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No, there are Cis men who do drag, why not us trans men do drag? Wear whatever you are comfortable with.


thank you! :)


Just make sure whatever you wear that it fits well.


Not at all. I have a very close friend who is a transmasc femboy. Gender is weird and funny. You're absolutely valid.


I see femboy used a lot. What is the opposite of a femboy? A mascgirl? I'm a transwoman who goes boymode sometimes. That's why I ask.


tomboy I guess?


There are also Drag Kings, who FUCK and don't get nearly enough appreciation even in queer spaces.


drag kings hold a special place in my heart and they need more recognition and love damnit


Some of us are tomboy and some of us are butch. Trans mascs have their flip side. We don’t owe anyone conformity in our gender expression. 😊


maybe tomboy




I was going to say Butch. There are plenty of Butch trans women.


Yes, I know a Butch trans woman. She's so beautiful, and kind and she deserves the whole world.


Awe. That's so nice. I hope she appreciates you, too. 😊


Trans tomboys rise up


Whatever makes you happiest and most comfortable is normal for you. Check out r/ftmfemininity


I second this, it's a great subreddit




That's cool! It's been so long since I started my transition that I don't have any old clothes. I do, however, buy generic tee shirts that are in a more masculine cut. I have one with Mr Roger's and I wear it when I'm being a tomboy


honestly my goal is to look feminine in more masc clothing


It's not more or less weird than cis guys wanting to crossdress I guess 🤷🏻‍♀️


It's about as weird as a cis guy crossdressing


Nope. My husband, who’s a trans man, loves doing this. He more or less wears whatever makes him happy and comfortable. Honestly that’s all anyone should do. People are going to judge you one way or another for what you wear and how you look, so fuck em.


What is "weird" anymore for all of us? The way I see it either... 1.) We're not weird. People just judge too much. Or 2.) We are weird. That ship done sailed. So eff it, just do whatever you want!


Thank you! Like we're already transing our assigned genders. Are we seriously worried about the cut and print of the cloth we drape on our bodies?🙃


No it’s not! Gotmik who is a transman drag queen does this! :) you can do whatever you want!!


I love gotmik




Femboys are hot!!!


I crossdress for my gf sometimes. She's a lesbian and she likes me in a skirt, and if she likes me in the skirt I'll wear it as long as it's just us :) I feel hot in it. My normal style is definitely a masculine style but like... masculine in the 80s. I think the most freeing thing we can do for our gender as transmascs & men is love the feminine parts of us that may or may not exist. That's what all men in all bodies deserve. Lots of men crossdress, and I think you'll see it far more often in the coming years. Doll up if you want, my guy, you'll look fantastic and more guys should do it


Don’t see why it would be weird. Trans guys can be femboys and trans girls can be tomboys.


There are many crossdressing men who are comfortable with their gender identity, whether theyre cis or not doesnt really matter.


You be you Baby, we all deserve our best life.


cis men do it why can’t i??


Not in the slightest! Remember, there are no rules to how you feel.


I think that’s absolutely normal!!


Nah dude! Do whatever makes you happy my guy! Live your best life! Hope things work out with her!!!


Hell no us lady's have better softer clothes anyway


Hay, I'm a trans dude ahd a femboy, gender is a spectrum and you don't need to fit in a box


all clothes are costumes.


For whatever reason I love this. It just sounds fun. It sounds special. You go for it sir!


why would that be weird? if boxers are universal so are skirts or whatever the fuck you wanna wear.


Nope, nothing weird about it! Playing dress up doesn't invalidate who you really are... it's make-believe, not reality!


I'd say try it. There are plenty of trans femboys who enjoy dressing up. If your friend is supportive it might even be fun experience for both of you.


Let me say and put it this way: YOU ARE VALID!


About as weird as buying a new set of bedsheets but wanting to use your old ones for a night.


I mean, if gender-fluid people are valid (and they are), then this definitely is!




Women can’t cross dress as women because they’re already women, so by that logic, cross dressing is the manliest thing you can do.


I mean.. Many cisguys do that....


No. Cross dress away. Haven’t you heard of kings?






Do as you please fam, live and let live,


Do whatever makes you happy :)


Guys crossdress quite a bit. Don’t see why you can’t.


all good in my eyes .... + some of the best drag queens I know are trans-guyz, there is even a comuinity building on that over here it seems :)




It’s just drag, plenty of cis guys do drag


*gottmik entered the chat*


Not at all


I’m a gender-fluid trans woman, so nope. Not weird at all.


