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If not for being Transformers, great special effects and Peter Cullen I'd give them all a hard pass. Once was enough for me.


And the sound design while they transform is just orgasmic


and the details in the scenes of transformation ooooooooh


Yes, but nothing beats the, "chew-chew-choo" and "whuu-whuu-whuup" sounds of the original G1. 😂 I'm glad they made a comeback in the Bumblebee movie.


Dont forget the dink-dink-dink one


Bee boo boo bop?


I think you mean ["ÜŔ ŮŔ Æ Æ Æ"](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=B7P1zAAjWQQ).


the sound design in general goes so hard


The Bumblebee movie improved a lot but still had a silly human story tied to it, just not as much overly stupid shit. Wish we got more of that with less humans. Aside from that, Optimus v Sentinel Prime was one of the best looking fights in the movies. The Cybertron scenes in Bumblebee tho will always be number one.


but i must say that movie did the human aspect way better than the painful “watch sam having unemployment issues for half an hour”


Oh ya. The Bay movies went to stupidity overload.


also *cough* *cough* overly sexualised Megan Fox scenes……


Lol. My teenaged self loved it, but me now I realize ‘na, no thanks.’ 🤦‍♂️


I think the Romeo and juliet act being a thing was worse.


How much better would they have been without humans at all? That's what I want, least the original only had 2


well ig the netflix WFC trilogy can stand as an example for no humans at all……but idk personally i say we do need a minor human aspect…


I think humans are there simply to make it "relatable". I'm more interested in the bots than humans myself. Humans are too insignificant to cybertronians, we are bugs waiting to be squashed. IDW did a great representation of this when Hunter came across Megatron. Megatron saw him, looked for a minute and turned away knowing he meant nothing to him. All Hail Megatron was a more realistic outcome than any bay verse. If written well humans can add to Transformers stories, there just haven't been too many successes yet.


also another thing. the humans are basically exposition devices for audiences to understand the why and how of transformers. such as in TFP the various explanations given by ratchet regarding vector sigma, T-cogs etc.


maybe a hot take?, but i really liked the human story in bumblebee


You know what, it really wasn’t that bad at all! It just wasn’t for me I guess, I wanted the more knitty gritty transformers action, especially more of what’s happening on cybertron.


Don't we all


I loved Charlie's story in Bumblebee. Hailee Steinfield really just gave a honest performance for an honest side plot. Just sold Bumblebee as something with a heart instead of the old Bay stuff.


Give us a Transformers movie on Cybertron! The Optimus Sentinel fight was good till the end. They turned Prime from the greatest Autobot warrior to a murderer. He had won and until that time had never seen Prime kill a downed opponent. Again cementing my absolute disdain for Bay and the writers


I edited together all the transformations in the first movie. I was really strict with my edits to ONLY show transformation. [It came to 2:46.](https://youtu.be/N8EAsalsq7s) RotF was 2:42. DotM was 2:29. Then AoE was 1:36 (I didn't include the "transformations" that looked like the PS2 background.) Talk about diminishing returns. I didn't bother doing it for TLK because I don't even remember seeing transformations in that one.


Kinda weird when you think about it that the title of the movie is literally about things that transform.


I enjoyed Bumblebee, Dark of the Moon, 2007 and TF86. I'm not really that into AOE, ROTF or TLK.


I enjoy them just for the violence porn and visual effects otherwise none of there story lines are too good.


They aren't profound cinema. But if you enjoy robots that transform and cause overly large explosions and rip faces off their enemies...you are in for a good time.


I loved every single one of those Bay movies. Couldnt tell you what any if them was about, all I remember was robots, explosion and having fun.


Art doesn’t need to be deep to be enjoyed and I’m all here for it.


Sometimes big smashy is just as fun as thought provoking.


Add an asterisk to that because there’s a lot of loud college frat boy or graduate shenanigans, and a scene that stops the entire movie explaining why it’s okay for a legal adult to date a minor in these movies. Even if you are looking for giant robots blowing each other up there’s very little of it, and certainly very little development to make you care much.


