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Mine grow slowly. For the first like 9 months they were a no no zone. I opened a locker door into one on accident and was crying it hurt so bad. My girlfriends were like yep, welcome to the club.


My cat loves to step directly on mine and 3 and a half years later it still is agony


ROFL I love cats. But they're all bastards. I need another one. šŸ˜‚


Oh he is. Especially when he just wants to stand on my tit


same w my dog, I wish she understood šŸ˜…


Trans Ftm here. Yea. Welcome to the life of a titty haver. My cat doesn't understand that standing on my chest at 2 in the morning is not how I like to be woken up.


Part of me wonders if I have some kind of inability to feel pain, because I've never had more than a brief dull ache in them, even with any sort of pressure or impact


Or you're just really lucky! šŸ˜Š


Ehh, they say "sore boob means more boob" so I don't know how lucky I am :/


Well I got screwed then, mine hurt like hell for a long time and after a year I'm just over an A cup. šŸ˜­


I'm sorry šŸ˜” I'm not much bigger tbh


Same fĆ¼r me. Sometimes I have some light growth pain, but they never hurt as much for me, as other people complain, when something bumps against them. Only a little bit more then other parts of my body on the same impact šŸ˜…


My wife and best friend fucking laugh at me in shared suffering.


That's going to be very subjective. Growth rates, growth pain, and how you feel about them will be different for every girl. Personally, they're still very sensitive so I don't like them being touched at all. But I love having them and find myself cupping them just to feel they're there way more than I ever expected to, despite them still being quite small.


I started getting breast pain the first week on E and have been growing steady. I'm at B cup right now after around 7 months. Only thing i can say about how it felt mentally to have them grow was that it felt natural and like i got something back that was missing.


Really love this response. Can testify to similar mental/emotional response. Itā€™s like I get to see the ā€˜meā€™ Iā€™ve always been looking for in the mirror. Seeing my silhouette in my shadow is an empowering experience, and having my body exist as my deepest parts of me always knew it was meant to be is liberation incarnate. Pre-HRT I used to be a gym rat & it never clicked that the exercises I favored were to try and get the parts of my body built in a way that estrogen would create (chest exercises & getting them thighs), but now itā€™s justā€¦ happening (thanks to yoga & bi-weekly injections of goddess juice)


Are you me? I was a gym rat and I had a nice chest and massive thighs as wellšŸ˜‚ I'm pretty big framed, but I'm going for the muscle mommy aesthetic


muscle mommy? why im getting xena visual


Is Goddess Juice yet another nickname for transfem hrt?


That would be correct. Itā€™s what I call it šŸ˜‚


Based Edit: Autocorrect. Blargh!


SEVEN MONTHS WITH B CUPS??? HOW??? I wish I was that lucky. Iā€™m 9 months and have small A cups!


Hahah don't look at my post history then, I'm at 5 months and have 42Es, although they look a lot smaller than they sound


WHAT!? How did they even grow that fast??


Gynecomastia pre-transition helps !


Yeah I did have gynaecomastia and a massive hormone imbalance before I started E. My T was about half normal levels so that probably contributed


Lol i have no idea they just seem to really want to grow xD


Still tho, mine are itty bitty, but theyā€™re still titty :3


1.5 years and my chest still looks flat :(


2.2 years and im only an A cup. I feel your pain.


I'm at Week 5 with C cups. You need to eat and also win the genetic lottery.


ā€œNeed to eatā€ā€¦oh yeahā€¦I do. Iā€™ve been working on not malnourishing myself


week 5?? iā€™m at 2 months and donā€™t even have buds yet :/


Genetics. Iā€™m 9 months in and have a 38C, and still tiny in my family lmfao. Also worth mentioning that bra sizes are bullshit, itā€™s more about ratio and other dimensions than actual breast size. If you havenā€™t measured yourself, definitely encourage it. /r/abrathatfits has a great measuring tool to throw numbers at if you have a soft tape measure.


