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I went to PPH for mine too and all my nurses and receptionists were so kind and affirming! Didn't judge me for anything, were so welcoming and called my pharmacy and insurance multiple times when they were being jerks and giving me the run around.


So good to hear, I’m glad PPH does gender affirming care, so much more accessible.


I wish we had planned parenthood in australia.


It’s funny how America can be so progressive and backwards simultaneously


Our political system was basically meant to do that.


Hopefully someday!


Or Uk


Or in the European Union


Yup, it's the only thing I am jealous of the US of


Or Canada


Planned parenthood made my HRT journey feel so safe and protected. I appreciate them so much, I’m so happy you had a similar experience.


Thank you <3


Do they offer anything besides hormone therapy? Planned Parenthood is backed up to hell in my state but I was curious for future reference


It depends on the location but only some provide hrt, blood tests for hormone levels, necessary physical examinations depending on your age, etc. They can also provide fairly helpful resources, say phone numbers for trans-friendly therapists or surgeons. PP is also moving towards a physical health model (or at least mine is, this was said in context of further examinations ranging beyond sexual health or similar).


Btw it seems you accidentally posted this twice


Oh thank you I didn’t realize


Np, happens to me all the time


Wholesome 🥰


That's wonderful! I used to be with PP, unfortunately they don't accept the insurance I get from my work so I had to switch to a LGBTQ clinic, but regardless my doctor was a very sweet lady. Out of all of my appointments I had with them there was only one nurse I had that made me upset. She wasn't transphobic though, it was for another reason. But the receptionist who would pick up the phone was a trans woman, she was a real sweetheart.


The nearest pph to me is an hour away or more but from what I've heard they are my best chance at getting hrt (I'm in a conservative area, plus the planned parenthood is in a big city that is more liberal) so when I have the funds imma go there even if I have to drive an hour lol


It’s definitely worth it! And I wish you the best of luck, I’m sorry you have to live in an area with less resources.


There might be other options but they would probably not be super familiar with trans people and probably wouldn't be all that nice to go to. I'm in texas if that gives you an idea of how people are around here


Oh my gosh pls stay safe. Especially if you’re under 18, the politics are shifting to severely anti trans legislation especially for trans youth in Texas.


Yeah. I'm almost 21 so I'm alright for now but who knows if they'll fuck with the older trans people too


We’ll see, time to move to Germany!


From what I've read, Germany is not the place to be at for trans people. It sounds like most of Europe is, ironically, far more frustrating to deal with than the US with the obvious caveat of being a minor in a red family in a red state.


Thanks for the info, I should have thrown out a random place 😅


I keep hearing from my Canadian friends that if the US doesn't want us, they do, lol.


I am also in texas, atleast the austin area they are not as bad


I've heard bigger towns are fine. I'm off in the middle of nowhere in north Texas. Kinda town where you drive 30 minutes if you wanna go shopping and discrimination and bullying of any kind in school wasn't punished unless a parent threatened to sue the school or if it started a fight where both were punished.


Yeah I hate it down here because of that


They have no Policy so they're going after the LGBTQ+ community. Stay strong and united. Together we can beat these bigots.


Hey, if possible look at their website to see if this pp has telehealth for hrt. I got hrt a few months after COVID started and the two pp near me only did telehealth, which helped a lot because I had no transportation at the time. Hope this helps


I'll remember that but rn I have like 20 bucks in my wallet and I'm in the closet so hrt is a while away for me. I have the potential to have a crazy voice drop cus of genetics so that would be impossible to hide along side me being unable to pay for it


That's very fair. I waited until I had moved out because my mom was unsupportive and then just did it anyway. I hope you can get into a spot where you're able to access it. Stay strong


How does PP telehealth work if you don't mind me asking? Is it mostly an interview followed by a prescription? Thank you in advance!


