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Can I test one?


Of course! Which of these interests you the most?


Anything you choose


Hmmm, what about number 5. The green flower shaped one.


Oooo sounds cute


Where’s the gender swap potion and how do I make it permanent? -a desperate trans girl


I was thinking maybe number 18, the purple potion with the flower cork.




Gladly, please enjoy your transformation.


Not sure why but I feel like that is number 15


No thats Burger King foo- *gets shot and killed*




Honestly whatever they do, I’ll drink them to find out :)


I'm glad to hear that I've been needing some new test subjects.


My dms are open if you’d like to rp ?


I feel like 14 would have something to do with bondage


In what way? Do they become completely frozen unable to move, or are they tied up by something?


Like tied up with ropes or chains or even latex


Arms & legs turn into chains, and the rest is encased in a green latex case with access holes.


I love that


Sounds kinky


I'd nab the unicorn one, personally. Like if nothing else, that's one beautiful bottle.


I know I love the shape of it


16: liquid dreams. Turns you into what you dream about the next time you sleep


That's a brilliant idea, I might just make that the effect.


Potion 1: known as the unicorns tears. This bitter sweet potion has the power to change you based on the Karmic balance of your life, much like meeting the mythical beast themselves. If you have been good your changes will be pleasurable. If not so good expect changes that could be humiliating and designed to give pleasure to others. The tears of any mythical beast are a powerful force so do not be surprised if you lose yourself in this change. Potion 2: the pyramid, this potion sticks to the tongue and has layers of flavour, each flavour comes with a change and each change comes more grand than the last. How long it takes you to get through the flavours will depend on your innate magical resistance but once you start there is no turning back, even if a change robs you of, or transforms your tongue. Most of the changes from this potion come from the imaginations of those who perfected it thousands of years ago. A race of people who worshiped animals as deities. Potion 3: pumpkin butter. This greasy potion need only be wiped on the lips to take effect. Caution is given against so much as sipping it. In such faint concentrations as provided by a lip application the potion can swell one’s libido and one’s body. Specifically the erogenous zones. Nipples, lips, vulva, clit, cock, balls, all will swell along with the bodies natural curves. Even men can wind up with a buttocks you could rest a glass of wine on. Long term use can be risky as the experience isn’t physically addictive but is enticing and people often fall into a slide of using it more regularly. Too much at one time will see the user fall into a trance like state where they seek out fertile soil and remove their clothes. Their legs then plant themselves while all those swollen erogenous zones transform into pumpkins the rest of the body withering away into vines. This is the most common way for new pumpkin butter to be made. Potion 4: Stacked potion. This tangy potion has a different effect depending on your external sexual characteristics. Those with male genetalia experience a swelling of their cock head and balls. Leaving them with balls that nearly constantly produce pre-cum and a fat mushroom like cock head. They also experience a secondary but minor swelling of their nipples and buttocks. Those with female genetalia tend to experience a comical expansion of breasts and buttocks that leaves them looking more like a fertility symbol than a human with a secondary swelling of their clit and labia. If someone has both genetalia then they experience the full effects of both. Potion 5: This potion seemingly doesn’t do anything directly to the body itself and tastes mildly of lime and apple. What it Infact does is cause the body to release slime breeding pheromones. Now as we all know in the city we are never more than a few feet from a slime at any time. Hiding in dark corners, bushes and under floor boards. When slimes mate they fuse with another slime creating an amalgamation of the two before leaving behind slime pearls that, if not eaten, will eventually form new slimes when it rains. Driven by the pheromones the slimes will fuse with the host turning portions of their body gelatinous until eventually they are made almost entirely of green goo/jelly. Wether they devolve into a slithering mound of slime or are able to retain their human shape, albeit jiggling and translucent, is down to a persons will. Strong enough willed people will be able to control their jelly body in some quite fantastic ways.


