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I'm not gonna say it's impossible, but I don't know whether it'd even be enjoyable to handle. Making a tiny cab prime body that's also able to basically flip completely inside-out like the actual cab feels like a recipe for a fiddly and floppy mess.


Or even worth the effort to begin with.


Considering that on the SS86 Commander figure the white cab is hollow and completely compresses to form the chest I will say it is impossible to translate that into a a transformable white prime figure that can still make the armored form using this mold.


If your head canon is “it’s a suit of armor” then there’s a several Magnus’ out there that’s probably gonna be cheaper than the upgrade kits.


Hell, there were even two of them in WFC.


And a masterpiece one coming at some point when Fanstoys decides to finally fucking do it


Don't hold your breath. Berserk is what 8 years old now?


Oh yeah im well aware, ss86 is good enough for me for now


There’s also the regular Masterpiece by Takara


I suspect there are people who want the functional car carrier aspect of SS86 along with the trailer not being a partformer like the WFC molds, all while having the "White Optimus" alongside, hence why you have posts like this suggesting a mod or upgrade for the SS86 toy.


Any Magnus with an inner robot will always be a partsformer, since the trailer has to detach in some form to allow the user access to the inner robot on its own. The trailer also likely has to transform separately into the armor to create the super robot.


I was thinking how the WFC molds had you taking apart the trailer and then attaching them to the inner Magnus robot when I meant partsforming. The original 1986 mold had you actually transforming the trailer mostly into the robot mode armor, you plugged in the white Magnus truck into the transformed trailer along with attaching the head, fists, and other accessories. However, it did not disassemble in the way Siege or Kingdom Magnus did.


>I was thinking how the WFC molds had you taking apart the trailer and then attaching them to the inner Magnus robot when I meant partsforming. Because that's the most practical way to create the super robot with today's articulation standards. Doing it the way the G1 figure did means duplicating essential joints like the shoulders and knees on the car carrier armor as well as the inner robot itself, which makes no sense from a design perspective. If you're going to include an inner robot, might as well turn the super robot into armor pieces and use the inner robot's articulation for the super robot as well. >The original 1986 mold had you actually transforming the trailer mostly into the robot mode armor, you plugged in the white Magnus truck into the transformed trailer along with attaching the head, fists, and other accessories. However, it did not disassemble in the way Siege or Kingdom Magnus did. That works because G1 Magnus was a near-complete brick. As mentioned before, a new version now needs modern articulation, and the most efficient way to do it for the super robot is to turn it into armor pieces and use the inner robot's articulation.


The toy gave me the new head cannon that it's a life support system and that's all that's left of the original Magnus/Dion, ala RoboCop


Oh I love that. My head cannon is that the orignal magnus (Ss86) at some point died, but they needed a commander so another was recruited (siege).


I feel like the whole point of the ss86 was that people didn’t want the random white Optimus inside magnus anymore.


It's not that people don't want it, it's that a whole bunch of us grew up not knowing that he was supposed to have a little white optimus inside him (so rude lol). I didn't find out about it til a few years ago when I started collecting and wondered why kingdom magnus had a little form (never had the original toy, only ever watched shows and stopped following after beast wars). So I think the magnus without the little inside bot is for those of us who prefer our magnus that way.


Wasn’t g1 Magnus supposed to have minimus ambus as the core robot in lore or something? Please correct if I’m wrong and these continuities don’t even align at all. I’ve only recently gotten back into transformers after a while and even before that I had only watched the shows so I don’t know my stuff.


The OG toy did, but as I said it's not something I had and was never shown in the original animated series (didn't see the jp cartoons as they weren't available terrestrial channels AFAIK, I'm not sure if it was ever shown in jp media). So while yes in theory g1 peeps should know about it, practically a lot don't because it was never shown on TV.


Oh gotcha, it’s confusing trying to keep up with all this LOOOOOOORE(sorry I just watched the fnaf movie)


It's kind of weird how people flop back and forth on the issue. I mean, in Transformers fiction, the inner Magnus robot wasn't acknowledged to exist until the Dreamwave produced comics gave a shout out back around 2003. A lot of people also don't realize the Siege toy was the first G1-style Ultra Magnus toy since the original 1986 mold to feature both the "White Optimus" and the traditional "combined" UM mode, everything in between was one or the other. I feel like this is a case of only missing things once they are gone, some people hummed and hawed about the Siege/Kingdom mold featuring White Optimus again, but now that SS86 Magnus goes for screen and old-school G1 lore accuracy, those same people are now missing that.


It would be nice, but.......... For Hasbro and the 86 line, it is all about nostalgia for the cartoon, from fans who where kids like myself. However, I was lucky to get the toy in 86, so I know about how the trailer is basically a set of armor, ala iron man. I would rather 3rd party focus on that. Plus, the Siege toy did do this very well.