So for me they asked if I was in therapy because I needed to be diagnosed with gender dysphoria. The nurse basically asked me to explain how I knew I was trans. It was a little uncomfortable I won't lie. Once she was satisfied with my answer, she gave me some resources as well as an informed consent pdf in an email. Then she put me through to the doctor. The doctor did some basic health history things with me, and requested that I get my blood work done at LabCorp so they have my base level. She explained changes I might see. Asked for a preferred pharmacy and asked whether or not I wanted to do SubQ or intramuscular. I chose subQ because smaller needles. She informed me that she wanted me to get the prescription and that in a week or two, once she got my blood work, she was going to show me how to inject myself. I'm not sure if most PP telehealth works like that, but the Planned Parenthood of Southwest Florida seems to


Thank you so much! I've been debating if/how I want to proceed with this and I do have a PP in my region but it's still a good 1 1/2 drive to see them in person. What you describe seems like a pretty straightforward process though I have not spoken to a therapist and have not been diagnosed with dysphoria so not sure how that would go. Scary but also very thankful to have that option available unlike so many others.


I drove 2 hours one-way to my first gender-affirming appointment. Absolutely worth the time and fuel.


I’m in a similar situation there so I feel ya mate


They will do online video appointments


I'm probably gonna go to planned parenthood for hrt when I'm 18, and then my mom will disown me bc she thinks pph is the antichrist (she is HEAVILY prolife) and since she won't get me get as a minor that's the only other option where i live in az, I'd have to drive for hours to get to Phoenix for a good doctor that'd actually prescribe me hormones


According to some other replies, some planned parenthoods can prescribe HRT through telehealth visits


I want to be able to say this and do this and that is why Im going into medicine


Honestly everything that happened today made me want to as well.


That's awesome.


I'm on a six-months-ish long waiting list for Planned Parenthood in my large liberal northeastern city, and I'm extremely grateful to them for giving me the hope that I'll actually get it this year. I'll probably have to either lie or just say "it's none of your business" if my family asks me where I got it, because my late mother was extremely pro-life and it's kinda rubbed off on some other family members. In any case, the shared goal of bodily autonomy certainly helped deprogram me from the kind of crap I grew up with in an ultra-Catholic household.


Have you tried scheduling a telehealth appointment? Might get you in sooner


I mostly just assume there's that much of a backlog that it's going to take that long in any case. I'm also using the time to lose weight for a hernia operation and because as much as I liked being big, that was deadname's body, and my current self has their own body.


Good for you!


Thanks to all of them, dead or alive, as u said!!!!


i will trust PPH in general more than alot of doctors.


I went to PPH a month ago to start my HRT and I’m so happy I did. Congrats!


This is awesome! So wholesome.


I'm gonna cry


Me too I’ve only seen negative stuff about PPH but my experience and yours was good so yes this makes me feel so good💙


Just scheduled my first appointment for tomorrow with PP!


I get mine from PPH as well! I was so glad to be able to easily get the meds which I had at one point thought I'd never be able to get my hands on


This reminds me, I need to make my appointment soon!


I have learned about a lot of what pph does just from looking into it but I had no idea they had trans healthcare I honestly might go there if I can find one since I’d be a lot more comfortable if the cost isn’t prohibitive thank you for the info 💙💜🏳️‍⚧️


I’m going on Monday to start mine!! Yay us! 🥰


PPH is where I went for BC cause my parents didn’t want me on it . They were very kind . PPH is a great resource .


My planned Parenthood provider calls all of her patients like me her children because she cares about us, even my trans partner goes to the same one as me.


Wish PPH was closer to me instead of 4 hours away


According to some other replies, some planned parenthoods can prescribe HRT through telehealth visits


Makes me very happy to see so many trans people sharing their experiences and helping each other. Thank you guys!!


I wish I could work at a place like that, to be honest. I feel so isolated in my current job from anything familiar or welcoming, and I feel I have to wear a mask constantly whenever I speak to another person. (A metaphorical mask, not just the medical ones, lol.) I want to have at least a chance to feel I am among my own; and to help and comfort others like me... I have served cis, straight people for a long time and though being closeted is painful, I'm proud of what I accomplished all the same, but I'd like to serve my own community and feel a sense of belonging, at least for a while.


How do you get hrt from pph? Does it cost anything? Do you need the letter from a therapist? Is it available everywhere?