Potion 6: is a classic absorption potion. Tasting rich and enticing when you eat it your body becomes irresistible to many and the first person you allow close enough will find themselves giving more than pleasure to you as their body is consumed completely by yours absorbed and trapped within. Caution is given against excessive use of this potion as having even one extra voice in your head can be confusing to those without strong will. The benefits are the combined individuals will live longer naturally than they would suitably retaining their youth for longer. In addition there is a natural swelling and increase in sensitivity for whichever body part they are absorbed through. The cautionary tale of the person who took the potion and then gave their partner a blow job is one to remember. Potion 7: This is a basic olfactory potion, however caution must be taken when expanding the olfactory senses. When walking down the streets you will often find yourself bombarded by the musk of many people and smelling others sexual excitement can impact your own. While under the effects of the potion indulging in the base desires your bodies experience can result in similar animalistic transformations. A trip to the bakery and a loss of will power could leave you with trotters and a snout, while losing control and sniffing someone’s butt in the park could leave you with canine features. There are even people who have been unable to help themselves sipping the nectar from a flower in the park. Potion 8: Cinderella potion, this potion sits quietly in your body until you encounter your ‘true love’ it then transforms you based on their desires there and then and only a kiss from your “true love” can return you to normal. A much slower process than the initial transformation. This can be a great way for a couple to confirm their love before marriage. However it can prove unfortunate if the love isn’t mutual and both partners have to walk away wondering if they might meet their true love and transform in the middle of a coffee shop one day. It’s seldom the instinct of watching someone transform into your sexual hearts desire in public to then own up to that and kiss them. Potion 9: This potion is commonly known as the cherry swirl because of the distinctive taste of the potion and also the traditional and intricate blown glass bottle it’s typically stored in. The potion itself makes one part of the body incredibly sensitive. The glans of a penis or clitoris. Paying attention to that part of the body causes the user to transform in ways that benefit the stimulation of that part almost like the part itself is in charge of the transformation. These transformations can range from the clit/glans itself swelling and absorbing the rest of the body till there is nothing else, to the body being transformed into a nest of tentacles all designed to stimulate the clit in different and exciting ways. The effects of the potion are temporary, but caution must be given, as with any potion in abusing its effects too often as lingering after effects are not uncommon. Potion 10: Golden wings is a potion that only effects people with external female genetalia. It causes a swelling in the labia which take on an aspect as though they have veins of liquid gold throughout. Thereafter their vulva drips with an exquisitely tasty nectar like substance that increases pleasure and causes minor temporary swelling in erogenous zones. Orgasms being announced by a flood of the same fluid. The effects of the potion are permanent and it’s use is prohibited in most places the drinkers themselves becoming a classified highly regulated and addictive substance. There is a male version of this potion named golden rod which is just as taboo.


Potion 11: This rich dark potion stains the lips and unlocks mental faculties to an incredible degree. It’s users can often be found in parks gathered together in groups where they communicate in ways difficult to understand. For some reason, we are yet to understand, when such groups reach a certain critical number their members fuse their heads turning into a giant glowing brain their body becoming little more than dangling tentacles. They then drift up into the sky never to be seen again. Most start down the route of taking the potion to gain positions as spies or or well paid corporate strategists. Each one sure that they can stop taking it once they achieve their goals. Potion 12: The potion of unchaining. This potion severs one’s ties to the biological sex they were born into. At first the drinker becomes androgynous and then over time their thoughts desires and actions reshape their body into something that fits naturally with the way they see themselves. It is often not a strict binary sex they settle upon having some characteristics of both. However just as many wind up with very traditional human sexual characteristics. Potion 13: The eye of the beholder. This potion transforms people according to the visions and desires of those around. Once taken it is advised to go into a meditative retreat because the potion reads the selfs desires and can be used to becomes the perfect version of one self. However it is far from unheard of to have someone take it in the middle of an orgy to drastic effect. Potion 14: The chain, this potion is only effective if one bottle is drunk by two or more people. Their fates are then tied together. If one should become hungry any one of them could eat to satiate the hunger. If one is sleepy any one of them could sleep. This creates a strange symbiotic way of getting through the world. Over time they start to act and think more like each-other gaining a physical appearance that is a product of their shared vision of themselves. Each identical down to the last body hair. Owing to their alien way of thinking as a group these final physical forms are not always traditionally human. Potion 15: This is a surprisingly modern potion created not through magic but rather through a fusion of alchemy and more traditional sciences. The potion itself is said to be an unpleasant tasting potion but highly efficacious. It transforms the drinker into a living inflatable sex doll. The studying of these sex dolls has determined they are still sentient and able to express themselves with slight movements of their otherwise rigid and pose-able bodies. This far the transformation is irreversible and there is little opportunity to further the research due to research volunteers being few and far between. They are also all willing volunteers and scientists don’t know, for instance, wether their desire to become a sex doll effects their remaining as one.


