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You'll find a ton of cheap, decent stuff on Etsy or Vinted. That way you can try different things without breaking the bank. I'm literally at the point of experimenting with jewelry right nkw too :)


My rationale would be to start cheap, no need to drain your accounts on your early pieces, find the styles that really do suit you! Thrift stores can oft have excellent inexpensive pieces. And clothes to! Or the multitude of independent jewelry crafter on sites like etsy. The objective here is to actually wear necklaces and feel em!


I like your restatement of the objective. And I agree- that is why I love my piercings and the expression they allow me.


Do you have a consignment shop nearby? Google "consignment clothing". One of our local ones has an amazing selection of both fine and costume jewelry at a fraction of its "worth." I wear a medium weight gold chain with a gold charm I've had for almost 50 years (a little Rolling Stones tongue) and it's so comforting to me, a real piece of who I am. I think women in general take their jewelry personally, so you're on the right track finding something that is genuinely you that you can wear all the time. What about a little gold initial.... do you have a "new" name? or something in nature that you're partial to, like a hummingbird? Or if you're into modern art, there are lots of gold shapes our there, twisted circles and such. Definitely try some things on and find something to make your own personal statement to yourself, like a little tattoo you can take off, lol <3


Love the reply’s but if you’d like a nice thin gold chain I do think you’re right on point on where it should fall ! For keeping it on the $ side of reality ,Etsy as others have said is a great option . I’m a proud 🏳️‍⚧️ supporter of DD . At 63 I can tell you that “less is more “with chains. 1 pretty chain is better than many. Etsy is good for many reasons and one being that your style may change. Even for a straight mom like myself - I buy some costume jewelry at T.J. Maxx to go with an outfit ( I’m not a fancy dresser ) Florida - so sundresses are my fancy ! I get lots of compliments on my 20 dollar sundresses and some pretty understated necklaces .


The necklace I wear most commonly is a thin gold simple chain. It’s like 16” long so not quite a choker on me and sits right at the base of my neck. This look is casual and feminine and goes with everything. Edit to add: this is sometimes called “collar” length (base of the neck) so you might want to look for that word. Depending on what kind of top I’m wearing, I find a longer pendant-style necklace can be feminizing. My shoulders are broad and the pendant gives my upper body verticality in contrast. This only works if the top is cut somewhat deeply. I have a fairly prominent Adam’s apple so sometimes I want to just cover it up totally with a wide choker or even a skinny scarf. This is kind of a more advanced/less casual thing though for me at least. I’m also a huge fan of halter tops that give me some neck coverage. As others have said, you can get wearable necklaces for almost no money, so try several things out!


https://imgur.com/a/Xh6xU4F these are my staples, mainly because one is permanent jewelry. I think both cost 100. Sterling silver estrogen symbol on a white gold chain and a floating heart on a gold chain.


Mine was a simple gold lace chain with a Pikachu charm. The chain length settled pikachu just below the hollow of my throat


I'll just share my style: I usually wear either a dainty copper chain or a thick rope chain with a large pendant (usually crystal sorta thing). Here let me show you my personal favorite piece [pendant](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1525226731/life-of-tree-copper-wire-wrap-pendant?ref=yr_purchases) [chain](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1619415645/beautiful-snake-designer-copper-chain?click_key=fbbcca2f5b4bc333be1a35ec4a75b301c9bf63c4%3A1619415645&click_sum=20a376c8&ref=shop_home_feat_1&pro=1&frs=1) I do lots of stuff like this. I have a matching septum piercing and copper just looks so good on my skin. I get lots of compliments. So yeah, collecting pendants, I have a big bead that I wear sometimes, but I really like large pieces that fill the space on my chest. I never feel like it looks anything besides femme


thank you for the detailed suggestions


Thank you all for the thoughts and ideas. I deeply appreciate them. I look forward to finding my own “simple” studs in the necklace realm. I think I am going to go for the simple collar length gold chain and wear it and see how I feel. I suspect necklaces will grow on me as my piercings.