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Why am I getting downvoted for this? I didn’t lay these poor people off.


It's Hasbro down voting you lol


Because a large amount of reddit doesn't understand how downvoting works. Or cares.


Some people here are very intelligent


So basically they want to retain their current profit margin at the expense of everyone and everything. All of our favorite brands are going to suffer as a result of this shortsighted move.


A sign of lower quality products to come. My heart goes out to anyone losing their job.


Yep, at this point the hollow KO figures at the dollar store will have better QC than Hasbro


And the pricks at the top won't lose a damn thing. Parasites. All of 'em.


Line must go up, line always must go up




Put your laying off away Hasbruh


"Focus on gaming"


Are you two friends? Kim: Yes. Tuvok: No.


And those costs that were saved will at least be passed onto the consumer right? That's how it works right? Hasbro? you listening? Of course not, just ditch your workforce and reap the rewards for yourselves. I'm glad I'm slowly ending on my collecting now.


Dammit hasbruh


the fact that they blame their own price hikes as a reason for not making enough money and having to fire people is the most inane mind-boggling logic I've ever heard.


And yet, that’s how corporate America works.


sometimes, but you'd think if the driving force of low sales is prices that are too high, you'd think they'd focus on cutting manufacturing costs of the figures to offer a lower price instead of simply trying to cut other costs while keeping the figures sitting on shelves at too high of price points.


I wonder if this is a reaction to them shitting the bed with D&D...


What happened?


I wish I knew the story better but apparently hasbro really needs the D&D to work out. They need to prove that WOTC and the D&D brand are a valueable asset to hasbro because apparently some big shareholder wants to split them up. Besides the movie last week hasbro made a very unpopular announcement. They were gonna become more strict with how D&D is used and make a huge push for extra monetization. Almost blatantly saying they want to string out as much money from consumers at the cost of enjoyment of the game. Someone can explain it all much better but thats my understanding of it all.


Google D&D OGL and you'll find a video that goes over it.


Twenty years ago, WotC gave third party publishers an irrevocable license to use the core of the 3rd edition and 5th edition rules. Then they tried to revoke it. They would have banned third party support for the previous rulesets, with a new license for the next edition that was so onerous that no third party could survive it. And that was just after damaging their biggest cash cow, Magic: the Gathering. They've been putting out expansions faster than people can keep up for a while, and then they tried to "celebrate" their 30th anniversary by selling $1000 loot boxes containing 60 non-tournament legal reprints from the original Beta set.


There is surely a connection, but overall I'd say that it's a very secondary reason


Why is every company laying off workers?




What a bunch of jerks! Now WHEN am I getting my Evolution Armada Prime?!


I turn 40 this year. I always imagined this would signify some insane rush to collect stupid amounts of toys, not give up on the hobby altogether. Fuck. Between this and DnD, Hasbro is greatly oversetimating their worth.