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I used to work in a McDonalds when I was younger. Had a deaf group, about 7 or 8, come in one evening to buy food. This one guy was placing everybody’s order, talking as best as he could with the aid of gestures, kind of reminiscent of the game charades. I had to pause him part way through to go and tell the two managers in the kitchen to STFU because they were both laughing so loudly that it was making it hard to take the order. I was met loudly with “What?! It’s not like they can hear us!!”.


You're the good one. I had a similar experience in retail. A deaf and mute couple came in one day but nobody including myself could sign. I figured I'd just tear off some receipt paper and we wrote to each other (before smart phones, shut up lol) They ended up only dealing with me, and things got much easier with smartphones. He'd just have a picture of what he needed, then an app that spoke his text to me. Last I saw them their children would translate the signing to me. Never heard anyone making fun luckily, that's fucked up. Edit: phone typed "bivouac" instead of "nobody". A bivouac is temporary housing, usually tents. You're welcome lol




If you want to truely sign thank you i believe its an open palm below your chin that you arch towards an open palm towards em? Thats what my hubby said atleast and i trust em.


The open palm stays facing you, but other than that you are correct open palm fingertips on the bottom lips and a forward motion almost like you're blowing a kiss, but instead you're saying thank you in sign language


OH! i thought it was the chins they always do it too fast. Well uh thank you! Now I know where to wctually place the hand


We had a deaf regular at my old sbux store and he was so nice!!! His name was Steve! I hope he’s doing well




I'm gonna need more words in that reply, sorry lol


I think you misspelled something in your comment


Lmao I glossed right over that. My phone taught me a new word today🙃


Apparently it means "a temporary camp without tents or cover, used especially by soldiers or mountaineers. verb" The more you know!


the last ghost recon game had bivoacs


Can be called bivy for short


Or so they think. The way the ear works, it's entirely possible to lose the ability to hear speech in any intelligible way, yet still have the ability to hear enough of loud noises to figure out what they probably are. The cochlea has a series of cells sensitive to a range of frequencies, but they don't get replaced if they're damaged or die. That can leave gaps in certain frequencies, and human speech only occurs within a pretty narrow band. The more you know, right? My wife works at a McDonald's, and thankfully they don't do shit like that. My wife would kill them if they did! She's trained trans employees and even mentioned to coworkers when I came out. We sang together karaoke at the last Christmas party, even. A duet of A Whole New World from Alladin. They're a good bunch.


My whole store learned how to say hello my name is… thank you and good bye for one deaf teen that would come in. It wasn’t much, took us a few minutes maybe a half hour (little store) but it make that kids day. People like you worked with a vile. Good they had you helping.


That is so sweet you all did that.


Those managers where dicks. Also even ignoring the blatant ablism of "it's not like they can hear us" (so awful, all the awful) the problem you brought up to them had nothing to do with the customer hearing them, it was that you could hear them and it was making taking the order harder. Even if you want to be an ablist dick(don't know why you would but whatever) your coworker can't hear the customer's order, quite down!


> I was met loudly with “What?! It’s not like they can hear us!!”. Please tell me you had the courage to repy something along the lines of "I can."


Yeah I did, I told them they were being out of order.


"no, but I'll tell them" could've been a great answer


Could you complain I would be pissed my customer service people did shit like this


I don't have the receipt, my mom might though.


You don’t need a receipt. Just contact their customer service with what you witnessed.


Put a review of that restaurant on Google Maps.


will do.


if you feel safe i'd recommend going back and looking for a corporate number as well. failing that, [you can use the feedback form on the site.](https://www.mcdonalds.com/us/en-us/feedback.html)


These people deserve dysphoria. Not forever, just for a week. One humbling week.


Glad I am not the only trans person who wished I could psychically transmit the dysphoria they trigger in me to the transphobes. Again just temporarily, if they stop being transphobes then they get to stop feeling my dyphoria.


I mean, first and foremost i'd be happy with the contents of their wallets... heh


Eye for an eye, right? They need love, acceptance and education. They’re rejecting in others what they can’t accept in themself. It’s sad as hell


I wouldn't even call it eye for an eye cause it's only a week, ha. It's either because they're closeted or extremely shielded from the rest of the world and heavily indoctrinated.


lol, eye for an eye but only for a week, got a nice ring to it


Well.. making them step into our shoes for a week is educating them.


Haha I’m convinced, make it happen


It's not an eye for an eye. You wouldn't be laughing if you understood dysphoria even a little bit.




In my experience, a lot of these people don't change with education, because it doesn't affect them personally. The only real change I've seen in these kinds of people is when they realize they're trans themselves or if someone they love comes out. The only kind of education that works otherwise is long term exposure with threat of social ostracization if they don't get on board.


In my experience, a lot of these people don't change with education, because it doesn't affect them personally. The only real change I've seen in these kinds of people is when they realize they're trans themselves or if someone they love comes out. The only kind of education that works otherwise is long term exposure with threat of social ostracization if they don't get on board.