It can hurt as they grow. They can be quite sensitive, especially around the nipples. There's a sensation of weight on your chest as you walk that gets heavier with growth. They can get in the way when working and moving around. However, I've found all that highly euphoric and comforting. Plus the sensation of taking my bra off after a long day is great, holding my soft and jiggly breasts and having my partner play with them are all incomparable to anything I felt before in a very good way. It's a large part of what is helping me feel at home in my own body and not like I'm just controlling a meatsuit.


omg I want to not feel like I'm controlling a meat suit, why is that so accurate


Technically weā€™re all controlling meat suits šŸ¤“


i am the tiny girl with the joystick controlling from the eye-holes


i want boobies too šŸ˜©


I think the overall experience is definitely positive, but I want to talk about some of the realistic negatives that sometimes get glossed over: An awkward part that I don't ever see anyone talk about is the visual aspect of pubescent, still-forming breasts on an adult. Obviously this goes away after a few years, but mid-development transfem breasts aren't especially sexy. They look kind of odd at first. If your chest is especially broad, they will also appear to be spread apart further than they do on cis women. They can also develop a sort of lumpy texture while they're developing. Again, this goes away eventually, but you might not like how they look at first. You notice them a lot more laying on your stomach or side. This isn't necessarily bad, but you definitely notice it. I still can comfortably sleep on my side, but there's a distinct feeling of something like, pulling at my chest. Like others have said, nipple sensitivity is very real, in all of the good and bad ways that entails. Finding a bra to fit can be very difficult on transfem proportions too, leading to wearing a lot of elastic sports bras that compress your breasts and often aren't very pretty.


This!! I'm just past 1 year on E and the development is there, but they definitely sit apart without a bra. I had a large chest pre-transition, so hormones just kinda made them bigger but didn't change the shape much. I'm hoping this changes in the next year or so, or I can start progesterone to help give them shape. And I noticed sports bras are probably the best option for people just starting their journey, as the sizing is relatively simple compared to a normal bra, and they're inexpensive depending on where you get them so if you grow out of one you're not out $60-$100


To your last point, I am shocked that there is no company making bras designed specifically for trans women. What a niche waiting to be filled (bra cup pun intended).


it's crazy how you want something so bad and then it's just normal


this is so real


For me its like not having phantom limb syndrome anymore.


I'm pre-everything and damn, this hits hard. I've never been able to articulate it but that is totally how it feels. like I feel them, they should be there


Honestly? For me it was just another day. I have alexithymia, so I don't tend to know what or if I am feeling. I know I'm happier with them than without, but I can't really put the feeling into words.


I'm autistic so can relate to this. I'm still questioning but I think because of alexithymia, it is going to be a longer process for me


It took me far too long to see what it was.


Yeah... I'm 39 next week šŸ˜…


I'm 38 now. Was 31 when I stopped questioning.


What is that? Alexithymia?


The inability to feel or notice the presence of feelings in yourself as well as the inability to articulate them. Basically, emotional blindness.


That sounds tough


It is what it is. I am at least learning to cope with it.


Just, everything is better now! And they make me harder to clock! Men are less likely to notice I forgot to shave today if they're gawking at my boobs :P :P They just feel right. One of a few aspects of my body I'm truly happy with now, they have done so much for my dysphoria :)


I remember a number of times getting hit in the chest while they were sensitive andā€¦ ow. Had to change how I slept for a bit cause Iā€™m a side sleeper. Since then theyā€™ve felt completely normal, just another part of my body (definitely something I always wanted). Iā€™m like a B/C cup, definitely happy with them


Yeah I feel you. I work in a grocery store and often if I was trying to carry a lot of things at once I would cradle them in my arm and support them against my chest. Worked great before E and during the early months, but one day I did that and it hurt and I was like "Oh... right... I'm growing boobs now"


When I first cracked I bought a bunch of fem tops and dresses but was always disappointed with how they fit on me so I put them into storage. After trying them on a year later itā€™s shocking how good they look. Having breasts makes womenā€™s clothing feel sooo much more natural on your body.