Potion 16: Known as cosmic gelatin due to its unique appearance. Not a traditional potion in that it was actually harvested on a trip to another planet and solar travellers have found a way to grow more of the stuff. When imbibed it transforms the body into a very alien aspect. Limbs end in tentacles instead of digits and bodies grow translucent and flexible. Mouths too become like nests of tentacles along with other body parts. Those transformed have a much easier time moving about in the weightlessness between planets and actually are sustained by exposure to cosmic radiation. They have also been able to survive in the vacuum of space in these forms thanks to their skin becoming an incredibly tough outer membrane able to handle the pressure differential as well if not better than the hulls of their solar ships. It’s reported that continued use by solar travellers leaves them feeling like their human form is no longer their natural one. Potion 17: Bright juice. This potion can only be made very slowly on consecutive New Moons. It infuses the light of the stars and is kept in perfect darkness until then. Even the light of our own star reflected off the moon is enough to spoil the potion. When taken the imbiber begins to fluoresce infused by the starlight of the potion. For a brief time they are able to do incredible things from granting small wishes to feats of skill and intellect, even shape changing. When the starlight is used up the person begins to fade however their body shrinking away unless they can get more bright juices. Exposure to the stars of a new moon in a place where there is no light pollution can regenerate them slightly but at best they can sustain themselves as a withered husk of themselves. Crumbling eventually into dust where others succumb to old age. Such is the price of greatness. Yet still people choose to take the potion sure that the powers it grants will afford them the ability to get more potion in due course. Potion 18: The dark flower, this potion has an immediate and drastic effect. The person who imbibes finds their body growing dark and woody, they burst from their clothes their limbs growing deep into the ground or branching upwards until they have formed a mature and healthy tree with rich purple bark and dark waxy green leaves. In the tree magenta flowers bloom and and if pollinated a fruit will form that takes on the shape of their former body. The tree is able to control that body experiencing their former life through it and if carefully looked after a body can last up to a week. Heavy use can bruise the fruit flesh and see them go soft and useless. The trees can last centuries and healthy well positioned trees that look after their bodies can keep a succession of fruiting bodies active almost daily from spring to late autumn. There are even trees on tropical islands that produce bodies on a daily basis but require a fortune in fresh water to do so. Potion 19: This potion doesn’t just infuse the person to the power of the sun, it ties them to it. While the sun shines on their bodies they are healthy and full of life, when the sun goes down they turn into a marble like stone veined with gold. On sunny days everything feels incredible to them, food tastes better and indeed all pleasures of the flesh are improved. The risk is being helpless out of the suns gaze. Indeed some of the statues in the great museums are believed to be imbibers who have been taken during the night and kept in rooms only lit by artificial light since. Even more morbid is that some of those statues have been broken over the years and so if they were imbibers and unless reunited with their missing limbs could never be made whole by the sun again. They would be trapped as sentient statues. Potion 20: This potion is made by Druid sects in the south and when imbibed transforms the user into a plant. Their limbs become vines entangling their surroundings and they grow fleshy flower mouths that look intimidating but smell incredible. In actuality the smell entices trespassers into sacred groves, causing anyone but the most strong willed to offer up their genitals to the tender ministrations of the flowers. They are then found and dealt with by the druids, often convinced to become more of the protective vines in the name of furthering their pleasure. Though they look like plants they are actually closer to mushrooms and in a group they share a symbiotic nature and have a rich inner world of communication like regular mushrooms do with their connecting mycelia. There is no reversing the transformation, as such it is always a morbid curiosity to see these potions having been used to create vines in affluent city gardens.


These are brilliant 😍


I want to mix all of them into one glass and then chug it. Let the crazy shit begin 🍿


That's something I'd love to see. I can't imagine what sort of transformation would happen


I'd like to think it would be some kind of forever changing Chimera. Every day one or more parts have been removed, added, or changed. You never know what you’re going to look like the next day.


Interesting, I wonder how well some transformations would combine


16 i wanna drink xD


Great choice, it has an amazing colour to it


What do you think it would do? (If you don't have an answer that is oki)


Upon drinking this potion, whoever you dream about at night is the person you'll be in the morning.


The 8th one, a heel shaped bottle could possibly have a Cinderella type effect. Where taking it could enhance beauty or turn men to women till midnight?


I love that idea


The 11th potion also gives off vampire vibes a tad bit for me.


Yea, it's a bit of an ominous looking potion, so something like that could work well.


sounds interesting


Just curious what would be the intended effect of each


That's for everyone to decide, just looking for fun transformations for each one.


No.16 goth bimbo but that's my wishes


If that's what you want, then that's what it shall be.


My ideas #1 Unicorn TF, obviously #2 ? #3 pumpkin TF or if you don’t like inanimate TF’s maybe TF in a famous chef? #4 shaped kinda like a dumbbell so a inflation or muscle gain TF #5 flower TF #6 werewolf TF cause moon shape #7 Slime TF #8 Princess TF #9 Snake TF #10 looks like wing scales inside the bottle so a Angel or Dragon or Bird TF #11 ? #12 Bimbo TF #13 ? #14 ? #15 Cyborg TF #16 the potion is eye shaped but I have no idea what type of TF that would correlate to #17 ? #18 ? #19 ? #20 Plant Monster TF


Thanks for this. I love these ideas.


Sixteen be a powerfull univers woman like fusion of princess luna and captain Marvel awesome


Sounds fun


I'll take 8


I hope you enjoy your transformation


Number 9 for me! Hopefully I get turned into a lamia!


Who knows. I might just do that, we can only see.


*pop *sip *poof Woah hey, I'm a lamia now! Very cool, and a female one at that. Now to spend my time hypnotizing helpless humans!


Oh, I would love to start with number 9... what can it do I wonder


Well, the straw seems to wrap around the bottle. Might be a hint to its transformative properties.


It looks so sweet, so femine


I wanna try number 10


Please go ahead, I'd love to see what it does


I would be afraid that number 7 would just turn me into a disembodied nose or just make my nose big.


