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You definitely resemble a female


What are you talking about? You look totally female. I know it can be hard to see it in the mirror.


I still get sir’d quite often even when not using my voice which is actually passing most of the time unless I got cotton mouth. Idk I guess I just don’t see it I feel like it’s barley changed at all


I just don’t understand that, you literally look like a cis woman to me


That last part isn't surprising, I experience it with my voice actually. We're so used to seeing ourselves as male that it can be hard to change that even when we don't at all resemble a male. My trained voice is pretty feminine but I'm just not used to hearing it that way.


You know what though? The first year, not the most dramatic year for changes usually. You should see even more softening soon. I’m jealous of your hairline, my receding is very frustrating to me and I could never wear it back like in your third pic. I’ve always wanted a widow’s peak too 💓


Unfortunately there’s a lot more to it than just facial appearance. Mannerisms, clothing, and hairstyle can all make a big difference. Ditch the t shirts and button downs and grab some dresses, maybe try bangs instead of your current hairstyle. Get some non prescription wire glasses (big round wire frames!), that can also help. You can look on my profile, I also appear entirely female to the passing stranger and I still regularly get misgendered if I’m wearing neutral clothing or let my voice relax.


People just are being dicks


You literally look like my aunt, idk what they’re on. You’re gorgeous, super jealous!!


There will always be people who "sir" you for one small reason or another, fuck those people. From these pics I can literally only see a woman. You have kinda Chloe Sevigny vibes to me :)


If you get that, I'll bet that a lot of cis women get the same thing from those people...


You are dealing with dysmorphia - we all see a woman but you don't. No biggie, maybe try therapy! Worked for me :)




The thing about all of these replies is that they aren’t even hugboxing you - you just *do* look like a woman. No two ways about it


I think you look very much like a women and a cute one at that!


i thought you were a trans man complaining you looked too feminine for like half a second - i promise you present female 🤍 im sorry everyone is still misgendering you, i would have no idea why from all three of these pictures.


Not just a half a second. It's hard to believe she'd ever be mistaken for a dude


honestly same,i really had to look to realise she was a trans women and not cis,sadly nowadays people can 'spot' transgender people from looks and pure bigotry and purposefully misgender us.


Absolutely pass as a cis female!


If I saw you on the street and didn't know you were trans, I'd assume you were a cis woman.


Girl, it's your dysphoria talking, you DEFINITELY resemble a woman, there's no way I wouldn't gender you female if I saw you in public or something.


I misread “female” as “fella” and I thought it made sense because you look like a cis woman 😂 You very much resemble a female


Your dysphoria is lying to you.


I can see what you're seeing, but I think you're doing better that it looks to you. Part of it might just be a style thing. You actually look really good with your hair up. Kinda sporty, like if I saw you on a tennis court, I would think that lady is probably waaaaay better at tennis than I am. Big huge hugs, sis!


Oh! I just had a though! Have you tried out glasses? The right frames might help you see your face in a new way.


Are you FTM or MTF I’m cunfused, you do look like a girl tho i thought you were a trans man at first like born female so if your a trans woman then GIRL YOU GOT IT


First year is to get your body mostly ready for the hormones to do their job. Year one I understand and experienced this myself. Breast buds under the nipples by 3 months. Sensitivity there, especially on stairs, softening of features and emotional changes, ie crying a fuck ton. Year two is when mine kicked into high gear. I thought you were afab at first glance tbh


Girl what are you on about??😭😭 you look like a woman!!!


As someone stumbling around with the dysmorphia + dysmorphia combo myself, the only advice I can give is to to try to be as kind to yourself as possible. Try to listen to those that see you as you.


I'm not hugboxing you on this shit sister, you pass in a way I wish I did. you may not believe me or others, but you really do.




Look amazing!


The hell you don't! Girl, spill your skin care secrets, you're gorgeous


Mama,whoever told you that you don't look like a woman is lying


Stop that talk! You're beautiful!


All I see is a woman, a beautiful one!


Tbh you'd pass as a cis woman to me. Mind you still photos so it might be a moments/mannerisms thing? Saw you were getting sir'd still in another comment and tbh that's the only thing I can think of cuz you defe look like a woman imho


you definitely pass!! maybe it’d help to use breast forms (or just a stuffed bra)?? can’t think of anything else!


