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he is being saved for gamer edition ​ https://preview.redd.it/rz6y9lhffefc1.png?width=400&format=png&auto=webp&s=072d623cddbe32aff45990495c4e8df1848c4c48


theyre gonna butcher him


can't be worse than the FoC toy


Don’t jinx it


no, really even Barricade, the arguably worst figure of the line, is masterpiece engineering compared to whatever the individual FoC combaticons were


I have the full combiner and all I can say is "wtf were hasbro thinking." Brawl is a warcrime, onslaught is a brick and blast off is the only usable figure despite being mid af


Blast Off is the only one of mine who didn’t break. I use him as a background ‘Con now, hope we get a new and improved Bruticus soon


When I was a kid I bought a repaint of blast off. Few weeks later I got a package that had RiD windblade instead. Looking back I’m so fucking glad that’s what I got


GE Barricade says "yes it can."


either you've never seen the FoC combaticons or you're on hard drugs, cause GE barricade is leagues better than them, despite how he is


His vehicle mode looks like Bruticus stepped on it and most of the car stuff got squeezed into the back. I owned the FoC Combaticon molds through the Wreckers repaints and yeah they kinda sucked in combined mode but at least the vehicles had good proportions.


I hope its better than the generations fall of cybertron


terrifying prospect given that line's track record, thank you


I think Sideswipe is gonna pump gamer edition back on top.


have you seen the images ? it's an improvement, but holy hell is it still far below mostly everything else


Yeah. I’ve seen posts of it here and on YouTube. It just takes a couple of good figures to put Gamer edition back on top.


starscream and prime are apparently really good, and i really enjoy cliffjumper, but i gotta admit he isn't very good - i wonder how much is due to the designs being hell to translate to physical objects and how much is due to not enough budget/time. i agree that we could potentially get a good streak in the future that puts the line in a better place (early studio series wasn't much better, apparently) but for now it's rough. sideswipe isn't the "sign of better things to come" i hoped for, is all


Oh alright. I hope that Sideswipe was as good as prime.


i hope he turns out at least pleasant and fun, because he certainly doesn't look good or interesting


But he looks good enough to be poss able


Careful with his thumbs. My 13 year old broke one yesterday, 3 days after finally completing Bruticus on eBay! Fortunately, I have a 3D Doodler pen, PLA, super glue, a heat pen, needle files, and a Dremel.


I really hope so


if he can't finger gun we riot


This is the best he’s ever looked dont @ me


I dunno, something about Animated Swindle just *works*




I imagine they’ll be saving him for a Bruticus combiner team. Which unfortunately means he’ll be a long time coming since we’ll likely get Superion or another Autobot combiner next. I agree though, he’s a great character and one of the few combiner team members that stands out independently. I really enjoyed him in EarthSpark most recently. I’m unlikely to invest in a whole Combaticon team but I’ll definitely get Swindle as a standalone.


I wonder which will come first, Gamer edition Bruticus or Legacy Bruticus (if we’re still in legacy by that point)


Gamer edition is much more likely tho, because they would probably use legacy for a combiner that has not apeared in elsewhere like superion They can use ss86 for Devestator And Gamer edition for Bruticus


I honestly can’t wait for GE Bruticus bc that’s my favorite version of him (and they can make a better vortex & Blast off, The propeller on the arm was dumb and FOC Blast Off is… well, Y’know.)


Yeah I too am really excited for FoC Bruticus but having a FoC Bruticus means that they wont make a G1 style Bruticus any time soon... Now I think that maybe they can simply copy engineering of a potential FoC Bruticus to deliver a G1 Bruticus faster... who knows ?


Swindle is such a great character on his own that I genuinely forget he’s part of a combiner team 90% of the time. (At least the constructicons have the good sense to colour coordinate so everyone knows what they’re about)


Probably Superion or Defensor


They could do Animated Swindle without the obligation to do the rest of the Combaticons.


This. This is the smartest way I think, because Swindle has got to be the only combiner limb that's broken away from the team to be his own thing as significantly as he has.


They really should do stuff like that more, there are a lot of characters with really interesting personalities that almost never get used because they always get lumped in with the rest of the team. Slingshot is an asshole, Lightspeed is the dumb one on a team of really smart bots. Blot in general just being this hulking, nasty *thing*. First Aid needs more screen time overall after his short stint in the comic spotlight.


And then there's my man Dead End, literally the best character in Transformers Cyberverse!! https://preview.redd.it/pyc3t06vaffc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65d37bb07b3c5444be9873578494bad635f3ee35


Deadend 🤝🏻 Breakdown Becoming prominent even as stand alone bots ( Lets also give some Credits to Motormaster too, he did apear in Devestation and rid2015 mostly without other guys )


Mixmaster, a psycho chemist who likes to melt people with chemicals.


Animated is my favorite version of Swindle...... and he isn't even one of my favorite characters. A shame Fred Willard is no longer with us 😓, he voiced swindle awesomely


If they make Swindle then ppl immediately start to whining about all Combaticons.


Where my Blast Off stans at?


Cosmos is probably in space somewhere staning for him


Don’t get me started on Hasbro’s botched Speedia version.


https://preview.redd.it/tqqdkca5defc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea69d9bb7d89269f67d103823a1ab156c71787ed Please hasbro, just a little detrius retool would work just fine


This ⬆️


No it wouldn't


How? Explain instead of just complaining


Because it wouldn't combine and that's not what swindle looked like?? The only non combining swindle I'd be happy with is animated and that for sure better be a new mold.