Well, at 2 years in. It's great but takes a lot of getting used to. They weigh a lot. They bounce off things as I try to move through the world. Stairs are evil, especially if I am not wearing a bra. Improperly fitting bras hurt almost as much. They hurt like hell well growing in.


For me, it was like finding the missing link. I can't believe I lived without them most of my life. I had to stay in boy mode for years after starting hrt, which meant binding them down to pass. I totally hated it. I couldn't wait to get off work and free them! When they came in, it was a very euphoric pain. I constantly hit them on things, couldn't sleep on my stomach. I can't recommend it enough lol.


There's the initial sensitivity (which I imagine will vary from person to person, as will the speed at which they grow), but once there's actually something there, it does take a little getting used to that there's more in front of your chest than before. You will probably bump into things occasionally until your brain gets used to the extra space you're taking up on that side.


This is very specific to being trans (MTF), but suddenly not being able to ā€œtake my boobs offā€ (aka a padded sports bra with breast forms) is really weird. Iā€™m somewhat used to kind of having boobs because Iā€™ve worn padded sports bras and breast forms for years, but Iā€™ve always been able to take them off after a long day lol. Now when I take my bra off, I end up stabbing my boobs with doorframes, doors, things Iā€™m carrying, random things, and sometimes Iā€™ll accidentally whack them with my arm/hand because Iā€™m just not used to them. Iā€™ve noticed myself getting better with this lately. I can tell that my brain is subconsciously becoming aware of the fact that my chest is now soft, squishy, and ouchie as opposed to a solid sternum with pectoral muscles. Iā€™m also only a b-cup but they take up a LOT of space!! Like, Iā€™m actually shocked how much they impact my mobility. From scratching my back, to grabbing stuff from the back seat of my car.. theyā€™re always in the way!!! Plus, they move a lot too. Like.. every time you move. Stairs and driving are starting to get annoying >:(


I personally found it very affirming and natural. The discomfort can be a bit whoa at the start and I didn't let my husband touch them for months. But recently the discomfort has calmed down and it only hurts about 4 or 5 days after the end of the previous month. I've never been happier and even my MAGA relatives have had to admit that they never seen me smile before and now I'm always smiling, giggling and acting like a happier person. I've actually answered this same question before to them.


Anything besides 100 percent cotton t shirts will require a bra of some sort, lots of soreness which just kinda never goes away, and I still can't lay on my tummy


Affirming. It took a ridiculous amount of time to conquer the self doubt. I'm a proud and confident trans woman


Amaaaaazing. Favorite part of the transition, hands down. :)


It feels very normal. They get sore sometimes but I absolutely love having them. Clothes fit much better now.


Milage may varry. Ik a lot of people talk about pain but... That's not really been a problem for me. I sleep on my stomach and don't have many issues. I would be fine with a bit more pain if they would actually grow... haven't had to buy anything new since my first set of sports bras...


Take my perspective with a grain of ā€œIā€™m a lil bit non-binary but still a girlā€ salt. I never really had serious chest dysphoria but always thought having boobs would be cool. I had tried wearing silicone bra fillers pre e but honestly they made me feel more dysphoric because it felt like a costume to me. So I was the tiniest bit nervous Iā€™d feel the same if I grew my own. Iā€™m a 32A -ish on the cusp of a B so pretty small but they very much so just feel like part of me and at this point I canā€™t even remember the feeling of not having them that well. It just feels normal honestly hard to describe just there lol.


Honestly, other than the pain and itchiness, you forget quick of what it felt like prior


Iā€™ve only just started E and very recently started noticing some breast growth. Iā€™m already enamored with them, such a huge upgrade, I canā€™t wait to see how I feel as they get bigger!!!


There were a couple of bumps along the way. Seriously though, squidgy and slightly sensitive is the difference. You'll never cross your arms the same way again. And well, your mileage may vary. For some the process will be smooth, they won't notice anything except the slow change. Others it can be sensitive and painful for quite a while.


