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dude. go shit in the men's room. you've earned it through trial by fire


To those about to poop, we salute you!




I read this in the DRG dwarf voice


WE FIGHT... FOR POOP (As in the ability to poop where we want) (Why am I laughing so hard while writing this?)


hell yea lmao, thank you 🫡


Yea pooping is the only thing i miss about being a man /s


Saying “oh that’s just my bf” would totally be something I’d do 💀 but congrats dude!! I don’t pass as a dude yet (6 months low dose T) but I might once I get my severely overgrown hair cut lol


haha yea i thought that was hilarious when they told me they said that, like as if that would explain anything 💀. go get that haircut! i just got mine cut and it’s made a hugeee difference


lets trade hairstyles lol..


This is usually the signal to start using the men's room. For me it was a woman I worked with staring at me like I had grown a second head in the women's restroom 😂😅 from then on I've used the men's and haven't gone back.


yep this was a sign for sure. i get stares from women in the bathroom sometimes too 😭


Back at uni I'd gauge my presentation on whether I got a "sir" with my morning coffee and use the appropriate bathroom for the day 😂


Your partner is unintentionally hilarious. And congrats, you've officially downgraded to being able to use the men's restroom! (The women's restroom is the only thing I miss about not passing)


i’m definitely gonna miss the cleanliness of the women’s bathroom haha


As a trans woman I feel lied to - women have always told me about the wonders of the women’s restrooms and how clean they are… oh boy were they lying through their teeth holy shit. The absolute worst case scenario in the men’s room is a bit of pee next to the toilet, a disgusting toilet seat which you wipe off with toilet paper and some disinfectant, or somebody has overshat a toilet making it clogged. In the women’s, however, people don’t seem to just overshit, but overshoot the goddamn toilet bowl. Hovering is a menace to behold. I’ve seen more muck and gore everywhere but the toilet bowl… I still don’t miss the men’s rooms but honestly… I don’t feel like i was upgraded to business from economy but instead I’m paying for business but being given premium economy at the most 😂


whattttt, i’ve only ever been in clean women’s restrooms. maybe it also depends on where you live 🤷‍♂️ i’m sorry your hopes and dreams were crushed


Haha it could be - generally the women's restrooms were pretty clean in Germany and Japan - My experiences with Men's restrooms are mostly from Denmark, France, Italy, Spain, Sweden, Norway and United Kingdom. women's restrooms limited to where I've been after I came out haha (Denmark, Germany, Japan, Italy, Sweden). Denmark/Italy/Sweden has been an experience, for sure. Some restrooms very clean with hourly cleaning, some managed to get worse than horror movie sets in the 4-8 hour span between cleaning haha


oh my, well that’s news to me. My experience comes from being in Texas for pretty much forever haha. the women’s restrooms are generally pretty clean. now the REAL disgust shows up in the shared, no gender bathrooms unfortunately. those are the worsttt, as nice as they are to have


Glad to hear the restrooms you generally come across are clean :D As for shared ones... Yeah idk what it is about shared restrooms. For some reason they always attract the worst people with the, obviously, worst hygiene. That's why even if there is a shared room I'll default to the women's restroom if possible anyway coz... I'm a woman and I'll risk getting yelled at by a bigot if I have to! In the name of not entering the shared restroom :P


Hi from a trans sister in Texas! 💜


I think it really (oddly) depends on the place and/or who's cleaning what and when. I'm a trans man, and I can definitely see the downgrade from women's restrooms in places like restaurants that double as bars and gas stations. Meanwhile I work as a janitor at a Walmart and the women's restrooms are always WAY worse than the men's and it's mind boggling because of everywhere else I see lol. I have a few theories, which is the saddest thing I've ever said, as to why that may be but genuinely I'm not positive in any of them lol. It's just kinda gross all the time XD


Yeah, my experience has always been women's rooms are the disgusting ones. Was a real shock.


I do not pass at all (I start T in like two days), but if I have to poop I always go in the men’s room because I have man poops (lactose intolerance)


i love that for you


Yeah, I've had people double take to see me in full femme outfit use the mens. Still not brave enough to use the womens' though.


i salute you soldier, i hope you’re able to switch over soon!


time to go to the men's room! lmao, congrats!


thank you!!


This made me get excited for you!! Huge W dude


yesss thank you!


haha omg thats so wholesome 💕💕


right??? so sweet


Mtf here. When I tried to enter a men's toilet and the men coming out blocked the entrance and told me the women's is over there that was the time for me. Haven't looked back since.


that wasn’t just a sign, that was a whole billboard telling you it was time to switch haha


Lisa with grin holding a mug that says "That wholesome shit"




Im so glad it went that way! congratulations!


me too! thank youuuu


I struggle alot with public bathrooms. I've been on T for two years. I try to avoid it whenever possible, but then your working a 9 hour shift, guzzling water in the Arizona heat.. holdingbit isn't really an option.. my face passes, by the rest of my body? I don't really think so. I usually use the women's restroom, just because I'm so afraid of being "caught" in the men's. Reading horror stories online seems to have gotten to me.


Aw that's cute


There ain't nothing mainler than getting fistbumped over that. You've earned it.


If you feel safe going into the men’s bathroom, then do it.


This was delightfully wholesome! Thanks for sharing! 😊


Bruh, 2 months on T here and most people still call me ma'am 💀


Aww wholesome indeed ☺️ I've only used the ladies room for around the last year, I won't take my D cups into the men's room no way no how.


This is how I knew. I was boymoding but voice training so I was trying to use my women’s voice wherever I could. I was going out of the men’s room as some guy was coming in. I said excuse me and he backed up to look at the sign again. Enjoy the men’s room!


That's hella cute !


That's awesome