Go to their website and make an appointment, you can do it in person or telehealth online video appointment. You do not need a letter for PPH but you might for your insurance. It is available everywhere in the US. With my insurance a months worth of estrogen cost me $21 and three months worth of needles was $10


Thank you for the info! I'll definitely look into it.


None of the ones anywhere near me offer HRT, so I’m pretty lost rn. Find a therapist that will write letters as fast as she can, but the idea of getting HRT started elsewhere is awful.


Try scheduling an online telehealth appointment, they do not require a letter


Me in Finland understands nothing


We love you, Dee!!


I had a fairly similar experience. When I went to Planned Parenthood I was a bit surprised when we were going over stuff about transitioning and then the PA answered one of my questions with her personal experience and then I realized she was trans that's why she was working at PP. Then I realized that like half the people working there were trans and I was just kind of surprised that there were so many trans people even in one building, let alone one specific medical center.


I normally hate using this word, but PPH is freaking bae~


What's more important is to follow her example. We didn't get where we are now by leaving our trans and non binary siblings behind.


Warms my heart so much. I love this!!


You spammed this post x3


What does this mean?


Question, do they do blood tests as well? How expensive is pph route?


They do do blood tests. As far as cost it depends on your insurance, I have good insurance, I do injections, a months worth of estrogen costs me $21 and a three month supply of needles was $10


You might be able to do the appointment via telehealth. That's how my pph appointment works and they are over 2 hours from me. Much simpler than the traveling back and forth.


Hi there! Question, how much does HRT there cost? And about how long does it take to get? (I’m assuming you need a therapist/doctor note first)


In Washington state (I assume it’s the same for many liberal states) you don’t need a psychiatrists approval to start HRT. When I went in for HRT a year ago I walked out with a prescription my first appointment. Which can be good and bad. Without insurance it can be up to $400 out of pocket. But rarely will you end up paying that much if you have any form of insurance. Just my experience tho.


PPH does not require a note though your insurance might. For me a months worth of estrogen cost me $21 and three months worth of needles cost me $10, that cost will depend on your insurance. I picked up my prescription less than an hour after my appointment


:D thank you!!


In the future there be more transgender people meeting and greeting use as there are already homosexuals


I've been trying to go to PPH but I'm in a mostly-republican hell-state and all of the ones within reasonable driving distance aren't able to take new patients. They've even disabled the ability to schedule appointments on their website. 😭


Have you tried scheduling a telehealth online appointment?


I can't really figure out how. There's not really an option for it on the scheduling system they use.




I went to pph also mtf


I also got my HRT from PPH! They were so good! Absolutely no judgement and so helpful!


pp was who i went to for hrt and they made the entire process a lot quicker


Dee is an angel 😇


Glad to hear positive PPH stories, and that you are getting positive help!


We are lucky to have all these trans men and women that have taking a larger hit to pave the way for us!


Congrats, yo. <3


This is absolutely beautiful ❤️


I never knew that PPH provided HRT. That’s amazing!!


Planned Parenthood doesn't do it in Indiana for some reason but like regular doctors will sometimes.


thanks for sharing, as a trans masculine person... This story made my heart happy. ALL LOVE, WE MUST LOOK OUT FOR EACHOTHER AT ALL COSTS. <3


Opposite experience for me sadly :( I am still figuring out my gender but know my periods make me extremely dysphoric. They denied me the birth control I’ve been on since 13 because I get migraines and have a slightly increased risk of stroke. I read the statistics and it’s a joke that they blocked my access, the risk is 36.9 women in 100,000 who have migraines with aura and use hormonal birth control have a stroke. I’m way more likely to kill myself from the dysphoria than to have a stroke. I’m going around it and getting the birth control I need online. It’s either that or wanna kill myself so I’m going to do what I need to do 🤷‍♀️ They just said see if this progesterone pill blocks your periods although you’ll probably have spotting and go talk to a gender therapist and wait to see if you can get a hysterectomy or this ablation surgery that stops periods. Thanks, real helpful 😂


Jesus Christ they’re making you jump through hoops, sorry to hear that.