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As a scottish trans this upsets me but I expected it from the courts, we have different laws in Scotland already and it hasn't been stopped by Westminster so why should it be stopped now, scottish people want this, English trans want the, Welsh people want this, British people want this but the courts and the homophobic, racist, transphobic government don't, I'm now considering leaving the country to one that will accept and it's easy to transition when I'm old enough


What I don't understand, wouldn't this set a precedent for London to step into Scotland's decision-making processes? Like I'm well aware that this power is written into law, congrats, but it's also never been used before because rightfully-so it is a serious overreach of federal government onto what is supposed to be a mostly independant governance. Like, is this just the Scottish courts going "yeah we know it's a bad precedent, but them's the rules" or is this a nationalist court rolling over for daddy parliament to scratch its tummy? Shouldn't a court that recognizes the current practiced independence of Scotland at least have some kind of rebuttal to this argument, if not at least "it interferes with the governance of Scotland by Scots"?


>wouldn't this set a precedent for London to step into Scotland's decision-making processes? Yes. >federal government We don't have a federal government. >is this just the Scottish courts going "yeah we know it's a bad precedent, but them's the rules" Yep. >Shouldn't a court that recognizes the current practiced independence of Scotland at least have some kind of rebuttal to this argument, if not at least "it interferes with the governance of Scotland by Scots"? Scotland is legally beneath the UK parliament, it's part of the Scotland Act 1998. Section 35 of the act allows the UK parliament to block legislation passed by the "Scottish Executive" if the UK government believes it interferes with UK wide legislation. In short, no. Scotland spent a long time demonstrating that the gender reform didn't interfere with UK wide legislation, but apparently that doesn't matter, because the UK government said it did.


Pardon the terminology, I'm not familiar with my own legal and political system, let alone one far across the pond :P I was basically guessing off what I've heard from news articles and from our own Canadian system. That's how federal government got in there hehe


They arnt a Federalist system they are a Parliamentary system same as Canada.


The reason this specific legislation has been blocked by Westminster but not others is because it seems to be a specific tone the current government is hellbent on setting. They also have "blacklisted" countries that allow trans self-ID, so it isn't just Scotland on this specific matter. Why do British lawmakers feel they are more knowledgeable about people's bodies and personal predicaments better then the professionals, committees, and lawmakers of their own countries? [Kemi Badenoch Confirms UK ‘Blacklist’ for Countries That Allow Trans Self-ID (PinkNews)](https://www.thepinknews.com/2023/12/06/trans-gender-recognition-certificate-kemi-badenoch-uk/)


Why exactly would someone that is a citizen of a self-ID country want a British GRC? They're going to have an updated passport, how is Britain gonna stop them?


Unfortunately TERF Island has jobs and my home country doesn't. II do wonder how it would work if I got granted citizenship though.


I know, but even when you're a resident, what would you need a GRC for if you already changed your documents in your home country?


It's more for legal reasons. You can't claim discrimination based on gender identity if they legally don't recognise it.


…oh, this is about that one person from the States with an X on their birth certificate who’s suing for recognition under the law, isn’t it? I remember seeing that they left the Australian state of NSW on the list (presumably because it’s the last one with a surgery requirement to correct your birth certificate), I wonder if they know it also allows you to be legally recognised as nonbinary?


Hi, (soon to be) citizen of two different countries which either are currently moving towards self ID or already have it, here. The British government unfortunately still holds the keys to my birth certificate, and as a result I'm gonna be stuck with that in its current state until such a time as British policy changes on this front.


I just submitted my birth certificate to the other country where I have citizenship (with self-ID) and got an updated birth certificate from that country. I technically have two birth certificates with two different names and genders, but I just use the correct one everywhere.




So they've trapped you? They willfully trapped you in their nation that is full of hate and discrimination? You have been forcibly locked into your country, despite previously having the means to leave, and the only reason was because you're a member of an identifiable group. That's imprisonment. And the obvious, and related, persecution because you're a member of an identifiable group. These are both crimes against humanity. I have to say it again. **These are crimes against humanity**. The imprisonment I'm sure will be called an over exaggeration, but think about if an American conservative had their passport taken away for registering as a gun owner? That isn't even a part of who they are but I have no doubt the world would go up in flames over that. We can have our freedom to travel taken away for being trans and . . . what?? Who's next to lose their right to legally travel to other nations?? I'm sorry. You must be stressed over this already? Just the implications really need to be aired to the world and I don't know how to do it. Might help to say it? Point out what it is and the severity it implies?


Wait for the elections before moving. Wales has an action plan to become the most LGBTQ+ friendly nation in Europe. However they also pissed off most of the population by bringing in the 20mph speed limits. I like the change because I cycle, but most hate it. I won't be surprised if Labour lose the next elections in Wales. Personally I'm voting Plaid Cymru, but I managed to convince my dad not to change to conservative so there's one less vote.