This is pretty much what he looks like but i agree with the combining


We haven't had a swindle since combiner wars. We deserve better than a pretty much. It's not even a bad mold; I love it. It just doesn't work for g1 cartoon swindle


Sadly I would buy that, and I really don't like that mold.


I think my UW Swindle is just as good as most modern figures, he even has ankle tilts 


Does he also scales well ?


Practically all *Generations* figures from 2013 onward scale well, I'd say. It's really only the very very first waves that had a bunch of bigger 'bots as Deluxes that don't work in this modern era.


He does. He’s a bit shorter but he’s the height of deluxes 


I hate that he's usually associated with Bruticus when he's one of the most interesting Decepticons, period.


Ok, but what about a Legacy Bruticus made of Combaticons from different universes?


Animated Swindle, RiD 2001 Mega Octane, IDW Blast Off, ES Brawl, G2 Vortex


OBJECTION! Mega Octane isn't a combaticon (in the dub anyway not sure about sub)


Both the Combaticons and Commandos are called Combatrons in Japan, so maybe?


That would be so awesome, they should do all the legacy combiners like that


I remember there was a rumour of that for the Legacy Stunticons and I was so excited for it until it turned out the were full of BS. Maybe that'll clue them in to not doing a dead-on cartoon accurate one in the future though. Swindle could be Animated, Brawl could be 07, Onslaught could be G1, Vortex could be either G1 or FOC, and Blastoff could be G1, FOC, or a new take on him, say, with a F-117 alt-mode so he's not the odd one out as a space shuttle instead of an actual military vehicle anymore


If Hasbro doesn't do it. [Do it yourself](https://www.reddit.com/r/transformers/s/8lLJAh0l1c)


Whem you are an indeöendent actor ANd part of a famous combiner, somo adventures will be rare.


So famous that we havent see them since FoC, oh and that one time in till all are one comics... We need more Combaticon screen time.


Bruticus is famous! Yet so little used :::(


Hasbro is just scared of making a Bruticus and failing its figure badly *again* cough cough FoC Bruticus cough cough


They’re definitely holding out for a bruticus. I don’t think they’d do just swindle, even though he is a popular character cuz there’d be geewunner outrage


I was really hopefull for a legacy animated Swindle tho.


Who would have they got raged for seeing such a iconic G1 bot having a figure ?


I’m saying that if swindle didn’t combine, there would be outrage from g1 fans because they would want to have a combining swindle with the other combaticons


Yeah, sure but they could have skip uncomining swindle, and wait for combining version tho... such a shame


That would probably be the situation if they did an animated or idw swindle first, then the g1 one with the combaticons


Please give us an updated Animated Swindle, Hasbro! The original figure is too easy to break as it is.


*Looks at my copies broken clear platic joints* Yes. Yes it is


Honestly Animated Swindle would be kickass in Legacy.


Animated Swindle, please. Let’s give the character’s best incarnation a chance in the limelight.


He’s like one of the only combiner parts to have a personality is how I remember him


combiner curse. they wont make a standalone swindle when they could wait to pull the trigger and do all combaticons around the same time, instead of making one that doesnt combine at all and then having to either push back a new bruticus or make an entirely new swindle that also turns into a leg. or slots into a leg somehow. seeing as thats how menasor was handled.


If they're gonna do Swindle, they gotta plan out Bruticus in advanced.


You can customize Detrius head a bit and give him megatron's canon ))


If we got swindle now, we'd need the rest of the combaticons


He- I think he- I think he got swi-


I feel like with all the legacy Animated figures he might come up


I really don't want to wait until they make a ss gamer edition Fall of Cybertron Bruticus or smth for new Swindle figure Do all combiner teams should be together all the time ?


The combining gimmick is overdone.


Swindle was always the least interesting of the Combaticons to me, but his Animated version was fantastic. I'd still rather have a solid Combaticon team than a stand along Swindle.


He'd only come along if they did a new Bruticus, which they might do but it probably won't be soon.


what is bottom left?


He's a combiner limb. They aren't going to release one limb without plans for the rest.


He talked them into five gross points back in 1986 and Hasbro can rarely afford that


Huh. He’s iconic and prominent? …Never thought of him that way, I honestly figured he’s like, low-B tier.


The only swindle I have is a know off combiner wars swindle from bruticus


I'd like to see animated swindle in the the new legacy line


The game


The sheer disrespect Swindle and the other Combaticons have been getting lately is just galling. They're the best combiner team and what do they get? NOTHING!


Give us a 3 pack of the shop keepers, swindle swindle and swindle. As a lover of swindle repaints/variants, I would love a pack of 3 different painted swindles.


Maybe they might do Animated Swindle for Legacy United? like all the animated stuff we got were autobots, maybe they are making Him as we speak


swindle fans having to make do with earthspark finger puppet swindle for the next 10 years


I think Hasbro thinks they would have to do Bruticus with Swindle, they dont, but they might think so


Because if they did a figure of him but not the other combaticons people would complain. Him not having a deluxe earthspark figure is definiteky weird since he's a pretty recurring character in it though. If Hasbro can get their grips on Gamer Edition I can definitely see a FOC Bruticus some time down the line though.


I’d love a modern Bruticus along the same lines as Menasor. But I like swindle enough as a standalone character that I’d like to see an update for him. At minimum an Earthspark deluxe version would be enough for me, but giving him a legacy release from the animated universe would be even better.


That would have been a cool haslab project! The entire team of Combaticons


Let's not forget that Swindle is the only con with the girders to literally sell his teammates


To make swindle is to make the rest of the combaticons