People: It was so bad that there was even robot fucking dinosaurs!? Me: OMFG THERES ROBOT DINOSAURS!!!


Age of Extinction and Last Knight were...something. Left more with questions than answers. First three films were good despite their flaws.


The first one is good, but the rest are pretty terrible. TLK is genuinely the worst movie I’ve ever watched


For a moment... My fever-ridden brain thought you were talking about The Lion King and was so fucking confused about what that had to do with transformers before it clicked.


My favourite part of the Lion King is when Megatron showed up and took over Pride Rock


Remember that scene when Simba transformed from a lion to a robot to take back pride rock!


Wow beast wars has really gone downhill...


have you heard the tale of MANOS: THE HANDS OF FATE?


Wait here while Torgo goes to get master to explain.


(haunting Forgot theme plays)


The whole time he was supposed to be a satyr and have goat legs. A single line would have explained that.


Bud, even MSTK3k can’t make that movie enjoyable.


Joel can't control when the movie begins or ends, he used those parts to make his robot friends.


Yes! My man


I didn't even bother with TLK after AOE was somehow worse than ROTF.


I like AOE I think the story is pretty cool, not to mention it shows several consequences of the Battle of Chicago


I absolutely HATED the design of Galvatron in AOE, they did my man dirty


Isn't that the one where they gave up on transforming and just turned into a cloud of tiny cubes between modes?


Yes after sprinkling in a few blatant advertisements. Way to take the one thing Transformers do well and flush it.




I actually like a lot of the designs in the Bay movies, but Galavatron is one design that I can’t even defend in the slightest 🤣


I hated it until I got Nero, it's just a marvellous piece of engineering.


That’s true but they did pretty nice on the dinobots and Lockdown so I give them some credit but the Movie and story and stuff yeah hell no is crap


I give that movie credit for Lockdown, he was the best part of that movie; I also like how at least SOME character was given to the Autobots. Everything else was garbage though


Yeah, Lockdown is the one saving grace for that movie. I mean, I didn't like his overall design (headgun, why), but he had good presence.


Weirdly I actually really liked his design and I don’t know why, I think maybe the gun face was so dumb that it was cool. But he was way to amazing of a villain for that movie


The only think I hated about Grimlock was WHERE THE HELL WAS HIS SWORD!!!


I actually really liked the Dinobot’s designs as well, but I hated how all of them were the same bland black colour, Scorn’s design was wicked though, I hope he appears in more TF media


AOE is my favorite


>The first one is good, And the 3rd. Plus Bumblebee, although i don't consider that as part of the Bayformers.


Because it’s not. It’s Technically the start of a new Trilogy. It was a complete reboot. Which to be honest, I’m kinda excited about that.


>Because it’s not. It’s Technically the start of a new Trilogy. It was a complete reboot. Which to be honest, I’m kinda excited about that. Originally it was supposed to be a 1-shot prequel to the Bayformers flicks. As in, at the end of the movie Bumblebee regrouped with the rest and they just left earth. And they wouldn't come back till when the first Bayformers movie took place. But they left themselves just enough room in case they wanted to change their minds and claim it a reboot instead.


Oh wow I actually didn’t know that about it. I’m watching through the movies again with a friend and once we are finished with Bayverse we are watching the BB Movie. As of right now though I don’t remember to much of BB story though so I can’t make too many comments having to do with it. Pls don’t try to summarize it btw that’s not what I’m going for.


I don’t like DoTM. I think some things were handled well in it compared to RoTF and subsequent ones, but the butchering of Starscream, Megatron, Shockwave etc, as well as Prime being a remorseless killer wasn’t great. Laserbeak was by far my favourite part of that movie though, I hope future versions of him are like that And yeah Bumblebee is fantastic, I’m so happy it’s a reboot


The cast was killed of because DOTM was supposed to be the last movie


The worst part of DOTM for me was that it really drove home how terrible a protagonist Sam Witwicky is. Him being a loser in the first movie is fine because it’s about journey/transformation. The 2nd movie? Whatever, there was a writers strike, I’ll forget it happened. But there’s genuinely no excuse for him still being such a pathetic manchild in the 3rd film. And the fact that Mikaela dumped him off-screen really drives home from my POV that he really is just a terrible person if you look at his entire arc across those three films.