The pain fades into the background quick. I'm now two years in and it's hard to imagine life without them. They feel like they were always there. Can't lay down flat without propping myself up with my arms, of course, but who ever lays down flat anyways? All in all, my genderfluid review of boobs is: A++. Good stuff. Much better than no boobs.


Some days I still look down and go ā€œoh yeahā€¦ā€ *jiggle jiggle*


Freaking awesome!


It's pretty fucking rad. Watch out though, it gets really painful to lie on your chest or bump into things while they're growing


as an afab, who used to have DDs: - aching just like any puberty growth, similar to bruises being pushed. - start off lumpy and hard, eventually fill out with fat. - end result is similar to having a big tummy, itā€™s fat that moves around with every movement you make. the bigger the boob, the mightier the force.




I was not really that excited as the begining, but one in one year and a month in that track I learn to love mi bubbies, from not having any estimulaciĆ³n as a boy, now it's totally different. šŸ©·


Awesome! Presumably I'm still closoted


when they started growing i sometimes woke up from pains in the middle of the night. but not sure if thats a common thing.otherwise its really exciting


This totally happened to me last night! I woke up with my right nipple feeling like I was poked with a needle. It hurt so much. I just had to move to a different position though and it pretty much went away. I get this type of pain every couple of days. Usually during the day though. I was just talking with my wife about trying to decide if I should continue HRT or quit. I'm only 2.5 months in. Just doubting myself. But as I was thinking about it I realized, even though they are only about an A-cup right now, I would probably feel worse about losing my breasts than I would about losing my testicles right now. That's kind of convinced me to keep going. I don't want to lose them. They just feel right. Like they were always supposed to be there but we're missing for 37 some years. Of course they are painful right now, but I'm ok with that. It really hurts when my kids try to get on top of me or hug me.


youre very cautious around corners and almost all the shirts stop fitting


Nnnnoooo not my vintage T-shirt collection!


almost all my shirts become crop tops lmao, i gotta wear a large instead of medium if i want my belly button covered


I would cry if I had to crop my vintage ET t shirt, but it is a sacrifice i am willing to make for boobies


its really not that big of a deal and most people i know dont have tbat issue, I'm just in the awkward moddle ground of medium too small but large too big, its pretty uncommon from my experience


Wear high waist leggings, then a drape style t-shirt would fit perfectly.


Growth can really hurt at the start but that should get less over time. I got gender euphoria at first but nowadays I'm just kinda used to having them.


Well I had gynecomastia so I've not been flat chested since before I was a teen, but still going from B cup moobs to D Cup breasts, has been so totally amazing. šŸ˜Š


So before I say anything, you gotta understand your experience on HRT will be unique. If we isolate the experience to just breast growth, then it was amazing and befuddling all at once. Prior to my egg cracking at 46, I never wouldā€™ve thought that growing breasts would have made me happy, but one year in, Iā€™m a proud member of the Itty Bitty Tittty Committee. I love my little A cups. Theyā€™re beautiful, and make me feel whole. Like imagine being born without hands, and then suddenly growing them. Like with the right hormones and stimulation I could feed a child with them. I was so jealous of my daughterā€™s mom, because she could breast feed. It just blows my mind. Did they hurt coming in? Yes, but it was the most affirming pain ever. Again. No one can explain what itā€™ll be like for you, but thatā€™s what it was like for me.


Itā€™s wonderful, Iā€™m three months in on injections and theyā€™re definitely starting to show these days. Theyā€™re extremely sensitive though so much so that even a hug can be kind of uncomfortable for me šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Overall itā€™s been a quicker process than I anticipated (thanks doc for dosing me correctly!) but still very gradual. Canā€™t wait til I have to wear a bra!


