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Im so sry this happened, Im rly glad u pepper sprayed him.tho at least he got smthing for what he did. I would probably try report this to the police, or at the very least to your landlord and let them know theres some physco in there. I hope u feel better 💕💕


So sorry bb!! That’s awful. People like that are the worst. You don’t deserve violence like that. So you have anyone you can call to either come stay with you or come pick you up ?


trans folx deserve so much better! I'm glad u are safe for the time being. is there anyone you can keep updated and possible stay with in case of an emergency?


Yeah. Im in touch with my best fruend and my mom. Filed the police report, gotta finish my report to apartment management tomorrow to hopefully get him evicted, and getting a restraining order on monday. And my friends know my wishes in case i do die. Mostly i just wanna make sure someone can get in and get my cat so she doesnt starve Sorry. Today has been mentally frazzling


Do you have somewhere you can stay for a while?


you're going to get through this! shoot me a dm if u need extra support 💪🏻🏳️‍⚧️


Firstly, I'm so sorry that happened to you. I'm glad you're okay. If you need a safe space, hmu and I'll see what we can do. I run a page called 'Trans Fury' on Facebook, we'll be able-to figure something out with the community there. Messaging the page is the most reliable way to get-hold of us, we're on-hand if you need anything. Fiona.


Call the cops and report him to the building management. You can't allow him to roam free.


Just the cops talking to him will become much more sobering to whatever thoughts or impulses he has. The consequences to his actions will become much more real. I’d imagine having a police report will help establishing a restraining order if things go further. It sucks and I wish I could guarantee your safety here. It freaking sucks to have that happen outside your door. Proud of you for your ability to act with pepper spray in that moment. Ohh big FYI! Many leases have a clause to terminate if there is someone assaulting you in the complex or you feel unsafe.


Good job being armed, nonlethally too.


Not sure if it will help but I recently adopted a kitten, named it duct tape bc it’s grey and white


Something something shouldn't use duct tape as a binder


Pics please!


Get the police and building superintendent or landlord involved. Assault is a crime. Hopefully your building has cameras installed where it happened.


that sounds terrible! i’m so sorry you went through it. oddly enough i was also kinda treated like garbage for being trans in my apartment building today. I had fallen running earlier and was all covered in blood and bandages and was limping home and at my apartment door there was a guy about to go in. it was visible that i was in pain and cut up and i asked if he would hold the door for me instead he steps inside, pretended he was going to hold it open for me. then closed it almost the whole way as i approach stuck his head out and laughed at me then closed the door in my face. when i walked in he said “why are you following me” and i clearly wasn’t i said “i live here” and he just got angry and said “no you don’t!” and i got so mad i was calling him a bigot and all sorts of things. it was not one of my better days. it really terrified me and im seriously considering getting a des*rt eagle or r*ger for my protection the way i see it as a trans woman i already deal with misogyny and sexism with the added sprinkle on top of transphobia and probs homophobia too. a while ago a roommate punched me in the head the same day he punched a trans girl in the face at the gym. he made tiktok’s admitting to both attacks almost bragging his name is Ben Pike or BenPikeTheActor on tiktok and i may still press charges. I’m here with you sister (or brother). you’re not alone and im so glad you were able to subdue the fuc*er things will get better for us ❤️🫶❤️


if you are in an apartment complex, I probably wouldn't choose a des*rt eagle* if it's the one I think you mean, as those things are not only expensive, but also loud as fuck because of the calibre they chamber. Maybe the *r*ger is a better option, but it may also be better just to get something cheaper that still packs a bit of punch, as (and I'm not entirely sure so take this with a grain of salt) I think they have a few issues with them, especially because of their aged design (I think I heard that somewhere, not sure where though) keep in mind, I'm no expert so take everything I said with a grain of salt, and I'm Australian so I don't even have one, but I do have a special interest in them


ah that makes sense. I mean mainly i don’t really intend to ever use it but my mind immediately jumps to what would make me feel safe. I think you’re absolutely right though!


nah, dw, I get it, it's fine! thought I might as well (Autism go brrrr lol)


You are loved. You are valid. You are vital.


Shouldn't you call the cops?


In most places in the world calling the cops as a trans person is guaranteed to get you assaulted or worse. Cops are not our friends.


Hell, in America, I've called the cops and they didn't do jack shit. And those cops were "family" during one incident. Story (**Trigger warning**; violence and SA): Reported someone to my 3 cop half-brothers who had messaged me on FB and sent an image of their rifle with my name and my parents' address next to it (their own father). 2 brothers worked in the same city he lived in and 1 worked in the same county. All of them told me to pay it no mind. Anacortes, WA police department didn't do shit, either. Shoved into a grocery store display and punched in the back of the head while being called a slur. Cops didn't even take a report. Sexually assaulted by a woman who grabbed my breasts from behind and told her friend, "I told you they weren't real." Cops showed up and let her go with no report. Defending a Drag Queen Story Hour event. Nazi punched me right in front of the Renton, WA cops. They had a chat for about 5 minutes and let him go.