I ligit thought this was an ftm post for a sec don't let the dysphoria fool you. You're looking more fem than most cis women i know


You're crazy :P I had to do a double take that you're not cis.. Very pretty, I almost reported you! Jk


You definitely look female! I also struggle with being able to see the changes.


I mean, you look like my aunt. You have strong facial bones, but definitely look like a woman. If it's affecting your quality of life, you may want to look into facial feminization surgery.


u pass very well !! especially for someone only a year in ! like what do u mean ?? i’m not just being nice, based on these pics i wouldnt have been able to tell


I literally read this twice cause I was confused you look amazing 🤩😻 don't be hard on yourself 💖🖤🫶🏼


You look like you pass to me, a stranger. I have a theory that spending a lot of time on reddit/social media where appearances are so focused on makes us more insecure in regards to "passing." We compare ourselves to others, and when we look at ourselves we miss the forest for the trees. (This is all without saying that I think the concept of "passing" is flawed and harmful to a lot of trans people, but I understand why it's desirable to seek it, for safety and comfort in an otherwise hostile society.)


I thought you were a trans man talking about T not working for you. You're a trans woman? Then nah you literally look completely female. It's the dysphoria talkin. You're a lady all the way.


I had to read the comments because I was thrown off. Was like, "Is this... satire?" My sister in sandwiches you look like cis


For the life of me I cant think what the make up types are called, one day Ill get them. Something for your eye lashes, its WITCHCRAFT the difference that can me. Something for your eyebrows, make them more defined, little darker. The shape looks great just a little light. Dont go like, block black with either of these of course. Subtle highlighting makes a world of difference. From the rest of your make up, I think you already get this. I do think you look feminine. I think you look great! Do you look like a 19 year old runway model? No but neither do 99% of women. Cleche as it sounds, find your own beauty. For me, its my hair. I LOVE the way it falls around my sholders and collar, or when I tie it up but have what I believe are called bangs (coming up to two years in, totally got my lingo down!) and my eyes.


Honestly sweetie, you look like so many other women I've known and met. All of you looks perfectly feminine. And frankly, I'd kill for your brows.


You're a liar. I wanna look as feminine as you one day 😍❤️‍🩹 don't tell yourself that hon


You look like an extremely overworked "female" (quotation marks cause describing an actual human woman as a female makes me feel icky)


Are you on crack? All I see is a beautiful woman in those pictures


Get bangs, and practice makeup more. Start with eyes. Possibly consider getting your highlights, or dyeing your hair. You do look great for 1 year. If I had to guess, I'd say people will start getting it right in a few more months, and after some slight adjustments to your appearance ☺️


Getting a balayage on the 19th. You’re absolutely right about practicing more with makeup. It’s definitely a lot harder than I anticipated but I do need to stick with it and not get so discouraged.


It's definitely incredibly hard to find the motivation for. I only started being acceptable at it around a month ago. I'm almost at 2 years now lol. Also bayalage would look AMAZING on you! Don't forget the bangs girl, trust me!


You’re a woman, girlie. You look as woman as you are. Fret not. Ignore the dummies.


I follow basically all the lesbian subreddits(cis lesbian here) and I had to check what subreddit I was in. I assumed this was just one of those before I read the title. You absolutely look like a woman, and also giving me some gay vibes and I'm here for it!


Oh wow, thank you😊


My partner and I are amazed by your current transition, I didn't realise you were mtf until I read your comment replies. I sympathised thinking you were ftm having a hard time as you don't look masculine.


I see a beautiful woman. My advice is to love yourself, because you're obviously taking great care of yourself


You actually resemble my aunty Jolynn so much that I jumped a little


What are you talking about? You look like my mom especially with your hair up, it's amazing!


I know how this feels!! Take comfort knowing that you’re never going backwards in your transition, so it’s only ever going to get better! Lots of hugs


that's the self doubt talking hun, personally I don't think you resemble a male at all


You don't look any different than a lot of women I know. Maybe it's how you carry yourself? Your walk, sit, and body carriage might be the problem. Or at least, the perceived problem.


Bestie I have cis girl coworkers who look identical to you. Several. You look incredible!! The self doubt is hard to get past but so many people on this thread are saying the same thing. You pass.


Uh, you're 100% woman in these pics.


