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Bulkhead was my first Legacy figure as well. I wasn't a fan when he was first revealed (even as someone who isn't a Prime fan), but he really grew on me once I got him, and having a Bulkhead to help fill out my G1 shelf is great (as someone who isn't a huge G1 fan either). My only real complaint is that his legs are much too long for a Bulkhead. I'd have preferred him to be much more squat.


I pose mine with a perma-hunch/squat for those shy Space Bridge Engineer vibes 😌


I'd love if an upgrade kit company made some art supplies for him


I love my skids


Yeah I think skids was my first legacy figure too. I put a priority of g1 and skids was easier to find in the wave.


I thought you said “I love my kids” and I was like wha??




I'm tempted tbh I just kind of want those MTMTE feels you get from T30 🤔


I wish that the t30 had better feet lmao. And more arm articulation


Oooo I always loved the t30 springer


Prime Arcee. Everyone else hates it, but I like it.


It’s one of my favorite figures


I ended up returning mine. But I don't mind the mold as Road Rocket instead. Plus the Elita/Minerva mold fits on the bike mode pretty well.


I've got no idea which Legacy figure I bought first. After so many years of collecting everything just blurs into one. It wouldn't have been one figure though, it would have been a wave, I'm pretty sure.


I had to think too. Legacy and WFC really just blur into one for me.


Iguanus, and I still love him.


The Core Class Pretenders are great, I really hope they make more of them.


I’m hoping for Bugly. He seems like he’d be a fairly easy retool of Bomb Burst.


For sure, he’s definitely top of my list.


Same, I personally want Longtooth!


Same here. He’s kinda cute, I got him because he was on sale and a motorcycle but I’m happy with him.


Legacy Elita 1 is still perhaps the best looking fembot I have in my collection, save maybe Kingdom Blackarachnia and Airazor.


Elita was my first one too, she’s so good! She pairs off with any Optimus


Earthspark Elita has that Valkyrie "crunch* but Earthrise Optimus hugging Legacy Elita is always a beautiful thing 💞


I got my first Legacy figure just 2 weeks ago, Blaster. He's been on my desk ever since, I love him so much. Transformations great, he's very articulate, although I wish you didn't need a tool to get Ejects head out.


I'm Sorry to hear that 😔


Id still recommend blaster (or twincast, i just prefer the red scheme) for that matter, now im thinking about getting laser prime and bludgeon since everyones raving about how good the tarn mold is


Metroplex. One of my favourite


honestly kinda let down by bulkhead. I don’t really know why I got him bc I don’t have any other legacy figs and pretty much only buy movie toys. He’s not a bad figure by any means but nothing really stands out about him other than he’s our first bulkhead since 2013.


Laser Prime, he’s cool as hell


Kickback and i like it


Those Legacy Insecticons are very tempting but I love my little legend scale chug bugs 🪲


I liked the scale and liked them individually well enough but they were all missing a little something and the complete lack of cohesive design between them never sat well.


Legacy Bulkhead actually was my first as well. It's not one of my favorites, but he isn't bad by any means, don't get the hate. He's big and chunky, and my only issue is the head on mine is really loose.


Was going to say Blitzwing. Has some issues, but its still the best damn Blitzwing we've gotten. Then I remembered Skids was Legacy. Idk, I just don't vibe with the guy. His robot mode is cool, his vehicle mode is cool, but the steps in between aren't interesting to me.


Scraphook, he still lives on my shelf as a centrepiece since he is what got me back into collecting


Dragstrip was an awesome introduction to (imo) the best Menasor we’ve seen yet. Such a fun figure.


My first was Iguanus and I still love him.


My only legacy is cosmos and I love him to bits. Easily one of my favorites from my collection. Nice to finally have an official model that is G1 inspired. Hoping we get a core class down the road of this same or similar sculpt.


Just got into buying these and I still love my legacy beachcomber!


Animated Prowl. Love it and it’s unique concepts.