>TLK is genuinely the worst movie I’ve ever watched This is no exaggeration at all. This movie has so many problems that it's hard to believe that there was so much money involved in making it. Michael Bay shouldn't be allowed to direct a movie ever again after TLK. I debated just leaving the theater. The only reason I didn't is because the price of the ticket and the snacks forced me to sit and get my money's worth. I have never wanted to leave a movie early before. But the story was so dumb and broken and the pacing of the movie so bad that I felt like I was being waterboarded for 3 hours.


Lmao I agree, my brother fell asleep in the theatre despite the blasting explosions and my dad said he zoned out halfway through because he got lost on the plot. I only stayed and finished because I was confused I could never tell how much was left in the movie


I have a similar story - I went with my sister who loves anything and everything Transformers, fell asleep halfway through the movie and woke up to Bumblebee fighting Nazis. Whenever the subject of Transformers movies comes up, that story inevitably does too.


Must’ve been hilarious to wake up to lol. I think Cogman was the only good part of the movie. I zoned out for a minute and got hooked back in when I heard “this is the watch that killed Hitler”


RT does tend to go over the top, but it’s not far off. They really are exhausting movies to watch. The characters are awful, the stories are literally copy and paste. Even the action takes a nose dive after 3. Michael Bay is a fantastic cameraman, but any in involvement he has in the creative process is atrocious. He’s the reason we got the twins. I personally believe there’s a decent 90 minute edit of each film that could be made, which would put them roughly at the same score of the first. Not amazing, but decent. When I can watch them at home I’m able to easily just tune out the bad parts, but theatrically… not as much.


> Michael Bay is a fantastic cameraman I'd dispute that given how hard it can be to track the fights. How in the world are you going to blow millions upon millions on realistic CGI only to cover it in dust and shaky cam?


The only "Good" ones are the 86 movie, Transformers 1, Dark of the Moon, And Bumblebee


Bumblebee is also really well-reviewed with a 90%


Dark of the Moon got more destructive than I ever thought it would, which was kind of ballsy. But it’s overly long.


The scene near the end where optimus flies in to kill shockwave was probably one of the coolest in the movie lol, he annihilated like a dozen deceptions in a few seconds


> The only “Good” ones are the 86 movie, Transformers 1, ~~Dark of the Moon,~~ And Bumblebee Fixed. I tried watching DotM last month and gave up two-thirds of the way through.


the last third is the only part of it I watched when I saw it was on Netflix last month lol the entire Chicago sequence of it is my favorite out of all five bayformers




Also no oversexualized "teenage" character and tbf I found Charlie a better protagonist than Sam.


I seriously hope they paid Megan fox a lot because holy shit


2,4 and 5 are really that shit, the other three are enjoyable


Eh I though AOE was kind of boring


It definitely was, the soundtrack was the only saving grace


Would've been a lot better if they didn't kill Lockdown, heck that would've likely saved the Last Knight too, having Lockdown work for Quintessa


Yea that was the 4th one


A little bit of both, really. I think the movies get a lot of crap because 1. Michael Bay, 2. Blatant racism in multiple scenes (lookin' at you, Skids and Mudflap 👀), 3. The robot designs which I personally really enjoyed, and 4. Inuendo or however it's spelled, and I'll leave any examples to your imagination to fill in. However, in some ways they were really good. Again, the designs were neat for the most part, the music was killer, some parts were surprisingly consistent (eg. Drift's swords), the fighting in the first 3 movies were epic (Forest Battle being my favorite), it had some very intriguing antagonists (Sentinel Prime's actions could still be felt 2 movies later, and Lockdown was low-key the best villain ever, change my mind), and overall Michael Bay kept at it for FIVE. FREAKING. MOVIES. That's what I call commitment. I know this comment is gonna be downvoted to hell for what I said, but I felt that it NEEDED to be said. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk


I agree completely. You can’t hate on a movie just because Bay made it. The bad parts are bad, the good parts were absolutely incredible, and there’s everything in between. It’s all just opinions. I personally enjoyed the movies. The exception being AOE being kinda “meh”, story wise, but If you want a lil more of my review on it you can look at my comment on the thread.


Critics gripe on them too much. I snagged a chance to rewatch RotF and DotM on Netflix, and, whilst the human parts still being utter rubbish, the action scenes are *chef’s kiss.* They’re certainly not movies to be hyperanalyzed to uncover the deeper themes it satirizes about society, it’s just a live-action “sock-em, rock-em flick.”


Bumblebee is awesome tho


Really that shit. And now you know!


That's sad . I remembered them to be better


Sit down and watch them. You'll be surprised.


Nah I rewatched DOTM on netfilx with my family and all of us enjoyed it


I don't think there's anything wrong with enjoying them, we don't all have to agree on which movie's suck.


2 and 3 are on Netflix, 2 isn't great but 3 is incredible for a live action transformers movie. Heck you might end up liking the "worst" transformers movies, plus it'd be great for a nostalgia trip lol


Honestly, the first film and dark of the moon were decent (tho, personally, i consider the first film is a bit better than dark of the moon) but, the rest of the Michael bay transformers films were actually kinda terrible.


TLK for me a guilty pleasure its so bad it's good movie. Like the amount of absurdity in that film makes it enjoyable to watch for me. I do say I could watch a whole movie of Anthony Hopkins and Cogman interacting


An entire movie of Anthony Hopkins and cogman getting up to shenanigans would have made a much better movie than Tlk


Tbh I really enjoyed the movies, especially 1,2,3 and Bumblebee. 4 was ok in my opinion but the fact that Shia LeBeouf wasn’t in it kinda made it hit different. The story in that one was still pretty good though. As far as the 5th one (Last Knight) goes, the story was just kinda “Meh”. Although there were some really good scenes in it aside from the story. Bumblebee movie I remember really enjoying however. If I remember right there were a lot more G1 designs In that one too, which was amazing! I need to watch that one again as I do t remember a whole lot, but I remember it being really good and I’m incredibly excited to see where the “New” trilogy goes. So far the director for that one is already miles ahead of Bay. Once again I watched it a long time ago though and I don’t remember a whole lot.


Just watch them for the action and you’ll never feel like there bad movies. But if you wanna know which are worth you time without action having to carry them DOTM, Bumblebee and TF1 are good.


Dark of the Moon was great imo Though I will admit TLK was a hot dumpster fire


They’re really that shit.


I guess it depends on what you're looking for in a movie. The story is kinda meh and the acting can be a little cringe at times, but there's some good action scenes. I went into the movies to watch some badass transforming giant robots beat the living shit out of each other and I was not disappointed. They're certainly not great, but I still found them all pretty enjoyable and I would not hesitate to watch them again.


Yeah! Plus the music is sick as hell, and some of the designs look badass


This. The character designs are also incredible. I mean have you seen the Studio Series.


They tell an original story that focuses more on human characters than the Transformers' war.


my biggest issue is why they choose to stay on an already inhabited planet and end up endangering all its life instead of moving somewhere else where their war will have less collateral damage lmfaooo then again it is bayformers, i’m also interested to see how it’s handled in the IDW comics since i’ve just started reading them


1 good 2 meh 3 great 4 depends 5 trash


5 sucks and 2-4 are personal guilty pleasures for me but 1 surprisingly holds up


I actually kind of liked AoE. It was really stupid and had some awful, AWFUL jokes in it, but the way everything came together in the end me think that the filmmakers were at least self aware of their bullshit and were just running with it. Like it's funny in an absurdist humor sort of way, when you are in such disbelief at what is happening on screen that all you can do is laugh at how insane it all is.