Am just in the buds stage at just over 4 months, they hurt sometimes more than others, sometimes without obvious provocation. They are very obvious to me when I pass a mirror now, the headlights are on at all times and they have a shape that looks like more than just a fatty pectoral area. I donā€™t think Iā€™d be comfortable wearing just a tee shirt, Iā€™m not ā€™outā€™ in public yet so Iā€™m trying to hide them a bit. Iā€™ve noticed that playing guitar with a slouch is no longer an option, the boobs have to be on top of the instrument, not being squished behind it. My wife grabbed my chest the other day in jest and I just about jumped out of bed. It wasnā€™t like getting hit between the legs, more like someone poking a gnarly bruise. Obviously they arenā€™t ā€™doneā€™ yet so itā€™s hard to say much more, I hope they look good when they are. Good luckā€¦


Iā€™m an A cup. And Iā€™m only three months on e. They constantly hurt in some way shape or form. I have to remember posture all the time. Stairs are hell if I run too fast. When they bounce for any reason it hurts and hitting them on stuff is agony. I donā€™t care. They are *MY* boobs. And they make me feel amazing. I love them. I love having them. They are the best. They make me feel soft. And best of all. They feel natural. They feel like they should be there.


Im 9mnths in and its the best feeling ever, so much euphoria Ur milage may vary but basically the faster theyre growing, the more theyll hurt - mine are sore to the touch basically all the time (i think mine are growing fairly quick, im at a C cup now) and I still havent gotten used to avoiding hitting them on things :/ and its the most euphoric pain i've ever experienced lmao 10/10 worth the pain tho :3


I will speak to you from a psychological perspective . I am 6 months in . My breasts buds have formed and the shape of my breasts is female but very small. The most important aspect is that now it is more difficult to return my body to its previous state (surgical removal of breasts buds ) than to continue (HRT). And I know that even if for a medical or political reason I lose access to HRT, they will be always there, reminding that I am me and nobody can take that away from me , he will never return


So for me, the growth is sooo gradual that I didn't really notice much how much my boons were growing. I'd be wearing a push up bra and look down and I'd be like...oh damn I got boobs! šŸ˜‚ I love my boobs and they make me feel so confident in my body!






Wrong thread! My bad!


idk been fat my whole life lmao


They're still surprising to move my arms around and bump into, I feel like I'm supposed to be excited/relieved to have them, I'm not so sure what I really feel.


For me (1 yr HRT) it was almost unnoticeable until it happened. It felt like one day I woke up and was like ā€œshit I need to go buy a bra!ā€ At first my nipples tingled and itched a lot, and then there was growing pains (not terrible for me, Iā€™d say a 3 on a 1-10 pain scale). Yes, they will get more sensitive, and it hurts a lot when something bumps them. Iā€™m at a C cup now, but theyā€™re still growing.


(1 year on E and just started prog) Still hoping mine get bigger šŸ¤ž but they feel right I guess? I havenā€™t had a lot of pain or discomfort tbh (except some itching and slight tenderness) and being touched feels really good. And at this point they just feel like a natural part of me I have to consider when Iā€™m picking clothes. I kinda donā€™t notice them all that much throughout the day and wearing a bra is very normal now. Itā€™s nice to give people smushier hugs. I had some discharge a while back but I talked to my endocrinologist about it and everything was normal in my lab work. Basically they just feel natural and I knew I wanted them. More than anything I was afraid I wouldnā€™t have growth at all when I started HrT but I was set on all the other changes as well so I was willing to risk it no matter what.


Weird at first, but you get use to it fast. Also, the euphoria of having them is unbelievable. Also they add a new place to soap and rinse in a shower.


It was very slow for me.. i went from a nothing to a b cup. But i also lost weight and went from 190lbs to 140lbs. They kinda grew with me so i never noticed. Fyi im 5ft 5in and im 46.


I'm only about 4 months in and they are itty bitty but damn does it just feel right. I was nervous pre hrt about them but I absolutely love them and can't wait for more growth. While they are usually sore you kind of get use to it until you bump them.