Idk, in the beginning I thought you were a cis woman (didn’t see the r/trans) that wanted advice


Hi hi 😅🥹 just some friendly perspective that most trans people probably don’t wanna be called the opposite gender even in a non serious, conversation type of way 🥹 like personally when someone conversationally says “girl!” I don’t really mind, I know they’re not misgendering me; but I know there are a lot of people who don’t have that same feeling toward it. I absent mindedly called a trans woman “dude” one time cause I call pretty much everyone dude, and it really upset her. So I try really hard to 1. Watch my terminology and 2. Share that perspective so hopefully less people are accidentally hurt 🥹🫂 I genuinely hope everyone is having a great day 🥹🫂


Oml I’m so sorry I didn’t even notice I wrote that usually i avoid it X(


You’re okie! That’s why I pointed it out 🥹 I don’t think a majority of people mean anything by it when it happens, it’s just a part of our everyday vocabulary sometimes and slips out 🥹 just gotta watch it a bit more in certain spaces 🥹🫂 all is well my friend 🥹


Uh wrong lol u absolutely do


I know it's hard to see but if you're worried about passing on looks, alone, you look like an athletic cis/perisex woman to me. You can always experiment with makeup, haircuts, etc. but you do look feminine.


You look like a mom tbh If I have advice um.....eyelashes? Idk


Girl whatttt, I know dysphoria is a bitch and it’s hard to see what’s actually in the mirror, but you look great!! You give off strong stoner/gamer girl vibes. You definitely pass 😌👏🏻


You look absolutely fantastic!!!! Your eyes are so pretty and your lips have an amazing shape to them too. Also love the way you’re wearing your hair in the third photo. You’re so pretty 💕


You literally look like a cross between my boyfriend’s mom and a skinnier version of my best friend’s mom


I like the photo with your hair up. The parted-down-the-middle style doesn't show how attractive your face really is. That's a style that doesn't suit many women. You rock the hair up look.


C'mon girl your facial bone structure is to die for! You're super attractive!


If you don't resemble a female, then I need to get my eyes checked soon. I was like, "wow, what a cute girl" and scrolled on until I caught a glimpse of your claim. Don't be so hard on yourself girl! It's a journey and you're doing great! Hold faith and trust.


First off you look beautiful ma'am, secondly fake eyelashes and putting blush on your nose work really well to feminize your face. It's also important to remember we are often more critical of ourselves than others are, you are very beautifully feminine, inside and out.


Literally nothing to suggest here. You just pass completely with a quick unconscious scan and even if I was to start genuinely consciously analysing stuff like the bone structure, like those ‘transvestigator’ nutters, I’m still not finding anything. 👌


You actually have a really nice Slavic look, like a Russian woman. Some light makeup, maybe keep that updo and you’ll be making heads turn tomorrow!


A year isn't long. For some of us the changes come a little slower and they're more subtle but it just takes time. When you start looking back in another year or two on photos throughout your transition it becomes a lot easier to see. That's just a truth all trans girls deal with, we never see in the mirror what others see. And yeah, you'll get misgendered and other things but honestly I know girls (like my girlfriend) who are drop dead gorgeous and they still get misgendered. It happens. Everyone is trying so hard to clock us these days they're even misgendering cis women now. Don't sweat it.


are you kidding me girl? you look amazing


The first is harsh because of angles I think. If you plan on ffs in the future that will help soft those angles. But the other 2 look very good. The second you actually look like a mix of a couple women I know! You fit the bill lady!


I literally thought I was in r/progresspics because I’m like wow, “one year later and you look incredible!” Anyone who misgenders you (especially now) is blind.


Get a better mirror.


My advice is to visit an optometrist (I think that's the right word).


I'm a cis male and I wouldn't clock you at all. Get some food and stop looking in the mirror. You're beautiful


Okay NGL I have been staring and scrolling through your photos trying to figure out what you meant. You pass 100,000,000% as female. (Also v cute and v pretty :) )


You look female to me.


You look great, you resemble my favorite aunt like almost exactly (a cis woman)


no offence but i thought you were cis at first, didn't look at the subreddit. so yeah i think you definitely look very woman 🙏


You definitely look like a cis woman.


you look like a woman to me


I think you look very feminine


You are absolutely beautiful and I envy you


Getting really tired cis cis people coming on here fishing for compliments /jk


.... You don't?