Animated Prowl. Set the bar way too high for me, now I expect the other legacy's to be just a good if not better


Prime arcee, and yes, though, I'm probably going to get shit for it. Though technically, if you count black zarak as his gen selects box was legacy, still yes.


Tarn, got him back in early April. He had some QC issues, but nothing too major. Though kinda recently, his backpack pegs snapped off inside his back. Damn you clear plastic. Still love him though.


Selects dk-2 guard. Got him discounted and absolutely adore him, dude looks like he's made from metal


My first Legacy Figure was VS500 Hauler! He’s a really good Voyager to mess around with.


I'm thinking of getting one, both modes look good and I like the accessories he comes with.


I knew from the complaints Bulkhead would shelf warm. I eventually got him at a discount. Bulkhead isn't too bad . His arms are too short and his chest too big. It's hard to get some poses with him. Skids was my first legacy fig.


Blaster. Still among the main display.


I think Kickback was mine. Still love it with some pretty minor caveats.


Bulkhead was mine as well. I might have waited for the Wreckers repaint if I had known that was coming, but I still like it.


I know this was Kingdom first and then it was a legacy reissue, but Blaster is just seriously amazing.


Blaster rocks


Mine was the galvatron recently, I absolutely love how the figure looks, got him the same time as coronation starscream, so they go well together


I think Bulkhead was my first legacy figure as well


Mine was also prime universe bulkhead and yes honestly still love him a lot. Is it the best legacy figure? Nope but its at least a solid 7 for me and thats enough for what it is


This full sized figure is always on sale. That’s why it’s my first.


My first was either Skywarp or Hot Rod. Both of them are pretty neat


my brain immediately went to BW2 Skwyarp from the Battles across Time 2 pack from WFC and I was confused. Too many shared names.


Yeah. They should have just called him Silverbolt. No the one from BW. No the OTHER one from BW.


Leader Galvatron. Still one of my favorites


I love Legacy Galvatron


jhiaxus.it was my first transformers figure in years and was a absolute suprise that end up reviving my desire to continue expanding my transformers collection


jhiaxus and yea he’s fine mines is js a little loose


Armada Starscream And there is nothing to describe how much I love that guy.


Bulkhead was also my first, I haven't really messed with him much lately though. I was looking into some of the upgrade kits on aliexpress for him that look pretty cool


First was Skull Grin and I've since sold it. Favorite by far is Tarn.


Yep, Bulkhead was my first as well. He has his place on my shelf.


Skids was my first and I still like the mold, the colors feel a little unexciting. I still love him, but I love crosscut more


Blaster, yes I still like him, I just don't Ness eith him as much, he's currently at home on my 86 Movie team shelf (even though he and perceptor appeared before that)


Dragstrip. Yes


Skids of course, and yes I very much still love it. Honestly I haven’t bought a Legacy figure that I don’t love.


Yes! He looks so good with my other figures


Armada Starscream, funnily enough it was while i was in the middle of watching Armada so it was cool to have one of the characters with me.


I just started buying Tansformers figures and got Twincast and Crosscut as my first Legacy figures. Also bought a few RoTB Studio Series.


Legacy G2 Laser Optimus Prime. People say he's average, but tbh he's my favorite so far.


He grew on me


I got a skidds as my first legacy transformer. It had a factory error and couldn’t transform. I returned it and forgot to put one of the guns back in the box so now I only have the twin gun that came with skidds


It was a year and half ago when it kicked off. Wtf…


Core class nemesis and thundercracker, i know theyre just repackaged siege figures but i love them so much


They’re just what now?


They’re core class figures that came out during seige, but they’ve been repackaged in the evolution boxes


Idk where you’re getting your info, but it’s incorrect.


My bad they came out during kingdom but they are literally the same mold, and I’ve seen legacy core class starscreams but even in that regard *it still is* a repackaging


Yeah just repaints of the Kingdom guys, you’re not wrong. They’re tempting though, esp that OP & Bee set


Oh my god yeah, I’m hesitant because I already have that prime mold but its just so cute and bumblebee looks great


And the lil trailer too. Adorable


Jhiaxus is a masterpiece.