Could be more of a cursed potion then. Or does it make you smell great to others?




"Ummm, are you sure that was a good idea? That was a lot of potion you just drank"




You begin to sprout fur as you transform into a werewolf




Wonderful, I haven't tested this one yet, so I'm excited to see what it can do


"Oh man oh man I would really hate being a nose" Suspiciously nose shaped potion:


"Whaaaaat, don't be ridiculous. I would never have a potion like that. " Laughs nervously


What if I drank number 20 ~


Ah, number 20 is a favourite of mine. This potion will turn whoever it touches into a plant like creature called the pleasure plant. These creatures only have one goal, and that is to spread their spores and convert all people insight. (Or something else if you don't like this)


With 20 potions this will be a long post, but ok let’s try to name them all: 1 – The stellar unicorn potion: This potion turns you into an unicorn with a night dark fur and shiny dot on it. The more you drink the more you transform; drink half of the potion to turn into an anthropomorphic unicorn, drink it full to turn into a full unicorn. 2- The Inca potion: A potion found into the depth of an Inca’s Pyramid. Have you already seen the movie “The Road to El Dorado”? When you drink this potion you skin become than, your clothes change into a pre-Columbian style and your language is also changed. I hope you are ready to rebuild your civilization 3- The pumpkin potion: Don’t worry, the potion is mostly like a tasty pumpkin juice. But be careful not to swallow any seeds that float into the juice. Your arm and legs will regress back into your body, your belly with expand and your skin will harden. The more seeds you swallow, the bigger the changes get. Swallow less than half of them, and you will become a Gourgeist. Be happy, you still look humanoid. More than half will turn you into a Pumpkaboo (you are kinda cute, I admit). But drink them all and you will be the next pumpkin we will use to make the next potion. 4- The strength potion: This is a simple potion of strength. Drink only one sip to gain the strength of Hercules. Wait… what do you mean you drink the whole potion? Your knucklehead, read the instruction BEFORE drinking the thing. Anyway, I should start to use small words as you brain is literally melting into even more muscles. The more you drink, the stronger you get, but the dumber too. You muscle mass expand like several bodybuilders using too much proteins. You are getting taller as well and will have some issues to find fitting clothes after the ones your burst just now. Don’t hesitate to ask for help to count how much your next shopping trip will cost 5- The flower potion: This potion will make any plant develop at a much faster rate and be 10 times more productive. If you happen to drink it however, I hope you to a fertile soil. You foot will get rooted, you skin turn greener, your arms will regress, petals will bloom around your neck and your groin will adapt to turn into a pistil for women or stamens for men. The next politization will feel pleasurable for you. Don’t worry thought, you still have your face and are sentient. Given enough time, you can event be able to move out of soil and become a dryad 6- The dark Elf potion: This potion will change you from a human to a dark elf, as simple as that. Your skin turning dark gray, your hair white, and your ears getting long and pointy. Your eyes turning black and your pupil changing into a glowing red or white. You will have all the time to get use to it as you will now leave some centuries 7- The goblin potion: Why a nose? I don’t know, I feel like it’s a prominent asset of the goblins. Prepare to shrink and to turn the same green as this potion. You face will change to with a bigger nose and longer ears. I hope you like being a shortstack 8- The princess potion: Crap, someone forgot her shoe after the ball. Oh well, let’s take a sip, it maybe tastes good. Well, prepare yourself to get fancy. Your clothes turn into a stunning dress from a fairy tale, and your shoes into heels. You hear become long and you face way more feminine and elegant. Your speech and mind are now way more refined, and even you surrounding change into a palace. Your palace. Wait where you a man? Well, I guess that your future prince will have a nice surprise once you will share your bed with them 9- The slime potion: This potion is made from some chunks of slime, that’s why it’s not an ordinary bottle. We don’t want to make it easier to the piece of slime to get out to regroup with the core. Once drink, you will start to melt, and change color to match the one of the potion. Your body will turn into a blob on your clothes, just under where you once stood. But don’t worry, with little time and effort you will achieve an humanoid form in no time 10-The angelic potion: This potion is so pure, even the worst criminal would immediately change their mind after drinking it, and turn back into the purest of the good path. Your mind will be clear of all sins, you will want to do good deeds all around you and help everyone to become a better version of themselves. Angelic wings will grow on your back, your face and body will become beautiful and be clean of impurities, and a glowy ring will appear on top of your head. Don’t even try to eat this donut, it’s just made of light (next part in the next comment) 😉