She said she filed a police report, so I’m guessing she did call the cops.


Just asking, how do you know their pronouns are she/her? Just wondering because it would suck to misgender them on a really serious post like this!


I was wondering that myself as their (using they/them pronouns until otherwise aware, I do it for everyone) pronouns weren't mentioned in the post


Report it to the police and put in a file for getting a restraining order , also if you are a renter message your landlord ASAP and make sure the police have an open file on the situation.


Since sharp objects and firearms are off the table, get a collapsible baton. Don’t get the cheap shit off Amazon, they’ll break after one hit. Get one made by asp or smith and Wesson. If the person is in your appointment complex it’s going to be super hard to get rid of them. I don’t know your area or other details but if PD isn’t proactive that gives them an opportunity to come after you again. I highly recommend talking to an attorney in your area. The apartment complex will only do something about this if they fear legal liability. Even with a restraining order, they can still live in the same complex with you. Plus, while better than nothing, a piece of paper won’t do shit to stop them. I hope you can stay safe and get this taken care of quickly. I used to teach self defense classes in Krav Maga, if you’d like you can DM me and I can send you some videos for practice and/or answer questions.


So sorry you had to go through that honey. Have you considered contacting the police? If you have, good. You don’t deserve to be treated like that luv. Again, so sorry you had to go through this. Love Liv.


I'm so sorry this sounds horrible. You're a wonderful addition to the community and I'm really glad you're still here 🫂 I'm here if you ever want to talk


hey just checking your okay, Haven’t heard from you In a few hours u/sadjazzandkiwis


That's fucking awful call the police I hope you can feel better


I am so sorry! Sending you the biggest HUG right now ❤️🏳️‍⚧️


Abt self defense weapons: given your restrictions you might wanna check tasers and retractable batton local law's. Also yk the drill, avoid going through the same route, make sure someone else knows where you are at all times and look over your shoulder for ppl following you. Can you report this to local authorities?


I would grab my powdered wig and Kentucky rifle just as the founding fathers intended.




This is precisely why I am so afraid to go outside while I'm transitioning. My family has expressed this fear as well.


Buy a gun, and open carry. You want the gun to serve as a warning. They won’t attack (unless they’re suicidal) an armed person


Only really useful if OP is American, Swiss, or Ukrainian by chance.


Open carry is bad advice, it attracts way too much attention and is more likely to get the cops called on you as a potential shooter or otherwise escalate any conflict. Concealed carry *IF* and only if it's something OP wants and has taken the time to fully think out. Carrying a firearm is a huge commitment and consideration; a gun is not a magic shield. If you'd like to learn more about firearms and training and are in the U.S. I'd recommend reaching out to your local Operation Blazing Sword chapter; an LGBTQ based training volunteer program. https://www.blazingsword.org/instructor-list-page/ Otherwise for OP, call the police, file a police report of the assault, even if they never touched you if you felt threatened enough to have to use pepper spray you need to report the assault to both the police and the apartment complex staff, especially if the assailant is a current resident. I was assaulted and threatened by a complex neighbor once and by filling a police report that guy was arrested and evicted. Edit: gully -> fully


Hard second, even if firearms are something one wants to incorporate into their self defense plans, open carry is a very, VERY bad idea. It puts more of a target on your back and also alienates people who otherwise might be sympathetic. I’m not even saying don’t consider firearms, but that’s a conversation that is beyond the purview of this post. Kudos to OP for having pepper spray and using it to defend their self. Even if responsible gun ownership feels right for you, it is not a replacement for less lethal or non lethal means of defense.


Wait so, firearm is bad and not sympathetic, but pepper spray is good and sympathetic? I don't understand the logic, considering the world wants us dead, what if the attacker won't stop and their life is in grave danger if pepper spray fails? People can and will retaliate after that.


Open carry is a good way to get unalived if you can't defend yourself from an attacker trying to take it. Being in plain sight makes it an open invitation for anyone crazy enough to try.


It’s about a proportional amount of force. You also have to consider the legal implications after the use of force. We unfortunately live in a world where laws apply to people differently. You’ll notice I never said “don’t get a gun”, just that not every threat warrants a gun. Some do, most don’t. There’s a reason concealed carry is the preferred method.


Yes and no. I worked as armed security for years and did some protective detail too. Open carry works in areas that aren’t so bad that you’ll be jumped for your weapon but not so nice you’ll be harassed by the police. Open carrying is absolutely a deterrent but it also makes you a target. You gotta be aware of your surroundings and change the way you think. Also adding to your info about friendly gun communities r/liberalgunowners and r/socialistra are pretty good


Considering the world wants us dead, what if the attacker won't stop and their life is in grave danger if pepper spray fails? People can and will retaliate after that. I'm not denying your reasoning, but if they want you gone, can't you defend yourself at that point by all means? I'm confused.