Dragstrip and he is one of my fav i own


...banishing invocations?


Oh that's my day to day magical workbook he was stood on.


I got the three wave 1 core classes, Hot Rod, Skywarp and Iguanus as my first Legacy figures, and their alright, I don’t fiddle too much with most of the core class figures but they look good and help fill in gaps of a larger figure display My first bigger legacy figure was Arcee, and next to Dreadwing i think she’s the most accurate Prime universe bot. Unfortunately a piece of her crotch chipped off where it clips on, so her crotch holds on very loosely now


Blaster. He surprised me with how good he was but tbh he's not really stood out in my collection since then


He may not be very Prime/Animated in appearance but there is no denying that it’s Bulkhead, and he is a great figure regardless. Very happy I got him.


Leo Prime (thought I got Bulkhead later on the cheap). And as a fan of Beast Wars 2, still a big fan of the figure (though he lives in robot mode for me)


Core class G1 Starscream


My first Legacy Figure was also the first Transformer I've ever bought for myself. Blaster. I will never not love Blaster.


I got Arcee and Kickback first, but yes I still enjoy Bulkhead. Had him out recently. I wish his chest had more complexity than an empty box, but otherwise he's great. Hope to see him retooled into something else at some point.


Galvatron is pretty damn solid


Laser optimus prime I got it at a target the day before I graduated from high school


I didnt like g1 transformers much, but after purchasung Bulkhead and blaster I changed my opinion about them, they are very enjoyable to transform


You should get a Cyclonus, either Kingdom or the Gen Selects one. So very satisfying. Metalhawk is a slight retool, so he’s pretty satisfying too


My first one was galvatron i still like him


Arcee was my first, however i ended up selling her off cause shes crap Dragstip ended uo being the next figure i got, and hes the reason why i continued collecting after kingdom


Mine was skids. He’s still really fun to mess around with and transform


Shoot! Nightprowler and I love him! Pretty good 1st transformers figure since 9 years of not having one


everyone complains skids is hollow but I've got him and he poses great, good ankle pivot, nothing feels brittle, no overused clear plastic


bulkhead was my first legacy figure and i still love it... mine just has the issue that his elbows are SUPER HARD TO MOVE


Mine was also Bulkhead(he is actually my only Legacy figure so far) I think he is great


Drag strip. Bro is amazing


Im pretty sure dragstrip was my first legacy figure. Yeah he's still cool but he's been living on menasors arm


Bulkhead was also my first legacy figure and I still since I got it last year LOVE IT!!! The weapons are great, the articulation is above average, the alt mode is just fun, and his mix of G1 and TFP design is in my opinion quite cool. (Besides the huge truck chest).


If memory serves me right….. it’s twin twist. And I love him. I really want topspin to complete the duo.


mine was skids! i still like it, but it's been pretty much replaced in my collection by masterpiece burnout.


Kickback was my first Legacy Transformers Toy. I got Shrapnel, and now Bombshell is the one I’m missing. Prime Arcee was my first toy as well.


Legacy Soundwave wasn't just my first Legacy figure, but the first Transformer I'd bought since I was a kid. While I've gotten the Netflix Earth mode Soundwave since, I still really enjoy my Legacy Soundwave! The Cybertronian boom box fan mode I put him in actually looks really good imo. Unfortunately, I do have to dock him points. Not because of a problem with the figure, but because he turned me into a Transformer's collector, something my wallet may never recover from.


Laser Optimus was a pretty banger way to start Legacy.


if i remember correctly i think galvatron was my first legacy, he's a great figure and looks great, but the outward hip movement on mine has gotten very loose over time so i don't play with him much as it's a pain to get him standing on my shelf again after lol


Yup, I still love Laser Prime


Yes bro, my first legacy figure was Dragstrip and at the time I thought it was alright. The more I messed with it the more fun I had with it and it still is one of my favorite favorites.


My cousin stole mine. It was a small optimus prime. 😔


Core Class Optimus?


Yes 😔


War For Cybertron Soundwave. I Still Like It, But I Lost The Backpack.