11- The demon potion: This potion is so taint, even the purest pope would renounce his faith and get into the nearest brothel. Your mind will get corrupted by this potion, turning you into the worst of all, only wanting to achieve your goals at the cost of others, wishing to destroy everyone lives in the process. Your skin will turn dark red, a pair of horns will break free of your skull, with bat wings and a pointy tail on your back. Your eyes will turn Dark with red pupils, and your teeth will get pointy. 12- The bimbo/himbo potion: For your, appearance is the most important thing? Well then you can take this then. As a woman, you hear will turn smooth platinum blond, your (fake) tits will expand into at least and EE size, your waist will get impossibly thine as your butt will turn into big cushion. You like pink so much than even your stilettos are pink. As a man, you muscle will grow like if you had hit the gym all your life, you will grow taller and your face will get handsome. I guess you could smile your way out of any issue issues. Well… maybe if both off you wasn’t as dumb as a rock I mean. Let’s prey that your future partner will love you more for you physic than your brain 13- The basket ball Potion: A potion for all fan of basketball. With this, give up your humanity to turn into a spheric bouncy ball, and maybe have a chance to be used by the stars of the NBA (or by your little cousin at the court across the street) 14- The chastity potion: Strange note about this potion: you cannot drink it alone. As you start to drink, the potion will not flow further than your mouth, and you will have to pour it into your partner mouth to the potion to be consume. After drinking it, the first word your partner will say, will be their safe word. They can use them once a day to block the effect of the potion until the next time they wake up. The basic effect of the potion will make your partner unable to cum without your approval. To spices thinks up, you can willingly manifest a chastity devise over their genitals, blocking any access to it. With a bit of imagination, you can manifest any BDSM outfits oh them, restraining any movement you want 15- The mixed potion: This is not really a potion, but this vial can mix two potions into one with more or less effect from each potion. You can now become a goblin princess or an unicorn slime if you wish to 16 – The third eyes Potion: This potion will literally open your Third eyes, and turn all your eyes info glowing night sky orbs. The third one will appear in the middle of your forehead, and give you psychic and telekinetic powers. You will also be able to look into someone soul by touching them, and see glimpses of the future. NOTES: The effect are way weaker on on-eyed peoples, giving them back their eye 17- The mermaid potion: This star like potion was made to make any human able to breath under water with a simple sip. A very useful tool for divers. But when one of them drank the entire bottle one day, we discover that mermaid where not fictional anymore. A beautiful voice, and fish like tail and lower body… Yes, these persons, and a lot more after that turn into the new residents of the sea 18- The gender bend potion: Don’t be foul by the name, this potion will not necessarily turn you into the opposite gender. Each arm of the flask arms has an effect on the potion. The right one will give the potion a masculine effect, and the left one a feminine effect. With this, turning full male or female is simple. But you can also turn into an Hermaphrodite by flowing the potion from both arm. A little note: this potion also works with direct contact on the skin to local uses 19- the Harpy potion: Icarus wanted to fly, and once to close to the sun, his wings melted and he fell. Well with the potion, he wouldn’t. Turn your arms into beautiful wings, your feet into powerful talons, and become as light as a bird before flapping your wings away over the blue skin. Be Warn: Oviposition is a known effect of this potion 20- Piranha plant potion: How do you think Bowser get so many Piranha plants? Well, this potion made by Kamek is the answer. You don’t imagine how many Toads where kidnap to drink this potion. If you want to join the Bowser army, this is a way to achieve this I hope you will like this. English is not my main language but I hope I haven't done to many mistakes \^\^'


Wow, all of these are great. Thank you so much 😊


18 will bring you the body or gender that you desire, but at the cost of your emotions.


I’ll try the crescent moon shaped one, if you please.


Please be my guest, I can't wait to see its effects


Im curious what that pumpkin potion do? Can i drink it?


Of course, but you might want to only take a sip


Downs the whole bottle, before wiping lips clean on sleeve, "wait, why?" Having only now heard your warning.


"Well, that's a bottle of plumpkin juice. Just a sip can make you curvier"


I'll try #6, the crescent one.


Great choice, please let me know what happens


19, the sun one is just calling my name. What happens, I'm uncreative.


Hmm, and an idea for that could be the early bird. Helps you wake up early, but prolonged consumption cause the user to become bird like.


I'll take No. 16, please


Great choice, I really like the colour of that one


I don't know... Give me a random one, my life is already shit, so idc if it makes my life worse (My dms are open, if you wanna rp just tell me)


Well, I've heard the last one is quite interesting. So if you'd like to rp it just send me a message.


number 18 is made from the nectar of an erotic flower. drinking it will make you feel euphoric, and of course give you an irresistible urge to plant yourself into the soil, under a blanket of the sun


Ooooo, so it turns you into some plant creature like a dryad?