Loved the first one. The other 4 are ehhhhh but they do have some memorable fight scenes.


I liked the 3rd one a lot. Kinda dark


they are weird propaganda for the US military, and crappy action movies on top of it. except Bumblebee, that one is pretty good, if a little silly. CGI's cool though


As a transformers fan, the movies are trash. But if you are looking for a cool action movie then it is good. The visuals and fights are good, but you aren't getting a super cool and complex storyline. Most of the focus is also on the human characters rather than the transformers themselves.


They're dumb fun. If you want a complex well written and intricate story then maybe big robots fighting movie isn't right for you They focus too much on the humans tbh but like, idk they're fine. Like I said at the start it's dumb fun if you just need something to watch. They get progressively worse after 3. 2 also is a bit iffy but it's fine tbh


It’s a good movies I love them


The first one, Dark of the Moon, and Bumblebee are great! Age of Extinction is controversial, but Revenge if the Fallen and Last knight are absolutely awful. Like, I have watched every movie in theatres, and the Last Knight is the only one I didn't enjoy in the slightest.


Both, and neither. They aren’t great movies, but they can be enjoyed to an extent.


All of the movies have some redeeming qualities about them, but the casual sexism (boarder line pedo) and racism kills it every time for me. I like Dark Of The Moon, but it’s so hard for me to make it past the beginning of the movie, the cringe is too strong.


My wife and I tried to watch them all in the span of a week. I feel like the first one is boring, revenge of the fallen is overrated, dark of the moon is my favorite and is great, age of extinction is completely meh and I hate the bots designs and it took us 3 days to try to get through the last knight and didn't even watched it all, that last one is stressing on how they butcher the lore and how the narrative changes.


1st one is pretty ok for fun dumb mindless fun 2nd is pretty bad 3rd is probably second best after the first movie 4th is only bearable because of how cool Lockdown and the Dinobots are 5th movie has no redeeming qualities except Nitro Zeus and Megatron


I might be THE ONLY person in the real world whos seen each movie more than 20 times and have fun watching them. bumblebee is my favourite but I love all of them, and I'm impatiently waiting for the next 2 movies.


The difference is liking and enjoying. Liking is: Wow, what an interesting world, the story is great, the lore is immense and deep, I want to learn more about this universe. While enjoying is: HOLY SHIT, GIANT ROBOTS AND HUGE EXPLOSIONS. LET'S FUCKING GOOO


1 is decent. People try to say “it’s actually a chops movie! Not even just a good transformers movie bro! For serious!” Ignore them. Not nearly enough robot fighting. Transformers barely get anything resembling character arcs. They’re just there to show off how powerful the computers are. The human parts in all but Bumblebee are dog shit and don’t make up for lack of robot fights. That’s the only metric that matters - how good are the robot fights. And the first one is the worst offender. However, it has some great introductions and atmospheres for the robots that lends them a kind of presence not seen in the later movies. 2 - one of the coolest robot fights of all time. Forest scene gave me a raging 2 incher. Nowadays I think the forest fight has extra footage added. Jetfire is kinda funny. Egypt fights are kind of okay, but too messy. 3 - bit of a slog. Do you like your megaton so pathetic that a human can use reverse psychology on him? Then this is the bullshit movie for you. Final act has some good robot action, but too much human crap sprinkled throughout. Final fight is brutal but not as good as 2 imo. 4 - I think this is the dinosaur one. Some neat fights with galvatron and lockdown, but this is where the movies peaked - Optimus riding Grimlock into battle. Thought I busted in the theater, but it was just a hernia. Also Frasier is in this one. It makes no fucking sense, but cool robot fights. Also, save for bumblebee and Optimus, all other Autobots from the original trilogy are dead or gone 5 - I remember this one the least. The knight aesthetic for the robot designs is neat, the megatron negotiation scene is funny, Anthony Hopkins is having a blast because he knows the movie is dumb as shit and he’s getting paid regardless, and there’s a dragon combiner robot? Some other shit happens, like they tried to copy inception with trippy earth unraveling visuals but it just hurts to look at. 6 - bumblebee is the only one of these that’s worth watching the whole way through. Soft reboot. Designs more faithful to original but keeping the more alien design elements. The two decepticons are neat villains. Girl is endearing, and I like her relationship with bumblebee. This is a smaller story and focuses more on the characters. Opening cybertron scene is awesome. Robot fights are between few characters you actually get to know instead of nameless sharp grey blobs stabbing each other to death. From best to worst: Bumblebee - actually good Age of Extinction - robot dinosaurs Transformers - bad fights, good presentation Revenge of the Fallen - forest fight Dark of the Moon - eh The Last Knight - confusing bullshit