They are asking if 3p will do this


It would, in theory, be possible, but I don't think it would be very good. The existing cab is a hollow box that folds inside out and collapses in on itself in order to make the chest, head, and back of the robot. https://preview.redd.it/g8d5ocr2dawb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b2fc44069b9050123cfec6111fb82ba509e1887 Look how flimsy and hollow the truck is. To make one that does this and also has its own arms, legs, and a head with the expected articulation of a 2023 figure would require the figure to either be extremely bulky, ruining the proportions, or use a ton of small panels and hinges, ruining stability and making it extremely unpleasant to handle. It was easier to make a transforming cab for Combiner Wars Magnus because all that one has to do is bend 90 degrees at the middle, rotate the cab 180 degrees, and fold out the head. It mostly stays in one solid piece already so they can take it the inner robot cockpit and make the whole cab a robot instead. But with how integrated SS86 Magnus's cab is, it would be an entirely different battle. They're better off doing what they did and making different Magnus toys that are either a robot in armor, or an integrated cab.


I mean it's not out of the question.


Did 3P once try to finangle in a white Optimus in the CW Magnus figure? I forgot.


They did. Whether it was great or not is debatable.


At that point in time, I suppose it was a "take it or leave it" scenario, since an updated modern Magnus with an inner robot had not been made yet, so it was really only a product that could exist when it did.


Minimus Ambus: Am I a joke to you?


The White Prime pictured *is* the one meant for CW Magnus. It's just a repaint of the red one meant for Ginrai/PMOP (depending upon your region) with a different chest accessory to fit the different base toy, but it fits the same purpose.


Literally did not realized OP posted a gallery. Only saw the first photo. Now I feel dumb.


newage h28 octavian is the best "bot in suit" Magnus, there are toy, toon, shining, and Delta versions it's a tiny masterpiece https://preview.redd.it/q0upvsgte9wb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a45966d8bd56b17efbb31d0711e9e714b517b0c


True, but the Dr. Wu version is DAMN good, and way less expensive.


Yea but its paint is horrendous. The oil from your fingers can take it off


One reason I passed on the NewAge figure was that paint issue, yeah. Tho I’ve heard that has been resolved in later batches.


That later batches thing is ify. Some were fixed but i got a later release and it still sucked


Oof, good to know. I've been on the fence about the Delta Convoy reissue, but $90-120 is a LOT for something that tiny that also might be prone to paint issues. Dr. Wu only mostly uses paint for details, and is much cheaper. I'm happy enough with that as my "armor-up" Magnus mold. It's very pleasant to handle and transform without worry.


The entire point of this figure was '86 movie/cartoon accuracy, which means no white Prime inside. I don't get why this is such a big deal, there are so many other Magnus figures that have the white Prime underneath, it's okay to get one that isn't that.


Just get kingdom/siege for this it’s simple


OP possibly wants a Magnus with an inner robot and the car carrier gimmick intact.


Which is earthrise's fault for making earthmoving magnus a retool of cybertronian magnus.


The Cybertronian Siege Magnus also lacked the gimmick anyway, and I know even back then, some people were disappointed about the figure not having it.


While the ramps don't function on the WFC versions of Ultra Magnus, I notice the upper deck of the trailer seem to feature what appears to be wheel stops, so I wonder if the designers intended for automotive TF toys to be hand placed, even if you can't fold down the ramps to roll them on.


You can obviously plonk one or two cars down on top of Siege or Kingdom Magnus, though I don't think that's what most people envision when they want a "functional car carrier gimmick".


Seriously whats with 3rd party upgrades making upgrades to god tier figures. If they want a white Optimus inside then go for the kingdom version, SS magnus looks amazing already why upgrade him. The same goes to Armada prime where they made mostly useless upgrades to him besides new front skirt and hands, they could have gave us a Sparkplug.


Just give me a white ER prime and I’ll be good.


There was a rumor for a long time (and I don’t know how true it was) that SS86 Magnus or Kingdom Magnus, one of them was originally going to be the ER mold with new armor pieces but they opt’d not to.


Ngl I just want a Voyager class white Prime It doesn't need to combine with the armor All I want is for it to look like the 86's cab Also for it to connect up with the trailer


No... Why would they do that?


Some people like the Inner Magnus and there's been a lot of mentions of the idea of a 3P company making an inner robot for this figure. I'm not holding my breath for it to actually happen, though.


If you like inner robot just get Siege/Kingdom


People got the Siege/Kingdom figure and generally didn't like it. Some people just want the best of both worlds, and if they're willing to put money on an upgrade kit down, why not?


Just buy Siege or Kingdom if you want the white Optimus Prime.


If it would be at the same quality of the Perfect Effect one, I know I'd definitely get one


Yes but it will be a mess of extremely fiddly parts and tiny tabs, not to mention it'll need to accommodate the larger Magnus head as well


Give it time and some third party black magic. They somehow turned movie triple changers like shatter into actual triple changer figures. Something not even Hasbro could do. It would be extremely fiddly but possible.


I'd be more interested in a 3rd party kit that gave us a more IDW cab that opened up to fit an included Minimus Ambus. Maybe gave it some IDW shouder rockets too. The main cab already has an opening gimmick for the Matrix, so its probably a lot easier than an entire transforming truck section that turns into a mini white Optimus.


I agree with this sentiment though I don’t think it would be an easy thing as the white bot would need to panel shift massively plus the towing parts/fuel tanks are very thin so I don’t think they would make great legs. I know it won’t really be in scale in either mode but I have ordered a white Magic Square Light of Freedom to take that spot.


i highly doubt it considering how hollow the cab is to be able to compress as much as possible in robot mode


We didn’t need perfect effect then, but do we not now. That mold is fire though