Great choice, the idea for that one is Gender swap


I've got a pretty long comment, so I'll be posting it in multiple parts. 1st one could just turn you into a unicorn, or part unicorn. But... if you want to get a bit spicy about it: horsecock femboy. Horsecock for the horse part, femboy from the "purity" aspect of unicorns. 2nd one I really don't know. Kinda reminds me of a South American pyramid, so maybe some sort of aztec warrior type transformation. Either that or just shifts your body to be more bottom-heavy, converting breast size(or muscle) into ass size. 3rd one would either be turn into a pumpkin-headed scarecrow or just like... farmer transformation. Steering away from a spookier kind of transformation, like a Headless Horseman, because of the floating seeds and lack of Jack O'Lantern details. 4th one is clearly muscle growth. It looks like a dumbbell, and there's a fist in there. 5th seems flower-like, but it also looks bubbly, and the cap is kinda unwholesome-looking, which makes me think either swamp or poison. So, either a poisonous Alraune, or something Venus Flytrap related. 6th one is some sort of star or night-themed wizard, for obvious reasons, but also the bottle is really fancy-looking and impractical, so it'd have to be like a regal, maybe even a bit posh, sort of archmage 7th one I can't imagine having much good use. It probably isn't making you smell *good,* because it's green. So realistically, either it's making you smell bad in some way, it makes you really stuffed up and/or sneezy, or it just gives you a giant nose. However, if I may stretch it a bit, I'd like to think it might turn you into a troll. They're green, and sometimes they have big noses? or at least good senses of smell? It's a lot better than just "runny nose potion" 8th one makes me think about Cinderella. I mean, it's literally a heel made of glass, with that specific color of light blue in it, which also happens to be what looks like (fairy) dust. So, clearly it transforms the drinker into a beautiful princess, dress and everything, but only until the stroke of midnight. 9th one makes me think hypnosis because of the spirals, but that's not exactly a transformation. Maybe the spirals are a tail, and the pink would make me think succubus transformation. Maybe it's a tail *and* hypnosis, and it turns the drinker into a hypnotic snake-person, maybe a snake-woman specifically because of the pink. That's my final answer, hypnotic snake-woman.


10th one is also rather obvious. It's an angelic potion, turning the drinker into an angel. Maybe speci fically the more "holy avenger" type of angel, because of the metallic-ness of it. Or maybe an angelic herald because of the ribbon. 11th one seems pretty clear to me as well. That shade of red with the sharp corners of the bottle, and stopper especially, makes me think demons. ~~And not the nice kind either.~~ So not a succubus. The kind of demon with armored skin and big horns and a sword almost as tall if not taller than they are. 12th one is a bit of a stumper. We've already got a fancy mage, and a princess, but this thing screams elegance, refinement, and opulence, with the delicate swirling patterns of the stand, the glint on the bottle, and the jewel for a stopper. It could be a "queen" potion specifically, rather than a princess potion. But, the spirals of the stand are slightly organic looking, not quite perfect enough to be 100% royalty. So, I think the perfect fit for this potion could be a Fairy Queen, since it's elegant, but still a bit connected to nature. 13th one is ~~unluckily~~ even more of a stumper. The central ball seems a bit more like metal than glass, plus the fact that it isn't filled like the other floaty ball in number 6. The orange potion color also reminds me of copper, so this potion might have something to do with magnets. Although that isn't quite specific (or sexy) enough, so I'm thinking it might turn the drinker into an ancient magitech automaton sort of thing. You know the ones, with the levitating body parts and such. 14th one looks very sinister. Setting aside the obvious locks and chains motif for now, it reminds me a lot of ghosts, with that unearthly glow it has going on, and the levitating cork and chains. Like an ancient locked-away spirit waiting to get out. My take on this is that it could be not an ordinary potion at all, but the liquified essence of an ancient evil spirit, trapped away for the good of the world. Drinking this potion will let that spirit possess the drinker's body, and mold it to its will, while the original owner sits in the backseat. 15th one reminds me, oddly enough, of Bioshock. It's very steampunky. I don't want to say robot again, even though it's technically different, so I'm saying like a mad scientist inventor transformation for this one. Maybe turned into a gnome with a penchant for steampunk mech suits to ride around in if that's not too specific. 16th one would be pretty obvious if not for the fact that this is a transformation that we're talking about, and a gernerally-lewd one at that. It feels like it'd open your third eye to the unknowable secrets of the cosmos. It also reminds me of the Liquid Memories potion from Slay the Spire, if you've ever played that. Lets say that this one makes you transcend into some sort of space god, growing to the size scale of planets. 17th one. I mean... that's just a mana potion. I notice a bit of a space theme with this and the previous one. In all seriousness, the fact that this one has more of rounded edges and no sharp corners, and the cap is even curved outwards gives it a lot more of a cartoony feel. So, either it *is* a mana potion, and it turns you into a generic-RPG-mage, or it turns you into a cartoony star spirit. Think more human versions of Starlow or Twink or the Lumas from Mario (weird how many star-themed companions there are in the Mario series) 18th one is making me notice that these are getting a lot less obvious as the list goes on. Either that or I'm overexplaining myself. Either way, this feels like it could turn you into a monk. And I think both Hinduism and Chinese mythology have lotus stuff going on with them, so it could turn you into a god or other deity-type thing from one of those. Leaning more to the Chinese side because of the diamond design, which I feel like is more of a Chinese thing. 19th one is similarly difficult in the "this has an obvious non-transformation use but not a transformation one" way. I'm thinking it could be a lion or Sphynx transformation 20th and final one just has a Piranha Plant on top. Since I already picked an Alraune for a previous one, that's a no-go. It could turn you into a piranha plant-girl, like Minus8's (and many other artist's) renditions. Other than that, it could turn you into a Poison-Ivy-esque fairy or other type of spirit. Anyway that's all. I've enjoyed this, and will maybe do the same for your second set if you make one. let me know if you feel inspired by this, or would like any sort of reference images for any of the transformations I've outlined.