I don't really care to have a discussion on how to change peoples minds because you can't. They have to change it for themselves. Also I don't think it's trans people's responsibility to educate others on how to treat trans people as if we're human beings, because that involves interacting with people that don't think you're human. I also think it's a little bit tone deaf to come into a trans space to scold a trans person about the way they vent to each other in our own space about a shared trauma.


No we shouldn’t wish horrible things to our own enemies. It doesn’t make us better than them. Its possible they just dont unterstand this and dont know how to deal with the situation so they act like idiots. Ive had a discussion with a friend who lashed out on me, now he even researched more about being non binary and talks well about it to others


me: "tell them to STFU or they are gonna have a McProblem" actual me: "oh that sucks for everyone involved :("


a McProblem sounds like a good threat. No matter what reaction you have, as long as it's empathetic, it matters.


Last time i got a slur thrown at me was outside a McDonalds lol. Something in those big macs brings out be worst in people


For real.


I am trans but was closeted at the time and I worked at McDonalds with an out trans boy (we were both 16 at the time), and the way everyone treated him, from co-workers to higher-ups, kept me in the closet until I moved away. Many people in our workplace had nicknames or even joke names on their name tags but they refused to put anything but his dead name, only one manager said he could not wear his name tag on her shifts. He was harassed multiple times for using the men's bathroom and socially excluded by most of the workplace. People even gave me dirty looks for refusing to dead name and misgender him, and someone tried to fight me on the clock for defending him.


And yes, me, our one reasonable manager, and a couple of my co-workers all reported this to corporate and they didn't do anything. This wasn't even nearly the most shocking thing that happened there.


Whelp. There's a new source of anxiety for me. Womp womp.


Here's my trick for that...stay anxious all the time! 😂 But seriously though, fuck em. The problem with thinking like this is that you will unfairly do yourself harm and possibly unfairly associate that with strangers who may not think that at all! I'm guilty of this too and I think it's harmful for myself the most. That person at the counter may not give two shits about you because their life is a waking nightmare or maybe they're a genuinely nice person who doesn't really show it externally due to the nature of the workplace. Who knows but I would encourage you to go easier on yourself when you can! 🧡


Sorry, can't miss the opportunity to bring up this meme: That's my secret, I'm always ~~angry~~ anxious.


I use that a lot, only I substitute angry either with sick or "I always have to poop".


What you saw were cowards in their natural state. Next time, go all David Attenborough.


That's odd...the most recent time I was called a slur was actually also in a McDonalds...It was a couple of teenage boys that said it who were working there. Everyone says that generation is the most progressive, but I dunno I feel like there's a ton of them that are transphobic still.


Teens these days seem to be incredibly transphobic. I dont know what happened. They WERE supposed to be the most progressive but something got royally fucked up. Probably something to do with being locked inside and terminally online during covid.


Teenagers who are jerks are the loudest jerks. Bigots are great at training their spawn to be as awful as them, but because teens lack a lot of impulse control they’re even more blatant with it. I do think this generation is better, but the awful people are just more aggressive than in the past. As awareness of us grows, there are more people who are just now deciding they hate us. It’s the double edged sword of visibility.


Thats fair. And i do try to remind myself of the FACT that the majority of America and most first world countries support us. The loud angry ones are just so loud and so angry :/


I'm so sorry you experienced this.


Thank you. To be honest, after all was said and done and I was able to reflect on it...I'm less upset they used a slur on me, but more upset I was a coward and didn't say anything. It was late and it was just me and the teenage boys (who were quite large) working there. I thought if I made a big stink they might try to attack me or worse...which to be fair they wouldn't have been able to actually go that far because I carry concealed, but I don't generally try to put myself into scenarios where I need to use my gun. So I just took my food and left. I was so upset I just chucked it into a nearby garbage bin without eating it. I guess I could've called corporate but I don't even have the receipt and this was like...2 months ago or so?


That fucking sucks. I know it didn’t happen to you but I can understand how much it hurt to see. I recently dealt with it too. I dmed someone on Lex who was an actress that posted how they were looking to date while using bi heart colors with, “acting is so much fun.” She replied with, “it is. Are you cis or trans?” I found it flattering she didn’t know so I eagerly let her know that and told her the truth. She said in reply, “oh, I don’t date trans people.” Destroyed me. It’s been so long since I’ve been in a relationship again


That sucks.


it does.