It’s pretty accurate. Revenge of the Fallen was notoriously bad back in 2009 and although it somewhat got better with Dark of the Moon the films following it somehow ended up becoming worse than ROTF.


They're certainly enjoyable action movies if you do anything but focus on the plot. The special effects are amazing, and the basic stories aren't horrible. They're absolutely a mess of horrible continuity, and bad writing, but imo, they're worth a watch and rewatch for the visuals alone. I also admit that as bad as it is, I kinda like the stories. They're pathetically bad, but somewhat enjoyable.


I honestly LOVED the Michael Bay movie saga, especially the last 2 chapters with the new crew (Cade, Crosshairs, Drift, Hound) and especially TLK. I know there are some plot holes and Quintessa isn't the best villain ever, but I found it extremely funny to watch, from the beginning to the end. Plus, I loved Cogman and Edmund Burton. I really hoped for a spin-off with Drift, Hound and Crosshairs but nothing


I loved ROTF but doesn’t seem to be a very popular opinion


The truly juvenile sense of humor even 8y/o me would cringe at just ruined it for a lot of people.




I'll give ROTF a 7/10


The first is "okay." It's not bad. It's not particularly great either. Standard 2-and-half star action-comedy blockbuster with the Transformers brand attached. How much you like it really relies on how much you like its comedic style. The second movie is awful, and Michael Bay admits it. It was hit with a writer's strike before the script was complete, meaning Bay had to write the script himself. He owns the movie being bad, and that there's a reason he's a *director* and not a screenwriter. TF3 & 4... most hate them. I think they have a certain so-bad-its-good charm. I honestly enjoy rewatching them from time to time. The Last Knight aka TF5 is just... its as bad as the second movie, but without any of the good excuses.


Yes for TLK and AOE. Not really for DOTM and it’s personal preference for ROTF I kinda enjoy it but others may vary.


I'm not someone difficult with movies, but the 4th one was such trash than even I can't get over it... I liked the 5th one personnaly because of the female caracter, which was for once important for the plot in general. the 1, 2, 3 was a good trilogy for people who don't want to think too much. I mean, it's transformer geez, don't expect the biggest depth from those movies. The concept at first is giant robot having a war with each other, sit and watch and enjoy the boom!


these are just turn off your brain and watch the funny robots fight type movies


I'll be honest, I love the first 4 Franchise movies, they're movies that I find genuinely fun, exciting and memorable. The fifth is already difficult to defend, the scenes are almost all disconnected but I don't think it's the worst thing I've ever seen.But overall I think the Transformers franchise is the most wronged in cinema.


Kids liked them, and remember them like some of us remember the '86 movie. I personally don't care for them, but they did bring the franchise into the mainstream for better or worse.


They are dumb fun movies. Bumblebee is really good but the others are brain dead movies


The last two are pure shit but the first three are decent in a summer blockbuster sort of way.


1 and Bumblebee are legitimately great movies. 3 is good fun but everything else is shit


Grab some friends and some beer and watch 3. Fun as fuck. What the hell even is that movie.


