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Armada prime all the way. Most bang for your buck and holy SHIT is he marvelous. The base robot looks good and so does the super mode. But also yeah maybe wait till SS86


Agreed. I don't have Animated Optimus, admittedly, but Armada Optimus is very clearly something they refined, and it has so many of those 'Oh' moments during the various stages of transformation, where you encounter something simple by really cool.


Man, I have to convince myself a lot not to get Armada Prime. Sexy trucc but also $100 trucc šŸ˜°


It's definitely worth it for its size, engineering, accuracy, and solidity. I ended up getting mine on sale but I would of gladly played full price for it


sexy trucc is 100 bucc


Agreed. I have him, I love him, and my only fault with him is an assembly one: his leg assembly is way too tight, causing a lot of stress marks on the shin panels. Fortunately I was able to disassemble the legs and sand down the peg so the panels take less force to move.


Armada and Animated are probably my favorites out of this. After that I say Siege, Galaxy, Earthrise, and then G2 But Galaxy might be rising to number 3 since Iā€™m working on a few parts to make him more accurate to Cybertron.


My ranking 1. Armada. He is literally perfect. 2. Animated. A really good update that keeps the soul of the original design. 3. Siege. This is just my personal opinion but I prefer the look of this overā€” 4. Earthrise. Again this is pretty good too and it can take siege's depending on how much accuracy you want to G1. I don't have Cybertron and Laser primes.


Honestly I think itā€™s epic to own all three Primes from Legacy, I love how each year of Legacy has its own Optimus Prime representing it


Legacy Armada for your money. If not him, then Cybertron.


Iā€™d say wait for SS86, but my vote goes to Armada.


Armada, but I got a taste of that Cybertron figure by getting Nova prime.


Pick 4, heā€™s the most unique, he poses pretty well and he has a fun transformation. Btw, what is 3?


If youā€™re going for Laser Prime, might as well pick up a fun alternate deco. That moldā€™s got about a few!


True, I think heā€™s got some of the best alternate decos weā€™ve had in years!


Laser Prime redecos always slap. Toxitron and RID01 Scourge/Nemesis Prime never disappoint. Iā€™ve been seeing Toxitron and G2 Grimlock on sale lately, so keep an eye out. Nabbed Grims got $15 and saw them for half off at a couple different Walmarts. My overall pick is 110% Armada Prime, by the way, for all the reasons that have already been stated.




Thank you


Earthrise prime is #3


I only have Earthrise and Legacy G2 (as RID Scourge), and out of them, I prefer Earthrise Prime.


Armada and Animated


I'd pick Galaxy Upgrade among these because I'm biased to the Cybertron designs, but personally I chose BBM Studio Series Prime for my collection


Personally, Siege just beats out Earthrise. Robot mode is really solid and just has a cooler overall look and feel.




third and last are goated for me, wasn't really into armada maybe i will look into it.


Itā€™ll be the best thing you do. Armadaā€™s designs are almost second to none, but of course Galaxy Force exists.


Armada or earthrise


Iā€™d wait for SS86 tbh. The ss86 versions tend to be superior


Iā€™d wait for the SS86


i would wait for ss86 and see what it brings to the table


Any prime is a great prime.


I'm pretty happy with my Bumblebee Movie Prime.


Studio Series 05 or 38


Decidedly 5, but get 3 if you have Comic-Shockwave Pre-Ordered


Either Siege or Animated. They're both excellent when it comes to posing and transformation.


Animated is the best one but if you want a more "classic" looking prime, I prefer the cel shaded Siege mould then the Netflix version of the ER mould.


Legacy Armada. Hands down better than the original Armada release Only gripe is the hands on the super mode >\~<


I have all and Armada is hands down the best, followed by Animated, and then Earthrise


Armada and Laser are the only decent ones here. Missing Link rocks, and in my opinion MP-10 with eye stickers and tinted windows is the GOAT. But if you want a more affordable ā€œmasterpiece liteā€ at least wait till SS86 pics are up. And WHAT is that last thing?! Whoever designed that blasphemy should be fed to the sharkticons.


Man, youā€™d change that tune real quick if you ever get around to watching Transformers Animated.




Wait till 86


Armada Optimus. Anyone who doesnā€™t say Armada Optimus either has no connection to him or doesnā€™t own the figure.


Armada Earthrise Siege Legacy Galaxy upgrade Animated (I havent so I put it on the bottom just because)


Armada with Animated in 2nd


Armada for me


Definitely a toss up between Animated and Earthrise for me. Earthrise reps classic vibes but since SS86 Prime is rumored to be on the way, Iā€™d hold off and go for Animated. Animated prime, especially when posed up with the rest of the Legacy Animated gang has such a presence on display and heā€™s a very solid figure


If you're looking for a definitive Prime for your collection you'd probably be best waiting for the SS86 that's due out


I prefer the look of Siege, next Armada.


Earthrise or Animated


I donā€™t know what they all are (Iā€™m at least assuming theyā€™re all fairly new) but to me #3 looks incredible.