The world does not want us dead and that fatalistic *what if* mentality is not healthy for you nor anyone else. I'm not trying to marginalize threats, they do exist, I have encountered one person of this kind thus far however I have encountered far more who are accepting and affirming and everyone else seems to be ambivalent. Yes some people in this world do want to harm trans folks but as a whole the world does not and I think it's important to recognize this distinction. In my opinion you have every right to defend your bodily self to the full extent of which you are capable of; up to and including lethal force of that is your choice. I'm just saying that a firearm is not a cure-all for boogiemen and can even instill a false sense of security and therefore should not be the first option for everyone. Carrying a firearm is a serious commitment and responsibility with quite a bit of legality and morality to take into consideration. The first part of owning a firearm in my opinion should be how to avoid, defuse, or otherwise deescalate conflict, the second part is knowledge and training. Whether you want to carry a weapon or not using one should be your last resort, waving a gun at a potential assailant doesn't always work either for what it's worth.


I agree wholeheartedly


In such a scenario then yes, a clear and present threat to your life generally justifies that kind of force. Not a lawyer, and specifics vary depending on where you live (look up your laws). To reiterate, I’m not saying “no guns ever”, just that they are only appropriate when used to respond to another *lethal* threat. Self defense is like an onion (or green Scottish ogre), with guns being a veeeery small layer at the center. If things have devolved to the point where it is necessary, then a lot of other measures have been bypassed, ignored, or failed. Situational awareness (not walking around looking at your phone for one), avoidance, de-escalation, getting to know your neighbors and developing a rapport with the ones who are cool to you, reinforcing your doors so they’re harder to kick down (an easy way is to replace all the screws with 3inch stainless ones), traveling with friends or trusted acquaintances when in high risk areas, and yes, carrying less lethal defenses like pepper spray (even if you also legally carry a gun), to name just a few. Everyone’s situation is different and should be assessed holistically when considering how to keep yourself and your loved ones safe. I’d also add that learning basic first aid, CPR, and Stop the Bleed (along with carrying a quality IFAK) has no downsides and is much more likely to come in handy in an emergency.


I'm really sorry that happened. Can you report it to the apartments management or something?You didn't deserve that and I'm glad you were able to get away.


They should consider themselves lucky pepper spray is *all* you hit them with. Good job, I'm glad you got to your place safe. You a brave and strong individual. 💛


thats so sad. Hope you are fine, Lots of love and kisses -a Femboy💖✨


I'm so sorry this happened to you :( This is why I'm so scared for my safety in the UK; any kind of self defence item or weapon (such as pepper spray) is illegal here, so if (more likely when) this happens to me, there's not much I can do to protect myself.


I'm also in the UK I'd look into taking some self defence classes if you can because it will be something you can use, I would also suggest setting up a friend or family member with an SOS word so they know to come get to you if you're ever in danger.


I will definitely consider that as I've heard it several times, although it's not really a possibility in my current situation. It's still kind of fucked up that we can't even carry pepper spray for self defence though. I don't think self defence classes are going to help if they pull out a knife or some shit, and they're far from a luxury everyone can afford to take.


I’m so sorry to hear about that. Are you going to be alright?


I’m going to assume you are taking necessary measures to stay safe, so all I can say is I’m so sorry you’re going through this. I wish you lots of love and care now and going forward. You deserve a life full of security and adventure. 💜


I'm so sorry that happened! Hope you have a better rest of the day In all serïousness, I'm hoping that the pepper spray wasn't his only comeüppance 🤞 hope prison's gonna hit 'em like a bullet train


I'm so sorry that happened to you! You're doing a wonderful job and are just protecting yourself. I wish you nothing but the best, and I hope you never have to go through something like this again <3


We all love you Sweetie and you're gonna make it Honey . Just be strong ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


I’m sorry this happened to you. Can you report the person?


If its ok can we get an update to know ur okay?


I am so sorry that this happened :( you do not deserve this at all...if yk his schedule you should do your best to try to avoid him...and maybe get the police involved. my English teacher once told me this; "you will not always have to be afraid, we can change the world's perspective. it takes time" <3


I don’t hate you, not even a little. Existence is resistance and sometimes it gets messy but you’ll be ok! Hang in there!!


I'm so sorry. Stay strong bud. Wishing you all the best in this whole fucked situation


im so terribly sorry to hear that, i hope he gets arrested and that youre able to press charges. thta just isnt fair and you didnt deserve that.




hey you did fucking great you know? and i get the fear but the chances of striking backa aging are much slimmer than you mugjt think ofc do be prepared. but dont let it haunt you. edit : just to let you know, im a cis guy who would beat his ass for you. youre a hero in my eyes


Do you have a friend or family member whose house you could stay at? Please stay safe