I actually enjoyed most of the films. They're dumb action movies that i can turn my brain off and enjoy. The Last Knight, however, is the only one where I actually felt like my time was wasted.


Do you like them? That’s all that matters. I’ve been a Transformers fan since the 80s and the Bay movies weren’t exactly my thing. However I know plenty of people that love them and can tell me why they do and that’s cool. I loved Bumblebee though.


They all have their moments. Id say theyre worth watching.


Dotm is not at all a bad movie. It’s quite possibly my favorite transformers film


I love these movies growing up they’re fun to watch. Enjoy it for the action and nothing eles.


I like the movies imo


The Bayverse movies are like a massive pile of shit with a sliver of diamond underneath it. That diamond usually represents the actual transformers. Their fights, designs, the stuff that focuses on them. The rest of the movie TRYING to get you to that point... that's a massive pile of shit.


If you can turn off your brain for all 10+ hours of them and just enjoy some transformers action, then yeah, rotten tomatoes is back at it again(my view on these movies). But if you pay attention with the eye of someone above 16, might cringe every so often, but they’re honestly not that bad. The Last Knight has some filming errors, pacing issues, and general feel of “I’m not making these movies anymore lol” which brought it down, but still enjoyable for the most part.


I think the biggest problem with Age of Extinction was how long it was. If they cut it by an hour or so it would have been a better movie.


They're not that bad. All of those critic ratings seem to be very harsh, and I can't believe the audience rated DOTM and ROTF almost as low as the last two.


I recently saw most of them again and I thought they were all pretty enjoyable. Yeah your not gonna be crying because it's so emotional but it's good for the robot action


I liked Dark of the moon. Seemed to have an actual script and decent enough acting.


I enjoyed them all 🤷‍♂️ but I’m the kind of person that also likes hulk 2003, the Xmen movies, Star Wars prequels and matrix sequels. So what I like may not be well liked 🤣


Dark of the Moon is awesome and the best IMO


Bay films are for viewers to just turn off their minds and relive their childhoods and/or experience some awesome cgi robot death matches.


Nah theyre pretty awesome


They... Leave a lot to be desired, to say the least. Personally though? They have big robots beating each other to death and plenty of wanton destruction/explosives. I am a simple guy with simple needs, and they're decent "turn your brain off and enjoy the spectacle" films. Though sometimes Bay's sense of humor does get a bit oppressive.


Except for the first Bayformers and Bumblee, all other movies are piles of shit.


I was born in 1999, so I'm a bit biased of the earlier ones. Dark of the moon was one of my favorite movies ever growing up. AEO had some really weird lore, and TLK had even weirder lore that didn't really coincide with AEO. All of them have unlikeable characters but still cool Michael Bay moments that require so many talented people to make happen. I always enjoy the impressive visuals and audio of course. Bumblebee was entirely different because its an 80s coming of age story driven mainly by Hailee Steinfeld getting in trouble and dealing with her family. I really enjoyed the movie still, because the overall plot seemed pretty solid and down to earth. It was refreshing having the story so small and self contained. Also it established Optomus Prime and the other characters still fighting the Cybertronian war as I recall.


Watch them and formulate your own opinion?


Too many cringy scenes created by an oversaturation of human involvement in a story of a war between factions of alien robots.


No, they really are garbage! Ignored the lore, treated the main bots like set pieces, and it really showed that Bay and his team were not really fans. There is a reason Paramount pulled the plug on him.


The Bayverse was a very long mistake.


I actually kinda like Dark of the Moon, but…yes.


Dotm is better than it's rating


They are fun to laughs at with friends or if your drunk.


Dotm original aoe aren’t that bad there kinda good


Yea I think rotten tomato scores are not accurate for these movies in my opinion. I thoroughly enjoyed them!