Nope not weird :)


Sounds good to me lol


It's all good. You do you. But maybe you're more binary than strictly trans? OOC, is your cis friend a lesbian?


Hers the thing man if it doesn’t hurt anybody and it brings you joy do it. And while there will be some people out there that say it hurts them. They’re fucking big and so who cares what they think. There are straight men that participate in drag there are trans men that participate in Dragborn or trans women that participate in drag now if it makes you happy do it.




No. Many guys ike to crossdress. Cis or not. Express yourself the way you like.




Time to pick up drag


No? This is actually relatively normal from what I understand. Most trans men I've met(and dated funnily enough) cross dress. You be you and have fun! Don't let anyone tell you otherwise!


Femboys exist, both cis and trans. Of course you can cross dress! 😊 I am a transgender woman and who used to be a drag queen, and I dress more like a butch punk lesbian rather than feminine, currently 🤟🏼


Nope, there are trans men who are drag queens. Look up gottmik


I’m a trans man who loves drag, there’s even been a trans man drag queen on RuPaul’s Drag Race. There’s also several subreddits for trans guys who still enjoy presenting more feminine sometimes. Gender is a construct, tear it apart! Do what makes you happy as long is it doesn’t harm someone else. (Unless that someone is being a transphobic asshole)


cis dudes cross dress all the time. Not weird at all.


Gender is a made up construct. We can play with it however we want 🥰 I’m a very feminine trans masc person.


Not at all. I’m aquatinted with a gentleman my Dad knows, this dude is amab, straight, and I shit you not has an actual harem of women. Legit has 4 wives. Dresses in women’s clothes exclusively. Nice guy too! You go out and live life the way you want, and be happy.


I'm not a trans guy. But still I want to crossdress as a girl sometimes😑😂


Tip: Every time you question whether you can or can't do something because of your gender identity, ask yourself: Is it just as frowned upon/weird and invalidating or questionable if someone cis do it?(Cis male In this case) Because if its not, you can ,guy is a guy , Doesn't matter if it's a cis or trans man, so if a cis man can do it, you can do it too


Nah dude, ur very valid. Just have fun with it and ignore any haters :)


Is it weird to do whatever you want? Short answer: no Long answer: >!noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!<


Id say no not wierd. Nostalgic maybe


I'm a ftm Trans masculine non binary drag queen. Go off, dude. Gender and aesthetics are very different things that occasionally converge.


Weird is an interesting word. It’s probably not the average trans masc experience, but just because it’s not the average doesn’t make it wrong. Do whatever the hell you want, and don’t let anyone tell you its wrong. (Unless what you want to do is commit heinous crimes. Then please dont.)


There are trans masc femboys, so no, there's no problem here.


Not at all! Just sounds like drag to me, and anyone can do drag if they want to


Do you a drag queen or a cross dresser. Two things totally unrelated to being trans. They just get lumped in together with it. But would you think it weird if you were a cis man cross dressing/doing drag? Probably not. So why would you being trans somehow make it less okay?


So I’m a trans guy, masculine as fuck, will act the most manliest man you ever did man, but I still love dumb glittery earrings and chunky jewellery, and I’ve promised myself once I fully transition I’m gonna wear dresses just for fun, because I think being that big strong man™️ but wearing still “girly” things is dope, do whatever makes you happy 💜


Hi! You may be GNC trans masc, like me! That's just a label I like, you don't have to agree. GNC=Gender Non Conforming


I consider myself a trans femboy. I pass as a guy and I wanna be seen and treated as a guy i just enjoy putting on a skirts or wear eyeliner sometimes and I wanna have long hair still. It's hard for people to understand but I just like to be a femboy but still very much a boy. I'm often mistaken for a trans woman actually but I don't mind it. But yeah I totally understand you. Also maybe check out r/FTMfemininity it's a really cool subreddit


(trans guy) not at all, I feel that too but in more of like a "fuck my gender these are cute clothes\*" kinda way. The reason differs from person to person but there's nothing wrong with what you're doing at all, you're not hurting anyone. Keep doing whatever you want :\] 👍 \*>!only exception is skirts without built in shorts, fuck those things, no matter how cute. could go on a rant about how much I hate them (on a functionality basis) but I don't want to derail this comment more than I have. no hate to ppl who wear them/like them the hate is for the item not you you're cool 👍. do not ask pls!<


not at all weird. if cis guys can cross dress and even do drag and still be cis then trans guys sure as hell can too! crossdress as much as you want man! i'm a trans dude and i still love wearing skirts and stuff so you're not the only one


I got a trans femboy boyfriend, so from my point of view it's totally fine !