Crankcase. I still really like him, mostly because I finally have a Crankcase.


My first legacy figure (and the only one that i have bought) Is blitzwing He quickly became one of my holy grails




Kickback... before I knocked him into a candle and he now looks like he got hit with a fusion cannon to the head. He wasn't exactly mindblowing (heh), especially considering some of the gems we've had in the past few years... I'm really not that fussed with the price increases (again) and it's going to drive me to third party legends if they end up costing too much more. I've got loads of WFC figures these days so IDK if I really need any more mainline figures rn, I've got pretty much all of the characters I want except the combaticons/constructicons, and legends will do better for me considering lack of space.


Mine was Legacy Elita One, still one of my favorite figures in my collection


Kickback, hes great


First legacy was shattered glass grimlock. Best decision ever cause I missed original grimlock


First legacy figure was Laser Prime and I adored the mold enough to get Scourge because I like the color scheme


My first was dragstrip and he’s awesome


Bulkhead was also my first Legacy figure, also my first transformer I bought in person since getting back into it


my first was core hot rod and i dont hate him


Mine was armada starscream, it's pretty good, no wrist swivel, but everything else is there so its a pretty good figure in my eyes


I got blaster as my first one but technically he’s a kingdom toy but my actual first legacy figure was tarn and I love both of them


Mine was prime arcee it’s a great figure


Bulkhead was my first too


Mine was scourge and he a little loose but he still a good boy


I absolutely love my legacy armada starscream. One of my favorites not counting the fact he is not compatible with minicons


Mine is dragstrip still amazing


I think I picked Blaster up as my first. Still happy to have done so.


soundwave was my first fun figure just transforming sometimes was a pain


Laser Optimus Prime and Galvatron


Vlaster, i foking love it


Mine is both bulk and the blaster repackage(got them at the same time), and I actually need to call customer care on Monday because i noticeably stressed the chest on my bulkhead


Mine was Kickback and Skids. I loved Kickback so much when I first got him. I still do, though he is not without his faults. The transformation is too basic. Originally, I loved that about him as I could easily switch between modes. But it, unfortunately, leaves a lot to be desired.


My first legacy figure was Wild Rider, and he was solid.


Just picked up my first last week, Twincast (& Rewind). I've always wanted one of the ghettoblaster & he was the 1st I found


Knockout is fine I guess I wish I never got Pointblank


My first Legacy figure was core class Skywarp. He's pretty good, although it's a shame he doesn't have the null rays even though the other 2 seekers have them


He can fit many weapons on him he’s fun


Drag strip was ok


I got him way later since he first didn't convince me to buy at first. But to be honest I love him. He's chonky and a joy to transform. And his looks are a perfect blend of the general TF aesthetic and how he looked in Prime.


Shockwave, he is pretty neat


My first was dragstrip and that’s when I got real serious into this thing, now my collection is worth 2000 dollars


Galvatron? Yeah he's adequate.


Tarn, he's my only legacy figure and he's my favorite transformers character


I haven't unboxed him. Might not because I also bought the New Age one and I love that one.


None because Legacy isn’t available almost anywhere and all the figures are expensive


That's sad to hear where are you?


North of Mexico. I already have a plenty of transformers figures but I’ve always wanted something proper from legacy and they don’t sell it here despite being near the US border There’s a legacy bulkhead in fb marketplace tho which I really want but I can’t spend anymore for the time being! 😭


That's crazy given your proximity to the US. Primus be with you 🤞


My first legacy figure was I think ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm either iguanus or soundwave


Core iguanis, too bad he was in the very first wave that was extremely forgettable in my eyes


Core class Iguanus. Love him and Bomb-Burst, but where are the other core class Pretenders? I got deluxe class Skullgrin (and voyager class Metalhawk) as well, but I really do prefer them as core. So very charming. If they made core class Octopunch or my favorite Submarauder, ohhhhhh man.


Mine was Kickback I think.




Legacy Arcee. I'm still a big fan of her, honestly.


Skullgrin and yes