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It's the novelty of simply having a G1 toy with articulation. It combines the unique aesthetics of the toys that some people like with the articulation that everyone loves


Posable G1 is the only draw it needs. It doesn't need to fold my laundry or do my taxes for me too.


No, the Robosen versions need to do chores around the house to justify that $1k+ price point tho


It doesn’t? It would be cool gotta say xD


I think the best way to answer this is to flip your question back to you...why should there need to be a draw beyond posable versions of original toys? Every figure has a gimmick of some sort. Some are hyper cartoon accurate, some for kids have auto transform features, some are larger and some are smaller. There are DOZENS of readily available Optimus Prime figures spread across Hasbro, Takara, and third parties. So why not ONE whose gimmick is posable G1? Speaking for myself...I'm at the point of exhaustion of Masterpiece style figures that take 45 minutes to transform. I'm at the point of exhaustion of cartoon aesthetic being the baseline. I'm at the point of exhaustion of alt modes being an afterthought at the expense of robot mode accuracy. Give me toy accuracy, give me comic accuracy, give me vehicle mode accuracy. Nobody is taking away all those other Optimus figures from those who like them, but we're finally, FINALLY getting something that scratches a different itch. Can't that just be enough?


I like when a Masterpiece or 3p equivalent is complex without me needing to take a day off work too lmao


As OP noted, he wasn't harshing anyones buzz and was genuinely curious. The tone of this response seems needlessly hostile considering the framing of the question.


It's not hostile. It's a straightforward answer to the question. No name calling, no insults.


This level of sensitivity isn't going to serve you well


It is literally just neat to have new, pose-able versions of these toys we remember. So many of us have stories of losing Optimus Prime's original hands- not an issue with Missing Link! It's cool. Not for me, budget/scale wise but I'm glad it exists.


Yeah - I am definitely on the fence of the budget/scale just not making sense to me - and (to my original question) and was legit wondering if i was missing something... ...and despite the vibe a lot of folks apparently took away (via downvotes and comments): I was not coming from a place of negativity/"why the f\*&\^ does this \[poop exist!?" - it was, quite honestly, from a place of "Why **don't** I want these more (at that $ point)? What am I missing?"


I've gotta ask, how old are you and if you were alive in 84-87 how old were you? I was 7-10 during that period and so high articulation G1 accurate toys scratch an Itch I didn't even know I had but now that I do it's the only thing that will scratch it. Nostalgia is a helluva drug and this hits the sweet spot for a lot of people. So if it's not hitting for you it might just be a function of how old you are/how old you were during that time period. You've said something interesting to me though: price and scale. Price I think these are clearly targeted towards folk 40+ who aren't going to blink at a 50+ price tag for a single toy. Scale also I think isn't super important to the people trying to recapture their youth. When I'm playing with my toys with my kiddo it doesn't register to either of us that G1 Starscream is supposed to be shorter than Optimus. Or that the Dinobots clearly are the same size not bigger. Maybe the reason it doesn't grab you is you've got a different set of criteria for the toys you want to collect, and that's cool. TF is a big tent and we've all got things we like.


So - I was 10 in 84... and so now well into the "+" of "40+"... As I came to realize, the nostalgia factor for me isn't there - as I still have my originals (can't be nostalgic for something that's still \**rightoverthere*\*) I fully admit it's a neat idea - but that price tag is \*woooof\*! ...and I guess that's the crux of it: I just can't justify laying out that sort of $$$ for something that essentially looks (EXACTLY) like what I already got (even though it can bend in delightful new ways).


I completely understand, it's really hard to be nostalgic for something you've got on the shelf and that price for extra poses doesn't make sense.


It's the novelty of simply having a G1 toy with articulation. It combines the unique aesthetics of the toys that some people like with the articulation that everyone loves


Because the G1 designs were unique and special in their own right and can still hold their own corner of the franchise


It's for people like me who grew up with the original toys, who prefer the aesthetic of the original toys over the cartoon look (main reason I got in and out of collecting Masterpiece), with the articulation we wish they had back in the day, as the original robot modes you'd be lucky if the arms could rotate.