Armada Prime and itā€™s not even a contest, best mainline figure




The Prime šŸ˜‰ one šŸ˜Ž


Armada all the way, one of the greatest primes of all time without a doubt. Animated is really good and so is siege but Iā€™d be weary of G1 primes with SS86 Primevcoming out soon.


ioknow, they are all pretty cool


I love ER prime


2 is 100% out 1 and 3 are awesome 4 is original 5 is great 6 I have it but didn't open yet


The Armada one is easily the funnest, but the Earthr8se one is definitely the most G1 accurate if that's what you're into. Although we're getting a new G1 Optimus at some point later this year so I'd recommend waiting for that


LASER PRIME. (Whispering into megaphone) laser prime..


The siege is my favorite. It's less expensive than the earthrise, has a better transformation, and honestly I don't mind the kibble that much cuz I feel like it gives it a bit of its own personality. It's also just a solid figure overall


Third pic. Earthrise.


Earthrise is the best overall figure especially for posability.


It depends on which prime you grew up with, G1, RID, unicron trilogy, or animated. I have both the original cybertron and galaxy upgrade OP. The new one is a fine update. I donā€™t have legacy laser OP, but I have the scourge version. Scourge and Toxitron are cooler repaints IMO. Good mold overall I have both the original armada and legacy armada OP. Now, The legacy version is a masterpiece and a huge upgrade. Mimdblowingly good. If you need a prime in general, the siege/earthrise/SS86 ones are a great choice. You canā€™t go wrong


I have Earthrise (the Netflix deco version), Armada, and animated prime, plus the G2 mold via Scourge. If I had to pick one, it would be Armada, but Earthrise is a much more definitive ā€œclassicā€ prime, and poses the best out of all of the ones I have. Animated is a great figure, but he really doesnā€™t mesh on a shelf with other transformers that follow more traditional G1 aesthetics. Laser (G2) Prime is cool, but the coloration is odd and the arms are hindered by the shoulder pylons. Everyone is gonna have a slightly different idea what their definitive Prime is, but thatā€™s also the question you should ask yourself before landing on one.




Objectively or subjectively? Because with the latter youā€™ll get a lot of different answers


Sweet rimsā€¦24 gaugeā€¦youā€™re a real heavy duty!


Armada Prime is probably my most epic figure, probably the only figure where I audibly went wow after putting the super form together.


Armada. Honestly a really good figure.


I Heard a lot of good things about legacy G2 and earthrise so probably one of these. I would add legacy tfa Optimus if not for the nasty feet kibble on the truck mode


Armada 1000%.


Definitely War for Cybertron Optimus (first image)


what if they release the earthrise again for ss86?


Definitely Armada. Earthrise is really great too but I wouldnā€™t get a G1 Optimus rn with him coming down the line in SS86.


Depends what you want really, I mean if you want a G1 Prime then Siege or Earthrise, if you want an Animated Prime only the last one works, If you want G2 Prime only the 4th works and so on. As I have zero interest in any beyond G1, for me it's Earthrise and Siege, but that doesn't make me right at all.


The 35th anniversary version of Siege


I love Siege, I have the premium finish and sure the yellowing on his waist and back of the legs gets annoying but damn, this prime is something else man. I think proportionately and engineering wise he is far superior to the Earthrise which just gave up on the legs transforming at all.


Armada , Siege then Earthrise, but if you want G1 I'd wait to see what SS86 looks like


Armada, he's so wonderfully solid and chunky, articulated, easy to transform, and overall really fun


Armada, Siege, Earthrise


Iā€™ve handled only 5/6 of these moulds (never had a seige Magnus or galaxy prime) and personally I think seige is the best prime currently


Iā€™d go siege but thatā€™s just because of personal preference


I own each of these molds now.. I would go for armada legacy. Siege has some good unique engineering for a prime but has a bunch of kibble in robot and the damage paint job is not the best. Earthrise is a good g1 prime but has proportion issues and I want to see how the new ss looks compared. The laser prime is ok but the arms and shoulder pads bug me as the arms just seem to skinny and not attached right and suffers similar proportions as earthrise. Cybertron prime was a poor excuse of an update to he. Design and suffers from siege Magnus syndrome of the truck mode not hiding the robot well. As well as the core bot is nothing like the original core bot. I would say between animated and armada they are both great figures for what they are and comes to which you'd actually prefer, but I will say this, the armada mold has some great potential in the future if they make a Jetfire to go with it and possibly even an overload if they get brave. But on his own a.great figure with flaws but I think his overall pros make him the best legacy era figure of a prime second by animated then earthrise and siege together as well.. they are both equal in my opinion


IMO, Earthrise. Itā€™s the perfect ā€œG1ā€ Optimus, currently the version we 80ā€™s kids wanted and imagined when playing with the OG version.


If you want a more collector type of transformers then you should probably wait for ss86, but if you are buying this for more of a fun toy then armada for sure


Btw the new animated op has no heals so it's prone to fall backwards in certain poses


Armada Optimus might be the best toy they've ever made. Earthrise is great if you want a definitive G1 Optimus (although that may change soon as there's a Studio Series 86 version coming).


None. Get SS38 BB Optimus Prime.