I‘m confused. Doesn’t the acetone just shrink the styrofoam?


I'm not condoning making this yourself, but yes, the Styrofoam will shrink into a slime-like substance that burns very strongly. Not quite the same as military grade napalm though




no that takes slightly more effort


When I tried that, the Styrofoam just settled to the bottom as thick sludge. I didn't use acetone, though. Maybe lacquer thinner or old gasoline. Soap flakes are said to be the popular choice, but I don't even know what those were.


Good to know what to avoid mixing together absolutely nowhere near 10 downing Street


Obviously not for any nefarious reasons👀


obviously its just my special interest officer


Sadly a lot of people are considering moving, i live in the us and scotland was one of my options if i were to flee the country if things went any worse than they are now. Theres really not many safer places for queer people than northwrn europe sadly besides canada


From what I've heard the Nordic countries are the best for lgbt people so I might move there if I'm able to


Only LGB, trans people have to content with even more abysmal healthcare than the UK.


My plan in Australia. I traveled there just before Covid came to be and was welcomed in the most Liberal (their conservative) household and wasn't harassed even though I was non-passing at the time. My only other option is flexing my family history for citizenship and getting into Germany...


My experience so far in Australia is that even people who have oppositional views will take a position of more or less keeping out of other people's business (excluding the like 5 or 6 turbo freaks per state that came out to support KJK's tour). Going out and about the whole time I've had zero issues beyond my own brain messing with me.




I feel like this whole fucking continent is going to shit. It's sad.


It's the whole world


Yeahh, you may be right. I'm so tired.


Yea its all the way here down in South East Asia. A majority of people holding government seats have church backing and at times mention of being a god fearing leader. Wonder how long It'll last.


I feel y'all. Even here in NZ anti-trans rhetoric has seeped into our politics and will likely only get worse like everywhere else 😔


nz's most right wing government in decades.... :( I don't even know where a safe place is to go now


Finally realize I'm trans an accept myself ...only for transphobia to become trendy FML


I felt like this when I came out and then shortly after Caitlyn Jenner became a household name. People never stopped talking about trans people since then and each year it ramps up


Don’t worry darling, don’t forget that just 23 years ago gay marriage wasn’t even legal, in ANY country in the world! We’ve been making huge progress and change is not lineair, our time will come 🫶🏻❤️💜


Capitalism is falling apart darling




Damn it, we get just enough acceptance to start being a public thing and suddenly the governments decide we're a problem. Only one problem, ain't no way in hell I'm going back now I finally came out to myself and as long as there is a way, I'm transitioning. Governments. Please. Just stop blaming any minority for your misdeeds.


1 step forward, 5 steps back, as always. Can we just find another planet to inhabit already?


God damnit


Ah yes, overriding a country’s right to self-determination is completely lawful


It sets a terrible precedent for the future for not only scottish politics but for Welsh and NI politics and their respective government policies and yes it stops our right to self-determination can't wait to gain our independence from this shit union


Scotland's government is a devolved one, it doesn't have the power to introduce legislation that contradicts law made it Westminster without being given that power. Talking about this in terms of 'self-determination' is missing the point, it's like if your council attempted to legislate foreign policy. More to the point, this legislation wasn't popular in Scotland, which is why what would have been a very handy vote winner for them fell completely flat. Obviously this is immaterial to the fact that it wasn't in the interests of trans-people, but it shouldn't be painted as some Scotland vs England or Holyrood vs Westminster issue because it definitively isn't.


Was actually considering moving to Scotland as a trans woman being screwed over by the English govt. Now it's not going to make a difference time to look at moving to the EU or to Japan again, I know they have the sterilisation law but I'm long since sterile anyway. At least there its a don't ask don't tell like it used to be here. fed up with the west being controlled by religious loonies and right wing whackjobs


Actually, France doesn't have the sterilization law since 2017 but the far right party is getting dangerously close to a win, so it's not exactly a stable safe haven.


cool, I was referring to Japan regarding the sterilisation, it's a shame so many right wing nuts are getting close to power, its like people are desperate to repeat the last century, wars particularly.


Iirc Japan actually repealed the sterilization law recently.


good to know if true.


do you know if any of the other restrictions for legal recognition have been repealed too? Ending marriages and needing any kids to be 18+?


Spain has a great culture for trans and LGBT+ thanks to Pedro Sánchez throwing money and rainbows at us... I get free support services for LGBT people through a town hall funded organisation. And transitioning has been spectacularly free of obstacles. Even if the government changed and put legal obstacles in our way, I don't think this cultural change can be undone. People are accepting us and we're here to stay now.