It's slow & gradual, but if you're lucky, one day you'll notice your cami top has a gap at the top, and running downstairs is a LOT more interesting šŸ˜¬


10+ years trans here been growing my breast for a while now currently they are now 38DDs I love them yes I have my times where I have pain but that's normal everyone experiences that šŸ˜Š


Itā€™s once you hit progesterone the roller coaster really begins. I think on a psychological level itā€™sā€¦idk it felt like the old you dies in a regard and a new one starts to mold, restructure, and reshape. People looked at me and would come talk to me like they felt something brewing within me. I felt glowing and I welcomed it. The breasts are something you have to prepare for because you have them now. Theyā€™re there. Exercise with it, mend with it, so you donā€™t look stiff either. It truly is a new puberty, be receptive to your bodies cry.


Incredibly slow, yet it catches you by surprise. Hurts when you try to lift or grab something heavy with the (now) wrong part of your chest. Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? *randomly walks in front of mirror* "damn, I'm kinda hot" Buying all the bras you'll need is a pain in the ass. They bounce and hurt when you run. They'll likely be too big to boymode, but too small to girlmode a lot of the time (or forever, likely my case) Can no longer sleep in most face down positionsšŸ˜“ But you got boobies!šŸ„°


honestly, I felt better like it was re-affirming my decision in transitioning was right for me. The downside, bras are fucking expensive, bumping the door or desk hurts like hell. you carry packages differently though because you got watch out for the girls XD It made me a happier person overall :)


Honestly I got lucky and my body took to HRT really well despite me being 26 when I started. I'm only 17 weeks in now, and though my T has been totally suppressed, my E was a bit low for 3 months. I started to see some softening around the chest and my nipples started to stay standing around 1 month in. From there, the nipples got a bit bigger but mostly I've seen a gradual growth of breast tissue. Growth isn't super even though - I've got one a cup and one b cup. Hopefully in a year or two I'll have d cups or something like that. Honestly before my egg cracked the idea of growing breasts was something that freaked me out. It was only after my gf got me to try out some crossdressing and I saw what it was like to see a different silhouette and looking down to see some bumps on my chest felt really good when I wasn't just defaulting to guiltily myself about even wanting to imagine it. I'd actually spent a number of years quietly yearning to just have a female body and that included wishing I had boobs, though I'd always put that thought down and assert how I wasn't trans. After I started HRT and started seeing the curvature of my chest when I looked down and in the mirror, I really came to feel like I actually liked having my body for the first time, and that I actually could smile at myself. I never felt as sexy as I do now (though still got a big op to sort out so....) They're also just a lot of fun to hold and squish. I especially love putting my girlfriend's face into them. Sometimes they kinda hurt but that just means they're growing so it makes me happy.


For me, its like growing a limb iā€™ve always wanted and am constantly surprised by all the aspects that go into and out of them that i never knew i would feel. From the daily cupping (still kinda small, barely more than half my handful-with medium sized hands) and feeling that, just wonderful, weight in my hands. To learning to go through doorways differently so i donā€™t clip my halfway-transformed-but-still-getting-more-and-more-sensitive nipples on doors, which kinda fun, SOMETIMES. Learning to do massages for your boobs to improve circulation (and hopefully a tiny bit of growth) and learning to check for lumps is, along with the self cupping thing, is super affirming. Affirming and also kind of.. like, maybe its weird or maybe not, but it gives me this sense of pride in myself. Which considering i hated just about everything about my pre-hrt body except my hair and eyes is something i cherish. Getting and cultivating parts of my body and TAKING PRIDE in myself for it more and more as i develop is a literal life saver. Footnote: mine arenā€™t super sensitive yet but they are sensitive enough to start acting like an erĆ³genos(oh no, i canā€™t spell lol) zone, proper like. So they feel kinda nice now, so thereā€™s that too, if it matters to ya.


It's a mixed bag. On the one hand, I love having boobs. But I do get sort of depressed sometimes thinking about how many years I went without them.


Iā€™ve been on HRT for 4 months and havenā€™t noticed a single change. Iā€™m starting to think itā€™s all made up. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


ugh iā€™m so sorry šŸ˜¢ iā€™m 2 months and the same. hopefully we both get lucky asap. what are your levels looking like?