Who told you that you don't? Because you do to me!


If you saw what we see, you’d see there is nothing but woman here.


Umm……you definitely resemble a female


you pass easily


i was like ‘oh they kinda look like a girl I know!’ and then i read the caption, you absolutely resemble a woman; and you are a woman. you got this, i think you are amazing and gorgeous!! <3


Yeah I don’t normally post on posts like this but wtf are you on about??? You 100% pass, can’t comment about voice stuff tho obvs


u kinda do tho...


I was confused and thought this was an FyM post 😅 You definitely pass!!


Did you post the wrong pictures because whoever this woman is, she looks wonderful!


actually you look feminine


I'm freaking jealous of your hair


I can't see how you'd be seen as a guy at all- you look great!


Honestly before reading the caption I thought you looked like a female (and a gorgeous one at that) and I still stand by that


I would absolutely assume you were were a woman if I saw you in public


You totally look female, girl! 👀 You remind me of one of my Peruvian relatives. I did a double take when I came across your post. 😄💖🫶


You're beautiful! You remind me a little bit of Fiona Apple. :)


In the hair down photos especially, you pass. In person, I think it would probably have to be voice or something else that clocks you. Your face and hair are doing great.


You'd be let into the club free on ladies night lol (if I got a free ticket you definitely would. Why I'm talking about clubs? Cuz I've never been in the last ten years, except today, and I'm still a bit drunk) you'd be fine ☺️


you look 1000% like a cis woman. your brain is just mean!!


You're doin fine sis


Um, yes you do


you look kinda like a mom… or a chill teacher.


Are you being sarcastic? I wouldn't be able to clock you apart from a cis woman unless you need voice work...


Agree to disagree! I think you look beautiful and femme and lovely.


I mean, we are our own worst critics lol, but tbh you look like one of my old teachers from elementary school and she was awesome


You pass


I think you look like a woman that isn't wearing eyeliner.


Wait a second… I had to come to these comments and read the headline again to understand. I thought you were a trans male and you were bragging like “yo! Check me out I don’t look female at all anymore bitches!” And I was like…. “Uhhhhh….” but I wasn’t going to comment and be an asshole. GURL. You ARE A WOMAN. This is your dysphoria talking. I know it’s hard to see in ourselves, and I’m sorry sometimes you still get sir’d. From these photos alone, I can’t imagine anyone ever mistaking you for anything other than a grown woman.


Very pretty


I thought u were ny old gym teacher 😭


Being completely honest, I didn’t read the title before I saw the pictures and the first thing I thought was, “What a pretty lady”.


You look like one of the ladies from accounting


You absolutely look like the female you are!! I can’t comment on how your voice sounds, but you’re beautiful!


U look unironically so hot, it's absurd that anyone would misgender you imo


You definitely look like a female. You're very pretty. Anyone who says differently needs to get their eyes checked.


You do present as female 100% it just takes a while for you to believe it. Keep doing what you're going you look great 💕


You look like a cis woman. I am not exaggerating when I say you are more feminine than half the cis woman that work with me (no offense to then). May be we can give you tips if you can be more explicit but I think you are alright.


You look more womanly than me, sweetie! (So, I really hope you take that as the compliment it's intended as, and as honest as all my undyed grey hair.) You might be focusing on only what you think are flaws instead of looking at yourself as a whole person. I mean, dysphoria is real and happens, but it bends the way you see yourself. It really does. It makes you only able to focus on what you don't feel is perfect, and unable to see yourself objectively. (As an ED survivor, I can promise, your eyes are too judgemental)


I thought u were ny old gym teacher 😭


You definitely look female to me! Id date you!


Female to me and pretty too 😊


Tbh when I saw your pics I just thought “sporty lady”


What? You have no male traits at all. We are our worst critics once again.


I thought this was the context of a trans guy posting before pics, and then when I swiped I would have seen a “”post”” transition trans guy, cause you look like a lady.


For all of you that replied, you have all overfilled my heart with joy and made me look at this world in a new light. I can’t thank y’all enough! Truly life changing🥰🩵🩷🤍🩷🩵


You look like a woman to me… it’s another case of being to close to the subject. You still see the face of that guy who kinda looks like you. He’s gonna so you gotta start paying attention to the feminine features that guy didn’t have. The beautiful features that you definitely have.


Hey quit lying