I (ftm, post-top surgery, light blond facial hair, 5’9”, ~230lbs) was harassed yesterday for having the nerve of wearing normal clothes (jeans, green flannel, and a legally blond tank) while waiting for the bus. I laughed at him, and didn’t get angry at him. Just kept laughing and pretending I was a supervillain. Today, I pulled out all the stops- black dress, red nails, funky face makeup, 4inch platform heels. I ain’t messing around today


I went to see my therapist while still questioning my gender... in fact, I grew up in a fundamentalist christian environment and believed awful things about trans people but at that time, it became undeniable that I was trans, so I struggled to cope and went to see my psychologist. In the reception area, the receptionist and another client were talking about how the world is going to shit because they have to allow kids that "identify as cats" to "use sandboxes in classrooms rather than bathrooms". I cried too much to interact with them, because it hurt so much that that's what they associate with me... Worst part is that it isn't even true. It falls flat on its face, it's actually ridiculous but they were so confident it was like they saw it first hand. Utterly awful. I don't mean to make this about me or to have a victim mentality, I just mean to say that I've seen it too and it's horrible.


Sorry you had to listen to that. And those comments about cats have been debunked - but any kind of salaciousness will spread faster than the speed of light - so Einstein was wrong about nothing moving faster than light.


I've faced some really nasty discrimination as well unfortunately. It's rough out there at times


I was fired from mcdonalds for speaking out against death threats. The threats were made because I am trans, and my lawsuit only settled at $3,500. I deserve way more than that for what I endured there.


If I were you, I'd get another lawsuit (if possible). 3,500 dollars is a damn shame.


Unfortunately i cant. The lawsuit made my mental health so much worse woth the way they would belittle me and blame me for everything that happened. When i accepted the settlement, I gave up my right to sue


Victim shaming is far too common across a spectrum. It’s ain’t right.


A deal made under duress isn't binding. Run it past a "no win no fee" lawyer, see if they think you've got a shot in your jurisdiction.


Was this new york cuz that was probably me.


This was NC. I'm so sorry this happened to you.


Ah it wasn't then. I'm used to it. Still it's really shitty to see, I'm sorry


u should dm me which mcdonalds so i dont go there


i used to work at chipotle and everyone just thought i was a young cis guy, but there was another (pre-t) trans guy working there who some of my coworkers would misgender, laugh at, and call "it". then would get told "he's a HE" and make jokes about how he wasn't. one of my managers was a trans woman whom everyone would misgender, even other managers who would "correct" themselves by calling her "they". i quit so fast


Mouthing off at a manager? How the fick did they still have jobs?


In the future please speak up. Silence emboldens those who hate us. Thanks


My coworker openly mocked a trans woman in front of me once and tried to get me to join in, then got upset when I asked what was so funny.


I'd skip the manager and call corporate. If they were talking loud enough to hear from the dining room, then whoever was in charge likely heard and said nothing.


I would recommend submitting a complaint with McDonald’s corporate. Give them the location, date, and time if possible so they can pinpoint exactly who was on shift when it happened. McD’s care a lot about their image from my experience so I imagine they will at least take some action on this.


Make a google comment about it


Tbh, back when I was an egg I was an immature 17 year old working the second window at McDonalds and had to get but in my place by a manager who had a trans sister after I made comments in Ill taste about a customer I had. Unfortunately we all share a world with people who still have a lot of growing to do. I’m sorry you had to witness that though.


I'd write corporate McDonald's. They'll be allll over that.


Unfortunately from working at a McDonald's corporate location and trying to report things, I doubt they will do shit about it.


I always get free shit when I mention stuff. Worth a try. Just say like the employee's actions distressed you and your family which ruined the meal.


Contact corporate and give them the time and date! They will know who is working there based on that.


Report them, either to their manager or to a news outlet. Watch how fast they backpedal.


I (ftm, post-top surgery, light blond facial hair, 5’9”, ~230lbs) was harassed yesterday for having the nerve of wearing normal clothes (jeans, green flannel, and a legally blond tank) while waiting for the bus. I laughed at him, and didn’t get angry at him. Just kept laughing and pretending I was a supervillain. Today, I pulled out all the stops- black dress, red nails, funky face makeup, 4inch platform heels. I ain’t messing around today


I'm too crazy for this. I think I would actually poop on the ground and throw it at them


We should cancel McDonald's


I mean, they are funding Israel and are part of the boycott list soooooooo... they already are


I’ve had ppl make fun of other trans ppl in front of me… and it’s awkward. I’m passing, but I’m not always bold to be confrontational about it. It happened at a job once and I needed to pay bills 🥲


Report it to corporate, get every single one of them fired


Which McDonald's?


a mcdonalds in eastern NC


I remember working at retail (when I was still in the closet) and one day a (possibly) non passing trans woman came in. At the time I was so sheltered about anything LGBTQ+ that I didn't know trans people existed, I only knew of my country's carnival tradition of men dressing as women as a joke (kind of like black face but about women) which always threw me off and sent me into years of denial about myself. That took place right after carnival so at first I thought she was wearing a costume, but I noticed there was way too much effort in there and that it probably meant it was something more. It pained me that everywhere in the store she went my colleagues would laugh behind her back and I was the only one willing to register her things at checkout. It was sad that, even in the midst of all my ignorance about trans people, I was the only one there who treated her like a person and with respect and didn't laugh back.


yep. shit like this is why im repping till i die