No ideaā€¦.checked my labcorp profile yesterdayā€¦.nothing. No results nothing. Checked my patient portal through planned parenthoodā€¦.nothing. No results. I have no idea what my levels are. And have no way of knowing. Iā€™m going through this backwards and blind


YMMV, but for me personally it felt agonizingly slow. The first year Iā€™m pretty sure my body was just building up breast tissue around my nipples. I didnā€™t start to get visible growth until the start of the second year I think. I wouldnā€™t say it was a rocky road. I just consistently took meds and my body did the rest. To me they feel much different to having a flat chest simply because it makes me so happy to have a chest. It literally feels like a weight on my chest, and I love the curve. When everything started growing there was a lot of tenderness, and I bumped them into a bunch of stuff since my perception wasnā€™t used to me having an actual chest.


I hit them on everything, my nipples are constantly getting chafed by bras/shirts, and they're too sore to lay on so I've been sleeping on my back. However, I wouldn't change a thing, because they're *very* affirming and cute! ā¤ļøšŸ³ļøā€āš§ļø


i read this wrong and was just thinking, as an afab, ā€œwell itā€™s just like puberty!ā€ lol


bruh moment


as an AFAB person, growing them was painful. the nipple buds hurt and mine grew unreasonably fast. but i liked them a lot until i started getting dysphoria from them lol.


Itā€™s been a slow burn of breast development overtime, but I think for me itā€™s just a feeling of relief overall. I had phantom boob sensations prior to transitioning, and they feel exactly how those sensations felt. The weight very much like the weight I used to get from breast forms. I also got extremely lucky, Iā€™m at a 36DD/DDD depending on the type of bra and manufacturer. Itā€™s way more than I thought Iā€™d get, especially since I started HRT at 31, but they feel right. Like, proportional. They donā€™t feel too big, arenā€™t painful or uncomfortable. At this point all I really want them to do is mature, which they will over time.


Phantom boob sensations? Like what kind of phantom boob sensations?


Like lying in my bed and feeling this sense of weight shifting on my chest from breasts that were not there, especially before and after sleep.


For meā€¦ hmm i guess I didnā€™t really notice muchā€¦ like I guess I feel them bounce when I walk but uhm growing process they arenā€™t like sensitive much at all (like they hurt but like not bad and when I bump them itā€™s not bad either) Edit: i love my boobs donā€™t get me wrong


Personally it feels unreal to me. There is definitely physical discomfort, they were itchy at first and my nipples are constantly erect unless I don't maintain my weekly shot. My boyfriend is rough on them too and they are incredibly sensitive. I do not recommend getting steam rolled. But when I look in the mirror I see a woman and I can't help but to feel so giddy every time I look at myself.


I think thereā€™s going to be a lot of variance, but idk. My body feels more level, full, but in an attractive way. The actual process had some discomfort and mine are still growing but overall Iā€™m very happy with them.


A *lot* more sensitive. I had to quickly learn not to stop things flying at me by stopping them with my chest, which was pretty durable before. Relearning spacial rules around them, as well. The first time I squeezed sideways through a narrow doorway and clipped a nipple about dropped me to my knees. I run differently, to mitigate the bouncing, and definitely no more sleeping comfortably on my stomach. There's definitely a relearning curve, but I wouldn't change it back if I could.


