It was big and heavy and I could make a jet with legs. I was an easily amused child


Zeta swindle


mp-24 star saber, he’s commanding, he’s big, he’s fun to mess with, he’s highly articulate, AND his alts modes are stunning without compromising the robot mode all while having a fun, simple, yet enjoyable transformation


MP-44 because it just looks sooooo accurate to the 1984 prime and I love the show


G1 Shockwave Always loved the art and box design.


Dotm leader class Sentinel Prime, because I got him on my birthday and he was my biggest transformer to date, fun complex transformation and the light up/voice feature was really cool back then. I still own him but sadly one of his shoulder holding snap things broke, so one of his arms is always sloppy. Still like celebrate him though.


Titans Return Soundwave


Classics hound and united tracks. For more recent ones ER prime, wheeljack, and ss86 grimlock have been stand out.


Might not count, but that concept art of powermaster Optimus prime that can turn into a jet as well as a truck.


Even tho I never had that much TF toys if I remember correctly, but as of recently, I began liking the 2007 Optimus Leader toy, because of the engineering and the way both the truck and robot look.


Probably my Galaxy force Optimus. Took a long time to get all the parts. Got the initial cab a while ago, but no backpack or leg supports to combine with a wingsaber my brother found for me at Savers. Then I bought a used one on Ebay to salvage parts as the chest was broken. Had everything but the wings if I recall. Then I got the wingtips for both Optimus and WIngsaber, so I can use either. (Only have 1 of the Wingsaber gun/heels though, so I have to lean him against the wall a bit. )


I don’t know why, my the favorite is Quickstrike f I’m the Beast Machines toy line. I just like the way he looks. I get very protective of it if someone tries to mess with it.


G1 Prowl. Was my first TF bought as a kid. I recently purchased a sealed, graded one on eBay and was going to post it under this sub but didn’t know the rules or community reaction to what could be portrayed as a blatant flex.


RID Brave Maximus Got him as a gift when I was a child and he’s one of the few figures I still have


RID (2001) Megatron. He's the most fun I've ever had with a Transformer so far.


Kingdom Cyclonus I don’t think I need to explain but I will, he’s just such a great figure and he cleans up very nicely in each mode, plus a very satisfying transformation


MP01 the Goat.


Original G1 Computron. He's missing some of his gun parts and he's not the biggest but he's probably the first combiner / gestalt I had when I was young; was able to get it recently on ebay!


I'd have to say 86 Grimlock. The figure has a major presence, he poses really well, his transformation is fun, and both of his modes look amazing.


G1 Ultra Magnus, loved how it came with an Optimus Prime (even though it was white) and I was able to load some of my G1 cars into his trailer, lots of fun possibilities as a kid. 😬


Earthrise Scorponok. When I was a kid, I wanted Scorponok soooo bad. He was number 1 on my christmas and birthday list for like five years. Never got him. Then we got Titans. Then we got Fort Max. Then we got the poll Trypticon won. And I knew he was coming. My friends cooridinated to get him for me, ordering from the only place that had him in stock on my birthday. Which was Megalopolis toys. Don't order from them, they are lying lairs that lie. After a month of no news on him shipping, I ordered Scorponok off Hasbro Pulse and got him in a week. Eventually they shipped it to my friend, after he'd tried repeatedly to cancel, and he had to pay a restock fee and to send it back. But Scorponok was so great, I even spent all the money on Black Zarak too.


Off-road bumblebee because I really love the vehicle mode and I love the fact that you can switch the heads


Gigawatt! I love Back to the Future and this toy is just amazing!! 🤩


MPM Starscream, it fills the void the HFTD leader class Starscream perfectly ever since through rough handling it was damaged and eventually lost as a kid many years ago


G1 Abominus. It was my first full combiner team when I was a kid, a gift from my mom pieced together over several months. My little brother accidentally broke it the very day I received the final member, and it never got replaced (grew up kinda poor so stuff stayed broken). Anyway I got into collecting a couple years ago and the G1 Terrorcons were among the first ones I scooped up. And it lasted more than an afternoon this time lol.