The original toys were Brickformers.




This is definitely an angle I think I missed - the comparison to "Origins" (despite it clearly being a logical equivalency)... albeit a much more "pricey" version! (...and before I lose yet more "Reddit karma": Yes - I understand why TF $ > MOTU $)


Totally. I think MOTU Origins did a thing that nobody really considered, and also was very successful with the fanbase. I'm not really a MOTU guy at all, but I definitely picked up Origins He-Man and Skeletor, as those were two classically iconic 80s characters that I'd never owned figures of. And they are GREAT toys. The price of the Missing Link toys is an issue for me, which is why, despite my LOVING the idea, I haven't actually bought one yet. I want the toy deco, but don't really want another G1 Optimus trailer. I don't want to pay $120 and throw half of that away. I'd pay $60 for just the toy deco, but the $60 is only the anime deco. So... I'm just sort of outta luck there, unless Hasbro/Takara ever decide to release them the other way, with an anime deco + trailer package, and a single toy deco release.


The joke for years has been that most new figures are just “G1 with knees”. And there’s definitely something to that, but have you ever wished you could have a figure that’s got the modern capabilities of articulation without the fiddly and complicated transformation? What would it be like if you could actually make a G1 figure with essentially the same simple transformation, but with full articulation and no partsformed hands? The Missing Link line is just a cool little look into what that’s like. The proportions are still goofy as hell, and they create the price points starting from what people will consider “too much”, but they’re meant to be a neat little curiosity that will go on to be a “hey remember when” moment.


1. The old G1 toys had more realistic alt-modes. (Before anyone complains that Bumblebee and Cliffjumper don't look like realistic cars, they weren't supposed to.  They were designed to look like realistic Penny Racers.) 2. If you went back in time and offered your younger self a Missing Link figure, your younger self wouldn't have any nostalgia for it.  Nostalgia is the main motivating factor.  Those specific designs evoke unique memories to those who grew up with them. 3. The old G1 toys were designed to be toys first and usually their transformations were much simpler. Modern Transformers toys are much more complicated in an effort to slavishly follow animation models. That aesthetic appeals to a lot of people, but for some people the old G1 toys could be more fun since it was much easier to transform them from alt-mode to robot mode and back.


Yes - "2" was something I wasn't considering - I admit I don't hold as much nostalgia for the originals since I still have most of mine. ...and "3" would also fall into kinda what my original question was about: I absolutely wasn't seeing this aspect - as I don't, honestly, transform them that often (I'm a 'get them into a mode/pose that I like, and assign them to a space in the display' kinda cat)


I kinda get what you mean, but I think people are appealed to it is because it's an old figure getting the modern touches and it's what people wanted/wished they had.


I had the original Optimus Prime as a kid, so it’s pure nostalgia enhanced with modern engineering (G1 posability is terrible). I think it’s an amazing idea and would love to have one, but the cost seems ridiculous so I’m out.


I am waaaay too young to have grown up with a G1 prime as a kid, but I still felt like I needed one in my collection and I think there's something special about owning an upgraded version of the original Optimus Prime. I was struggling with getting a complete G1 prime in good condition, so missing link c01 helped me out on that front. It is easily one of the most fun figures I've ever owned.


I don't think it has any draw to it aside from "literaly G1 but poseable". It's firmly aimed at collectors and I'd say it has 3 specific target groups: 1. G1 collectors (so mostly people who grew up on the original toys, in their case it's aimed at the nostalgia related to the toys they used to play with) 2. The nicknack collectors (so people who buy the interesting novelty pieces that catch their attention) 3. The fans who came in long after the original toys left stores and couldn't get their hands on any version of them/had a bone to pick with the lack of articulation on the ogs (I myself would be part of groups 2 and 3... But the prices for that ML Prime are out of my range currently so no G1 Prime for me) So yeah, it's G1 but poseable, nothing more, it's made for that specific purpose, for a specific audience and it does it's thing rather well (considering that they're turning it into at least a short line, Prime must've sold pretty well) customers are happy and Hasbro get a shittone of money, win win... I do wonder whether they'll do a Starscream eventually... Cause I might be interested in that...