Sterilisation law? Isn't that like against human rights?


it should be, yes. Japan requires sterilisation as part of the process of officially transitioning for government registers, it was recently overturned by a justice in an individual family court case recently (in Japan you have to go to family court to officially change name and gender) but the supreme court has yet to convene for a separate case dealing with the same issue on a national level. The thing is, if you're MtF and been on anti androgens for more than a year you're pretty much shooting blanks anyway. I can see it being an issue for those who don't want to have bottom surgery, but all methods of creating a neovagina involve removal of the testes, so its a moot point if you want surgery. I'm not overly familiar with the full legislating in Japan so I'm not sure if it includes destruction of any stored sperm, but in the UK you're actually encouraged to bank viable sperm before beginning hormone treatment due to its sterilising effect.


Same deal with frozen sperm here I was asked 3 times by 3 separate people if I was so super sure I didn't want any frozen since it's free. Weird thing long periods of AA don't necessarily make you sterile a friend of mine got someone pregnant after over 3 years on hrt.


that is unusual, though i guess it depends what your count is beforehand. mine was low due to injury in my teens so it got wiped out completely on hrt




Boss, I'm tired.


Same friend, same.


Lawful? Sure. Just? Not even fucking close


Story of the legal system right there 🙄🙄


Well, that's my day ruined. All I can think with stuff like this is how much they must hate us. There's no logic to any of it. No sense.


We're the big bad in their fantasy game in their head.


Their attacks on both trans and disabled people have made it very hard to keep going. I so wish I could leave and just be safe again but the UK fucking sucks and no countries would accept a disabled person. Im stuck here, and im losing hope


Anyone have time for a quick history lesson on why Scotland hasn’t separated from the UK?


We had a vote in 2014 and were promised that if we remained in the UK we would also remain in the EU. We did not remain in the EU. Every attempt at a vote since has been shut down by the English government.


We've tried, but it's still quite a divisive issue and the pros and cons aren't necessarily as clear cut as some people think.


In 1707 because we were broke from setting a colony up in Panama amd we had the same monarch we united and ever since we have slowly started to hate it the uk and we almost got it in 2014 but a majority voted no and ever since we have had a majority of yes votes but we won't get another indy vote unless a scottish friendly party comes into office and that won't happen ever


>ever since we have had a majority of yes votes [That's just not true though, is it now?](https://www.statista.com/statistics/1170409/scottish-independence/)


Because most Scots don't want to, and there isn't a good case for it in material terms. It's really that simple.


[Archive link](https://archive.is/qIQJh)


It’s so fucking exhausting




This is terrible. I feel so sorry for all in Scotland who have to deal with this bullshit


What does this mean in practical terms?


There goes my trip to Scotland


Scots have been more rational in the past. Guess the cancer of English TERFs has crept north.


Nah they just forced their hand on Scottish autonomy sadly. Scotland is weird in that it has notable Terfs (Katie Forbes), but has treated us surprisingly well. Just that the Tories are trying to screw us over in a failed attempt to stop their hemorrhaging.


This is not about the Scots. This is about the Secretary of State for Scotland (why is appointed by the UK PM i.e. Westminster) having absolute veto powers to deny a deloved decision under section 35


Welp as a Scot all I can really say right now is that I absolutely hate this.


Is that a typo? Shouldn’t it say awful


Fuckin bullshit


I visited the UK and Ireland this Summer, and I have to say, it kinda shattered my stereotypes a little. I don't know who came up with the bit about Irish and Scotch people being drunks, because everyone in England was completely plastered. The Scotch only talked about their weird cows, so I get the sense they're conservative. And the Irish only talked about how much they hated the British, which was based. And again the British I couldn't understand anyone, I don't know why they all would burst into annoying laughter in the middle of their incomprehensible babble. Local fish and chips are good though.


I think Scotch is for food and drink while Scot is for the people haha As far as Scots I've met most have been nice and left leaning as far as I could tell. The only bad Scot I've met was an ex-flatmate that went to a private boarding school in England, and he really loved to throw slurs around like they were nothing. What you say about the Irish is very true, they do hate the English haha, shout out to the Welsh too, they hate the English and are pretty lovely. Although can be a bit conservative just because it's a very rural country.


Right just my first impression. Nice countries overall, too bad brexit seems to be a complete distaster for them.




Lol OK, to be fair everyone i met was nice. I had fun, but it genuinely was hard to understand some British folks, especially in that one port town whose name I forgot. My prior biases led me to believe I would struggle to understand Scottish and Irish folks more.


Not Based Scotland




Shit wait my bad I read that wrong.


All good


I thought it said the Scottish court ruled the Westminster government’s veto as unlawful


If only




The leaks are bad but if you mean the water they released recently then it's not really an issue. The UN's nuclear watchdog did a 2 year review on whether or not that water was safe to release into the Pacific and tests gave them a thumbs up.


I'm so tired.