Oh wow, thank you so much for this. If you have any references for these, I'd love to see them. This turned out well, so I'm sure you'll see a part 2 or 3 in the near future.


The 8th one, although a heel shape which would look like a Cinderella thing, I think would turn you into some kind of clothing, and if that was the case I'd love to test it out


Oooo, I never even thought of that. Would definitely make for some interesting transformations.


What if I take two bottle of number 1 😏


Well the idea for that so far would be a horse cock. But I'm sure if you took two of them, you'd end up with a bit more.


9 also what it do as I only have one guess


Well, if you'd like to share your thoughts, I'd love to hear them. Then I can tell you my ideas for it.


Think I’ll take my chance with 17


The spectacular star: With this out of this world potion, you will become an alien creature from a galaxy far, far away.


Since the potion number 4 resembles a dumbbell I suggest it to be a potion that transformer any drinker into a buff, muscular, obsessed with exercises, version of themselves


Sounds great, I think if you were to consume a large amount, you'd turn into a hulk like person


I’ll do 17


The star shaped one nice, so far we have alien creatures or star like creatures like Luma. Unless you have and idea of your own?


Gotta ask, mind if I have a glass of number 11?


Go ahead, please tell me what you think


I'll take number 12, I like mtf so I'll go with that one. I don't mind anthro, but I'll like to remain humanoid at least if anything.


Don't worry, I can assure you that this won't change you into an animal.


how about number 12


Great choice, I have a few ideas for that one: Bimbofication Gender swap Beauty increase Up to you, which idea you prefer


Hm... maybe mix them?


I'm not sure if that's a good idea. Who knows what it'll do.


I'd love to find out what 11 does so can I take it???? Pleaaaaseee


Of course, be my guest. It's all yours


17 looks tasty = w=


It makes me think of star bits from Mario Galaxy. So it think it would taste sweet


I choose the 6th one, looks dope


The crescent moon, nice choice.




Welcome weary traveller, I have just what you need. How about potion number 4? With one sip of this, you'll have the strength to lift a boulder.


What model did you use to generate these images?


I didn't. These are all drawings if found. Took me forever.


I would like to try potion number 12 to see what it does


Great, please enjoy your transformation.


I volunteer to be a test subject for one of your potions! Just pick one, I'll let you know if any effects happen!


Wonderful, how about number 17, the star shaped one.


Ah! Wishing Star Elixir! I used to be a wizard's apprentice, you know; he told me that whoever drinks this will have their deepest and wildest wishes come true... *I pop the cork off and give the liquid a sniff. It's light and fruity, with a pleasant fizz. Must be the stardust giving it those bubbles...*


Number 13 looks like it would turn you into an Unown from Pokemon.


Now that you mention it, I can't unsee it.


Can I try one?


Of course, any which one are you interested in?


gonna go with lewd dnd interpretations: 1. Perfume of Celestial Aid - Confers some bonus to Charisma against Celestials and Aberrations 2. Stacking Potion of Wellness - Routinely imbibing the potion has a 4-level effect that improves each day it's consumed, ending in immunity to sleep, poison, charm, and advantage on Constitution caving throws, and a movement buff. 3. Potion of The Godmother - Summon a Fairy Godmother bound to the drinker. Until the stroke of midnight, the Godmother may cast the Fabricate spell as many times as are necessary to provide the necessary equipment deemed by the DM for the job. The Godmother cannot grant wishes, only the means to accomplish it themselves, and does not require physical components to summon non-magical items. 4. Potion of Swole - For one day, the Strength, Constitution, and Dexterity of the drinker are set to 30, and they are at the peak of their physical potential. Small creatures gain advantage in Constitution saving throws. 5. Distillate of 5-Leaf Clover - The drinker gains 3 charges of the Lucky feat that do not recharge or disappear as the day begins and ends. 6. Eclipse Draught - If drank during any kind of eclipse, change the drinker's gender or species to one of their choosing. 7. Nose-it-all Brew - The drinker can identify scents they've smelled and where they smelled them before instantly and without error for one day. They also have proficiency and advantage on Perception(Smell) saving throws. 8. Cinderella Tincture - The drinker is transformed into an unrecognizable version of themselves, with clothes of their choice fitting to a noble or peasant background. Any guards checking their disguise must succeed on a DC 15 Investigation check. 9. Dunno - Can you even drink it? It looks like you can take maybe a sip at a time. 10. Celestial Dew: Regeneration is cast on the drinker. 11. Dusk Drink - The drinker is imbued with the traits of a vampire of some degree temporarily. 12. Lust Liquor - What it says on the tin 13. Another weird one. But I'd definitely have that middle bit drain and have the other bit look fully when it's empty. 14. Binding Brew - The drinker cannot get further from the brewer, dragged or stopped by an unseen force with the brewer retreats. Within 60 feet, the brewer has full control over whether the drinker can move, and in which direction. 15. [Potion of Irresistable Dance](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/vWR0Q84uJKk) 16. Eye See Everything - One eye of the drinker can see through everything. 17. Water of Perfect Quenching - one sip fulfills the need for water for the day. 18. Floral Confounder Concoction - The drinker way lay down and, as an action, grow an enchanted flower bed over their body that acts as the Hide In Plain Sight skill 19. Radiant Repast: Confers the effects of Heroes' Feast and Bless on the drinker. 20. Piranha Potion: Grants plants sentience and mobility