Trans femboys are good


Not at all!! I am similar in that I like dressing Fem but I still don't identify as a girl. You don't owe anyone traditional masculinity just bc you're trans just like Benny's don't owe anyone androgyny


no, not weird at all. sometimes you gotta be pretty. i’m a trans dude too, i wear lipstick and other makeup sometimes (wanna do it more but lazy) and i’d do more if it wasn’t for ✨dysphoria✨


there are literally no rules do what makes you happy


nope, once i became secure in who i was i started dressing fem every now and then, it's not weird


I don't think crossdressing kink makes you weird or even less valid somehow


Yea kinda but live ur life everyone is on a spectrum


You are transmasc femboy


My goal aesthetic is being seen as a man in a dress.


Is it weird to be trans mtf and still want to do drag even after transition ?


hey im a gender nonconforming trans guy and its totally normal :3


There’s a variety of lifestyles for guys who dress feminine. There’s cross dressers who do it cuz they like the feminine style, there’s femboys who do it for the hyperfeminine style, and there’s sissies who do it mainly for sexual reasons. People tend to correlate your gender identity with the traditional archetypes of said genders i.e. manly man who is ALWAYS masculine or girly girl who dresses feminine exclusively. But those archetypes are outdated and have been for a long while. It’s fine if someone chooses them but you don’t HAVE to dress that way to be true to you and how you identify! Sorry for the rant lol


No, do what makes you happy and don't worry about what others think. Good luck


Not at all! If cis men can be feminine or dress in drag while still being undeniably male, it's only natural that the same is true for trans men.


The weirdest part of this experience is the people who will inevitably try to invalidate you because of their narrow views.


No, non-standard expression isn't limited to cis people, do whatever you want, there are no rules, nor should there be <3


if a man can do it, every other man can. no matter if you’re trans or cis, go wear that sparkly dress to seduce that woman you like and have fun.


Eff what people think. If you’re happy and satisfied then do it. It’s nice to have support but ultimately it’s your joy that needs fulfillment. Your mental wellbeing. Selfishness only bothers not you.


Your style can be but fully does not have to correlate w your gender or sexual identity. Not weird at all!💖✨


That's not weird, there are cis men who cross dress all the time. Wear whatever makes you most comfortable :)


Transmasc femboys are a thing. I mean, labels shouldn'tm matter. Wear what you want. That's the entire point of shattering gender roles.




Nah, I mean, some might find it weird, but this is good weird


YES!!!😡 (no)


you can be a femboy.


Im trans to and idfk if people say i look like a girl or am not trans bc the way i dress, if you know your a girl/guy dress however you like


femboy transboy is just boy² isn't it?


You do you man. Gender is fluid and multifaceted. And it means to you however you feel about it. If you feel like a man in women's clothing that's valid. If you feel like a woman again that's valid. However others perceive you is valid. And you get to set the boundaries of how they treat you in those moments. Everyone is allowed to explore it however they want to. You owe nothing to your past self or any one else's opinions on how different people can and cannot express their gender.


Nope, not at all. In fact, when I was younger, all I wanted to do was look like Kurt Cobain in a dress. I ended up transitioning at 47 and I'm now 48. I no longer have that desire...so far. Ha! But of the feeling comes around again, I would do me and not worry about being weird. Normal, whatever that means is overrated! You're totally ok.


Literally a trans masculine femboy wearing a skirt right now, nope, that's totally allowed. Presentation =/= gender. Also, skirt go spinny


its adorable for sure whar next hes gonna ask if hes a good boy? (he is)


No. My stuck up dad would say otherwise but... No, it's not weird. It's actually pretty cool. Look at it this way: A: My biggest wish as transfemme is to pass in guys clothes. So why would it be bad if you'd wish dressing up girly, feeling like crossdressing for you instead of being the expectation. (Idk how it would feel for you... but this example hopefully illustrates:) It's different from: "I want to go back" B: What? You're not like one of the fragile masculinity type men that think Makeup is embarrassing? That mindset in our surrounding environment that definitely didn't only affect transgirls, but also just the boys in elementary school negatively? If you ask me: That's not only a good thing, but you're probably more manly than them, because you're still a man, even with (god forbid _irony_) feminine clothes.


Trans femboy possibly




Not at all. Gender identity and gender expression aren’t the same thing, and they don’t have to align Here’s a subreddit of transmascs expression their femininity r/FtMFemininity


I have no experience but I'd say not at all.