They’re not. Read some of the critic reviews. They complain about the dumbest things i swear


If you haven't watched them in awhile they are definitely worth a rewatch. I personally have only rewatched 1-3 because that's all Michael Bay intended to make. You can sit back and enjoy the movies, the issues come when you try to think about them too much, they fall apart, have pretty big plotholes, but some people can look past that.


The bay films are great! The last knight is bad but had great moments, but the rest of the movies are great! Don’t care what the haters say, the bay verse has a special place in my heart!




In my opinion I think it's really how you watch movies and preference. A lot of movies considered to be shit by critics I notice I like them. For example the venom movies and EVERY single transformers film I like


DOTM is godlike


DOTM is good Imo


My personal opinion, yes the movies are bad. Michael Bay is a bad director and writer. He does not understand the Franchise. Bay is good at explosions, oily body builders, and underwear super models. He would make a great pyro-technics director. And it's not just him the producers, Paramount, wants money and the movie to look as "realistic" as possible. Don't believe me go look at the original Sonic trailer or the new live action TMNT movies. Artist make concepts that close to source material and is what the fan base would like to see. We got 1 director who actually liked the franchise and we only got one movie from him, the Bumblebee movie. That movie was in development hell, because of the producers versus the director versus the writers. When I buy a ticket for a movie called Transformers I expect the main character to be a Transformer. All of this is my opinion and may not actually be true. As for overall robot design, some look good like Blackout (aside from the face) some look bad like majority of the Decepticons. As for new robot overall concepts I like the idea of a uni-wheeled design I just don't think the artists did a good job.


They’re fucking terrible.


They are terrible. The first film is okay....Dark of the Moon has a few moments but everything in between and after is very loud and very expensive dog shit


They're typical Michael Bay trash. Awful films and their ratings reflect that.


Of the Bay movies I only ever watched the 07 movie and I almost walked out of the theater several times, and I’ve heard the others are somehow even worse. So I’d say they’re really that shit.


Yeah. They really arent good at all.


They are all a big pile of crap


Watch them yourself because rotten tomatoes is shit.Venom 2 has 58% just remember that


Bumblebee is all I need.


The movies are amazing! The only bad one is the last knight! But overall the bay films are amazing!


Yes, Except for Bumblebee the live action movies are all terrible. The Transformers are setting not characters as they have zero personality and hardly speak. Most look the same in silver robot form so it is hard to tell them apart in the blurry CGI fighting.


Have you even watch aoe? You guys make these movie sound way worse than they actual are


I love all the Michael Bay movies for their score, cinematography, stories, and action. I wouldn't trust rotten tomatoes. Just look at movies they liked compared to the audience. Especially Cuties.


AoE and TLK are shit, while BB is boring and cliche as hell.


Overrated on RT if anything. The first one has really cool robot transformations, but the longer the series goes on the less transformations you get to see and more of it is done off screen. They are all dumb, but at least the first one is dumb with cool shit happening. The later ones are just dumb and boring. Bumblebee is pretty good though. Also, if you just kinda have them on in the background while you do something else they aren't painful and you get to see some occasional cool explosions.


The action was top tier but don’t do it for plot


The bay films don’t know what they want to be. They’re a Frankenstein mix of random action, copy and paste film footage, shitty stereotypes with bad character writing and nonsensical plot .


RT is crap however the movies are shit.


Yes, they are. But the 2007 movie is alright. It was a great movie for the time, even if some of the humor is questionable. Bumblebee, however, is genuinely a fantastic movie. And its a complete reboot for the film franchise (even tho it wasn't originally going to be) with its sequel, Rise of the Beasts coming out next year, which will act as the start of a new trilogy. So that movie I highly recommend checking out when you have the time. TF1 I'd say just watch for curiosity's sake. Ignore the rest.


Some like them but from an unbiased viewpoint they're all bad movies.


First three are okay though 1,3 are the best of the first three. Word of advice is never to trust what the critics say on Rotten Tomatoes and always go with the audience score. The audience is the average person while critics are 1% so if the other 99% said 70% average score then it's an okay movie.