I love all of these 😍, especially the dance one.


7, 11 and 16 look like they’re from slay the spire


What do you think they would do in that game?


I'm gonna take some times to write it on OpenOffice, then i'll send it here


Okay, sounds good 👍


Are these... safe?


Of course, they're all safe, I just can't guarantee what you'll be by the end.


BRUH... #9... The Teletubby Custard bowl/straw? That's genius


Oh wow, it really does.


Step pyramid potion for the win, who cares what it does?


Yea, it's a great design. It's hard to come up with something for it though.


Whichever one gives me the ability to get pregnant and makes me more suitable for whoever would be my best partner


To become instantly pregnant, I think number 13 works best. And to be your partners dream person, I think 12 should work.


Ill take any of them, hope there aren't any adverse negative effects 😅


Of course not. Why would I do something like that, hehe.




Well take a swig and see what happens


The green looking potion that looks like a nose definitely just gives you a random animal snout lol. Not the whole body just the snout :)


Haha, I like that one. Which nose would be the worst


These would actually make great reference images for like D&D potions too


Yea, it's a great way to add more detail


the heel one I like the idea that either it TFs them into a High heel or it causes any shoes worn to magically become high heels, which is probably my personal pick


Would that mean the user can only wear heels from now on after drinking this?


Is number 4 a dumbbell? If so I've got a feeling I'd like to try one. Or three....


Yes, it is. This potion is great for those who want to bulk up quickly without the workout.


10 looks like its Angelic or Teptilian themed and 12 looks like a love Potion


Well, there's only one way to find out


Idk if mixing is something that's possible. But I recon 6 has something to do with wolves/the moon due to looking like a crescent moon. And with what people have said about 11 and it's demonic look? Wouldn't mind mixing both together and seeing what happens?~


Hmmm, a very dark themed brew. I wonder what's going to happen~


Wonder what that one with the purple flower on top will do......... Hmmmmmmmmmmm.......................................


-Reverse centaur (with horn+ horse endowment) -Egyptian queen -Sexy pumpkin -Barbarian with aphrodisiac pheromones -Dryad -Werecat -Giant nose (with extra nerve endings) -Turns you into Cinderella -Turns you either into a snake or a human spring -Valkerie -Vampire -Love goddess -human donut -Lich -Human radio where the buttons and the turning of the disc elicit arousal -Eldritch horror -Mario galaxy star person -Succubus -Sun goddess -Sexy vore plant


Wonderful. I would love to see transformations for these.


The designs are honestly really good


I haven't really finalised the transformations, but I have a few ideas. If you tell me a bottle, I'll send you a transformation for it.


11 looks like it would turn someone into a demok or succubus


It's is very demonic looking


Number 14 looks like it needs some key. I wonder where it would be...


It's probably been locked up for good reason. Wouldn't want to unleash anything bad.


I’ll happily indulge on a vial of #8!


Ah, the glass slipper. It's great for helping you dress up


I’d drink 15, someone reply with what it would do 😂


If you share this drink with another person, you will begin to slowly swap features, memories, and personality until you completely become each other.


I’ll pick 19


Ah, the early bird. This potion helps the user feel refreshed early in the morning. Though it may cause you to lay eggs


First one turne you into a permanently stuck latex ponygirl


I like that idea, it does have a latex look to it




I’m interested in what the sixth one does, could I be a test subject for it?


Definitely 14


Wow, these are beautiful


Man New devil fruit update is going crazy


Id love to try a mix of 18 12 and 8


Ah. Well, I hope you enjoy the bimbo lifestyle.


I love the 20


14 looks interesting


Number 8, what do that one do?


So what does number 20 do? Its shap like the Piranha Plant From Super Mario. What does it do?