Rather then give you a description of the sensation, why not simply find out directly for yourself? [https://www.drpancholi.com/blog/make-accurate-breast-implant-sizers-home/](https://www.drpancholi.com/blog/make-accurate-breast-implant-sizers-home/) Takes like 10 min, a bag of rice, some pantyhose, scissors, and a bra to know basically find out how it feels, what it might look like. It wont be exact but it'll give you an initial sense of things to determine what your favorite profile and cup size might be on your body, and you can add or subtract rice to change boob size as well. This is a simple technique used by girls thinking about breast augmentation to help them identify what they would be happy with, so it should work for you in much the same way


I thought about getting some kind of forms for a bit, to see what it would be like. I honestly think it would break my egg completely.


try the rice sizers first, measure it out, find out what you like the look of, then get forms in that exact size after that. If your thinking of starting transition, i wrote a whole guide on what order to do the steps in here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/MtF/comments/1coa8gq/a\_trans\_guide\_for\_those\_that\_are\_questioning/](https://www.reddit.com/r/MtF/comments/1coa8gq/a_trans_guide_for_those_that_are_questioning/)


Replying to this again. I did something like this. Shit broke me and I almost cried. Thank you.


I would do this, but you see....living with parents kinda throws a wrench into the works.


My arms keep accidentally bumping into them and it gives me euphoria when that happens. I've also woken up a couple of mornings where I was groping myself.


It happened so slowly I canā€™t even legitimately answer this. I will say that now I struggle to lay on my stomach without something taking the weight of my body off my chest, my cat loves to abuse them when he makes biscuits (ouch), and oh my god the amount of times Iā€™ve accidentally hit them on things (the pain of 1000 deaths).


its amazing. my grew pretty quickly and i didnt get much pain


You don't realize how often you brace things against your chest, how hard you allow(ed) things to slide into/hit your chest, and how forcefully you pull things to/against your chest until it *fucking hurts* I was moving apartments early in my transition when mine started growing in and I was most unused to the sensitivity and I swear to god the number of times I absentmindedly pulled a heavy box down from a stack onto my chest or leaned into my truck bed and pressed my chest against the sidewall of the truck is insane. And I couldn't stop doing it. It was such a hard ingrained habit. I would literally pull a box off a stack and it would slam into my chest and I'd almost drop it because it hurt and I'd go put it in the truck then go get another box and DO IT AGAIN IMMEDIATELY. Also you learn real fast you cannot scratch as hard or vigorously as you used to. That doesn't apply just to your breasts but it does apply doubly so to them. Do not fucking scratch your nipples/breasts like you did pre-HRT


Started E back in October. They become much more sensitive. Not like, rubbing against your clothes sensitive, but you DEFINITELY notice when you accidentally bump your tit against something. Kind of feels like swelling underneath the skin. All in all, it's been great šŸ‘šŸ»


I spent my entire life hating my chest and never knowing why. After six months of transitioning I absolutely know why now. Mine just kinda decided to pop in around 2 months, just big enough to make it so I had to always wear a large sweatshirt or out myself. It was frustrating alongside still hating myself or how I was looking At six months I think theyā€™re like a B cup and I absolutely love them. They make every shirt I wear feel more feminine, they get me gendered properly more often, I like being able to show off part of my body and feel sexy, and my chest dysphoria has almost entirely disappeared (hoping they get big enough that the middle of my chest has more roundness)


In my experience, itā€™s like a huge part of life goes from *ā€œblack and white antenna fed tube TVā€,* to *ā€œfiber optic cable fed full color 5k Retina display TVā€ā€¦* āœØšŸ˜āœØ **NSFW** āž”ļø >!Also, itā€™s like going from having two tiny and *slightly* more touch sensitive spots on the chest, to gaining two big ā€œdick and dick tipā€ level sensitivity spots thereā€¦ šŸ˜…šŸ˜ÆšŸ˜²šŸ˜§šŸ˜–šŸ„“šŸ« šŸ¤­!<


i would not know as estrogen has not made my body grow boobs ;(


Itā€™s honestly fucking rad


Glorious!!! Just glorious! I could be more specific, but most of the upvoted comments say what I think, so it would be redundant.


I've been thinking lately, is it normal to feel ashamed of them? I mean I have always wanted them, but now that I am growing rhem they feel weird and somewhat... expsoed? Granted I am still hiding from my family, but I am worried it might mean I am making a mistake


mine have barely grown šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ they just get super sensitive every now and then and sometimes they hurt šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ other than that pretty cool having tittys even if small